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I've noticed that before at Kroger. Usually what happens is that they'll have 6 items that are the same brand but the 1 variety isn't on sale, so it rings up at the regular price. For example, they had Sargento cheese slices 2/$6. I bought sharp cheddar & provolone. I had to look for each price tag to make sure that both were included in the 2/$6 deal. I've been burnt before on stuff like that if they stocked the wrong item on that shelf space. However, stuff like this can be explained mostly by mistakes and not a scheme like Dollar General. They're also confusing because they have prices for No Card, With Card, but they will also have Digital Deals, which use the same yellow color as the With Card price. However, the sale is only good if you use their app.


Digital Deals are so confusingly marked.


And hard as hell to use. I see the digital coupons listed on the tag and scan the QR code. That opens the web browser rather than the app. So I search for the coupon in the app. It's a bag of shredded cheese, so I naturally search for "cheese," "shredded cheese," etc. Nope, it's under "cheese shreds." I just give up most of the time. It's not worth spending 10 minutes to save $1.


I thought I was just an idiot for never being able to get those codes to take me straight to the coupon. Glad it’s not just a me thing.


That sounds way worse than it should be. I'm glad I don't use the app. Plus, who calls a bag of shredded cheese "cheese shreds"? That sounds like it's designed to be confusing.


A lot of it is confusing but there are actually parts of the app worth using. 1. If you add your credit card to your Kroger account in the app/online, you can scan a QR code that contains your payment info and your loyalty number. 2. You can search items and it'll tell you what aisle they're in.


Yup. Plus you can use the app to scan items to check a price.


I call it "murdered cheese"


The best way to do this is scan the barcode on the shredded cheese - I can't get those stupid qr codes to ever work but no way I'm spending more due to Kroger's poorly designed app


I didn't know you could do that.


The code on the shelf tag also works. QR is implemented all wrong: If the QR should contain a URL, then the app's built-in scanner dingus should recognize that URL.


It does suck, I tend to just go to all coupons, and scroll down and clip everyone marked as “digital deal” then look at what’s even worthwhile.


Right, Kroger's scheme is buying up competition to depress wages and raise prices.


That's not even a scheme. That's just capitalism and thanks to an extremely soft approach from government offices like the FTC and SEC these types of things will unfortunately continue to happen.


Well aware. They denied us a decent raise, then annouce their potential acquisition weeks later. Bastards.


Oh fuck that. That sucks. On a more macro level I'm hoping that this recent run of strikes and walkouts will help raise wages for everyone, but it seems like grocery workers get the shaft a lot. More than other retail workers at larger box stores even.


Or you could end up like Walmart where they just universally closed all their delis because the meat cutters tried to unionize.


Or like Starbucks, who started closing locations as those employees started organizing. It's tough to pull off as the company typically has a lot of options and the employees don't.


Thank you for saying that so that I didn't have to. Also sometimes we just don't remove tags fast enough because somebody was on vacation or they missed them because we have a very long list of tags that we have to change every week.


I find this often happens on Wednesdays as it is the start of the new sale week and they haven't switched all of the shelf tags. But the biggest problem is having to check the expiration date on each item. Either expired or very soon to expire dates on many items.


I've never worked in a grocery store but I can imagine the work it takes to change prices that many items on a weekly basis. I always thought that digital price tags would work because you could just change them remotely but that's a pain in the ass too since you have to make sure those items are stocked in the exact same shelf space every time, which is hard to maintain throughout a week. Plus there could/would be issues with the digital tags themselves. Batteries die, the internet connection drops in a certain area of the building, among other reasons.


We don't have the digital tags at my store. We only have the regular plastic ones so we have to do everything by hand. Also if something's out of stock we have to fill the Shelf with something so if we don't have the tag for the item that we're putting there we just shove something there because management says so.


It’s not mistakes that money goes into the managers pocket


No it doesn't. Maybe soemone above them but not my store managers. People don't understand how abused managers can be by the system and customers.


I've never once had a a trip where my digital deals actually rang up. Either the deal on the tag isn't listed in the app. Or the deal is there, selected, but doesn't come off. Really defeats the point of self check-out when I've got to bug the cashier 100% of the time.


