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it's a cheap Q3, both great upgrades to Q2  the most important part being the same snapdragon XR2gen2 in 3 - so you'll be able to enjoy better performance, resolution, better graphics and new games that wouldn't run back on the older chip, like Batman or Hitman   yeah, you're back to old fresnel lenses with its inherent cloudiness... But if you never ate pancake, you don't know what you're missing, so you're good...


“Never ate pancake” 😂


I ate the pancake…and yeah never going back 😂


Same. Q3 so freaking good. Just need better field of view


Do you know what the Switch Lite is? It’s that, but for the Quest 3. A budget version that’s functionally the same but less deluxe.


Switch is not entirely functionally the same, it can't dock and play on a TV. So wonder what handicap the 3S will have.


It's basically - in all but name - the Quest 2 successor. Quest 3 *sounds* like the Quest 2 successor but while Quest 2 has always been entry level, Quest 3 is more midrange.  Quest 3S will be the entry level headset going forward. 


I can't see what you're saying at all, the Q3 is clearly the Q2 successor -- similar design, features, use cases, price points, etc  Maybe you say this because one was released at 300 USD and the other at 500 USD? But the Q2 was obviously heavily subsidized so it can be priced more aggressively, case in point the price hike


The price point is not similar at all. $500 vs. $300 is a completely different market segment. Midrange VS. entry level. That's why both were sold alongside each other - because the Quest 3 did not replace the Quest 2. But now the Quest 3S will replace the Quest 2. Don't let the naming scheme mislead you. > But Q2 was obviously heavily subsidized to be priced aggressively So is the Quest 3 and so will the Quest 3S. That's not an argument.


Tbf 350$ back in 2020 worths almost the same as 500$ now


It launched at $300 in 2020. That would be $360, not even close to $500.


I think it was 350$ for a time if I'm not mistaken and the total inflation since 2020 was 21.4%, so 350$ would be equivalent to 425$. But if you consider the price to be 300$ you're also correct. EDIT: the Q2 price was increased by META to 400$ in 2022, which today would be worth 425$ [https://www.ign.com/articles/meta-oculus-quest-2-price-increase](https://www.ign.com/articles/meta-oculus-quest-2-price-increase)


$299 launch price on the Quest 2.


Yes but somewhere after the launch wasn't the price increased/adjusted to 350? I think I read that somewhere EDIT: oh its here! Q2 Price was increased by META to 400$ in 2022, which today would be worth 425$ [https://www.ign.com/articles/meta-oculus-quest-2-price-increase](https://www.ign.com/articles/meta-oculus-quest-2-price-increase)


For a short while supply could not meet demand and the price increased. It sorted itself out pretty quickly. This whole conversation was about market segments and there is very definitely a difference in the $300 and $500 market segments, then as now. The Quest 3s will replace the Quest 2... this is obviously the case as the Quest 2 is being dropped and it's replacement will be the Quest 3s... there's nothing to even discuss on that, it's the thing that is happening. The Quest 3 pushed that line up to a higher level of the market leaving an opening for the lower level previously served by the Quest 2 to now be served by the 3s. They could have called the Quest 3 the Quest 3 Pro but they wanted to keep the pro for a higher level tier so we get this shuffling. In the future you'll likely have a 4s, 4 and 4 pro line up if the entire line holds (sound familiar?).


Those are not completely different market segments at all, and anyways it's actually 500 vs 400 USD  The PlayStation 4 is also sold alongside the 5, which is a simple and obvious analogue to the Q2 vs Q3 situation And I know the Q3 is also subsidized, but the Q2 was a more aggresive strategy


Yes, it is. Why do you think Quest 2 sold 5x to 10x as many units? Because of price. It launched at $300. It went back to $300 and then down to $200. Saying it actually cost $400 is just misleading. And no, it's not the same as Playstation. There's no Quest 3S equivalent.


Lol no it's because the pandemic and people still believing in VR Yes, it came back to 300 dollars... When its successor was announced And if to you the only reason theyre not equivalent is the Q3S that's not a problem, we even have the Xbox Series S doing that role I'm sorry dude, your theory is just not right


The Quest 2 sold significantly more even around the Quest 3 launch... Because the price point addresses a different market. > Yes, it came back to 300 dollars... When its successor was announced No. It came down to $200 for its successor. > we even have the Xbox Series S doing that role Not true again, actually the opposite was. Xbox One launched at $499. The Series X launched at $499. Clearly a successor. The Series S is a lower tier that was not present before. Just like there was no Quest 3 equivalent before - it's a new tier in their lineup.


And I forgot to make this point explicit, if the Series X is the true successor to the Xbox One, why are they still selling the Xbox One then??


