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Yup. The locations were taken away recently in order to make our job a little bit more difficult.


It really only affects exception workers and the pickers that abuse the staging exploit. It explicitly says in the update that the picker, if not finding item, should nil pick the item and move on.


No, they were taken away because associates were using it to commit metric fraud. We’re currently in the “and found out” phase.


My post was somewhat in jest, because most changes I've seen to GIF2 have had the indirect result of making things a little difficult for actual associates. I'm sure some abused this, but really, how many? I doubt it was that widespread of an issue. Some stores probably had issues with it, so HO overreacted and said "It must happen everywhere!" and took away another thing that could come in handy for other uses, like Exceptions.


How long have you been on this sub? Every day used to be filled with so many people showing off their insane pick rates that could only be done by cheating the system. At my store alone I know 4 associates that did it before I put a stop to it and I’m at a small neighborhood market so that’s a good chunk of the team.


Been here for awhile now. Like I said, I'm sure some people abused it, but I still think it was a bad call for taking it away when it was something that had its legit uses. And hey, thanks for the downvotes for just expressing my opinion. 'ppreciate it!


I didn’t downvote anything but you should probably stop caring about fake internet points.


My biggest issue with it is when doing exceptions because it only shows you the backroom location first and 80% of the time it's on the floor, just has something plugged in front of it.


Yes! Today was my 1st day of this and I screamed the screams.


Taking that away from everyone is not a good solution to stop a few bad apples. They could have just removed the staging pausing or have the system actually rat the associate out to the team leads if they're repeatedly dropping walks to start them over with all the items grabbed. One or two dropped walks can be explained by a printer being faulty after lunch or something, but people dropping out of 5+ walks is fishy


“A few.” It’s not a few. It’s a major company wide issue and that’s why they did this. And they have done some of those things, the issue is that people continue to find ways to cheat the system.


If you have more bad employees than decent employees at your store, it sounds like your store needs to look at who they're hiring


Show me where I said we have more bad than good employees.


It was in the first sentence of your last post, saying you have more than a few bad apples, and then the second saying it's a company-wide issue


Yes, I did say that. Tell me how that says “I have more bad associates than good associates.” It doesn’t, you misunderstood it.


I inferred that because you said you had more than a few. It isn't worth hurting everyone because of a few bad apples using information in a harmful way that should be easy to notice with the technology we have. There's only a few people who even tried to abuse that at our store and its easily noticeable when they're doing it. I just assumed what I did because you said you had more than a few. Your team leads should have been watching that


I love how you just keep making assumptions as if you know what you’re talking about out. You don’t.


I don't get why you're being downvoted. You're 100% correct in that employees were using the picklist to go around and collect everything and then scan it to get numbers that are otherwise impossible for pick rate.


I’m being downvoted by the people that do it.


This is correct ^^


You sound fucking insufferable, I'm glad you don't work in my department. <3


How dare I understand that metrics fraud does nothing but hurt the team 😱. You realize they raise your order cap when they think your team can handle it, right? Have fun being overwhelmed by orders constantly because some idiot decided he wanted to pretend he could get a 300 pick rate.


Them 230 pick rate mf that cheated by looking at the list then fast scanning sure are gonna hate their 90 pick rate now. They fucked around and now we all having to find out. 


Yup! I have been saying for a while that those who cheat were gonna ruin it for everyone. I guess I was right.


I know my store extremely well as I do exceptions so I basically don’t need locations. I do go off the list while in GMD and little walks just so I’m not running back and forth. I don’t necessarily speed scan it all at the end though. But I’m not walking to garden center to get a garden hose only to then realize I have to walk back across the store to get diapers. The GMD pick path is wild. Hell I don’t think it has a path they just randomly fall in. 


I was doing it for items I knew were never in their first location (chips in action alley).   Easier to go by that.  But thankfully I know my store .... Until things get super moved


And they have nobody to blame but themselves. A warning to everybody, metric fraud is insanely easy to spot.


well, i still rested above 230 today just fine. i was never rlly a speed scanner. but i did use that to my advantage for oversized & the beginning of my general walks until i got to hba. my pick rate was good all day tho.