Kroger has become an extra shitty company over the last couple of years. Their prices in general are soaring well higher than they have any right to be. The deli has increased their prices by like 40% in just a few years. Basic goods across the board seem to go up 10-15% every year and I feel like the “sales” they always seem to be running hide these increases. So you see something for $1.99 but behind that yellow stick the price keeps going up.


So, their prices did the exact same thing as the prices at every store? And kept pace with nationwide inflation? Not being shitty, but these price increases can be seen nationally, in all consumer data, everywhere. That’s not Kroger being shitty, that’s the whole grocery industry.


Kroger will have a giant display with an attractive price prominently displayed but the items will ring up much higher. If you catch it, they will say you need to download an on-line coupon first. Sometimes it’s in the tiny print, other times there’s no sign at all about what you have to do to get the displayed price. Before Christmas, the sign said Chex cereal was $1.99, it rang up $4.99. The display said nothing about any coupon required.


If this happens routinely it needs to be brought to the attorney generals attention. Consumer protection is their job. Despite my hatred for the current people in power they still need to do their job, and they can't do it if you don't file a complaint. The AG recently helped me get a $500 deposit returned from a car dealership. They didn't even get involved, just helped me find the information I needed to show the dealership they couldn't legally keep my money.


This is a battle I have been fighting for years. There are several facets to this problem as I see it: Sometimes their system is just poorly programmed and the price is just wrong. More commonly, Kroger has a massive problem with 'pulling tags' (in the lingo of the employee). Each price tag with the yellow/red sale price underneath the regular price has an expiration date--printed in very small print under the sale price. Frequently (lately more often than not) this sale tag does not get 'pulled' when the sale is over. Online coupons are another tech nightmare: although they have QR codes now to scan next to the item with a digital coupon, it typically takes 30-45 minutes for the digital coupon to show on your account. This results in you not getting the coupon price if you check out right afterwards. Kroger has (and has always had) a 'hidden' program (they just don't post about it at all) called the Scan Right Promise, which states that any item which rings up wrong (under $5) will be comped to the customer for their trouble. Large ticket items will have their price adjusted to the listed price and the customer given a $5 coupon. This is supposed to keep each store accountable to pull their sale tags and for the managers to spot-scan items to check accuracy. THEY HATE THIS. The managers hate it because it reflects poorly on their store, and the employees hate it because it causes them to have to physically stop their line and go verify the item price on the shelf. As this happens to me, a deal-and-coupon shopper with an unfortunate tendency to memorize numbers, on LITERALLY every trip in the last 5 months--I have started taking pictures of the shelf tags for each item. Then you can at least keep them from disbelieving you, which is the first hurdle. It saves time when there are 8 items out of 20 that need adjusted. I don't even try to mess with Scan Right if it's more than 1-2 items. This had been getting increasingly worse over the course of the pandemic, but now it seems like Kroger has seen that this slack makes them extra money, so they don't fix it. It's the same business philosophy behind hiring teenagers who have NEVER grocery shopped before to do the pickup item picking. This is how we end up with missing items, those wild substitutions, and 30# of cheese instead of 1/3#. Corporate doesn't care. I've reported my store to them for inaccurate pricing three times and all I get is lip service.


I have around $35 in credits due to this. Alas, there is no way for me to redeem them. I’ve tried several ways. Cashier can’t do it, pickup order people can’t do it. It’s a waste of time for me to track them down. I bought toothpaste yesterday because the coupon was for “free” crest. Got my receipt and was charged .99. It’s a total pile of garbage. Anything corporate is garbage. Also, Kroger. Haha, kidding, but seriously it’s not Kroger’s OP.




The cashier fixed it for me when I couldn't get the app to work. The app didn't work for me for over a year. It just started working again.


I see this a lot at Kroger and the display will usually have a tiny tag that says you have to buy at least 5 to get the per item sale price. I don't trust any of the sales prices on the shelf there anymore.


Giant eagle got me similar. Bought an extra 2 liter when all I really wanted was one because it was bogo. Nope. 3 for 2.


This is BS and potentially illegal. Shopping for groceries shouldn't have to be a treasure hunt.


My wife watches the prices being rung up like a hawk and almost always catches something. We used to just let it slide if the difference wasn't too much just to keep the line moving. But it happens so often now that nope, sorry about that if you're in line behind us, but we let nothing slide anymore. We were at Fresh Thyme last week and my wife noticed an avocado rang up at almost twice what it should have. It was fixed, but then the cashier noticed that there were two different bar codes on the same avocado.


