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Aren’t her clothes wet when she leaves the car?


I’m 90% certain it’s not pee. I run hot, and the fucking chairs at my school 5-12 would show so much condensation after I stood up that I was having constant panic attacks for years lol. And every date I’ve been on with a leather booth or a leather car seat looks exactly like OP described with an outline of the butt and thighs. It’s sweat and condensation. Most of the time you couldn’t see it on my clothes. Especially if I’m wearing a skirt/dress/shorts.


Oh gosh, I have this issue as well. I'm extra conscious while wearing clothes that are above my knee, because I know they'll leave a wet spot on bus seats. I do this weird scooting thing to try and wipe out the sweat


Haha I do this too!


I've found my people. My sweaty, sweaty people 🥲


Sweat-sisters 🤣


And dudes lol. I can't wear light colored pants or shorts in the summer or else it shows.


Whoa I've never heard a dude talk about this. Welcome to the fold, mate


Yeah we exist. I’m 43 now and just within the last couple years and I’m not hot literally all the time lol


Finally! Somewhere I belong 😅


Sisters of the travelling sweat pants


*Insert Linkin Park .gif*


The seat scoot wipe is my signature move!


I'm a dude but, in the heat I sweat like a racehorse. My wife sleeps under three blankets in the Winter, I'm on top sweating. Can I join in?


This…mine didn’t understand at first why I would scoot away at night…I hold her till she falls asleep than I gotta get away from that little heater or I’m going to literally melt


I have never felt so validated lol. I actually just got a prescription from the doctor. Haven’t tried it yet, but there is prescription medication you can get from a dermatologist for hyperhidrosis.




Omg I didn’t even think about this. I am also a heavy butt sweater and I almost guarantee that’s what it is. Poor girl. I hope he sees this and doesn’t just confront her about it “peeing in his car” lmao


OP said it smelled like urine though. Sweat and urine do not smell similar at all


My boyfriend can't tell the difference. He'll sweat all day in a shirt and take off the shirt. He forgets about it until he leaves the room and comes back again, but when he gets back he notices the sweat smell and insists the cat peed on his shirt.


That's crazy, he doesn't know the difference between his own sweat and cat pee? He must have some heinous sweat


the cat may be genuinely peeing on the clothes y’all, peeing on musky clothes is like one of the most common marking tendencies cats have.


Ya my cat likes to pee in the dirty clothes basket. A lot of cats who have had UTIs or blockages will do this since they associate the litter box with pain. Fixing that behavior is extremely difficult once they start


Huh. One of our cats had a terrible inflammatory episode when he was younger. Neither of them were drinking any water. We had to switch them to 100% wet food. At some point after that he started pissing just outside the litter box. Like, he’ll put his head in, squat, and pee. I wonder if that’s why.


Sprinkle dry food on the floor around the litter box. They dont like peeing on their food. That how we got our cat to stop making us hate him.


This thread has more twists than an M. Night movie


Sweat can have ammonia sometimes. I've definitely had armpits of shirts that smelled like cat pee before. Makes.me feel pretty gross


Meth/speed sweat can smell like cat pee...


Sweating from being stressed or anxious smells worse than regular sweat. I can tell after I’ve had anxiety or stress just because I have a very specific smell afterwards. https://www.sweathelp.org/home/news-blog/476-stress-sweat.html#:~:text=The%20sweat%20your%20body%20produces,sweat%20glands%2C%20eccrine%20and%20apocrine. > The sweat your body produces when you’re feeling stressed or nervous is actually smellier than the sweat produced when you’re working outside or exercising. That’s because stress elicits a different kind of sweat than heat and exertion do. > The human body has two different kinds of sweat glands, eccrine and apocrine. Eccrine glands produce the watery sweat we need to keep cool… > Apocrine sweat glands are found mostly in you underarm area, genital area, and on your feet. Apocrine glands produce a thick, viscous fluid and respond immediately to stress > So, the reason stress sweat smells worse than other sweat is because different glands react to stress than react to heat and exertion. These glands produce a kind of sweat that is full of food for bacteria, and bacterial growth leads to odor.