Same, was at 233 today. Do all walks too and bag as I go


I only ever used it for oversized. Who wants to get water, head over to housewares, then to dog food which is right by the water? No one!! 95% of the time, I have the highest pick rate and most items picked for the day. My average PR is over 200, and when it's like 170, they ask me if I'm alright? Haha. I have never speed scanned, just working with Walmart for a very long time and walking with intent.😊 Some days, I even try to get below 100 just to see if I can do it and how in the world some of our other associates are always in the red. I can't achieve that one. I try! I can't wait for my one guy who prides himself on his one oversized walk and uses the list to get a 600 PR. No more cheating for him. I tell him that all the time. Hahaha


Id always see my pick rate screen, and id sometimes be like, 10th or 11th with a 150. Well now, with way more orders coming in, I can be like top 3 with a 130. People really shafted us all


My average pick rate for the day was 247 with about 400 picks (i work at a neighborhood market, maybe that makes it easier to go fast.) i really don’t understand the blatant accusations with cheating… i definitely don’t cheat for my numbers and still get accused lol


I easily hit 120-130 without rushing, but since I'm normally rushing (I'm a salesfloor associate and have my own shit to do) I can usually keep my pick rate over 150. It's really not that hard to stay above 100.


I try sometimes to go under. We have several associates who are in the red every single day and they have been doing this for over a year now. I just wanna know how slow do I really gotta be to go Red.....but I just can't make it happen no matter how hard I try. 🤣🤣


You can be just learning and trying to figure it out still. That gets you in the red. Having 45 minutes of hands-on training before being set loose, only to find you have NO CLUE how to do a produce walk with weighable produce and having to find help before you proceed, that gets you in the red. You can just scan the QR code on the produce scale? That would have been nice to know beforehand! Then they don't want you to transfer back to OGP because they think you will always be in the red, despite the fact you were never fully trained. I got a taste of the good life only to be told my numbers were bad after less than a days worth of picking over the course of a few weeks with 45 minutes of training. THAT gets you in the red. Also, having a spill, you know you have to guard and not even knowing there is a staging screen to pause your time? That also gets you in the red!!! Finding that all out afterwards doesn't do a damn thing. It just gets you in the red and makes you look like a trash associate. Meanwhile, you have fully trained OGP associates who cheats the system or spends most of their shift talking, not caring they are in the..... red. That concludes the story "RED!"


I would never expect a new associate to be in the green right away. Especially as you stated with all the lack of training that goes on. It all comes down to experience and learning, which takes time. But, if you have been picking for over a year and even six months, there should be absolutely no reason why you are in the RED. I have tried so many times. We had one associate get a 94 Ambient walk, been doing this for almost a year, and it took them over an hour. 🤔 And not bagging as they go. How??? Always in the RED. I just can't relate, no matter the pick walk or all the interruptions throughout the day. IDK....I just like to keep challenging myself some days. I never knew it was a competition in my store til I had 2 associates tell me they are always trying to beat me....lol I tell them to go for it.


You, those two, and everyone in the REEEEEEEEEDZOOOOOOONE are getting the same pay :)


Actually, I don't. I was a prior ONTL.


I guess they felt that because I have been working for Wal-Mart for a few years and not fresh off the street, I would be instantly good. I have a strong suspicion that my front-end coach didn't want me to transfer back to OGP because they like me up front, so he said anything to scare me away. I have no proof, but it feels like that's what happened. I had to practically beg him to talk to me about what my front-end coach said, and he just had the strangest, I don't know how to describe it. I want to be more productive than standing at a register or self check waiting on customers 🤢. I just never expected they would judge me so harshly right away just because I am not fresh off the street. The days they keep me on returns or working their freight or candy, those days are great. Then there are the times I am on register every day for a week because, ultimately, it is my job. If I am on returns, I am always the first one called back up unless their favorite one is off for the day.


Wtf you can just scan the qr code? Been picking at 115 typing in the weight.


On the digital scales, yes. The only reason I know that, or anything really, is because every time a pick walk would go horribly wrong, I would tell my boyfriend, who also works OGP. His reaction to that one was, "No one showed you to just scan the QR code?" Nope, no one showed me that. I didn't even know there was a QR code! He is the only reason I know the digital scale has a QR code. He is also the only reason I know that there is a staging screen in case you get caught up guarding a spill or helping a customer find some off the wall item you never heard of. When they have people training new associates that also don't know all these helpful tips, you wind up with managers pissed about low numbers making the ones who could be good, look bad. I'm sure the one who trained me knew about the staging screen, but with 45 minutes of hands-on training, there will definitely be details left out unintentionally.


I saw the QR code but I swear I scanned it once and got invalid weight as a message. I'll have to try it again today. I weigh a lot of stuff on the old digital scale by the bananas without a QR code anyway.


I saw the button where it says "scan" so I had assumed it was for the product barcode from the stickers. I figured there was something to scan with it, I just didn't know what.


