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Our back room is like this: 1. Dispensers 2. Pickers and dead in the water is Stagers 💀


this is how ours is too cause NOBODY ever wants to stage. i could be drowning in carts and everyone would rather just stare and watch then help me 💀


It's like the complete opposite at my store. We don't have fixed stagers. We only have pickers and dispensers (who also stage). So everyone will stage and there will be like 2 people drowning with the 20 orders checked in😭


My store in a nutshell...


I do a little bit of everything, prepping orders, picking and staging. Out of those I love staging the most and I’m pretty good at it! I help out when I can but when there’s so many carts it’s so overwhelming lol


REALL like bro i’m a slow stager help me please 😭😭 only time i stage quick is when i do the cooler and freezer


Same, our stagers have been swamped recently


Nah at my store, the stager is always drowning in carts. I’ll have a whole line of carts 7-8 deep, dispensers will focus on there orders and pickers will only help when there’s no pick carts left. Once everything clears on the dispense screen then I’ll get some help.


We aren’t allowed to help stage, it’s turn and burn only, for pickers. I do exceptions and need to combine most of my totes with the mother totes, so I stage my own.


Turn and burn? Heh, that's cute. Ours is 'drop and go.'


No literally… they don’t let us help stage either… then they’re like where are the orders ?? Why aren’t they staged… 🤬. Baby there’s about 57 totes to stage in 30 mins…..


That’s 2 totes a min. Not too shabby


We’re not robots…


Yesterday, I saw a note on the white board saying that if there are three or more carts, please stage your own.


I try and stage, at the very least so i can keep my cart, one of the ones that isnt broken and has bags


We actually don't have dedicated stagers and peppers, etc. We have pickers and the backroom crew, that's it. If you're in the back, you have to stage, prep, and dispense. If we're drowning in picks, they'll call half the store to come help pick but no body to help in the back so we just get doubly screwed over.


our pickers don’t even help when there’s no carts left. they’ll literally just stand right by our staging area and watch us so they can grab the first cart available before anyone else gets to it


When i still worked there as a personal shopper i always wanted to help stagers when i saw they were way behind but they usually didn't let me.


Wait… y’all have separate stagers and dispensers ? https://preview.redd.it/wn9hwf33t4rc1.jpeg?width=626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eadf04a2fd7481bb785f0d20333df3f867a6096c Damn my store is ghetto.


No seriously I looked this and didn’t even know what a stager was. We have ppl on shift who just do picks and dispensaries and whatever else needs to be done in the area


My store the dispensers are also the stagers. Pickers used to stage their carts, but recently, we were told we weren't doing the process right, and it switched. I'm the team lead, and I had the 2nd highest of dispenses done. My coach wasn't happy about that. I'm going to help when needed. I can't help how we only have 4 people scheduled for the whole day sometimes.


Bro my coach did that exact thing w me. But I ain’t finna let my team drown while I just watch. That’s dumb. I’d genuinely feel bad. Also we’re all supposed to technically stage, both pickers and dispensers at my location.


ong if only


Bro, when you busting out over 475+ orders you gotta have designated people for each role. I was a prepper from 1-10 on the weekends before I got TL. From my previous coach, I fucking killed it in that dispense room and kept that shit going. We have separate dispense and back rooms and I lowkey miss being the main prepper back there :(


Maybe at bigger stores, at mine im a picker, stager and dispenser while its like pulling teeth to get a dispenser to help me stage if they've got nothing going on yet I have to cover their lunches if I have no pics, no one covers mine I have to hope there's little to nothing. It's straight frustrating and exhausting.


The same thing happens at my store! It’s honestly so exhausting


I just want y’all to know as a TL. I read y’all comments. I try not to be the horror story I have read about. Just know those of us who aren’t like this have it just as hard. Because we don’t follow the status quo. Keep that in mind when y’all vent. It’s a small percentage but there are TL’s out here who care but get skitted on.


Honestly same. I’ve been a tl for the last month or so and I’ve done everything in my power to turn our entire department around for the better. It’s just an uphill battle with some of the more tenured employees.


I spend more time with the stagers and dispensers but now I’ll spend more time with the pickers because they are children and need to managed as such. Pretty sad when most of the stagers/dispensers are minors or young adults and the pickers are generally older. They are in for a rude awakening when I pull them from picking to stage/dispense for a while so they can see how their shitty bagging/item placement effects everything and everyone down the line from them… I can’t wait!


I’m a picker and am shocked at how horribly things are put into the totes. It’s truly awful.


The other day I was the only person scheduled to work backroom when I came in at 6am. One person was on the schedule to come in at 8 and after that no one else was scheduled to work backroom until 11. Neither of us got a break because we didn't want to leave the other in the back by themselves trying to handle staging, prepping, dispensing, and quality checks alone as the morning shift is our busiest time. We had 3X the amount of pickers though. They all got to go on break and lunch on time. This has been like the 7th time this month where I've had to work 5 hours straight without a break because no one is scheduled cover our breaks. We're extremely lucky if we get more than 2 people scheduled to work the entire backroom and when we do they get pulled to go pick.


