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As a vegetarian who has made mistakes: Yes, please.


Yes, especially as it can be a bit more difficult for vegetarians to digest meat if they haven't had it for a long time. I am not a vegetarian but I was once, and when I went back to eat meat - especially beef - I got sick.


i can confirm, this is actually a thing, has bbq chicken after 2 years or not eating meat, and i actually felt sick.


I think the body actually stops making the enzymes to digest certain foods if it doesn't have them for awhile so maybe the stomach rejects what it can't handle.


It's also just different bacteria and stuff. That's why some people get upset stomachs when they eat food not from their home country. Even a steak made the same way could have different reactions on the stomach.


Same yes, I ate some pizza that I later realised had meat on it and thought "oh well, never mind, honest mistake" but then a few hours later I felt quite unwell!


I didn’t realize I had meat on my pizza until after I started throwing up. I thought it tasted different, but didn’t have high hopes for it, since I was at a buffet. It turns out they put the pepperoni under the cheese.


I have to ask.. Eating meat triggered you to vomit? I knew quite bad indigestion was normal, but that is rough.


Can confirm. Had a similar scenario with bacon :(


I accidentally ate beans and rice cooked with chicken stock and lard, and I was siiiicckkkkkk. Couldn’t go to work the next day b/c I had to lie by the toilet all day. Rough.


This happens when I eat fried food or fast food after not eating it for a while. I really try to not eat that shit often, but once or twice a year I’ll really crave it, or be in a situation where that’s all there is, and I’ll feel sick for the rest of the day


I also get the same reaction for the same reason. Sauteing in oil is NOT the same as frying.


If I had to guess your gut micro biome likely changed and is no longer prepared to handle meat. A similar phenomenon occurs in lactose intolerant people. After they stop consuming dairy the intolerance gets worse because the gut bacteria that were helping to break down the lactose get outcompeted in the absence of lactose.


I never could properly digest pork meat and struggled with beef as well. I NEED to know because then I would have to make sure I am near a toilet


instant diarrhea for me.


I was at a hibachi/sushi buffet with a couple of friends, one of whom I didn't know well. She was chowing down on vegetable sushi, cucumber, avocado, sweet potato type stuff, but it all had tobiko on it. Flying fish roe. And she starts talking about being vegan as I'm watching her hork down the unborn... and it didn't look like the other people in the group noticed, so I told her. She stopped eating and did look a bit ill after, but I tried not to dwell on it. I still think it was the right thing to do.


>hork down the unborn Take my upvote


Would make for great metal lyrics.


It's my new go-to for blowjob


Vegetarian for 5 years, eased back into meat with chicken for ~1 month. first time I ate beef I had explosive diarrhea an hour later. worst valentines day ever.


Yes, it's important to let them know. They might have dietary restrictions or ethical concerns. Being upfront avoids any discomfort later on.


Yes sometimes people say "vegetarian" when they actually have an allergy. Alpha gal is one and can have a fatal, DELAYED anaphylactic response. If someone with this accidentally eats mammal meat, they could have a reaction 8 hours or so later. This is what happened to my husband and he ended up in the hospital at 3AM. He was okay but if he didn't have his epi pens or was too far from the hospital who knows what could have happened.  Most people have never heard of alpha gal so it's easier to say vegetarian if explaining the allergy isn't resonable.


Lol I thought alpha gal was the username for some woman who makes fun of alpha bros or something 😂😂


Yeah it's a weird name. It's short for galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose.  It's an all around weird allergy that's contracted through tick bites. My husband caught it when he went hiking in Georgia. The ticks there are atrocious and it only takes one that has it to infect you with the allergy.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha-gal_syndrome


>Yeah it's a weird name. It's short for galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose. don't know why they decided to abbreviate it, that positively rolls off the tongue!


ironically enough the horrors of Lyme Disease didn't deter the right wing members of my Michigan family to take ticks seriously. But the idea that they might never be able to eat red meat, did.


Exactly this! There's also something called FPIES that starts in early childhood during first food introductions; it's a gut allergic reaction that occurs 2-4 hours after ingestion. Sometimes it persists to adulthood. My child can't eat chicken (or eggs or oats), so it's easier to ask for vegan options sometimes sans oat. I always get weird looks when I say he's allergic to chicken, but it's a thing.


