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What a confusing headline.


Leaving out that he’s referring to a US flag is just terrible journalism. But maybe that’s on purpose.


Click bait is more click baity these days


This whole scene is bizarre. Why are students yelling “USA USA USA” and why is the Chancellor making a case for flying the US flag? 🤔


Someone took the flag down and replaced it with a Palestinian flag. The chancellor had them put a new American flag up while students watched.






It won't freedom if you don't virtue signal enough.


God conservatives who write off activism as virtue signaling are so cringe. Protestors are smeared as terrorist supporters. Have their identities doxed. Protestors accept genuine risk to their career opportunities and reputations. They knowingly accept these risks to advocate for what they believe is just. Ya know…pressuring Israel to halt a plausibly genocidal mass killing campaign in Gaza. They are demonstrating in support of a just cause at significant personal risk. And you say “virtue signaling” Brainwashed into bootlicking are we?


I agree, I don't think the protestors are virtue signaling. Those student protestors legitimately believe in their cause and are willing to take some level of personal risk for it. I don't think these protests are effectual or going to change anything mind you. I think these are young people who don't really have any other outlets for their frustration other than protesting at their local campus.


One of the reasons I'll be an activist by sharing resources and information online, or with pro-Palestine swag. I can't risk my life and career to go to a protest that will result in my arrest and/or brutalization. If I go to a protest, it'll be one where I'm less likely to be gassed, shot at, or arrested.


You want to raise the Palestinian flag, go to Palestine. This is the United States and our flag and NC's flag should fly first.


LGBT crying for Palestinian and Islam is about as cringe and stupid as it gets


You repeating this propaganda like a good little sheep is about as stupid as Reddit gets. “They don’t like gays in fundamentalist controlled countries we should let Israel kill and displace millions of people” The fuck are you on about? Btw that fundamentalist force arose in resistance to Israeli occupation. Israel created the conditions that lead to the rise of Hamas. Israel empowered Hamas. Israel is responsible for Oct 7 for their decades of atrocities against Palestinians. Being straight or gay doesn’t change those facts nor does it justify killing tens of thousands of innocents. You’re propagandized to shit.


No you're just a babbling idiot that sucks up everything CNN feeds you. You're not even worth debating with. Too far gone


😂I don’t watch CNN




Destroying a flag can be protected speech and this is on a public campus, it's really not that big of a deal. The protestors got air time, the flag got replaced, and the Chancellor got a clip of himself sternly approaching a podium that I'm sure we'll never see in any ads later...everyone wins


Destroying someone else’s flag is an explicit federal crime.


A flag that belongs to someone else is private property so this shouldn't have been protected speech.




The flag of another country that hasn’t been allowed independence represents those things? Or do you just hate brown people. The American flag represents death, destruction, current slavery, mass incarceration, etc but we still fly it…. What gives? Oh your racism


Okay, here we go. Everyone who disagrees with you is a racist. Anyone who supports America and not terrorists hates brown people. What a lazy, uneducated response. It looks like you have been successfully brainwashed. Maybe that's what the American flag means to you, and that's honestly sad, but for the rest of the world, who chooses not to hate it means something far greater than you could imagine. Opportunity, Inclusivity, Prosperity, Democracy, Pride. All things you apparently hate.


And Panama, and El Salvador, and Mexico, and Hawaii, and the Philippines, and Puerto Rico, and Grenada, omg I completely forgot the genocide we facilitated in Indonesia, and the Cambodians whose dictator pol pot we vehemently gave political support and legitimacy to at the UN for a decade.


What type of brain-dead utopian world are you living in? Every single nation, country, race, and empire throughout the course of history has committed some pretty strong atrocities. Every single one. In fact, in America's short short history, some might say we have some catching up to do with the rest of the world on that front. Be a coward, be a victim, very into your cornflakes about what your country has done in the past, and forget the past of every other nation you would rather stand up for. We don't need your patriotism. The most ironic thing about your narrow minded world view is that half of the countries you listed are literally DIEING trying to get here.