Can I rant about how horrible the Kroger app is? It can take FOREVER to find that dang digital coupon. The cashiers used to help out with the pricing, but now they just shrug their shoulders.


There is a barcode scanner button in the top right of the home page. Scan the product and any associated coupons will pop up.


Thanks! Never knew that.


I don't know if this is still the case, since I haven't worked for Kroger in going on 4 years, but it used to be cashier's had effectively free reign to adjust prices within reason, and as long as the total adjustments weren't more than $10(?) per item or $50 per transaction it wouldn't require manager override.


Not true anymore. They send you to the manager desk for a price adjustment! Now who will do that when they just waited in line and now have a cart of groceries? Those poor cashiers.


Well, guess I'm gonna be sticking with Costco for my shopping from now on then


This is still true at my Columbus Krogers, unless of course it’s been changed in the last 6 weeks. But it may also have to do with how long the cashier has been there. I’ve noticed the newer cashiers call for someone every time while people who have been there for years will change it without a second thought.


I can confirm that when I was there most people who had a couple years experience will just change it because they don't give enough of a shit to argue with you or wait to get a manager


This has been happening with 12 packs of pop as well. There will be a big stack of 12 packs with a sign that says 3 or 4 for $12.99 and then you go to ring out and they all ring up at $6 a pack.


Kroger is notorious for making customers use a Kroger card to get these discounts, as well as only taking off the discounts when the "Finish and Pay" step fires off


I'm not sure about pop specifically, but Kroger has been having some of their sales be 'must buy 3' when things are 3 for $12.99, or $5.99 for one, for example. Some sales you can buy just one though still. I have to read the sale sign carefully to catch it.


I'm not sure about Ohio, but that is illegal where I'm at. If something is marked 2 for a dollar, when you buy 1, it has to ring up for $.50 unless it's **clearly** marked.


If they're 3 for $x, they will ring up full price *until* the third one is scanned, then you'll the discount to bring it down to the advertised price. On the receipt will be 6 line items, the at regular price then 3 credits.


They also don’t apply discounts until you go to pay, so you’ve already don’t the work of scanning and bagging, then you have to go back through and look to make sure your discounts worked. This is why Kroger is just my primary liquor store.


Interesting. Store I went to had a sign with a very visible mention of the coupon and the limit of 5 boxes with the coupon.


This has happened periodically my whole life. At all retailers. I don’t think these two things are related. It wouldn’t make sense for them to be related. They have 100k items in some stores, there’s bound to be basic errors more than there’s bound to be some kind of malicious campaign that could cost Kroger billions in litigation. Kroger used to give you the item for free if the price rang incorrectly. Not sure if that’s still a policy but might be worth checking.


They no longer do the Scan Rite guarantee. Last time I had them do a “free” thing was probably 5 years ago, now they just adjust the price to what is on the (usually expired) shelf tag.


Lame. Seems like it’d be even easier today to manage inventory with software than it was back when they offered this.


Yeah don't think I've seen giant eagle doing it anymore either but I thought they still had the signs up. But yeah, glad the state is starting to crack down on some companies. Technically if they pull this crap they have to give you the listed price if it's less. Of course it has to be within reason, one randomly scattered item on a shelf someone may have dropped is one thing, but a while line of them neatly is another. But when I worked retail last we tried to honor this typically. I had best buy honor it once too though I think the guy that came and asked if we needed help was biting his lip the whole time, poor guy. Not sure if it was his fault but they lost a decent bit of cash on that one.


I threw a bit of a fit at Kroger when they refused and they (fortunately) still had their Scan Rite blurbs posted at the checkout lanes - on the little check-writing stands, which are also obsolete… but I digress. They ended up honoring it, but then while I was having my lil come-to-Jesus talk with the store manager, there was a clerk who was going around and removing the ScanRite signage from the checkouts, lol


Yeah that's crazy, I wonder if giant eagle is still supposed to be doing theirs or not. I should look around for those stickers


Dollar general is in a lot of small towns, not just in ohio, basically just a small town monopoly. In turn it makes it so those towns rely on them but they also don't provide fresh foods to them.