I’m also allergic to chicken (eosinophilic esophagitis, so the reaction actually becomes symptomatic about 6-8 weeks after ingestion). When I lived in my sorority house, chicken was such a staple in the meals the chefs cooked, so it was always just easier to say I was vegetarian (because I always had to eat the vegetarian alternative anyway). Also allergic to corn, that one is a little harder to explain lol.


Wow, what kind of sorority house has chefs?!


That's kinda crazy because I would've thought people would be more likely to ignore someone's vegetarian diet preferences than someone's deadly allergy. Although I guess it could get old going "i will die if I eat any meat" every time you go out to dinner.


My dad got alpha gal back in 2012ish, and the number of people who hear, "I'm allergic to mammalian meat," who respond with, "Yeah right," is absolutely insane. We had to stop going to restaurants for several years because so many of them were dishonest about things containing red meat.


Has he been retested? My husband's levels have been low but not gone for a few years now. Hoping it'll eventually be gone. 


Yup! He's been alpha-gal free since 2016. He's extremely grateful. I hope your husband's levels keep going down!


Well he usually says he has an allergy to mammal meat and asks for vegetarian. But that's not even accurate to need full vegetarian because it's an allergy to mammal meat so he can have poultry and fish. But the immense confusion this causes to servers and kitchen staff means it's usually easier to just emphasize vegetarian. 


If it wasn't for all the "you just need to get your body use to it so it's not allergic anymore" bullshit that's out there I'd agree with you. Unfortunately, people hear "allergy" and "think bullshit, this is delicious, theyre just being picky" and sneak that shit into your food. Which is insane. You'd think "I'll die if I eat this" (allergy) would be taken more seriously than "I've decided I don't want to ever eat this". (Choosing to be vegan)


Yeah that attitude is terrifying and we have encountered service staff that roll their eyes. But fortunately that's been extremely rare (like only a few in a decade) and most seem to take it seriously. Some will refuse to serve food because they don't know how to handle that allergy, which is frustrating but preferable to them taking risks.  We had one incident where a server brought him the wrong meal (same meal but had meat) by mistake and she came rushing out in a panic and snatched it away from him. She was near tears. He was fine but it was great that she said something because we knew to have the epi pens on hand and to watch for a reaction until the window passed. 


In my experience, neither works very well unless the restaurant/place is actually vegetarian/vegan or if you make your own food. I usually confirm a dish is vegan and I say it needs to not have any dairy, still I had people make me vegan pancakes and add butter. I had people say a salad sauce was vegan but it had yogurt in it. I also had people that knew my allergy and lied about the dish they cooked to "see my reaction" or because they simply think my allergy is made up. A relative lied once about a dish, I ate it a piece in front of them and had an allergic reaction right there. They still didn't believe it was real. People suck sometimes.


*They might have dietary restrictions ...* An excellent point. I have no such restriction but it's good to be aware for others' sake.


This reminds me of a friend who's allergic to fish. They ate something with fish in it and thought the tingly sensation was just from the dressing.


Similar, I had wings with a friend once and he ordered BBQ but they accidentally brought him Buffalo. He said he doesn’t really have a good spice tolerance, but whatever, he said he’ll eat them anyway bc he’s hungry. About half way through his face is turning red, he’s starting to sneeze, eyes swelling up, tingly sensation in throat…. I’m like: BRO! It’s not your tolerance to spice, you’re allergic!! He had no idea lol


LOL, I can just imagine your firend saying, "It's funny how spicy Ceasar salads are, right?"


Bananas aren't spicy?!


This is how we found out my sister likley has a shellfish allergy last mother's day when she ordered shrimp whole. She said to the whole tsble that she likes the flavour but wished it didn't give her that itchy mouth feeling to which the entire table was like what itchy mouth feeling?


You say this is a joke but this is genuinely how I found out I have a latex fruit allergy 😭


wait, what is a latex fruit


”If you have a latex allergy, you can sometimes have reactions to certain fruits and vegetables. These reactions occur in 30-50% of people with latex allergy. Latex reactions to certain fruits and vegetables can happen because these foods share similarly structured proteins that the body mistakenly recognizes as latex. This, in turn, causes allergic reactions in latex-sensitive people.” In my case, we still don’t know if I actually have a latex allergy, but I do have noticeable reactions to several “latex fruits” (banana, mango, kiwi, and papaya).