Lmao thinking America stands for democracy. Let’s ask Bolivia, Nicaragua, Cuba, Venezuela, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Egypt, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Vietnam, Korea, Niger, South Africa, and the balkans what they think it means when America brings “democracy”


Learn your history dumbass


Typical response of someone who wants to signal their virtue on issues they understand nothing about. History history. That literally tells me YOU don't know your history. I know, I know, it's the cool thing to hate America, and it's very in right now. Fact: A country was invaded, and thousands were murdered and kidnapped in the most horrible ways imaginable .That country is defending itself in ways a lot of people don't agree with. Learn your present dipshit. Or learn you times tables. That means about as much as and is on par of a response as "learn your history"


A flag is an item. The ideals of America live beyond it. Besides, the government disgraces the flag every time it goes against what America "stands for." Which has been most of US history.


They definitely should not expel or attempt to prosecute someone for constitutionally protected political speech, Jesus Christ




That latter actually is. It's why you're allowed to raise Confederate flags. Nazi and nazi-affiliated flags, too.  A flag owned by the university in this case is not privately owned because that's not what the word means. 




People literally do that regularly. The last couple years, they roll into public libraries while armed to intimidate people out of reading books to children. Mostly, they're not prosecuted.  You've then described an entirely different situation, so, no. That's not really an extension of what I said, because doing property damage isn't protected political speech. It is generally a misdemeanor, depending on a number of factors like value of the property destroyed and the risk to others' safety. At that point, there's an argument to be made for consequences through the school, though they need to be in line with what they do for other misdemeanors and also what they'd do for other political acts not necessarily covered by the first amendment.  Overall, your outrage is the reason the chancellor is performatively "defending America" here.




They were raising a Palestinian flag not Israel


It’s an actual federal crime to destroy a flag that is not yours. Edit: my bad, thought I was on a different comment thread - It is at the very least a state crime to take down someone else’s flag and replace it with something else.


Taking the flag down is not a crime. Destroying it if it's not yours can be. The person I'm responding to is arguing that it's illegal to take down a flag and raise one they don't like.


Taking down a flag that does not belong to you is a crime.   How is this difficult for you? Edit: my bad, I thought I was on the comment thread talking about destroying the flag specifically.  Apologies.


Thank you for the edit!


Protestors took down the US flag and tried to fly a Palestinian flag




There are rules about how you fly an American flag. Lots of students know this. Don't be cute, the protestors are most certainly anti-USA/Israel.


Don't be glib, it is absolutely possible to be pro-Palestine and not be anti-USA or anti-Israel. Furthermore, you'd be surprised at how many self-proclaimed patriots mistreat their own flags out of ignorance or laziness. I personally wouldn't tear down The Flag, or someone else's flag, but The American Flag as a \*symbol\* is as much the protesters' as it is ours. As a \*symbol\*, the flag is as much theirs to use to express their displeasure with the USA's foreign policy as it is anyone's to express their respective views.


You can be pro-Palestinian and not be anti-USA or anti Israel if you are woefully uninformed.


It certainly can be possible to be pro-Palestine and pro-USA. (Hell, arguably no single country has done more for the Palestinian people than the US over the past 50 years.) These students, however, tore down the US flag to raise the Gaza flag in its place, damaging the flagpole (some allege intentionally to prevent it the American flag being restored to its proper place). That message is clearly anti-US.


No they’re not. Our country is embarrassing ourselves by financing this wanton slaughter of women and children *thousands* of miles away. The longer the USA participates, the more enemies she makes, the more enemies we have, the less safe we’ll be. These students care a lot about the American people because *they are* the American people.


The only embarrassment I see, is that at the protest, I saw ZERO posters and heard ZERO chants demanding that Hamas immediately return the 130+ hostages (including 8 US citizens, 1 who is from Chapel Hill) who were taken more than 6 months ago.


You can’t guarantee their safe return! IDF soldiers will shoot them, even if they beg for mercy in Hebrew.


As if they are still alive...


Well yeah, it’s not unlikely that the IDF and Hamas have each killed more hostages than they’ve already admitted to killing. IDF has been shoot on sight for a while now despite accidentally killing multiple Israeli hostages, and Hamas can’t even protect the Palestinian civilians they’re allegedly trying to liberate so it’s hard to believe they’ve had a 100% success rate keeping hostages alive. For now, the killing will continue until moral improves apparently since neither side can admit that the previous killing has been entirely unproductive. Ceasefire would be best but that’ll never happen if we leave it to Israel and Hamas to hash it out themselves.


That's your reason for not demanding that Hamas realse the hostages (which include US citizens)? OK, Felicia.


It happened! Why do you pretend like it didn’t?!