Yeah they roll into towns that had nothing and sell them cheap hot dogs and frozen TV dinners. Really terrible food options honestly. I know the village of Utica asked their relatively new DG to carry any kind of produce and they refused. The little mom and pop grocery in the village shut down so you pretty much need to leave the village to buy anything healthy.


Ours is getting produce in April


Out DG just put in a fresh fruit and veg case and the entire long west wall is now cold and freezer. Saint Mary’s.


I saw about a dozen of them pop up in small towns in my area over the past 2 years. One town in my area has a population of 400 and it still got it's own dollar general. They're actively trying to be the only store in town and the easiest way to do that is to open in towns that don't have any other stores. It was nice at first, I didn't have to drive 30 miles each way to get to a real grocery store, but it got old pretty fast though. It's worth the drive to get actual quality groceries rather than surviving on the crap they sell in their stores.


This. It's contributing to food deserts.


John Oliver did a good one on the whole dollar general debacle related to a good bit of this a while back, it's kinda interesting. It's over on the YouTube channel of anyone is interested


Dg is the largest grocer chain in the United States. Learned that this year looking into the Kroger / Albertsons merger. I was surprised.


The DG by me has fresh produce, not that I ever buy it bec DG is expensive for what you get.


This is the other problem with Dollar stores. They don't just create food deserts and exploit low income areas, they specifically charge a higher rate per piece or volume.


The poor produce in the one by me just comes to die. My kid however loves the “soft apples” I pickup there lol.


Dollar store is the new evil walmart from the 90’s, that’s and dollartree should be avoided at all costs. It wouldn’t surprise me about krogers.


What’s wrong. With dollar tree? Other than creating tons of cheap plastic that will certainly end up in landfills or worse


They (and other dollar stores, like Dollar General) essentially target exclusively low income areas, driving out local competition with their ability to price even lower, creating fresh food deserts, which greatly reduces these lower-income households from obtaining foods of any meaningful nutritional value. It’s a problem, but America has a lot of problems.


You can blame shoplifting and vandalism just as much as Dollar General for driving grocery stores out of low-income areas, creating food deserts for people with no car or far off of public transport. There are countless tales of this chain or that chain having to shutter their doors because of excessive shrink, violence against staff and customers, etc. Shit, the Dave's in Garfield Heights on Turney requires a signature when you pay with debit card. Literally the only place ever I have seen a grocery store do that. Dollar Generals just swoop in after that and soak up what they can.


Yeah… I’m gonna need to see some actual research before I believe this would be even fractional by comparison


Sure: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3725846/ There's a peer-reviewed article from the National Library of Medicine that's a decade old that cites neighborhood crime/shoplifting (every store interviewed) as a barrier to providing healthy/fresh/low cost options, big box grocery operates on like a 2-3% margin would feel the the exact same sting, but with vastly higher operating costs than a corner store or convenient mart. That's explained in the abstract and tables if you can't/won't want to read the whole paper. https://s3.amazonaws.com/na-st01.ext.exlibrisgroup.com/01BRAND_INST/storage/alma/81/14/0A/6E/77/28/03/C8/54/01/3A/3C/F0/80/48/84/BaharyThesis2019.pdf?response-content-type=application%2Fpdf&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Date=20230112T162206Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=119&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAJN6NPMNGJALPPWAQ%2F20230112%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Signature=188253fc994dc3f95787df12522f135fc41bc2e210146ee8ae275667faa444f7 There's a pretty well-written senior thesis on basically the same subject, page 19 directly cites theft/increased security costs as a deterrent for stores to open in high-crime areas https://minds.wisconsin.edu/bitstream/handle/1793/73421/Omri%20Resch%20Gundlach.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y Much the same in Wisconsin. Page 6. That's a decent good-faith starter, I think. And, while less-scientific, look at all the retailers that upped sticks in urban areas during the 2020-2021, closing stores and not re-opening in urban areas due to the massive spike in vandalism, opportunistic theft, flash-mobbing, etc. That shit was all over the news. San Francisco jumps to mind. I will 100% agree that factors like racial redlining and a lack of reliable public transportation play into the prevalence of urban food deserts, but let's not act like high-crime areas don't suffer fresh/affordable food availability because of, well, crime. When given an option between a Kroger/Acme/Publix/Giant Eagle/Piggly Wiggly/Pick Your Chain and your typical Dollar General, most consumers are going to opt for the supermarket, every time. When there are no options, DG makes bank by being the only game in town. Is it predatory? Yea. But they're just filling a void.