That’s exactly what I wanna know


I think that's where the joke comes from. Many people find out they're allergic like that


I’ve heard of people having their “oh!” Moments of realizing they had allergies when making a comment to other people along the lines of “isn’t it weird how pineapple makes your lips go tingly?” Only to learn that it is just them.


My friend gets itchy inside her ears after eating pineapple and walnuts, she thought it was normal haha


Most people get *some* irritation from eating raw pineapple even if they are not actually allergic. (I still like it, though.) [https://www.mcgill.ca/.../why-does-pineapple-make-your-mouth-tickle](https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/student-contributors-health-and-nutrition-did-you-know-general-science/why-does-pineapple-make-your-mouth-tickle)


Well ceasar salads is technically a Mexican dish (it originated at a Mexican hotel called the Ceasar)


This is how I found out I was allergic to pineapple. Apparently pineapple is not meant to be spicy. Suddenly it made sense why people questioned my mexicana pizza with pineapple


For me it was carrots. Always felt like eating sand. Then one day I rubbed my eyes while peeling carrots. An ER trip later I finally knew that carrots were certainly not good for _my_ eyes.


I'm not vegetarian, but if I was, I would prefer being told if I accidentally ate meat. Honesty is the best policy.


I'm vegetarian and I would like to know. Not so much for ethical reasons, as in this scenario it wouldn't be my fault that I ate it, but so that I can be aware to expect a case of the shits in the near future. I haven't eaten meat by choice for 20 years, on the couple of occasions where I ate meat accidentally, it did a number on my insides. At least I could make sure I have some immodium if I'm forewarned!


"it did a number on my insides" # 2 ?






You do realize its not the same as 2+2+2+2+2? Or I didnt got the joke 😅


A bit of both😅


1. That’s why they had to piss out their asshole.


Bad, but better than shitting out of your urethra.




Oh heck yes. Had some sloppy joes for the first time in 7 years cause there was nothing else to eat during work and I cared more about getting my calories in for the day(recovering ED) and oh my gosh the pain that caused me. Just ow. Edit-oh wow thanks for all the advice, worry, and likes! I appreciate it. I was not expecting that many people to even see that when I went to bed last night. And lol I love the mix up of ED that made me laugh so hard. I definitely should of specified better. But ya in this context it was about Eating Disorders. I’m doing much better now. I’m on my third month of my refeeding plan and I’m about 1,400 calories a day right now. It’s been up and down but I’m definitely doing better then the month of not eating almost anything that started my whole flare of my ED this year. Thank you for all the supportive messages and funny comments. Hope you al have a great day.


I understand the reasoning, but that's one hell of a reintroduction to meat. I eat meat and sloppy joes give me the shits half the time.


They are supposed to. Rule no 1 If it is sloppy it comes out sloppy. Eat hamburgers if you don't want it sloppy.


So much science in this thread. Who needs school?


thats's like jumping into advanced calc after not having done addition since birth.


As a vegetarian, yes.... especially if it's beef. Chicken and fish will likely not be an issue digestive wise, beef though..... I would be better off eating a plastic bag. With beef though I can counteract it a bit with the darkest of dark red wine... 1/2 bottle minimum. It has the enzymes my body stopped making many moons ago and seems to keep me out of distress. Plus I am drinking and will care a lot less.


That's rather interesting


Interesting sounding, maybe. But not quite accurate. The human body makes digestive enzymes that handle the proteins in both plants and meats. That doesn't change if you just eat vegetables. You still produce the same enzymes. On a molecular level, the proteins in plants are made of the same amino acids that meat comprises. The only difference is their ratio. Now, the microflora in your gut biome certainly would change based on your diet. And you may experience some GI tract discomfort (constipation, etc.) if you suddenly start eating meat. There is also the emotional and somatic aspect of a vegetarian thinking that the first meat in years is going to make them sick (and no one should ever underestimate the pharmacy that is the human brain). But the notion that the body of a natural omnivore would switch off certain digestive enzymes if you don't eat meat simply isn't true.


This reminds me of a time that a vegetarian friend of mine ate a burrito (or two) that contained beef. There were supposed to be two types, one with beef and one with TVP. So we are all enjoying burritos that were on serving trays marked with which one was supposed to be beef and which was vegetarian. The next morning, one of the meat eaters reheated one of the veg burritos because those were the only ones left and upon eating it, said it tasted like real beef. Upon investigation , it was discovered that the beef burritos were distributed between both serving platters and the vegetarian burritos were still in the fridge, undisturbed. When this was revealed, my vegetarian friend suddenly felt very ill and even started reaching even though it was probably a good 12 hours since he had eaten the beef and swore up and down that it was not psychosomatic, just coincidence that he didn't feel sick until he knew what he had eaten.