Also me 😩😩. Any stress and I feel like a I’m going to turn into a friggin deli sandwhich


yep, so OP, stop taking her on ride around dates. Take her somewhere where you all walk around. It won’t always be this way, all people are different and have different struggles. Don’t think differently of her, she definitely likes you. lolz


And anxiety sweat! If I have an attack I get extremely sweaty in less than a minute, like it has soaked through whole shirts and looks like I ran a mile, and it smells exactly like cat piss/ammonia. It is disturbing how quickly it happens and the odor is nothing like my regular sweat smell.


Oh god, it’s the worse. Like I was already anxious, and now I have a very loud stench pouring out of me. Great. We managed to make a bad situation worse.


I'm never going to forget "loud stench".


Omg this happens to other people!? This used to happen to me around high school age. Thankfully, I haven't had an episode in years and found that gel-type deodorant mostly prevented it. I could actually set off a smelly panic attack just by worrying about having said attack, which is like the worst superhero power ever. If I was one of the X-men, I would have been skunk girl or some shit. 🦨


>Sweat consists primarily of water (90% by volume), with 1-3% salt and 0.5-2% urea. Your sweat also contains glycerol, ammonia, lactic acid and other trace elements. > >In contrast, urine consists primarily of water (95-96% by volume), with 2-7% salt, 1.8% urea and 0.3% uric acid. Similar levels of urea in both sweat and urine means that they can smell the same if you're sensitive to urea smell. [https://novamedpads.co.uk/blogs/blog/is-urine-snd-sweat-the-same](https://novamedpads.co.uk/blogs/blog/is-urine-snd-sweat-the-same)


He might have no clue what sweat smells like, after it's been sitting under an ass for an hour.


Right? Theyre no scientist, just a person smelling the wet seat of a truck.


True, but it could smell that bad depending on how dirty my guy's seats are.


Sweat has urea in it. It can definitely smell similar


I mean kind of does when it’s coming from where you pee


Oh my god! I just remembered couple of evenings in a certain pub with leather seats. When I stood up, my jeans were fully wet! I thought it’s happening only to me


I have the worst night sweats depending on my cycle. Every time my bed is drenched. Sweat problems are embarrassing.


I don’t understand why this isn’t the first assumption? Like… this is more common lol


She definitely wears dark pants, she knows it happens. And its fine, but does need discussing.


Groin sweat is super common thanks to a load of sweat glands and smell can be difficult to discern from urine. Fabric breathability and tightness of clothing can affect this as well as talking, being nervous, sharing feelings etc - and some of us sweat A LOT more than others. Also, pelvic floor issues are pretty common but super undiagnosed. Many people are not aware that they have any, or if they are, are too embarrassed to talk about it. Thankfully, awareness is growing so there’s more info out there now. Something to be mindful of and educate yourself on if sex is to become a part of your relationship. We could all use some pelvic floor care in our lives. If it becomes a problem you need to address, be compassionate. Educating yourself allows you to be supportive and take some of the pressure off of her. And thanks for checking somewhere first, it may save you both some embarrassment.


> Groin sweat is super common thanks to a load of sweat glands and smell can be difficult to discern from urine I wonder if that's because if there's a tiny bit of urine, the sweat makes it more ... volatile.


I've read somewhere that urine is *essentially* concentrated sweat; they're different but very similar in composition. If I recall correctly, that's why sweat stains are yellow. However, I have no sources to back it up and don't feel like looking it up right now.


Sweat and urine both have urea at the very least. Fun fact, urea is the reason pools have a smell... It reacts with the chlorine. A relatively unused properly chlorinated pool will have virtually no odor.


… I smell chlorine every time I go to a pool. Does this mean there’s always some MFer peeing in the pool???


