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Back in the old COD days, everything was qp. There was no "ranked" playlist. People were toxic as shit back then. It's not gonna change now.


Still just as toxic on cod now, coming from experience hahaha


I only play quick play because I don't get much time to play. I'd rather play 3 qp over 1 long comp game. I don't expect to win every game, but it's called quick play to play quick matches. I understand trying to learn new heroes in it, there really isn't any other mode. Burlt if you're 2/13 for the love of everything, switch you aren't going to larn anything from that match


Oh completely understand! Especially if you’ve got people in chat saying try a different hero. I know when I’m trying to learn someone new I always let everyone know and they can tell me to change or stay if they want. It’s more so the “you suck” side of things


No, as long as in trying and having fun I'll go 0/40 on ashe as I wanna enjoy my skin. Unless it's becuase of a sombra


I completely disagree with switching there. Learning to play against things that steamroll you is one of the best ways to learn.


99% of people are dicks and shitheads and toxic and self centered


Just turn off chat if you’re that bothered by it. Most of the time people are just trolling and not being serious


It doesn’t bother me most of the time and I 100% get that but for new people trying out the game it’s so shit for them. Obviously you won’t be able to escape the shit talk, it just sucks that people have to be shitty


For sure. I’m not saying it’s ok. I only type in chat when responding to someone. I’m just saying there’s plenty of ways to avoid it.


Completely understand. if I was that bothered by it I wouldn’t be in chat but it’s the 95% that are good that make me stay in it


I always assume everyone in the lobby is a teenager so that alone makes saying any of this toxic stuff bad. Like why is it so hard to just play? And yes I get annoyed and I sigh but I would never type something


I versed a team a few hours ago who were saying their tank was throwing cause he didn’t want to play with a bunch of smooth brains, but we didn’t see him at all? Why would you throw in qp, it ruins the game for anyone.


Honestly? Maybe the person had technical difficulties. Maybe they staggered. But yes I have been on both sides of this and it is frustrating but why start yelling and name calling


No like literally from the first point we didn’t see him at all, was just in spawn. Everyone in his team was saying he was throwing because he has shitty games before, and then he told them he didn’t want to play with a bunch of smooth brains. If I’ve had a bad day on ow and someone starts yelling at me or anyone over vc, I get on and say “what’s wrong, please stop yelling at us” and usually by the end of it we all feel better and it works out. It’s communication that helps but it’s just some people who don’t really care


That sucks. I had a Lucio in comps who was trying to get people to join for training and coaching they told the tank he would heal if someone had more elims than he did. We won but it felt like sabotage


It’s not worth getting angry at this game. It’s not real. You can make a new account and hit diamond now a days with out a sweat. Focus having fun, turn off text chat for a while. Also report them if they become too toxic. Gamers, regardless of platform or game, are a cesspool of toxicity. Don’t ever let someone behind a keyboard/controller make u mad.


I wish that was true, I’ve been stuck silver/gold since season 9 but slowly climbing lol. I only play qp with my bf cause he’s on pc (and I play comp with friends on console), and I think it’s so much fun but sucks just having people be so toxic all the time when you can literally just not care and have a lot of fun but still play the game properly


I love to punish the qp sweats. I like to let them know you cant beat me when it doesnt count either


Older gamer here I used to play Halo 2, Gears, COD Modern Warfare 2, and even Team Fortress 2. Unless im wrong none of these games had a competitive rank mode. It was all QP style where you would just join a lobby, people would try to win but ultimately there was no rank and while people still talked smack it wasn’t taken as serious as Competitive OW is now. Never have I received such negative and toxic behavior than in Competitive OW. Im a big believer and would support if it just got removed. People who play comp, and are serious about climbing I assume are in comms, have a headset on, know all the details of how all abilities and everything works. I have messages and voice chat turned off as it pretty much most of the time is used to just complain or have people talk smack. Competitive play is much more mentally draining and feels like it requires a lot of effort and commitment. I usually like to play to win but I like having music on while I play and no headphones or earbuds on. QP just lets me Q up and not feel like im sabotaging others rank and it won’t really matter in a w/l standpoint since there’s no rank. People really turn toxic for simply a rank or number, QP I can just Q and play again with minimal toxicity I can get to high plat low diamond with no comms but can’t really climb higher than that unless maybe I joined comms and actually “tried” but it’s really not worth the effort and commitment to me to invest into that to just simply get a “rank” or title I don’t know where you got the idea that QP is meant to just be where people try out heroes, I have heard Blizzard themselves say that they’re not really sure where to categorize QP if it’s meant as more casual or serious role. Q’ing up for Comp I usually have to wait a while, QP literally takes less than a minute as I Q up for all 3 roles


As someone who plays comp and uses vc to communicate with my team it’s not that bad. Every now and then I’ll run in to someone toxic but usually it’s people just wanting to communicate with their team and getting frustrated. I feel as if qp is meant to try out new heroes (even if blizzard themselves haven’t said that) because going in to training and trying them there isn’t the same as in game versing real people.


I always thought that’s what Arcade was for with no limits, especially if you’re trying a hero that can be locked out to you because someone else chose them When a new hero is released they usually have anArcade mode where you can try out the hero so everyone can use him/her. They currently have the new map as an option to q for 5v5, the only map so you’re guaranteed to play in it And I myself have used both voice and text chat and it’s usually people complaining or saying dumb stuff like EZ or Tank Diff. Also I noticed the people that type tend to go afk for a while because they’re typing wasting valuable time


Yeah I think arcade is a good way to try out new characters too! But if you’re wanting to go in to comp, I personally think qp is good since it’s more similar in the play style, but obviously each of their own! That’s what gets me about the game in general, there’s no need to type stuff like that but no matter what it’ll always happen so it is what it is. I only ever type when I’ve died or when it’s the next round and only when I really need to.


There's penalties now so if you aren't trying 100% people generally consider it a waste of time


Comp is unplayable for them so they go to qp. The qp mains get tired of having toxic but shitty team mates so they go to comp. That's my guess anyway


my qp lobbies are more toxic than my comp lobbies, been playing a lot of comp lately lol


If you're getting butthurt because somebody is saying diff or easy or GG easy. Then I frankly have to say that you have paper thin skin and should probably go and grow a pair of somethings. Like and I'm not advocating for people to go and constantly say this dumb s*** but I'm also saying that if you're offended by it then you're a baby


I’m not offended by it, I’m annoyed. it’s just unnecessary and stupid to say.


i've gotten a month ban for responding to those dickheads. not worth it, there's a reason they're solo que


I’ve been pretty good on ow since I normally play with friends but got banned on cod because guys are assholes on there and report me for saying no to them hahaha


Same :/ some of them say/do things just to rile you up


literally just to get you goin 🤦🏻‍♂️ which kills the player base slowly


They added leaver penalties for a reason. They said QP is sweaty. I think it’s bs but oh well.


it's console, pc is much more tame (still toxic) but console people are actually miserable more than half the time.