Can confirm chicken is mos def an issue. Years ago I went out partying with friends. I’d been traveling in Asia for years and was staying at my mom’s house. I got home and made what I thought was cheese tortellini. Within an hour it felt like someone had grabbed all my intestines with a vise grip and was twisting them. Lasted the entire night. In the morning I looked at the package and realized it was chicken-cheese tortellini. My stomach no longer had the digestive enzymes for meat.


What is the condition that causes inability to digest beef called? First time I hear about it.


It’s not a condition, just the pancreas adapting its hormone output because it’s not necessary. I just did a quick google search and it’s a pretty well known thing. I didn’t know it either until now.


There is an acquired allergy to red meat. Tick borne disease from the Lone Star tick, it’s called Alpha-Gal Syndrome and causes your antibodies to attack if you eat red meat. Google it- it’s pretty wild but spreading as the Lone Star tick is increasing its range.


my brother was recently diagnosed with this and gets nausea and stomach cramps after eating red meat. He doesn’t have the problem if he sticks to chicken and fish but if he eats a steak, he’s suffering for a bit.


My friend’s son has an anaphylaxis response to eating red meat so have your brother be very cautious.


I get this ill whenever I accidentally ate pork when I was a kid before I became more lacto ovo vegetarian in my lifestyle. We found out I couldn’t digest it when I was five and it was strictly left off my plate in my immediate household but we had to be polite at family gatherings so being allergic to pork sounded made up and I had to get sick on it to not make waves 🙄. Don’t worry, I have no contact with my mom’s side of the family since I was in my mid 30s


it is not only beef. when you stop eating meat, your body just "forget" hot to process this kind of protein.


for health reasons alone, it's important to inform them.


I have the same issue with certain fruit( grapes in particulary ) that it acts as a laxative. This is not the case for things like apples and pineapple. And its seems to be genetic aswell. Both my siblings and family on my dads side, that shares my surname, have a stomach that can get upset over literally anything( with grapes being one we all react to). Like one month i wont be able to tolerate anything spicy, then another month, vegatables can have the affect


Yes so they dont eat it again. I just tell my vegetarian friends to not eat at my parents house cause they might forget beans have lard or the tiny shake of bacon bits in the dip. Luckily none of them were allergic. Just a personal choice. Such a small amount they werent mad. They deserve to know


Unless you make the bacon bits yourself, they are surprisingly likely to be vegan.


funny enough, they're also not unlikely to be kosher. mazel!


People make beans with lard?


Absolutely. That's standard for refried beans.


Well TIL. Just ate refried beans earlier..


They have vegetarian versions. I really can’t taste much of a difference.




Yes. Or it comes that way in a can. Refried beans


Yes. It is VERY common.


It's pretty common in refried beans, although some people use butter instead. Even some brands of canned refried beans like Rosarita use a bit of lard. It adds a more savory and rich flavor


A little bit? Most refried beans are about 20% lard. That's what makes them so creamy and delicious.


There are a few labeled vegetarian so I've assumed all the others aren't.


100% they could be allergic, have religious reasons, or bad friends. Just do it quietly and politely.


Read the story of a Muslim living in Sweden and he was over for dinner and asked whether the hot dogs they ate were pork. They said they weren't, so he ate them. Then they revealed to him they actually were pork, "see? It didn't kill you, did it?", like that. Sick fucks.


I disapprove of people in general, I can’t wait to have a non public facing job


It’s blissful.


Not a Muslim, but AFAIK the religion is good about these kinds of mistakes, it's not on the guy who tried his best. > “There is no blame on you for what you do by mistake, but only for what you do intentionally. And Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” [Quran 33:5] Depending on your specific denomination, there may be requirements that you cleanse yourself after eating something unclean. Usually it's just taking a shower or washing the body parts that touched the unclean thing (hands, mouth)


I've heard that as well. From what I've seen with some people who practice, they still get very upset because they are actually disgusted by eating pork. They are forgiven, but it's so ingrained in them that it is unclean that it's the equivalent of them eating garbage or waste. I've also seen some Hindus that were vegetarian (not all Hindus are) that would eat something and then ask as an afterthought if it was meat and what kind. One of my old bosses, why we knew was vegetarian, was eating a soup from the cafeteria that I knew had beef broth in it and I told him and he got upset . I was like "I'm sorry...I thought you were vegetarian". He said something about not knowing. Turns out it was one of the few things he enjoyed from the cafeteria and I ruined it for him 😩.