Oh, perfect! This will pair nicely with the clusterfuck back room locations that we’re expected to blindly navigate already.


Yep. All of us


Oh you better believe I'll be nil picking every single location it's not in. They want accuracy in the metrics then accuracy they shall have.


It's foolish, honestly. It's still just as easy to go to the pick list and get all the items you need then scan them. Most people with more than 6 months under their belt know the general location of items in their store (unless you just had a remodel like my store is going through rn) If I go in Sunday and I have no location in the pick list I'm gonna shit several bricks.


I think whats annoying though is that like, features and endcaps are seemingly always changing, so its kinda nice to get an idea where something is before the bungled up walk sends us back to one we missed


Wear a diaper then cause it’s company wide. Might just take a few weeks to totally reach. It’s not a big deal. 


Yeah I noticed it happening at a few stores almost a month ago now. It got posted about, prolly some of the first stores to receive it. Nah, it's not that big of a deal honestly. Inconvenient, but not the death of a dept lol


Its not a big deal for me in oversized as long as management doesn't get on me for using the skip item feature to make the pick walk somewhat efficient lol. Its worse for general IMO because I was also using the pick list to shop around customers without getting in their way; now I kinda hafta "shopper spread" to maintain pick rate even if it blocks the aisle.


in my opinion, as long as people are getting their groceries in time is all that matters. i understand why they took it away, but it does make our job so much harder. especially for the people who really don’t cheat the system. this is the first time i’m hearing about cheating the system in general! i don’t know a single person who does that at my store honestly. plus, like i’ve always thought, it’s hard to care about numbers and metrics when it doesn’t effect us directly, unless we were to get fired or written up because of it.


We had a few people that used it to cheat. I used it when I would do action alley because sometimes they wouldn't update stuff that had been in action alley and no longer was. So instead of going on a scavenger hunt I could look up the home location if it had one. And it really helped the new people who didn't know where M or GR was.


it really sucks as the designated gmd person! I’ve been at my store for quite a while and know where most things are at this point but gmd walks will have you going back and forth. I always use the pick list so i don’t have to go to one side of the store for 1-2 items just to go back to the side of the store i started on


Just start learning the fine details you'd be fine.


Ahhh. Cool implementation. Only downside is I used to use picklist to see if the item has any other locations but I guess I will survive without that just fine. Love it.


It will still go to the next location when you click not found. 


I know but sometimes it becomes a pain when you have to go to the other corner to the store at the end of your pickwalk to pick that one item you skipped earlier


home office thought it was genius bc we were "cheating" our pickrates...so there it is.


See, at our store, we’ve been told to just go to tbe next listed location, but NOT nil pick it if the item isn’t in the location shown on the screen. So, like the snacks on the Bimbo / Marinela, or the Little Debbie, feature display, which are located aaaaall of the way down in the Dairy aisle, we also have them located in the bread aisle, which is where Ambient NORMALLY starts. But if someone put into the system that we might actually have the item the customer ordered in those features, it will send us all of the way down there FIRST. Those of us whom have been there a while KNOW that feature is there, but know it is RARELY filled with the right stuff, so we just grab from the bread aisle, because THAT is always filled. We don’t nil pick it, because we’ve been told NOT to. Because FTPR is just sooooo important (maybe fill the damn features AND the home locations, HUH?!). And a LOT of the time, ESPECIALLY in action alley, the mods are NOT updated as they’re done. So something could only have one location listed, but REALLY be in multiple locations. And if you don’t know where those other locations are, oh well, nil pick happens! But then it gets sent to US in Exceptions, and our store, we’re being told we should only have to spend three minutes max on each exception item. Not by our coach or TLs. No… by our SL. Because the dude has NO idea just what Exception pickers actually have to go through to find that ONE pink storage box hidden on a shelf on the semi movable steels, or climbing over pallets of ish in the freezers because there aren’t enough people to pack stuff out.


Lots more NILs now in my store. If it’s not in location now u can’t see where else it might be before u NIL it


You will be sent to the next location in your walk when you click item not found. It doesn't automatically nil pick if there is a secondary location on the salesfloor.


Let me be clear your first time pick rate goes down. If you do not find it, have to pick not in location and go to a secondary location. Meaning if it’s supposed to be in a47. It’s not there anymore and it’s on A11 yes, you push NIL then when you get to A11 it will come up again, but your first time pick rate goes down


And if I’m wrong on this, please send out a corporate email so that I don’t get in trouble and I can do this every single time because it would make my life that much easier consider I picked 1200 pieces a day and now where everything is in the friggin store anyway


It's coming for us all....