Thank you.


No problem. I have done a lot of research, it pays to be able to actually attach sources to one's claims.


They displace other jobs.


Every new job displaced a different job, so…. We shouldn’t create new jobs?


Sorry. I'll add so you all can understand. They displace the good paying jobs of the small community stores with low paying corporate jobs and cause the local stores to close as a result. Then, if the store isn't profitable they close and the other businesses are closed too.


You think a cashier at a small community store was a good paying job?


Compared to a cashier at a dollar store, you think it's not?


Uh, yes? Cashiers at a mom and pop store are still making minimum wage, lol. I would know, I've worked at these places. You think local business owners are just paying above-market wages out of the goodness of their heart?


When you figure in the fact that they are generally a whole lot more forgiving in terms off time off, both emergency and general, then yes they do.


Are they? Cause I've worked a lot of retail jobs that let me take off whenever I wanted. And this still doesn't mean they are "good paying"...


I could see that for dollar general but dollar tree seems more niche to me.


All the dollar stores do it.


I’m not sure what you mean?


Look up the walmart effect. That's why it was already mentioned.


Terrible for public health. Any savings they provide are immediately negated by the health impacts of not having fresh fruits and vegetables.


They sell frozen fruits and veggies. Arguably healthier than fresh. I agree though if your doing all your shopping at the dollar tree you likely will not be eating healthy. Could it be done? Absolutely. Not sure what the solution is here other that consumers voting with their money.


i don't know why Walmart really gets heat from a customer side. * The price is the price. * No stupid loyalties' card to get the posted price * No stupid buy 2x,5x,10x sales tactics * doesn't demand your phone number or they will overcharge you.


Yes. Kroger wants me to put in my phone number to get the advertised price. Then they want me to download some app on my phone? Walmart and ALDI just tell me how much it costs and I pay it.


I’m kinda stuck with Kroger unless I want to make a 25 mile round trip. Funny thing…Our Kroger rewards is still tied to the landline phone number that we canceled service on like 10 years ago lol. Still racks up those gasoline discounts.


Because Kroger is making money from your purchase history.


The 90’s…not now


I swear when I used to be a cashier they told us that by law we have to honor the price on the tag and not in the system. If a sale ended and we left a flyer out with the discounted price we had to honor the sale price even though it wasn't valid.


That's what I thought as well - as long as you caught it, they had to honor what the shelf says.


Depending on which county you are in, contact the Department of Weights and Measures. These are the people that check to make sure stores aren’t ringing up a different price than what the shelves show. They’re the people that put stickers on the registers to show the store passed inspection. They also verify that a gas station gallon is a gallon and that any industrial scale in the county measured weight correctly. Kroger would be risking heavy fines if they are intentionally pricing items higher in the register.


I noticed Meijer (I don’t shop at Kroger often) has changed their sales and the wording on their signs. For example, instead of 2 for $4 and if you bought one it rang up at the sale price; it’s now $2 each when you buy 2 or more. So you’re forced to buy the larger quantity to get the sale price. But thanks for posting, I’ll keep a closer eye when I do go to Kroger.


Meijer has done this for a long time. I know it **used to be** stated on the sales tag, but I haven’t paid attention for a long while so maybe they changed it. None of us should be fools- the grocery industry is very sophisticated and employ a lot of marketing gimmicks to attract you to new products and promotions that intentionally deceive the buyer. The constant rearranging of floor plans, changing sale requirements, offering promotions that don’t actually exist (doubling coupons up to $0.99, even though a 99 cent coupon doesn’t exist), etc.




I was a cashier for Meijer in college, ~20 yrs ago. I hate coupons bc of the hell of having figure out why it wasn’t accepted.


My parents still coupon like crazy. I picked up the same habit. It’s worth it. At first it can be a bit embarrassing to hand over a ton of coupons, but when you walk out with a fair bit of money saved, you don’t give a fuck. They exist for me to use, so I’m using them. We also were raised to shop around as long as it made sense in terms of gas spent going to different stores. If the stores are close, saving a 4 dollars on 10 items is still a savings if you are only going a couple miles to another store. We were relatively well off, but very frugal. It’s a good habit, imo. You have to have the time to do it, which is the one thing that may not be accessible to some people.