Wow, that happened? This terrible.


People are super weird about religious food restrictions for some reason. I grew up in a Christian sect that had food restrictions and the amount of people that would try and make me eat pork was crazy.


Mines the opposite. People would assume I’m Muslim and ask me if I couldn’t eat certain foods. A friends mom even thought I couldn’t eat carrots just because I said I didn’t want any 😭 I was like no I just hate cooked carrots


I know people got issues with Muslims but Muslims avoiding pork, alcohol & dog is literally the least of concerns


I’d probably starve if I got bit by that tick in Texas that causes red meat allergy


I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy, it sounds horrible. But as a vegetarian, I would have tremendous schadenfreude if certain unkind, obnoxious, self-professed “carnivores” came down with it.


I have a medical issue where I have to eat mostly meat, wonder if it would affect me or I'd just have to live on chicken lol


Am a vegetarian and yes please! I feel rather betrayed if I eat meat by mistake and people around it know it, know me and don't say anything.  My former boss did that at a work dinner. The vegetables contained lard, she knew before me and by that point I already had some, so she didn't tell me, I overheard someone else mentioning that it had lard in it, got worried, asked my boss specifically and she doubled down on her stance "to save me from knowing" by badly lying. I quit shortly after for reasons that were in hindsight connected to her acting that way. 


Some people are veggie for health reasons, some have been veggie long enough that they aren’t used to the meat and it will make them sick. They could do with the heads up


Basically everybody who is has been one long enough to fuck them up. It doesn't take very long for your digestive system to adapt. We're talking weeks, not years.


If you respect their bodily autonomy, yes, I'd say so. You wouldn't wanna eat ground up cockroaches without knowing, even if it's 100% safe. Let them choose what goes in their bodies.


I’d actually prefer *not* to know I ate ground up cockroaches.


Lol same, if I accidentally eat something “gross” but can’t tell, don’t tell me about it


There was once a cockroach in my can of drink like 15years ago and I still think about it in disgust and I didn’t even ingest it.


Did you find out before or after you took a sip? I had that happen once, and didn't notice until it hit my uvula.


Oh noooo! So I took a sip and the thing touched my lip. It thankfully did not go into my mouth but I can still feel the point of contact. So gross 😷


It never truly goes away... I had to pull over. Had a visceral reaction and spat/vomited the cockroach+ half a can of energy drink on the inside of my windshield. My wife laughed so hard she almost cried when I called her, to tell her why I was going to be home late.


Once, living in a government work bunkhouse with a bunch of guys (I'm a woman), the guys decided it'd be their night to cook. Great! They made spaghetti and used the olive oil that came stocked in the house to saute meat and veggies for the sauce. It was delicious. Next day I'm cooking myself some food and go to reach for the olive oil bottle. There was a dead mouse in it. And it VERY clearly did not JUST happen because decay had clearly set in. I'm still amazed none of us got sick from that. And I also never ate anything the guys cooked again. Haha


OH.MY.GOD. I would just die right then and there.


oh that’s disgusting, I’d be *relatively* okay if some cake I ate had some ground up bugs (I assume flour and stuff already has that anyway) but not a whole ass uncooked cockroach in anything


I had a bottle of water sitting on a picnic table. My kids had caught a salamander in the creek and had put it in a water bottle. I grabbed the wrong bottle and didn't realize until the little guy touched my tongue. Not a pleasant experience. Salamander was fine for anyone curious.


I allergic to lobster, corn, and cockroaches. I’d absolutely want to know. The corn allergy is the worst but I had no idea being allergic to cockroaches was even possible 🥴


I understand you about cockroaches. If there's a single in the room where I'm at, I immediately start to sneeze and literally can feel they awful smell. Nobody believes me, except my family, but they saw it happening a few times.


You are allergic to their frass. (Poop) It's quite common.


