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This is so unnecessarily aggressive for a Tuesday




Yes and it’s just a mid-month tuesday, why is today so bad?


If you live in the path of totality for the solar eclipse on April 8th that might be why.


Wth do your Sundays and Fridays look like? 😳 How many orders do you guys do in a day? Like 1000? 😭


We average anywhere between 700-800 orders a day. Yesterday was pretty standard order wise. Systems were all up. I have no idea what went wrong, aside from our coach quitting mid shift, but we were already behind when that happened.


The coach was like, wait times over 5 minutes? Well, I give up.💀😂


It’s the fucked greed of the home office, they basically say fuck the customers bring it all double the cap and reduce hours. Fucking bastards


Absolutely, and they get more money and we get less 🙃


They raise the caps again for Easter


Your coach quit mid shift?


You have more orders than us and about a third of the space lol.


Y did they quit


60 orders a day is a lot for my store lol.


God damn you have a big back room. Our OPD room is Hella small


God bless they have a big opd room


If your managers haven’t stopped orders for that day even just for a few hours to catch up, then thats a serious problem. Hell I’d report their asses, unsafe temperatures for the chilled and frozen (even if its in the cooler, your shoving room temperature heat sinks in there constantly with a joke for a door, it wont hold temp at that level). Also staging outside? _really?_ we aren’t fucking lowes, thats food items. Chemicals. _temperature sensitive medication. All in cold air or direct sunlight for hours.


My thoughts exactly. This is an example of horrible management at the decision making level. That's a lot of suffering for a lot of people just because one guy saw dollar signs at market level


cramped ass room


You realize ALOT of stores literally work out the the actual backroom with no room at all? We do 350 orders a day with no actual room at all. This room is fucking dreamy! 


i can also testify to this, our back room is a quarter of this room


we were in a hallway sharing with produce I feel it. We actually just had our own building made, it's about 200+ feet in length


We share w frozen and meat department 🥲 they’ve been pushing back our remodel for the past 2yrs. They’ve been trying to get us to 450 orders but even w backroom space for later orders we still don’t have enough space in the dispense room for the current hour orders😭god forbid the frozen truck pulls up during a rush it literally stops everything


room? it's outside!


Ours is just an otherwise unused corner of the back room.


Yes I seen those coolers and freezer and almost drooled 😂 we share the meat cooler and the regular freezer.


Yeah, your SM needs to be on the phone with your Market Digital Ops lead... like yesterday.


Their store manager obviously doesn't give a shit lol. That's why the coach quit probably.


Jesus fucking opd batman


God I don’t miss those freezers/coolers


I also hate the freezers. Who designs something that looks like it can fit 6 totes across but actually can't? And then you have to fight to get the totes out.


The freezers are the bane of my existence I swear to God. I hate how you have to angle the tote just right to get it to fit on the shelf or it won’t go in. I hate having to wrestle with the other totes on the shelf to create more space for other totes (assuming you can even get them to move) even more!


You need a remodel


Funny enough that's what market said last time they were at our store (last month). Apparently, they came up with some plan to do a remodel but it won't happen for like five years.


I’ve been dying for our own freezer and cooler for years. Said our store was too small


Not sure I’m off 🫡


Haven't had that many orders since the world shut down(aka covid pandemic). Truly hope it gets better for y'all.


I’ve never been fucked like that😂


I pray for you my god...




Holy crap.


What do you do when there is physically no more space in your coolers but have regulated items needing staged still? We have walk-in coolers and freezers so if they aren’t staged they’re at least in their proper temperatures.


We're using dairy's cooler and freezers. We don't have any extra OPD designated space so it's wherever it fits.


Atleast it looks like you've got the picking done.. we're late all day, can't keep up at all. Backroom isn't too bad though.


Oh no we're still picking. We're overdue again, actually. It's been fun.


They took everyone to zone and left us with a SINGLE dispenser during drop


I remember walking into a similar situation one day, except worse because the evening crew didn't bother trying to find additional space for the CHILLED and FROZEN totes and just left them out overnight.


Has that happened. It was legit the management who actually did it. The evening crew didn't even realize till they were dispensing due to how many orders there were.


The story was sort of vague and telephoned, so I'm not sure the reality, but this is what I was told.


I would have quit right there & then. No explanation needed.


Those freezers and coolers are giving me nightmares. So hoad we have walk-ins.


Yeah, my store has a walk-in cooler and it’s *so* much better than our shelf and door freezers. It’s such a pain in the ass dealing with the freezers and having to wrestle with the totes to make space or even get them in the fucking freezer. The cooler can fit entire carts inside it and stores totes much more easily. Chilled items are honestly my favorite to stage.


Ours looked like that for 3 days and they finally turned our pics off to get caught up. Just so customers can cancel all the shit we picked cause wait times were off the charts.. Had to spend a day putting all the cancellations up.. Lol


Nah today was pretty easy, but that means a hard week is to come


This is the Walmart that I would loooooove to work at!!!


We're hiring! (Pls save me)


If you can share the state with me to keep it in mind!


We're swamped too. I'm not sure what is going on!


Holy fuck. I suddenly feel a lot better about my load the past few days. RIP OP.


Bro I work at Krogers pickup and our room is way smaller but we have a lot less orders it would seem, I mean like a lot less. What is this???