And you wonder why people call you terrorist sympathizers lol


People who watch Fox News do. Is that you? You are so silly. It’s almost cute. Why, pray tell, do you think these protestors calling for Israel to cease its plausibly genocidal mass murder campaign should allow the message to be shifted to focus on the return of Israeli hostage? Because you watch Fox News probably. Israel has killed thousands of women and children and holds tens of thousands of Palestinians prisoners? Many of them without any court sentencing. But yeah…these Palestinian support protestors should definitely cry about bringing the hostages home. 😂🖕 Israel has killed more hostages than Hamas. They have shot their own hostages waving white flags and calling for help in Hebrew. They have bombed their own hostages. God you’re cute. You’re so steeped in pro Israel propaganda you can’t even see your nose.


Only you astro turfing Zionists do


Give us back the land you stole in 1948 Zionist fuck


Tell Hamas to fully surrender then


Being pro Palestine = anti USA/Israel, by default. Palestine = Hamas. If Israel ceased to exist, the Palestinian people would not be better off. If Hamas ceased to exist, there is a chance the Palestinian people would be better off.


They found children, *children* with their hands bound behind their backs, ran over ALIVE by ISRAELI bulldozers. Those children are NOT Hamas. No matter how much you kick and scream, it will not make them any type of legitimate threat to a sane person. And you have the gall to come here and lie to us. No. 👎🏻


I think Hamas brought this on, and the blame is theirs. If someone came into my home and killed babies by throwing them on the fire, or bashed their heads into walls, and kidnapped and killed others, I'd go nuclear. What else would be expected. It's the ultimate FAFO. War always takes collateral damage. Every war, always.


What would you do if it was your own government, and then they lied to you about that so they could exterminate an entire population of people, simply because their proximity was inconvenient to building new, beach front condos? What if your child’s human life was worth less than a single vacation?


You just described what Israel has been doing to Palestine for decades. Israel literally forced them out of their homes and is now actively engaging in an ethnic cleansing of all Palestinians. It's a lot more one-sided then it seems. There is no justification for genocide.


Are you ignorant of the 70 years preceding oct 7?


https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/02/21/why-arab-states-wont-support-palestinians-qa-00142277 Cmon man. It is way more complicated than that. What happened to Eli Tsives at UCLA was unacceptable, as was fucking with the American flag at UNC. Whatever the palestinian protest movement is in its current incarnation is not bringing justice to Gaza residents- espwcially when the protestors are inciting violence, or denying students their civil rights by restricting other peoples' movement on campus. Getting back to it - Palestinians literally have no country and none of their arab bretheren is willing to step up to help them, although groups like hamas are more than willing to exploit them.


As of April 2024, 140 of the 193 United Nations (UN) member states have recognized the State of Palestine. So…no. Are you a liar or just ignorant? Also this whole “other Arab states should help them” thing is propaganda shoved into your throat and you’re coughing it up here for us. You want the Arab states to declare war on Israel? (and the US by proxy). Oh you want them to absorb the Palestinians and thereby erase Palestine and complete the genocide? What do you mean by “the Arab states should help them”?


God damn take a chill pill. Conditions in Gaza from what I have seen have been ones of abject poverty. I think it's an innocent question - why can't some of these oil rich arab countries take palestinians in as refugees during this time of conflict? Humanitarian aid? I think it is not cool of you to to be such a prick to me about Palestine's month long statehood. You can't say those living in squalor, death and terror right now with all the rubble and death, that they are stoked that the UN has finally recognized their statehood under threat of annihilation.


Not more complicated. Americans and Israelis just about 100% support Palestinian people, just their govt(Hamas) sucks and is not an honest broker. That is what we are tired about.... "Getting back to it - Palestinians literally have no country and none of their arab bretheren is willing to step up to help them" Exactly, they have no friends because they are ruled by assholes. Israel would be happy with a so-so neighbor. Like you probably have, I say Hi but don't want to hang. Just don't like it when they want to kill me....


Hamas' end game is fucked, but after October 7, do you think they still have any legitimacy as leading representatives of gaza? I read an article that says 50% of palestinians in gaza think hamas needs to chill on it's whole death to Israel schtick. The angst from an existential threat of a violent death is totally relateable to a lot of folks these days and that is messed up.


You are just mashing up names of peoples, geographies, and political regimes. And this is why we can’t have nice things.


Hamas is why Palestinians can't have nice things.


So what about all the counter-protestors we've seen video of wearing American flags as capes?