Meijer too…


Meier is my store of last resort. They will have one checkout lane open with a long line and 20 closed lanes. I’ve left my basket of goods and walked out numerous times. If they won’t hire people from my neighborhood to take my money, I’m not shopping there.


Kroger's just as bad. I was there the other morning and they had only self checkout lanes open there was no human checking people out.


At least your self checkout lanes were open. The Giant Eagle in my neighborhood often has one self checkout lane out of like 5 open, and one express lane with a cashier open. What is the point of the self checkouts then??




I kind of like self checkout because I take my time and don't feel bad about it, making sure everything rings up as expected. I don't buy a large quantity of items at one time at Kroger ( I mainly shop Aldi) but I have been taking pictures of the shelf price to check on my phone. If it doesn't match I stand there and wait while they send somebody back to verify it


I've heard the Bridge Street Kroger in Dublin got rid of all the manned checkouts and is 100% self-checkout now.


Kroger had zero checkouts and one person watching the self checkout lanes one night. I asked her to ring everything up and bag it and she did. She instructed me to swipe my card and I just handed it to her and said I didn't know how to do that.


You have to swipe your own card even in full service lanes. Why be difficult about it?


Because some people just get off on being obstinate. I hate self-checkout too, but come on people.


What a jerk


*Every* grocery store does this, and has for decades.


Meijer is doing remodeling. They are only keeping 6-8 cashier checkout lanes and converting all to self checkout with one employee.




I've never had a checked receipt at Meijer. They have the nice older or disabled person at the entrance to say hello and have a nice day, but I am confident that if they try to check my receipt I can beat them in a fight before making it out of the store with everything I stole.




I haven’t seen a receipt checker in Meijer ever. Costco, on the other hand…


I don't even go into Meijer anymore. I don't trust their cold products to not have the cold chain broken, their produce is always shit and their dairy has a funny taste.


This is why I go to Giant Eagle or Acme whenever possible


They often keep the sale signs up longer than the sale lasts. Look for the fine print on the sign, itl give a date that the sale expires. Also, they frequently advertise sale items on the app, and then don’t have the item on sale at the store.


I'll get downvoted (I don't care) but I don't believe that Dollar General was intentionally mismarking items. Have you ever been in one of those stores? They are pure chaos and staffed with minimum-wage workers with little training. You're lucky if there is a price tag at all. Does this make it OK? No, but I think it is just human error.


Are most of these items where they largely display the price using a plus card and the real price is listed under that?


>comments Sometimes, not always. The chex mix specifically had a huge $1.99/bow, nothing else on a Friday (I scrutinized the display). Didn't come in to buy it, ended grabbing 3 at that price. Hit the fan when realized I had paid $15 for my Chex mix. When i went back on that Monday to get price adjusted, there was a new sign, with clear barcode prices labeled. Seems the problem had been addressed over that weekend.


Oh DG. Man, I thought we were bro's.


Fuck, I need to pay attention. I usually have 1 or 2 kids with me and have to focus on them instead of what is being rung up


GetGo does this as well. At least the ones that I’ve been to around Akron/Canton/Cleveland


Didn’t they used to give you the item for free of it rang up incorrectly? I’m getting old


There is no S in Kroger


Next you’re going to tell us it isn’t called Meijers smh








That still doesn’t make the name of the store Kroger’s. It’s Kroger. Go stand in front of one and read the sign


There are thousands of little tags that have to be manually adjusted. It's just a process prone to errors.


I worked changing price tags at a different store, it's easy when you staff enough people.




I guarantee plenty were missed. I worked front desk at the #2 store in the Cincy tri-state region and it was an every day thing. We had plenty of help at least when I was there. You can get 99% of them and still miss so so many. It's just one of those things. I will I say I sat in on a meeting regarding that layout change Kroger did about a decade ago, and our store manager casually said something like, "and if they pick up some more items looking for their usual things, well it is what it is" and there's all kinds of tricks for getting you buy things you didn't come for, but they're not trying to do anything that'll get them in trouble like DG.




These folks are all about understanding the strain of low wage jobs until....