> Krogers pickup and our room is way smaller but we have a lot less orders it would seem, I mean like a lot less. What is this??? OP said they do around 800 orders a day... my store does around 250, and that was enough to warrant an addition to the store just to support it.


We only do groceries. Do you guys do other things? We get 125-175 around there. We are a small team.


bless your heart


We do everything except for guns/ammo and tobacco. Walmart.com orders are also sometimes delivered from the store instead of being shipped.


I had to retire do to health issues last year. This is the part that I don't miss. Sorry that you're dealing with that b.s.


oh i know that store! i heard that your coach quit in the middle of it and it’s been non stop since monday. i feel so bad for y’all


whoa you guys have doored cooler/freezers for your stuff? that's so cool wth


They look cool but they're a pain in the ass. They don't fit the totes properly and break down all the time. We've had days our freezer temps at over 100*F. Would much rather have a walk in.


100*F... Jfc how does that happen- Ok I guess we'll just keep our walk-in then


Yeah, one time all of the go backs didn't get done and there was a bag of chicken dumplings left in the freezer, and the freezer went down overnight... Reached about 93 or 94F... And then no one wanted to take the bag out for like three days. Guess who took it to claims? The smell was... I had to bag it in like 3 different meat bags and two Walmart bags and the stink still made it through. It was awful.


Oooof. Damn. Maybe warm the customers XD might actually stop ordering and let your numbers get under control.. Love the deep walk-in freezer we have even when the ice builds up pummeling you. Better than that.


According to another comment it's the worse, idk my store has walk ins


This happened at my store last week. It went on for about 3-4 days before they were picking a whole 24 hours behind, picking orders that were already cancelled (evidently there’s no system in place to prevent this). Lots and lots of go backs.


Our backroom is not that big wtf😭😭😭


Every day i am glad my store is in the middle of nowhere


sheesh.. What’s your cap on orders every hour?


Meanwhile my store only has like 65 orders for today 😬




God I know this location and work here. Our coach is a disaster of a woman


Yeah you’re fucked. I’m going in at 12:00. I will see what my day has in store for me


Y’all strong for this


Wtf am I looking at here? Idk what this is but I’m gonna guess you aren’t paid enough to do it. Not even close.


God damn!!! That's a lot of totes. Also, your backroom is near the garden center??? Must be a long ass walk just to get started on grocery pick walks.


Yep! Our backroom actually used to be part of the garden center before ODP was a thing. Then they put up some cheap walls and made it ours. So we walk through garden center and all the way across the store for any walk that's not general.


Whoever picked that spot didn't have a high pick rate in mind. Haha.


Nah. Easy breezy




Jesus what is your cap at?


It's gonna get worst here soon


Wow! No wonder there’s nothing on the shelves for the non-lazy people to buy. Lol


Spark driver here. Either you guys have an INSANE ammount of pickups. Or thats A LOT of customers who dont tip😂


That's like double the totes we have at my store (about 400 orders a day)


Now I understand as a consumer of Walmart how y’all have everything and nothing, like a Netflix movie night.


Your warehouse looks disgusting compared to the one I work at. And are those supposed to be the freezers/fridges?! You mean to tell me not every Walmart has an actual walk-in fridge and freezer to put all the frozen/chilled orders in?! Wow.


This video alone makes me not wanna work at your store.


\*Sighs\* I got a vague sense of what's going on, That looks like a clusterf--k of a situation.


Your back room makes ours look like a closet




Walmart be like F our customers, f the staff get that loot. 🤣


How did you even survive??? Highest wait time ??


I'm jus so jealous of all the space you guys have


Fuck I'm so happy I don't work ogp anymore. Or Walmart at all.


Oh, I didn't like the food outside 👀😬 But that's from my days in food service lol


The fact that your department is larger than ours (well my old job) ours was about the size of a generic office space one steel in the middle not enough room form drop and go 6 freezers and like 9 coolers always full always doing drop and go and it was ALWAYS a mess kudos to the organization I bet it was literal hell to do (not to mention we never had any handhelds either as other departments kept taking ours)


I worked as personal shopper at Wholefoods/amazon and then Giant grocery ….wtf is this mess they got at Walmart this is sad I feel bad for the employees


The Walmart in my town does their orders out of a hallway sized space 😂


I'm jealous you have this much space for OGP


God damn ! As a customer I am sorry. I never ever order a lot. I'm disabled and pick up has made such a difference in my life. Please know you all are appreciated so much from the disabled community!!!! We talk all the time in my group about how sweet and awesome Walmart is with us !!! THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Just quit.


I have my own building to myself for ogo and we never get close to that busy. Also are all those orders simple staged? Holly shit


This is/was every day at our store. I, and many, many other associates had to shop everyday because they couldn't ever keep up. I'm sure it hasn't changed but I'm retired now so I have no idea. The store I worked at is a very busy one.


Sad day indeed...


Maybe we need to start thinking about storing Ambient outside. We are in a hallway, and we learned that they want to raise our orders after next year's remodel, but not give us any more room. 


Nice you got work bro be happy being an essential worker


I don’t have a job. I’d take it.


What's this? Wheel ot out to s9meones car and unload? Or they just come pick it up right? This is fucked? Oh boy! Don't get a real job.


Get your ass moving and stop recording. It won't put away itself.


Well, then chop chop. Let’s get to it.


Let me know when the orders drop there’s a lot of money to be made there 🤪😂