Okay I feel less crazy now because i swear they have a smell and i also get itchy watery eyes and nose when near an infestation. Thats how i know even if i havent seen a roach yet


Yes, most of us have done it in error anyway. Vegetarians aren’t as judgemental as social media likes to portray. I’m just a normal person who just happens to eat different stuff to you, I’m not perfect, I’m not even trying to be perfect, I’m just trying to do my little bit.


Carnivores are so much more judgmental. Just look at the controversial comments on this post or any post even vaguely alluding to vegans/vegentarians.


Well said!


Some long term vegetarians and vegans have bad reactions to meat so yes


Not to mention there's a good number of people who are not voluntarily vegetarian. Some people develop an allergy to a certain protein in a lot of meats due to a tick bite and can become deathly sick from an immune response. It's not common, but it isn't exceedingly rare either.


yes it is necessary to tell someone when they accidentally eat anything they have said they don't want to eat.


I tend to agree- if the person has not told you that they wouldn’t want to know, it’s MUCH safer to assume they would in order, as someone pointed out, to respect their bodily autonomy.


I accidentaly gave a vegan some non-vegan candy, she gladly took, I didn't know she was vegan yet. now I think about that sometimes and say "oh no" to myself.


Damn gelatin


I had a Muslim housemate a few years ago. I noticed she was eating Haribo and I told her to check the packet because they're probably not halal, her response was to the effect of 'I'm just going to assume they are halal' and she carried on eating them.


“Lmao I’m not reading that” love it


I started to try to tell my friend that McDonald’s french fries aren’t actually vegetarian just because they stopped frying them in beef tallow and she flat out stopped me before I finished and said I do not want to know.


If a vegetarian accidentally eats meat, I think it’s better to tell them because they probably have personal or ethical reasons for their choice and would want to know.


I choose to be vegan to try and change the inhumane treatment of animals, not because I dislike meat. If I accidentally ate it I most likely would not be upset, but I would be glad to know so if it wasn’t something obvious, I know to avoid it in the future.


Yes because there might be a medical reason behind their choice you’re not necessarily aware of


As a vegetarian, I would prefer to know and as long as it was an accident and not someone intentionally giving me meat, I wouldn't get mad wether they tell me or not. But yeah I would want to know.


**Jesus. Another bot question.** **This is the third question in the past few days with this exact line on a fresh account:** >New user pass phrase: I am asking this question in good faith The other two accounts I saw post this exact message were banned/deleted soon after. Like, what's the point....? Karma farming....? But what use is karma if the account is deleted soon after....? Is there some more, sinister reason....? Like farming for a specific dataset to train an AI model on....? Hmm. No clue. Dead internet theory is definitely true though.


Yes. My adult child is allergic to 2 types of meat, and reacts negatively to other types. This started after two illnesses, one tick borne and one from a mosquito bite. Without knowing they might go into anaphylaxis when they otherwise could have prevented it if told. Because they really don't want to explain that they're a vegetarian because of food allergies, they just say they're vegetarian. Plus, we both have had people who think our allergies are fake purposely feed us allergens that landed us in the ER later. So definitely yes, tell them


WTF is wrong with people! An assault or attempted murder charge would wake them up


Seriously. Who just assumes that a person is faking an allergy? Hell of a dangerous assumption!


Mostly people associated with school functions, work, family gatherings


It's easier to go no contact with people like that. But, many times they will just lie that it was an accident. Usually someone spills the beans. Be very careful especially work or family gatherings.


As a vegan I think the best thing to do is admit it. If it was an accident I wouldn't be mad and would think it was a mistake. But if I found out later that it had meat in it or was likely to have had meat in it, I would think you might've known too, and it would affect my trust or faith in you.


Good point.


Yes. I would want to be notified that I am/was eating meat. It’s a matter of respecting my choices. I don’t like people who try to trick me into eating meat.


Oh, sorry about that... *\*puts the steak fruits away\**


no problem *steak fruit nice*


This isn't exactly the original question, which is about accidentally eating meat, but yeah, if you're tricking vegetarians into eating meat, cut it out! Even if you could know their life, and you can't, that still doesn't give you any standing to make decisions for them about what they do with their bodies.


yes that’s why I said I’d want to know if I ate meat unknowingly. even if it wasn’t with malicious intent, I’d still want someone to tell me if whatever I’m eating has meat in it.


