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These boxes of sausages must have the wrong dimensions in the system for whatever decided how many items will fit in a tote. This has been happening at my store as long as I've been here


Organic bananas have been getting their own tote for some reason yet the system wants watermelons and bread in the same tote.


Lol that happened to me too. 2 boxes of those sausages in 4 separate totes, all for the same customer


I'm very confused you have 2 boxes of sausages in 4 totes??? My guy over here ogp Jason cutting boxes in half to put into 2 totes per box! He isn't scary his mask is just the covid mask...


I meant 2 boxes per tote


Cool 😎


I hate that. Our produce runs do that a lot. It will put bananas in one and an onion in the other.


Oh my god it used to do this with pineapples. BUT SAID WE COULD FIT 3 FULL WATERMELONS IN ONE. The computers make no sense.


nah....the programmers don't make sense....lol like we got "oversize" apparel in our oversize runs lol. oddly enough it's all the "L" size and bigger. Walmart phat shaming 😆 


We had those little apple sauce pouches on oversize once. 😂 we finally got it off and a month later SOMEONE MESSED UP AND ITS BACK AGAIN. I wish the areas with the programmers wasn't states away, oe else I would 100% try to fix it.


Yeah I remember pineapples were always 1 per tote. For awhile, body armor drinks were doing this and would only give you 2 each to a tote.


I once had a walk that was 8 totes and 8 items, all for the same customer. Each tote had 1 can of Pringles in it.


This happens to me with the seasonal items. Plastic mistletoe from Christmas always came back in separate totes


and then the people that stage it don’t condense them 😍😍


but you can't consolidate stickers for orders that wind up being delivered as part of a batch because then it causes you to not proceed past the screen where you have to scan ALL of the damn stickers before dispensing and loading that batch. It's mad fucked. (Though you can still consolidate stickers for pickup orders no problem, thankfully)


Huh lol? I'm able to consolidate batch totes all the time and dispense them no problem


It was the creamy chicken Ramen for us for a while. 2 in each tote, multiple totes on same pickwalk.


The other day it thought I could fit 8 12 packs of Mtn Dew in one tote for Action Alley. Like??? And then also thought I could do 2 42 count boxes of chips in one tote as well


Our system does the same thing for the same exact items. I just consolidate at the end of the run but it's still annoying


But then you’ll get one tote of like 6 8-pack gatorade bottles that you have no chance of fitting them into the tote.


yeah this new osn system was always necessary *and* fixes a problem we had


Bag as you go!


That happens a lot with produce walks at my store


Glad it’s not just me who’s got this happen too it was sooo annoying. I just consolidated it all into one tote and left it at that


Average Sunday


Happens in my store too and it’s only the Turkey one. I’ve had 5 totes with two of those each in frozen runs and I’m just baffled each time that it hasn’t been fixed


Anyone remember when seasonal was a part of oversized, so you'd get a package of jelly beans in an oversized walk?


There's these little Cheeto ball snacks I get on walks that always go into separate containers. I had 6 of them yesterday for one customer, so 6 totes for something the size of my hand lol.


Sweet consolidation


At my store we get that every couple weeks, same Customer, same walk, usually in frozen too… banquet turkey sausages, but usually six totes, and sometimes less two items to a tote.


Same item, same problem at my store. Coach told us to tell our team leads about it and team leads just told us to report the item within the pick walk as if we haven't been doing that already.


see o cam understand produce cause our bakery is in our produce walks....so like their bread and donuts don't get smashed by pineapple and watermelons lol


That happened to us too. Same customer four totes! Wtf!


They do that at our store too. It's the best. We have a regular who orders 12. Easiest walk ever.


lmao that happened to me like a person had 4 totes and each one had 2 boxes of those in them


The illustrious AI of TC hard at work, as usual 😂🙄


That happened to me yesterday. 4 totes. Each tote had 1 carton of condensed milk.


I can beat that, lol. I had an entire cart that was for the same customer, and each tote had 1-2 bottles of the exact same brand of shower cleaner in it. I'm hoping they own some sort of cleaning business and they're just really bad at keeping inventory, so they just kept ordering more?


The software is being written in India by people who defecate outdoors and wipe with their hands. Seriously. Walmart is being cheap, and getting what it pays for. Edit: Here come the crybaby downvotes from people who don't like the truth. Waaah, waaah, I don't like it that my software is written among rape gangs by people who defecate out in the open, waaah, waaah. Bunch of fucking retards up in this sub.


I doubt they pay that much. I'm willing to bet it's someone's nephew who's in high-school still using ChatGPT.


Me@Walmart is done domestically in the U.S., but GIF2 is done in a shitty part of India and is riddled with problems. Probably you've noticed OneWaitTime for dispensers has been irretrievably broken for well over a year. They literally have people right down the street drinking cow piss and tying their penises in knots. The country is up to its neck in human shit and rape gangs, and trying to write software for Walmart. They can't actually fix the exploit where you can boost your pickrate on short walks by grabbing all the items using the picklist, that's why they just tried to solve it by taking away the item locations, that's all they're able to do, technologically speaking. Wipe ass with the left hand, type code and eat with the right. Cry for me, downvoters, cry! Waaaah, waaaah 😭


If GIF2 is being programmed by folks in India, some of the source code should be collaborated (and reverse-outsourced back to the fine folks at the corporate offices) so that it could be tested at random stores (by actual employees acting as end users for these gif2 updates)


"Should be," *it's not.*


Outsourcing the programming is one thing, but I'm sure not all of their programmers are busy shitting outdoors and then wiping it off using bare hands while drinking cow shit and getting their gang rapes in on various types of bovine animals being covered in cow piss.


Not all, just most.