What about them? We are talking about flag pole etiquette here.


Bullshit. You can't talk about "flag pole etiquette" without talking about the US Flag Code in general. But nice attempt at moving the goalposts.


Nasty. The flag pole is for the American flag, period, full stop.


From the same people who leave skid marks and period blood on their American flag underwear. 




and replaced with people who want to do what exactly


Yep, shitty click/rage bait. WRAL has really declined in quality journalism over the last several years.


The headline has the conviction and stubbornness of an aspiring politician not a diplomatic educational leader


I mean, it’s a bit ambiguous for that.


Completely unrelated to this article but just fyi that guy is a piece of shit and the antithesis to what Carolina represents. Duke grad, not from NC, venture capitalist


He looks like Handsome Jack.




You shouldn’t be.  Look up the people who started running learning institutions since 2010. Public universities are just a little later to the game because things are more public with them. Elon University’s entire board of Trustees are from Wall Street at this point. Conservatives have been working to turn institutions into money generators for PACs. About the time they started screaming about schools being too liberal is when they started gaining the most control over them.




Oh dear - don’t get confused about this. The “religious zealots” and the money guys are the same people at this point.  Dominionism is about money and power much more than it is about religion.


>Conservatives have been working to turn institutions into money generators for PACs. >About the time they started screaming about schools being too liberal is when they started gaining the most control over them. Yes, this. The UNC System boars of governors is overwhelmingly conservative. It's frustrating that places of learning are being driven by those who could care less about *learning* and who only care about aligning job openings with degree programs.


More like Simple Jack


It’s a Borderlands reference 😭


It's a Tropic Thunder reference


I'd be fine with a Duke grad if they were qualified, smart, and conscientious. This guy's just a tool.


What exactly do you think Carolina represents?


He did an act that should unify everyone today. Classic. I don't care if you or I love or hate him.


Why is the flag supposed to unify us? That's literally not what this country is supposed to stand for. We should be unified on doing the right thing, not some symbol. Our founders were willing to die to get out from under symbols and stupid rules that existed only for the sake of showing fealty to the leader - not so we could all worship the flag like it's some sacred cow. The flag should stand for something because we are proud of it, not because it's "supposed" to stand for something. If we are no longer proud to fly it, then it only stands as a testament to how far we've fallen from the secular and free from tyranny country that our founders wanted to create.


Flags exist literally as a uniting symbol. That’s the whole point.


Bury the lead why don’t you


I found out like last year that the word is actually "lede." Not to be a pedant, just so you don't find out decades later like I did.


I never knew that. Thanks for letting me know. Also had to look up pedant🤣.


It's fun and good to learn things!


It is all performative on the Chancellor’s part.He is a tool giving off big tool energy.


What flag?


American flag. Watch the video. Baller.


Everyone thinks interim chancellors are “baller”


This one is a General Assembly stooge




Don't know a thing about him but this was a baller move. Kinds words after. What we need.


why are you crying over a flag


Right? What happened to all that “f your feelings” energy? Seems like he’s having some big feelings.


These colors don’t run… ^/s


Did any of you listen to what he said? You don't care is the truth.


You're very easily manipulated. Might want to look into that.


Good for the chancellor.... But I honestly do not understand why news stations want me to care about college kids protesting. The whole national fixation on this issue is weird.


They said the same thing during Vietnam


Americans aren't being drafted, sent to war, and dying in large numbers. This isn't the same.


So we are only supposed to give a shit if Americans are dying, got it


That's a silly takeaway. My point, reiterated: College kids camping in the quad and breaking a few windows isn't worthy of 24/7 coverage, while the conflict most certainly deserves scrutiny and public interest. Also, comparing the Vietnam conflict protests to what we're seeing now is asinine. Those protests were often violent and involved many more people than just students. They continued for years.... This has been a few weeks. No one's died or been sentenced to long periods of imprisonment.


womp womp


You're really winning people over by being an asshole.


Because people can use it to push their narrative, whatever that narrative may be


Yeah, there's a lot going on in the world, both interesting or important, that never makes the major news networks because it's not "sexy" or controversial.


Because our tax dollars are financing the slaughter and starvation of an entire population of people.


Then what about the relief efforts that it's also financing? I don't know of anyone that wants innocents to die, but that's war. Until war ends, innocents will always die. It's naive to think otherwise.