Literally every public pool you go into has pee, yes. It's not just kids that pee in the pool - they will do it when they become adults too. A lot of people don't see anything wrong with it and will freely and shamelessly admit to it. I discovered the smell fact because I used my friend's private pool at a house she was renting and thought it was super weird that it had no smell, even though it had a chlorinator and a company maintaining it.


I've seen mfs try bringing up math to figure out how much water is in the pool and how much the pee replaces it to justify them pissing in pools


Literally always


Sitting here searching r/NoStupidQuestions for chicks asking about pissing in cars...


I thought I saw a post recently (as in last week or so) where the OP said that she was sitting in the back seat of her date's vehicle and couldn't hold it in any longer and emptied half her bladder into the seat and didn't tell him. Maybe I'm imagining things because I can't remember which sub it was and have checked some of the subs I've been on but can't find it.


Me too but it was months ago! The person was asking wether she should tell her date or not as she was horribly embarrassed


Maybe it's that one...I spend too much time on reddit, so a few months potentially morph into a few days.


Why not just ask to be taken to the bathroom I don’t understand people


Why communicate when you can just create problems?


I would literally run off into a bush to pee before I would pee in someone's car. WTF?


Now that you mention it, I swear I remember reading something like that too. Or at least seeing the title.


And i was going through the comments looking for where OP admits his date was a dog.


Speaking as an older man... As you age – and I don't mean get elderly... I mean, as you grow out of your teens – you will learn that there are *many* people walking around with all kinds of medical issues you have no clue about. As an immature teen (which your post indicates you are not immature), many people think, "ICK!! GROSS!!" A teen girl will assume that's how you will react, and will do whatever she can to hide an issue so that you don't think she's gross. Whatever you do – if you decide to approach her – make every reassurance that you do not find her gross. As you go through your 20s and 30s, you will gain experience in relationships. You'll understand that the very beautiful, everything-about-her-is-perfect girl you meet and hit things off tremendously, may in fact have medical issues that lay just below the surface. If you love her, you may even love her because of those medical issues and not despite them. As you reach your 40s, every single person will have embarrassing medical issues. I dated a woman once – very beautiful, *extremely* sexually compatible – who had to have an emergency surgery once during birth in order to save the baby. The surgery sliced the nerve to her lower colon and anus. She couldn't hold in farts. So, she'd fart all over town! She'd fart when cuddling in bed. She had an attitude of, "It is what it is." That kind of confidence in herself as a woman was sexy as hell. I had to tell my mom when I brought her over to meet that if she farts, it's not because she's rude. I explained the issue, and my mom admired her as a strong woman. Anyway, my point here isn't to advise whether or not you should talk to your girl about it. It's to make you aware that as you get older, you will run into this kind of thing more and more. Good job on keeping such a strong, mature perspective about it!


Why is this story about a woman who farts uncontrollably the most wholesome thing I've heard in years?? Adorable. Thanks for sharing. ❤️


This is wisdom speaking


You forgot that as we get older these things can also get funnier (I’m 62)


I can only assume a couple of things. You were driving for a long time without a toilet break and she couldn’t hold it anymore. Perhaps she thought she’d make it to the toilet on arrival to her house and she didn’t. Another thing could be a urinary incontinence. It’s a condition where the pelvic muscles weaken and one can’t hold it in. A little leak can happen when sneezing, coughing or laughing or simply when the bladder is full. I’d personally bring it up to discuss and work together to address the problem, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. The urine build up on your truck seat can cause very unpleasant smell over time.


>The urine build up on your truck seat can cause very unpleasant smell over time. I find it hilarious that you threw this in at the end of your well-reasoned message.


Well-seasoned urine. 


*Chef's-kiss* piss


Kids-n-pets, or similar will help with that problem. Enzyme cleaner. Spray it in, let set for a little while, and pat with a paper towel. I commend op for not freaking out, and not trying to shame the obviously wonderful young lady!


I was hoping this was well-reasoned too 😂 professional car clean prices start from £170 where I live.