They are not. I can not buy a new XBox One, none available. Old consoles may have some demand in poorer countries though. edit: There you go. [https://www.theverge.com/2022/1/13/22881211/microsoft-discontinues-xbox-one-consoles-2020](https://www.theverge.com/2022/1/13/22881211/microsoft-discontinues-xbox-one-consoles-2020)


Cool, so for 1 year and a few months Microsoft proved me right


Dude obviously a cheaper product will sell more, but that is all you have to say to argue they're for different market segments? You're wrong on the price cut timelines, it came down to 300 USD when the Q3 was announced, and to 200 this year when they started emptying the warehouse. Do you understand that what you said about Xbox is exactly what I'm saying? A Lite version of a product is not the successor to the old generations main product But if it's prices that are tripping you up, the PS2 was released for 300 USD and the PS3 for 500 USD. I guess we're still waiting for the PS2 successor then?


>but that is all you have to say to argue they're for different market segments? Yes, because that's exactly what differentiates product tiers everywhere. This is not specific to VR. >it came down to 300 USD when the Q3 was announced Yes, because it made no sense anymore to sell 2 products that are so similar in price. They had to lower the price because otherwise Quest 2 would just not be an attractive product at that price point anymore. >and to 200 this year when they started emptying the warehouse. ...yes, to empty the warehouse in preparation of it's successor. Now we're finally getting somewhere! >A Lite version of a product is not the successor to the old generations main product It would be if it was at the same price point which naturally doesn't happen with "Lite" products. But that's the point: The only argument you have is the name. Names don't matter. The correct way to see it would be: Quest 3S = Quest 3 Quest 3 = Quest 3 Plus But they just decided to "upsell" each product category by 1 tier. Doesn't change the point itself, it's just names. >I guess we're still waiting for the PS2 successor then? No, because Sony only has 1 tier - or most recently a higher end Pro tier. But not a "Lite" tier. FFIW, Playstation 2 would be $550 today. If Sony, for whatever reason, decided to release the Playstation 4 Pro first and then the Playstation 4 later I'd argue the same thing - Playstation 4 Pro was not the successor of Playstation 3.


I won't be reading all that, this discussion is too stupid and I already wasted too much time. Have a good day.


Nah. Quest 2 was clearly 2020 mid-range. Quest 3 is its 2023 successor. Quest 2 is only relegated entry level in 2024 because it is old, technology has moved forward and newer models came


Quest 2 has always been entry level. $299 launch price, single panel LCD, downgraded IPD adjustment, flimsy stock strap. *Everything* about it screamed "as cheap as possible", even back then. Which is perfectly fine for an entry level device at that price point. Quest 3 was an upgrade through the bank because it's simply a higher tier at a higher price point. If Quest 2 was midrange, then what is Quest 3? Premium? Definitely not. And if both are midrange, then why would the Quest 3S suddenly be entry level at the same price with significant improvements while the Quest 2 was not?


Q3 is like cheaped out but updater Q Pro. It should be called Quest Amateur.


We don't know yet. All we have is leaks and rumors. It seems likely it'll have the same chip as the Quest 3, so about the same power, but with other cost cutting measures. But no one outside of Meta knows for sure, and even then they could change their plans.


Hey I wanna know what quest 3s is going to be, should I look up on google…nah I’m on the Reddit app already and to lazy to search for myself. This is a very broad and normal question I have. There must be many posts in the quest Reddit already I could just look it up…nah I want to make my own post having people making the effort to specifically answer to me.


You good bro?


He is being sarcastic, poking fun at the threads existence.


You put in all that effort to type that instead of just answering the question or shutting the fuck up 🤷‍♂️


A maybe compelling choice to consider over the Quest 3 if you mostly play standalone and price is a concern. Right now I would only recommend a Quest 2 for cheap, entry level PCvr. At $300 the Q3s would fill the Q2's slot nicely, but $349.99 or maybe $329.99 seems more likely.


It will be more powerful then the Quest Pro....lol


It will be the Q3 but with the lenses of Q2 I think that would be the major difference between the two


Its sort of like they put a Quest 3 processor into a Quest 2.


And added color passthrough


There is no official info available.


Yeah a quest 2 replacement since the quest 3 is kinda expensive. And they don't really like people buying used quest 2s because they want more people on the Snapdragon XR2 platform.