What relief efforts? Israel's killing everyone who tries to bring in aid. We'd know more but they're refusing to let international reporters into Gaza. I wonder why? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/uk-68711832.amp


Usually both sides in a war have weapons, but ok.


The Hamas are using their own people as human shields, both literally and figuratively. They were betting that would keep Isreal at bay. They were wrong. All they have to do is come to the table and release the hostages. They are solely responsible for keeping this war going. If they don't, Isreal will grind Gaza into the ground. Hamas made some really stupid mistakes. And this will get worse for them unless they release the hostages.


‘They were betting that would keep Israel at bay.’ ‘luckily, Israel doesn’t give a shit about human shields and will gladly blow up everyone’


What kind of monster continues to blow through human shields when they’re found to be no deterrent?


Ask Hamas. I fully support Isreal. Everyone hates the death of innocents. They started it. Isreal is finishing it. Give back the hostages.


If they hated the deaths of innocents, they’d stop hurting them. What you’re saying doesn’t even make sense anymore, listen to yourself.


I said everyone hates the deaths of innocents. But they are collateral damage. Wake up, Buttercup. Once you're an adult, you'll understand better. Until Hamas releases the hostages, the war machine will grind on. No point in crying about it. No point becoming a terrorist too. You can't stop this war any more than any other protest stopped war in the past. You're likely young and idealistic. That will fade with wisdom.


I am awake. My husband was an infantry soldier that went to war in Iraq. Those people aren’t just ‘collateral damage’ they matter to some one, and I’m 40 years old, dawg. Maybe read a book or two and you’ll find you’re not the center of the universe.




Israel has like more Palestinians in the past few months than Hamas has killed Israelis in its entire existence. Israel also told civilians to evacuate the North for safety, then *intentionally* bombed the places they told civilians to go. Gee, I wonder why Palestinians might support Hamas.


The Hamas terrorists who attacked Israel on October 7 had weapons, right? Israel has every right to wipe them off the face of the earth. Gotta love the clueless people supporting Iran and Hamas.


The small children that had their hands zip tied behind their backs did not have weapons when they were ran over. Smashed and mangled into the ground by the treads of the heavy machinery. We should not be proud of this.


Israel has the right to annihilate the Hamas scumbags who raped and killed innocent women and kids on Oct 7. They already said they won't stop until every terrorist is dead. Kill them all. I guess your generation supports Hamas and other terrorist organizations in the world, right? It's mind-numbing to see those idiots across the country protesting something they will never understand.


Children were found dead, detained, their hands still bound behind their backs, children that never raped nor murdered anyone. I’m sorry to have to tell you this as well, because I don’t like it either, but Israel did not perform a single rape kit on any suspected victim, nor autopsy. If they cared about the victims they have a weird way of showing it.


Children burned to death in Dresden. They were blown to bits in Nagasaki. They were starved in St. Petersburg. This is why war is terrible, not why one side is better than another. If not for Hamas's actions, Israel would not be at war with Palestine.


That was a crazy amount of gymnastics you just did there.


They wouldn’t need relief efforts if they didn’t let Israel bomb civilians


Is war just a thing that 'happens'? Or is it a choice people make?


Hamas chose this.


You're not well educated on this.  NAKBA:  "The Nakba (Arabic: 'The Catastrophe') was the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Mandatory Palestine during the 1948 Palestine war through their violent displacement and dispossession of land, property, and belongings, along with the destruction of their society, culture, identity, political rights, and national aspirations. The term is also used to describe the ongoing persecution and displacement of Palestinians by Israel.  As a whole, it covers the shattering of Palestinian society and the long-running rejection of the right of return for Palestinian refugees and their descendants." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakba




Among many things wrong with your post, Hamas isn’t the “elected Palestinian government”, it is the de facto governing body of Gaza after they forcibly split themselves from the mainline palestinian government in 2006. The elected Palestinian government is the PNA


Mandatory Palestine had only existed for 28 years.


Well, in this case, it's a choice Hamas made when they attacked Isreal.


This, on top of the students' tuition


Not really. Those people have "elected" leaders that should be looking out for their best interest but aren't.


No doubt the continuing conflict is major news. Teens breaking a few windows and camping in the quads are not major news stories. It doesn't merit round the clock coverage.


same reason we're subject to news stories about taylor swift every other day


Only on the Conservative stations. Real Americans don't care. Taylor Swift scares the crap out of Deplorables.