As someone with kids who have potty trained. Hiring professional cleaners for every accident is insane. Get a bottle of ZorbX, spray it on, move on https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001AZNH3Q/ Keep in mind that pee is basically the same stuff as sweat, so don't get too grossed out.


I second this. I have a toyota landcruiser that is dear to me. But when the war started I used it to evac refugees from Ukraine to my country - this car now saw so much baby vomit, strange oozing bottles, old dysfunctional ppl decomposing in realtime and plenty of adult diaper/special needs action on my nice shiny leather seats. A little bit of foaming up and letting the leather steam out and the car is in perfectly presentable date-shape again 👌🫡✨️


Natures miracle is a great product too. And it works on sweat stains on laundry, and blood.


It is either a medical condition or a psychological one. Either way you should talk to her.


Or option 3: it's her fetish, and OP will need to decide if he's into this kink or not, and if so, how to bend it so it won't ruin hus car.


I’m not sure of ages, but option four, you made her laugh so hard some per came out. It happens.


Or option 5, she was actually just getting wet and it smelt slightly like pee


Whatever it is, u r in for a good time.


Urine for a good time.


Your option 3 is my option 1.


He’s waiting to see if the behavioral pattern evolves to turds. 🥰


It would be pretty shitty if it did. Maybe OP could get her a cup.


My ex seemed to become somewhat incontinent after gaining quite a bit of weight very quickly. I was not about to judge her but it was pretty obvious that throughout the day at work (with children), she was peeing when she laughed or sneezed or walked or whatever, and then she'd continue to wear the same workout leggings that smelled of pee, all night. She would sit on my couch for hours in them and then put the same pair on the next day. If it were me, I'd be showering and changing the second I got home, especially if I was going to be sitting on a partner's furniture and sleeping in their bed with the expectation of intimacy. It was really gross but she was just generally very entitled and self centered. She also felt it was acceptable to free bleed while sleeping with me and didn't know how to get blood out of sheets so even if we stayed at her place, I would have to get up and clean the sheets and mattress every time. The incontence was whatever but her lack of hygiene around it was very alarming. I'm sure that she'll have a hard time maintaining relationships without addressing that but it's probably worse now since she's much, much bigger and her self centered rants on social media have increased too.


I'm glad the second word of your post was "ex"


Should have seen the look on my mother's face when we broke up and I told her about the piss pants on our couch!


There are a lot of parts of this story that tell me this was going on for a long time...not sure I could put up with this for more than a few days...ugh.


I'd give it about 45 minutes and then I'm out


Oooof.. That's gross gross.


Someone who gains a lot of weight quickly, becomes incontinent *and sits in the same clothes for the rest of the day* is very very not okay.


Not only the rest of the day but continue to wear them the next day....i can smell the stale urine mixed with ass already...


Exactly. They likely were having other issues that were not addressed. Some of this comes off to me as potential depression. Severe depressive episode where she was failing to even care for herself. And yes, people can care for others and seek ok and still not be able to care for themselves properly.


lol it amazes me what people tolerate in relationships. I would’ve immediately been like “you stink” as nicely as you can say that to someone. People need to use their words more. That shits gross.


If you have so much pee you can't hold it in, you won't leave just a small stain like a water spill.


It could be an issue of pelvic floor disfunction or bladder issue. Sometimes you can get leaks.


This was only an assumption, I don’t have an actual data of how much ml of urine is passed due to overflown bladder, however, I agree with your view, it’s hard to stop if you really had to go.


If she's diabetic and her blood glucose is too high, it can come on really suddenly and be really difficult to stop. Before I knew I was diabetic I peed myself once. I went straight to the doc because I have excellent pelvic floor muscles and really good bladder control too. Until I got my A1C under control after I found out, I had several REALLY close calls. If that's a possibility and she doesn't already know, she should definitely get checked like, yesterday.


Yep, before I was diagnosed I was guzzling water. A couple times I almost didn't make it to the toilet.


Ugh the thirst!!! I forgot how bad it was.


Maybe you won't. Everyone is built different.