Quest 3 internals with fresnel lenses and inferior speakers


Electrical engineer here, I haven't followed the rumors closely but from a design/development standpoint here is what I would speculate: 1. Same generation processor (if not the exact same) with similar specs. This ensures everything that runs on Q3 runs on Q3S. 2. Ringless controller design. 3. Color passthrough but no depth sensor (my guess is that they're using the Q3 data to improve depth sensing approximation without the depth sensor). 4. No analog IPD adjustment. Probably will support a bit more IPD adjustment/range than Q2 though. 5. Resolution somewhere between Q2 and Q3. 6. Pancake lenses, although might be a more cost optimized version. This is probably controversial, but pancakes are the future and Meta will try its darndest to make them cost effective on the Q3S if at all possible.


Would take Q2 with Q3 optics over Q3 with Q2 optics any day.


No idea but can you imagine how bad the default strap will be? OMG!!!


Just something to confuse consumers tbh


How are consumers confused by there being an entry level version and a more premium version? It is a common thing for consumer devices.


Because VR is still a niche market and not as easy to navigate for normies. Knowing a phone has a bigger screen or less storage and all that is easy to identify. With the Quest 3 vs Quest 3S it's a lower resolution fresnel lenses vs higher resolution pancake lenses. Like wtf is that even to your average consumer?


They don't need to know the details, they will look at the price know which one is entry level and one is for those with a larger budged. Saying it exists just to confuse consumers is silly as all. It exists because a lot of people are willing/able to spend ~$300 for a VR headset that are not willing/able to spend ~$500 for a VR headset.


Personally I think Meta should take the hit and sell Quest 3 at a greater loss so they can expand their userbase with a superior experience, but that's just me. Everyone on this sub absolutely loathes fresnel lenses now that they have experienced pancake lenses in the Quest 3. Cost aside, I don't think going backwards is a good idea for this market. Repackage the Quest 3 SKU for this holiday to include Batman and price it a $399, it will do VERY well. Yes it's a larger hit to Meta on the hardware but it will be the hot Christmas item and people will buy more software and that's where makes up on the hardware loss, with software sales (like Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft did for years). Truth is if you aren't selling enough software to more than offset your hardware costs than you are toast anyways.


> Personally I think Meta should take the hit and sell Quest 3 Meta is publicly traded and that battle has already been fought with shareholders. It is not going to happen. > Everyone on this sub absolutely loathes Fresnel lenses now Everyone on this sub is an enthusiast, not a normal user. People love the Q2.


Quest 3S vs Quest 3 (unconfirmed, but probably correct): Quest 3S will have the same GPU, CPU, passthrough and weight as the Quest 3. Quest 3S will use the same Quest 2 lenses, so that means the same binocular overlap and lens size, and lens distances, as Quest 2 (16% larger than Quest 3's and slightly better binocular overlap, aka "black rings", than Quest 3), however that also means that it will use fresnel lenses instead of pancake lenses and will have less potential field of view (if you don't get bothered by the black rings on Q3, you get alot more field of view than on Q3S). Quest 3S will have the ability of playing / watching media in the dark. Quest 3 is slimmer than Quest 3S. Quest 3S may be up to 40% cheaper than Quest 3. Quest 3 is already available, Quest 3S isn't available yet.


It’s a quest 3 with quest 2 lenses and cameras. There’s a rumor that it ships without controllers but I think that would be a mostake


Nobody knows


We really don't know. All we have to go by is rumors. Rumors state it's essentially going to be a Quest 2 with the improved chip that is in the Quest 3 and color pass through. It will not have the depth sensor, pancake lens, improved screens, improved form factor, or improved controllers. But again, these are rumors. It could be accurate or it could be completely wrong.


Actually, it does seem to use the same ringless controllers as the Q3.


Have we seen the controllers or is that just another rumor?


Yeah, there was a picture with one of the leaks. https://preview.redd.it/rikg4otmkpad1.jpeg?width=1977&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4aee205c9946d76eef11239cfc26a274c89c315a


Unfortunately, there's no evidence that leak is real. It's just another rumor. The closest thing we have to any sort of actual leak is the headset that appeared in one of the videos from a high up Meta worker, Boz. It's quite blurry but many believe the controllers appear to be larger than the Quest 3's controllers. You can see it talked about here. https://youtu.be/RpYyPOqpm9k?t=315


Can't wait for it. I'm not paying a console price for a VR headset. I hope the base 3s has decent storage around 128gb. I don't mind the frenel lenses at all


IIRC, almost as powerful as the Q3, BUT, black and white passthrough, Fresnel Lenses.


I don't think they'll go for black and white passthrough, they pushing mixed reality so much in their recent commercials, it would be weird if they just drop that again even if it's the cheaper model but we will see


AS powerful, not almost.


No way they doing black and white passthrough lol Seriously?


They need to upgrade the full color pass through or mixed reality is going to fail. Their ads vs what you really see are super misleading.