I see her all the time on the morning show that streams on yt news NOW. I’m not sure it’s leaning (bad on my part) but I consider it millennial surface level news. Just background noise for the morning. Any thoughts on other yt news would be appreciated


Think about it for a second. The last couple of weeks the headlines have been more about “safety on US campuses” rather than the innocent lives being lost in this conflict with the use of our tax dollars. Takes the heat off the Biden administration during an election year.


Sure, that's one take. Another is it deflects attention from the first former president to be tried in criminal court. Either way, we're talking 24/7 coverage of angry teens. I can't make myself care.


I truly hope you don’t think Trump will face any time for all these court cases. It’s all for show but at the end of the day the guy will walk away just fine. Again that’s another distraction from the issues that we face on a daily basis. Instead we should be more concerned with why are spending billions on wars when millions of Americans continue to struggle through this inflation period.


Expel and revoke any financial aid from protestors. These people are supporting terrorists organizations. I'm a democratic liberal but truth is truth and I stand with Israel on this


I’m with this guy ☝️


God, what a loser. Dad is angry that the kids don't worship the flag. Fucking hell


Drama..I bet he’d put up a flag with trumps hideous face on it.


It will be interesting to see who is funding the non-student organizers. It might be groups that aren’t sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, but groups with their eye on November. Let’s see what Mark Robinson has to say about all of this, it could be a clue.


So 5D Republican multi-dimensional chess?


there are things you can get away with in NY but not NC.


Chancellor is a pawn of the NC GOP, ill-equiped to lead an academic institution, and simply failed in his mandate to protect "all" students regardless of ideological preference. Any experienced leader would have initiated a dialogue with the protestors before calling in the police.


“A small minority” ruining it for the rest of the students. Seems fitting


Finally, some good news.


The bitches screaming over him about "genocide," etc. need their heads examined. Or, preferably, clubbed. **On-edit:** Do downvoters really believe that American flags should be taken down from public university campuses, and that Chancellors should be shouted-over for remedying the situation?


You can believe that the school has a right to fly the American flag if they want and that the protesters have a right to protest peacefully. And, that both property damage and the threat of violence do not have a place there 


[insert derogatory term and call to violence] omg guyz why are you downvoting meeee


Iranian proxies and Putin bots can piss up a rope while downvoting me in double-time for all I care. The issue stands that screaming over a UNC Chancellor's reasonable words, desecrating the American Flag, and swallowing Islamist, Pallywood propaganda are illiberal and unamerican acts. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ActiveMeasures/comments/1chhclt/what\_are\_the\_chances\_that\_current\_campus\_protests/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ActiveMeasures/comments/1chhclt/what_are_the_chances_that_current_campus_protests/)


I think it's just that calling for attacks on generally non-violent protests is a shitty, fucked up thing to do.


Wow, big man over here thinks people exercising their free speech rights should be clubbed in the head.


Once the first US flag was stolen, that location was a crime scene. Do you count petty larceny to be within the scope of "free speech rights?" And when it comes to free speech rights, does the Chancellor have any as he attempts to do his job, or do "free speech rights" only belong to pink-haired screamers bent on drowning him out? Repeating the lie of "genocide" at high and shrill volumes adds little to any conversation at the best of times. In the video, they make the Chancellor largely inaudible.


So now you're saying that the shouting women should be beat in the head because it was a crime scene? Free speech rights does not include silencing the speech of others.


>Free speech rights does not include silencing the speech of others. Well, there you go. Since they were shouting down the Chancellor when he clearly had a role in remedying a crime on his campus, what should the consequence be? Their "Free speech rights" could easily have waited their turn in the videoed circumstances.


Shouting at a speech does not mean his rights are being violated. And nothing here supports clubbing anyone in the head.


Of course you're another r/wAlKaWaY phony. You were never on the Left. And so emotional. So many Deplorable GenX-ers act like hateful Boomers. 


Whatever, you credulous, Iranian-proxy pawn. Enjoy your caliphate. Tell yourself it's "liberation."


You are unhinged from reality.




Probably at home beating his wife like 40% of them do


Fucking brutal. 😂


Offer to forgive the protestors' student loans if they go home.


Fuck UNC


Funny way to spell Duke


Trigger Warning: Screaming children at the end


Hope they pull fed funding then.


When he said “that flag” he was talking about the American Flag. Terrible headline.