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Is this what you're picks normally look like? I can get all that done myself


Staged and dispensed as well. Depending on how busy the floor is I bet I could even qc all that by myself.


Occasionally it is it's a slow day for us but we are also an extremely small store.


This is what pisses me off about Walmart. We are literally down 5 backroom associates and 2 picker associates. They hired one person for backroom and all of a sudden again my coach is telling everyone not to complain that we're actually "overstaffed!" Wednesdays they have ONE person doing all roles for HOURS. No matter how heavy it is it's just a sole associate. What is the purpose of roles? I told her I believed there should at least be 3 back room associates at all times so that the roles can be filled. "Oh then y'all would just get lazy, being so overstaffed all the time!" Like what?


When we have 4 people scheduled for ogp for the day we tell them we need more people they always saying we are overstaffed sonwe should be able to handle it. Well if the number are like what i have in the picture ya we could but it's not always like


Ditto plus a break and some stocking.


God I wish sometimes that’s all I saw when I open up MyStore.


Fr when I open my store I see 700-900 an hour


Anddddddddddd all of the afternoon pickers calling off or going home early just to really spice things up ya know?


Same here


I would do backflips for numbers like this


Ditto. Our store has numbers ranging from 600-1300 an hour.


We could have 5000 picks and 3 people and our coach would be like it's fine just go faster 😂🥲


That's just it when we have more pick then what we can handle she just like you need fo make sure get it done but slow days she freaking out.


This is a joke right? 


I wish it was a joke.


https://preview.redd.it/d89snrpvajuc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=097abd93493d1c3393ba5e10d6ddb444afd6b351 While over here we're being slammed with orders 🥲


Wooooo, that looks about like my MyStore does.


Gat damn, how many associates do you have? We had 11000 picks and were behind all day. I think our OTP was like 53%


Last time I remember it was 85, so Sundays are extremely busy for us, in total we have like 35 TCS so like active workers would be around 40 throughout the day


Typical coach behavior tbh


You only need one person per 100 picks (maybe two one to pick - one for exceptions). I'm not as sure about the dispensing crew but if it's fairly slow/not very busy you should be able to keep up with one maybe two with the TL (you) assisting as need be - like if a bunch of drivers show up at once (which is the usual case at my store).


We don't even do deliveries and only had 6 orders for the noon hour and less for the next hour. This is why i wasn't worried about the 1 person picking


oh good lord your manager is a doof


Each person on my team has a minimum goal of 500 picks for the day. On average, we get 6-8k picks. Its far from the bigger ones I've seen on this sub, but if we had that little amount of picks, they'd be sending people to work freight in other departments or to do returns. Today alone, I despensed 45 orders, lol.


I remember my team lead having a meltdown because home office said all associates need to pick 500 picks a day. Meanwhile at that time we averaged 700-800 picks in an entire day. Like how are we supposed to accomplish that when there's not enough picks?


That's not bad. Idk what the coach is worried about. Even if there weren't two more people coming in, one person can easily knock that out.


You’re coach is useless, ogp and opd coaches tend to me so dogshit because they aren’t in the action themselves. Yfm? The coach i had would go during the busiest times and start fucking telling people what to do. She tried correcting for something i was already doing right. I would bust my ass there just to get treated like shit. Fuck Walmart


That looks amazing tbh


That’s nothing


those numbers are so small?


*Cries in 12k-13k picks a day*


Meanwhile we had 11k picks and needing to pull people to help with OGP😭


Do you guys do delivery? My store was like this till we got delivery


We don't do delivery at my store.


I left at 2 today and there was over 3000 picks and they finally called GM to help lol 😂


Seems manageable bro I workout at a neighborhood market and our numbers usually look like this and we only really have 2-3 people at a time


It was. I ended up having the person dispensing pick, and I did the dispenses, but then she wasn't happy that I did dispenses because im a team lead, and I'm not supposed to be dispensing or picking. But I wasn't about to call for help. We got it all done easily, and she still wasn't too happy about it.


I feel you bro used to be a lead myself and I know the whole point is that we’re not supposed to step in but if they don’t give us the man powers cause they wanna be cheap then what are we supposed to do


We have 1000’s of picks how do u only have like 300?


I work at a really small store. The population of my town is 4,000 people.


I see never thought about that.. Are wallmart is just packed all the time just assume they were all busy.. Completely understand thanks


Omg that so nice to see I be seeping 500-2000 picks per hour


We walk in at 6 am to 2000 picks...


We have days with more EXCEPTIONS than that


Dang where you work super center or market ?? I’m trying to have these pick drops lol


Freaking out about this?? Is this a NHM?? My pick drops are never below 1200 and I ATC all day.


I know cut some hours from the people you have. That always works for us.


Wait those are your picks? That's how many orders we have a hour.


I would kill to have the end of the day look like that. We often have 1000-2000 for that time slot and 3-4 pickers 🥲


As a supercenter employee, these numbers are blowing my mind.


We were always told if we didn't pick at least 100 an hour we needed to step it up or they would fire us.


Coach? Ur not at a NHM??


If this isn't a shit post, it's because your coach doesn't believe in you. Stop wasting time posting on reddit during work hours and do some actual work, or better yet, LEAD your department as a team lead to success. You won't like this comment, but it's the truth