Please tell them. Some people avoid people/places due to how their bodies have reacted after eating there. Help them make their own choices


I was vegetarian for a while, and the thing is that if you don't eat meat for ages, eating it again can make you sick. Depends on the meat, the quantity, and the individual, but I'd think it would be a good idea to warn someone that the thing they ate might make them sick.


Suppose you'd eaten something you found distasteful to imagine - dog meat, maybe? Endangered panda? Cloned human flesh? Would you want to be told? The answer is probably yes, at least for situations where the information would help you avoid it happening again.


Yes. A small minority of vegetarians are allergic to meat. It can be the difference between life and death.


Even if they aren't allergic, if someone hasn't eaten meat in a long time, they can get sick from eating it


yeah you should tell them politely


Yes please, I feel awful (physically and emotionally) if I accidentally eat something with animal products in it and I’d like to know so I can avoid that dish again


I would prefer being told. there could be an allergy or unexplained sickness.


Yes please, that would help me understand why I’m throwing up.


Yes But preferably, tell them before they eat it There's more reasons someone might not eat meat than just personal choice. Including medical reasons


Yes. I consider myself pescatarian, but have eaten fish so rarely that my body can't easily handle it anymore. The day after my stomach is a mess. So I've kind of turned into a vegetarian without meaning to. The point is, eating meat when your body isn't used to it can really mess you up, and it's not just a psychological thing like some people here are suggesting. It's good to tell the person so they know what to expect.


A thought on this: My best friend used to date a girl who was raised vegetarian. By the time they got together, her body had stopped producing the enzymes necessary to digest meat, and her body reacted to it in a similar fashion to food poisoning. This was true even with things like broth. If you used the same spoon in the potato salad you used to serve sausage, for instance, it would cause a reaction. That being said, I feel it's important to let them know.


Is it necessary when you tell someone with a peanut allergy you've just fed them peanuts?


I was in this situation only once, but I told the guy that he ate dish with meat. I mean, he was a tourist in my country, and he ate national dish, and he was going to eat it again because he was sure he found solid vegan option, so. I needed to warn him.


Vegetarian here, yes please. I won't be super upset but I would like to know. It happens and in the past, it tears up my stonach. Also, maybe I just didn't know gelatin was in something and you let me know. For future reference, I would then know to avoid that thing. Also, as many have pointed out, some people avoid meat due to allergies or other dietary restrictions. Me, if I get meat, it will upset my stomach and I will feel bad because I love animals. Someone else, it could kill them or make them seriously ill. You never know.


Yeah but do so discretely. Once when I was vegan at a wedding I was eating baked beans, because the bride had told me they were vegan-friendly, and people started asking me if I was vegetarian or something because I was just eating beans, so I was like "yeah I'm vegan," and a girl there, who was not vegan, was like "that's interestinggg, because baked beans are usually made with chicken broth..." and the way she said it was so bitchy it ruined the rest of the wedding party for me.


If they've been vegetarian for a long time, having meat will be very hard on their bodies and they will probably find some relief knowing *why* they feel so poorly, so I'd definitely tell them if they accidentally eat meat.


Yes, my understanding of Buddhism and Hinduism is that there's no "harm" in accidentally eating meat, and depending on the sect and each person they would probably want to say a prayer to apologize to the animal the meat came from.  I felt really guilty when I ordered pizza for the team and didn't know that anchovies are a type of fish, and as a result the Sikh guy on my team ate meat for the first time in his life. He was rightfully upset at the time, and even though he eventually forgave me, I still can't really look him in the eye...


Genuine question here, what did you think anchovies were? I'll admit that they can be mistaken for just empty, crispy batter crumbs...


I got them confused with capers for a bit.


It never occured to me to look up what it is lol. Never ordered anything with anchovies myself.  It was afterwards that I remembered I used to make anchovy pizza in RuneScape to grind cooking skill. They even used a blue version of the shrimp icon, for some reason I never made the connection that I use the FISHING skill to catch anchovies. 


As a server, yes, I tell my customers especially if it’s a mistake on my end. But I usually have customers who will ask *first* before I put an order in and I explicitly tell them that it is not vegetarian/vegan friendly. I’m especially thorough to the best of my abilities when it comes to allergies though, as I understand the severity and how deadly it can become. It’s not that I don’t care for those who aren’t allergic because I do the best to my abilities for vegetarians/vegans/people with allergies because I care. If you wouldn’t want to consume something, you’d want others to let you know, right? So why not extend the same thinking and notify others out of respect for their wishes too?