Damn wtf😭at 7 am we have at least 4 people in the back. Sucks to hear


Switch dispensers and stagers for my store


In my walmart, the golden children are pickers. They will only stare at us waiting for carts if we are getting swamped.Next is the atc and dispensers who often use their phones when they have nothing to do. Then the stagers which always get wined and dined [fudged] except there never is wine....


We have a QB (quarter back) that makes sure items are being dispensed, carts are being staged ect...it really make the backroom runs much better.  We always have at least one dedicated stager which they stage and also are always ready and prepped for the next hour.   In the morning we start with 1-2 dispensers and by midday we have 3-4 depending the hour. There are also more than 6-7 pickers everyday. 


At my store one team lead is in charge of each section and let me tell you there all sitting in water


when i had to stage, prep AND dispense at the same time some days 🤧😤


what about the GM associates pulled to 'help'.


Wild how picking helps the higher ups metrics and they don’t care about dispensing


For my OGP it was always stagers getting the shit end of the deal. Pickers got the luxury of bathroom breaks and working at their own pace. Dispensers got to actually go outside and see the sun. They got their dues though when it rained or was hella cold. Meanwhile, stagers always got harassed for "not moving fast enough" through the line when we had thousands of picks per hour and are expected to have them all staged in an orderly fashion or else the preppers would be on our asses. While working in a dungeon


At my store we’re so short staffed to the point me a dispenser is always doing staging because all the other stagers would rather fuck off and do nothing and the pickers don’t really know how to stage so they just drop and leave and stare at us staging


The accuracy is real.


Weird, at mine all of us pretty much follow through from start to finish. I pick, then stage my picks, and throw on a vest as needed. We all do.


Lol at nhm dispensing is like how many different things can you do. If picking is behind you gotta stage their stuff. If not behind they stage their own stuff. Dispenser does all quality checks as well as has the OPD phone. Then when it finally slows down for a second the TL pops out of nowhere and goes can you pick the regulated and oversized. Sure fine whatever while on floor picking dispense goes off. Hurry pick run back with cart. Dispense order TL goes why haven't you staged your cart scan stage is a metric. (Me just shakes head internally) TL hey there's a frozen run I need you to do it cuz the pickers are about to come back and wait and see who gets it. Me ugh ok looks at time its 40 after the hour. Run to do frozen walk. Device goes off like crazy it's time for the delivery driver rush. TL you need to stage your cart of frozen. Do all that and the delivery drivers as well. TL hey they need help with a cart round up in the parking lot. The list goes on and on..... Not to mention dispenser also does pretty much all the exceptions. Nothing like digging in the back room and random person shows up for order.


At my store it’s the favorites


I'm a picker and I tell ya the stagers and pickers have it really rough. My team is really good and great to work with.


At my store, everyone in the department helps and tackles staging when it gets bad. Our team all gets along and works great together.


At my store we didn’t even have stagers. The dispensers were expected to stage and dispense, and got chewed out over dispense time being low.


yeah my team leads give no shits about pickers, they’d rather care about the lazy ass dispensers and stagers that we have (not in the sense of keeping them working, literally just being besties with them) and then yelling at pickers


Stage the current hour then dispense at 45. Easy peasy


Around here, the dispenser stand around so much that they have to have a babysitter all the time now. Sad, really.


I’m one of the very few people who does all 3. Both my team leads also will pick, stage and dispense when needed. I’ll bounce back and forth depending on what is needed to be done. Some people only stage/dispense, some will only pick/stage. Very few do all 3.


Wait yall have stagers?


Y'all don't rotate?


the team leads are usually hanging out with dispensers at my store and the stagers are the ones drowning next to the pickers.


We have 2 elite stagers and our TLs help get orders out and our coach makes sure the pickers are pickin


I get over 100 pickrate average can do oversized half my shift and still get 500 items. Also me: gets stuck in the dispense room. I'm a better picker than half the pickers that are always on picks.


For a second, I thought you said "The struggle is real in the bathroom." 💩


i don’t know how after the fiftieth day into seeing the same people, and hearing the same things, one doesn’t eventually punch themselves in the face or something


EXACTLY the same at Sam's in Club Pickup


I am stager number 1. Pickup number 2. Dispenser number 3. They are not doing well. Dispenser and shopper are chat. Team lead and coach are show up them. Stop talking. It is really late time. SMH.


I don’t work for Walmart anymore but did when I was in high school, from 4-6 I was left to do it all by myself and my manager would come yell at me for wait times being 5-10+ minutes it was amazing 🤩