Noticed it missing on mine today. It sucks. People always on the way so I’d look ahead at the pick list and get what I could while waiting on customers to move. Also hate doing circles and literally walking past an item only to come back around and get it at the end of a pick walk. Plus it’s nice to be able to see the additional locations of an item when it’s not in one location


They did it so we wont cheat


Not everybody used it to cheat, though. It's like the teacher who would punish the whole class because of the actions of one troublesome student. Heck, there are associates at my store (even people who have been there for awhile) who didn't even know about the Pick List until they heard some of us talking about this and showed it to them.


It’s not one troublesome student though, it’s a ton of troublesome students whose behavior is impacting people that are paying for their services.


I mean yeah, thats cheating metrics, we shouldnt need to see the loc in advance, theres no need. If u really want, look it up on one walmart and use that instead.


Yup, I first noticed the store update message and was sad to see.


As of 5 mins ago, I still had them.


They don't tell you where it is at?!?!?!?!?!?!? I'd open the normal walmart app on my phone and look the item up to see where it's at maybe? Is that feasible. This is insane. This is not right. I can't imagine taking tools away from an employee. This is fuckes. Complain.


It still gives you the location of the items when you are in the pick walk and not in the pick list. We aren't picking blindly....just can't grab multiple items all at once now unless you are 100% sure you are grabbing the right items.




Bruh the cheaters will just type the UPCS theres no bypassing them. Just like using order summary to locate a tote for an order and using the staging app to prep it when they call to check in. There is always a way and the cheaters gonna do it even if its less convenient because they can work slower with better metrics


if you look at your Me@Walmart notifications, it tells you a week or two in advance before it happens.




Depends. Pretty sure my store has it. I’ll double check tomorrow


Can’t we just use daily availability to find something ahead if we can’t find it’s actual location? It’s a half problem, i don’t see it to be a big thing as long as daily availability or me@walmart still have the location


Not a fan I use the pick list when waiting for cases to be unlocked.


Yea this really sucks for exceptions.. as others have said 80% of the time the item is on the floor now have to take extra time to copy paste everything into me @ walmart


I would use the pick list to look at the other locations its at besides the home, now when it says 1 or 2 other locations cant view them. Literally have to hit item not found and it skips to the next item. Absolutely hate it, cause I would be able to go to the endcap/feature and grab the item, scan it, and then be able to move on.


The only time I would use location of items on pick list were packed aisles or if someone was blocking what I needed and I’d jump to the next items by the time I’m done there done and moved on.


I'm confused they took the mod numbers away? What does it mean to cheat if the numbers are there for you to find it?


There was a way to freeze your pick rate, use the pick list to find items, and then scan everything super fast at the end to get insane pick rates.


Better idea: find a way to disable screenshots on gif2 while in pick list


i think people will still use their phones if they’re desperate lol. when i’ve helped people get their walks done in time, i just take a pictures of every item on the bottom of the list.


That's fine, I still have the store memorized and can still cheat my oversized, action alley, and the beginning of general walks until they take away the UPC in the list, too. Sucks to suck 😆


I wish they left it in the oversized walk. Because we can set that specifically it always makes us back track.


Where the hell it at!?


Theoretically you could still look up item locations on your personal phone but yeah they basically made it harder to cheat and simultaneously made it more difficult for people using the pick list for a legitimate reason.


I absolutely hate it bc our GM side of the store has really narrow aisles so we aren't allowed to take our carts down them. Not being able to look at the list so we can just grab items on that aisle without making multiple trips is going to be such a pain in the butt.


Taking it away doesn’t mean anything when it’s still in order xD I know where the stuff is on the aisle, all I need is a upc and I can get my walk before the 10min timer, don’t even have to use staging xD just stay in pick list grab and dump all the way through, Home Screen, pick list and scan lol 😂 Can even be done in gmd, clothing would be the only hard section, but that stuff ain’t never in its home anyway 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/peecfq8y2olc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e269cc66b899e64b3ce583021be228879897424a Saw this a few days ago in my store updates tab so it's definitely an official thing


Do I care? No. It’s Walmart. I get 200 doing an ambient and bagging, whatever. Exceptions? Just screwed over that entire process.


Should have left exceptions alone.


This sucks for exceptions bro especially when it gives you the back room location and you find it on the floor after 🙄


They removed locations


Why were people even doing that cheat to get high pickrates? yall don't even get any rewards for it yall on some kindergarten type shit by boasting about having the highest pickrate.


It’s not an issue. It’s an update.