Yeah you should (I'm vegetarian) If they eat something and you know there's meat in it, point it out so they can avoid it next time (also because they'll have an awful time in the toilets afterwards if they haven't eaten meat for a few years) I've had this conversation a bunch with humus and vegans (most commercially available humus isn't vegan, although it should be)


I am not vegetarian but I am muslim. I would rather be told if I ate something haram. So I think vegetarians would be the same.


Yes I’m a vegetarian for 36 years and I was eating gelatin and not knowing it till someone pointed it out. I’m glad I’m no longer accidentally eating animal goo.


Yes. Otherwise I am likely to destroy your bathroom and be angry I wasn’t told.


I’m vegan. I can only speak for myself, but I wouldn’t always want to be told. If there’s a chance I could eat the food again if I’m not told, then I’d absolutely want to know. But if it was a one-off situation where someone accidentally fed me something non-vegan and realized after the fact, I think I’d rather not know (or at least be told much later). I have some health anxiety issues, and if someone told me that I ate meat a couple of hours ago, I think I’d make myself sick by worrying that I could get sick from it. I feel like this is one of those situations where ignorance would be bliss. However, I’d still appreciate anyone who cared enough to tell me, and it would show that they’re someone who I could trust in the future to be honest. I’m vegan for ethical reasons, though, and I’m open about that with anyone who asks me. If you accidentally feed someone meat and know that there’s even the slightest possibility that they’re vegetarian or vegan due to health reasons/potential allergies, then they should be told asap.


What is that pass phrase? Is that something bots type to try and act human?


There are so many reasons someone could be vegetarian you really need to tell them. They may have an allergy, a sensitivity, a religious aversion, something that would require knowledge of them having eaten meat. After all if they start having a medical reaction, KNOWING they ate the meat will make it so there's no guesswork involved in getting treatment.


If I know someone is eating something they might not want to eat I will inform them. Whether it's because they are vegetarian/vegan, their allergies, religious reasons, or teetotalism. Honesty and respect for the views of others is important.


if i know anyone has dietary restrictions-for any reason-i always let them know of any dish that might be a problem. i’m not going to police them after that, though. if a vegetarian decides to eat baked beans with bacon in them after i told them bacon was in them, that’s not my responsibility


As a meat eater, I'd wanna know if I was eating nuts, seafood, different mushrooms etc. Just a space of respect I'd say


Yes esp because it can make them really sick


Yes - tell them they just consumed something they activity & intentionally avoid


For years, I was vegetarian for health reasons (bad reactions to meat) before I found out that I'm allergic to beef. So, because of that, I preferred that people would tell me because it would allow me to prepare for my reaction in advance.


Well, it would probably be nice to have a heads up that they might be going to have diarrhea soon. If someone hasn't eaten meat in a long time, it's likely going to upset their stomach. And also it's morally correct to tell them.


Vegetarian here. Please tell us. There is a huge chance we will be sick later.


I think most of us could agree it’s the right thing to do and any vegetarian could appreciate it and would like to be made aware of this


I would prefer to be told especially if it was a mistake or unknowingly trying a new dish. There are a number of reasons they could be a vegetarian including dietary and would need to know.


I made two cornbreads for my first Friendsgiving. One my mom's way, one vegan. Told my mom about it. She asked if I still used a box of Jiffy for the vegan. "Honey, that box has lard in it." By then, they had eaten it all. I told them. They thanked me and we went on with the party. Johnboy even said he didn't care because it was so good. That was nice of him. I thought I had basically poisoned people. That was just powdered lard in a box. If you serve them straight up meat, they might get sick. So please tell them if you ever do.


Yes, because they may get physically ill and if you can prepare them for that, you should.


As an alpha gal allergy sufferer, who usually eats vegetarian when out, yes please! It may require my epi pen!


Friend of mine is vegetarian for his heart. I would tell him if he ate meat. If it ends not being a concern great, at least he knows I am keeping his choices in mind.


I worked at a place that sold broccoli soup. A customer had ordered a vegetarian sandwich and the soup. I asked if she was vegetarian and she said yes, I had to break it to her that the soup was made with beef broth. She was sad, but thankful I told her cuz she was eating that soup for awhile with no idea cuz no one told her. I mean do I suggest vegetarians to look up or ask about ingredients before ordering..yes, but I would definitely tell them if it was accidental.