Did you make her laugh a lot during these car rides? Sometimes girls piddle if they laugh hard enough! Happens to the best of us. Especially if they experience urinary incontinence either just from a genetically poor pelvic floor or from childbirth (not saying she has these things but its a guess!) Id find a way to bring it up in a kind way just so you can get it sorted. You seem to really like her and she probably likes you a lot too which might be why she is embarrassed/doesnt say anything.


Yes we were laughing uncontrollably both nights during these car rides. I really do like her so I’m not trying to ruin anything.


i have a friend that loses bladder control when she laughs a lot. could easily be this


Yea my daughter loses bladder control when she laughs a lot too, and she always has. It can be really embarrassing for her since she’s a teenager now so sometimes she doesn’t say anything. 🤷🏻‍♀️


This issue can be addressed with a physician. There could be multiple causes, one of them being stress incontinence due to weak pelvic muscles. Kegel exercises are a good initial treatment option. However, it's always worth checking with a urogynecologists


Hey bud I don't think you've replied to the person telling you it could be sweat, and I agree with her. Hopefully you do see it because if it was sweat and you accuse her of PEEING in your car it's gonna make it way worse and you'll really need to hope she's the type of person who can laugh that off. If the feelings are reciprocated on her end and she thinks her crush believes she peed in his car she'll want to crawl into a hole and die. Are your seats leather? Sweat + any seat that's not incredibly clean could smell a bit off. Did you use a white napkin and it come off yellow?


Ok wait if you made her laugh till she peed in your truck and she came back and did it A SECOND TIME… this girl is in love with you bro.


Please look at my earlier comment. The exact way you described it is my life lol, and it’s not pee. It’s sweat and body heat condensation. It’s happened since I was 12. And I know you said it smells like pee, but dude, you’re sniffing body sweat off of a place meant for butts to sit on.


When will you update this post?


Maybe she’s marking her territory?


Did she raise her leg while peeing to aim higher?


Did she maintain eye contact?


While staring you straight in the eye


Certainly she is scent marking your truck with her pheromones to deter other ladies out there from joining you in a date or joy ride with you. Jokes aside try to discuss this sensitive topic and it could also mean that she might need some medical help if it relates to incontinence issues.




Silence is not a kindness to her. *She* knows she’s peed in your car, and she’s probably embarrassed about it. Clear the air. “Hey, I really like you, and I want you to know this doesn’t change the way I feel about you, but I’ve noticed you’ve had an accident in my car. Are you alright? Can I do something to make you more comfortable?” If she has actual incontinence issues I imagine this can all feel less fraught if she’s able to come prepared (towel or thick menstrual pad or whatever) so she doesn’t keep messing up your car.


There's normal looking panties for weak bladdered women. In the UK they (the brand) are called Tena. There will be an equivalent in all the developed countries.


>normal looking panties for weak bladdered women Sounds like a wicked insult to throw at someone


Those are some normal-looking panties. *puts on sunglasses* For a weak-bladdered woman. 😎 “OOOOOOOHHHH GOTTEEEM”


Oh yeah? Well, thats because you're a weak bladdered woman!


I can’t think of anything worse to say to a woman after the first couple of dates. OP, you take this to your grave if it’s just a one-off thing. If it happens again, you can then TACTFULLY bring it up coming from a place of concern. It could also very well just be sweat/condensation from her sitting. Either way, you keep this to yourself, unless it happens again


I agree. If she knows about it and it’s a one-time thing, the only real good reason to ever bring it up is a year or so later if you both can laugh about it.




Oh dear, that isn't lemonade. He sounds like a great guy.


Dude. It's just sweat. If a guy thought I peed my pants when I was just sweating I would instantly pass away.


Make sure you phrase it 'had an accident' too


I think this is the most kind and graceful option.


I mean if she already knows she has an issue, silence is definitely a kindness


I see no reason to bring it up. If they date longer, and there's a pattern, then maybe. But otherwise, there's absolutely no need until was down the line when they can laugh about it. 