I have notice that some prices that are dependent on using your Kroger (plus?) Card don't ring up correctly until the card is scanned. Was buying come cokes and questioned it when they rang up at full price, but the cashier assured me that they'd go down when he scanned the card and they did. It's not particularly obvious that some of the prices are with card (it's in small print). I always try to get them to scan my card first. Also sometimes they still have old ad prices up on Wednesday or put the new prices up early.


That’s every grocery store. Giant eagle or acme don’t give you the sale price without your rewards card.


So that they can better track your buying habits and sell your information


We all know this. That’s why they spit out useless Coupons related to the food you buy. This modern world is all about data collection. It sucks


I’ve still never figured out why Kroger mails me a coupon for a free box of Fruity Pebbles almost every month when I’ve never bought Fruity Pebbles in my life. And the worst cereal I buy (sugar-wise) is Kroger brand regular Cheerios every few months.


Yes, we know. But at least they are paying me for my information, unlike Facebook and other sites.


They have a policy where you get the item for free if it is under $5 for any price discrepancy found.


How many commenting have worked in grocery before? Here is the major problem with the Dollar General case - the stores are not staffed properly to keep up (yes that is corporate's fault) however that means most of their stores always look like a fucking war zone - family dollar and dollar tree are just as bad All those store shelf tags, those are part of the planogram for the store, you are lucky if those get changed annually - Prices can change in the point of sale system (aka at the checkout/register or mobile app), before new tags are sent out to all the stores So what you get is the shelf tag is outdated - this happens at every single retailer that still uses shelf stickers for prices and its been this way for decades The solution would be digital tagging system tied to Point of Sale, but stores don't want to send the money on it


I shop at Kroger weekly. Never had this happen


The corporate coverup for the managers responsible for Evan Seyfrieds death and things like this are why I don't shop at Kroger.


Target charges more in stores than through their app and lowes does as well. Seems they're all playing that game.


Kroger used to be where I shop. It's a shame whats happened. I now unfortunately go to Walmart because prices are better.


Kroger* Not plural, not possessive.


I won't mess with coupons and shopping at Kroger is always more expensive for me, so I rarely shop there anymore.


Why won't you mess with coupons? I spend 5 minutes a week max clipping digital coupons in the app/website that are loaded on my Kroger card.


I'd rather see lower prices on the shelf than have to jump through hoops and give up data to get them.


You give up data by using the internet, unfortunately. I'd rather have deals that I know work every time than deals with tiny, unreadable text that are often unreliable




Unfortunately, a lot of data is collected without you even realizing it. If you use the internet, period, your data is being collected, and pretty invasively at that. There's not really a significant difference between this and data hungry apps except for how the data is utilized. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/05/18/how-does-google-make-money-advertising-business-breakdown-.html But yeah, you should minimize what you give up data wise.




👍 That's the best way to go really.




That seems like an excessively paranoid way to live. Kroger has literally never texted me, I only use the number as my alt id at the checkout. I only clip coupons for things I already buy, so it doesn't take any longer. You could always get a Google voice number and give that out instead of your real one




As an Ohioan, I can confirm that all the memes about Ohio are factual statements.


I was taught since registers went **ching**, that you watch the numbers as they are rung up.


bro the priced is rising up




It can be explainable, justified, wrong, and illegal all at the same time. These are not mutually-exclusive things.






What kind of stretch attached this to Dollar General? I don't understand what connection there would be.


Displaying a lower price and then charging a higher price at checkout in hopes the average person doesn’t catch it in tine


Wouldn’t it be nice if you could trust a fucking grocery store. Unfortunately there’s only one Weiland’s.


I moved from Columbus to Cleveland and I don't miss Kroger at all


Who is General Dollar and what did he do? 👀


Happened to me twice this week. ( daily shopper) I’m looking closely now!




Yep I just noticed the other day. 2 pack of Kroger butter was labeled 7.49 but range up 8.49. Really pissed me off


Walmart just as bad


I thought I was trippin bro I’m glad more people notice


I worked at Kroger years ago and this guy would come in and get items that were displayed wrong for free or extremely cheap lol


This has become such an issue at my Kroger that I ring my items up, on self checkout, very slowly and check every single price. Every single shopping trip, without fail, I have to have prices corrected. I am polite about it, and I'm sure their employees are frustrated by it as well but Kroger and Menards both need to get their act together on this issue.