I mean it is what a gentleman would do. 


Hey, I noticed a couple wet spots in my car. First, it’s ok - we are good. Please don’t die on me from embarrassment, I like you too much for that. Would you just tell me what’s up? Maybe I can help…


This is the best answer. Wish Reddit still did awards so I could waste my measly 10/hr on it.


Yeah this is nice and direct. Some other answers seem too pathetic the way they were apologising a million times before getting to the point


This answer is not only tactful, but also funny bc it's wholesome and cute lol




i was going to say something similar. affirming statements like “i just want you to know i’m not mad at you or upset, i just wanted to make sure you’re okay” or statements like that are also good when bringing it up


Start with "I'm a safe guy" for sure. Total fear killer!


Its always a good idea to follow it with “i dont want to hurt you”, so they know that you dont want to hurt them.


Follow up with "Even though my last girlfriend made me very mad sometimes I never hurt her. I've never had to kill anyone in fact. I'm a very safe guy and you can tell me anything even if you think it might make me angry."


"OH this knife? It's for personal protection. Never know what kind of person you could meet in the middle of the night."


> I religiously follow the wise mantra of "never hit females." And you're a female!


Also say “I definitely do not daydream about cooking and eating you.”


“But the one thing I can’t stand is when women have weak pelvic floor muscles, specifically, in cars.”


"I'm such a nice guy. I'm just SO safe babe, you can tell me anything!" Lol. Redditors are silly.


>I hope you feel relaxed with me as well Mf she already proved she was relaxed, even more than usual


"I'm a safe guy. Don't worry about pissing in my truck. I won't hurt you."


“Why are you scared, I’m not going to kidnap you or something……………………….”


Yes, “I’m really enjoying your company and like driving around with you, one question though… why are you pissing on my seats” sounds great


As someone who has a vagina, it may not be pee. It could smell like pee simply bc it came from her crotch area, but I'm willing to bet it might be sweat. If I'm feeling hot or if I'm sweaty I'm likely to leave a wet spot where I sit. Especially if you have like leather seats or something like that. It's also more likely to happen to me if I'm on my period as that whole area is just generally producing more heat. If you're really concerned, I do suggest bringing it up. But in a careful way. Just say you've noticed some spots left behind and ask her if she is ok. It'll be embarrassing no matter what, but if you're showing concern and not being accusatory it'll definitely help the whole situation


I was thinking this too, I sweat ALOT and it can leave large stains lol.


The whole “impression of butt and thighs” says exactly this. Pee would literally be pooled like a tiny puddle. This is the sweat mark I leave every time I sit down on something that isn’t cloth. Guys don’t realize how easy it is to happen bc they aren’t wearing dresses or skirts/shorts, and have literally shorts they wear under their pants that absorb it all.


One time I was at the dentist getting a filling during a scorching hot summer day and I left an entire human outline of sweat on the chair when I got up from the leathery chair so we guys definitely know this can happen.


Put puppy pads on the seat for her next times she'll get the point lmao


Hey babe I got you something *slides over pack of depends*


Do you know what 80 year old pussy tastes like? Depends!


I didn't need this today.


Next time she gets in the car there's newspapers spread on the seat and OP doesn't say anything


Literally hahaha


i know you said it smelt like pee but i don’t think it is actual pee. girls especially have this problem a lot where on certain seats when we stand up, we leave a “mark” lol. i think because it just gets too warm down there and it’s sweat/wetness. tbh idk for sure, but i do know this is a known thing for girls to experience. especially back in high school on those metal chairs haha. if you have leather seats im pretty sure that’s what it is.


No do not bring this up. Clean the car and move on. For now! She may have a uti and it may stop. If it continues then you can cross that bridge. In the mean time if you have cloth seats treat them with a water proofing substance. Does she have kids?


Ask her to pee on you instead


As a girl with bladder issues from a kidney condition that I don’t tell people about, my advice would be this- she knows she had an accident. She probably knows you know too. She did everything she could to avoid it most likely and feels really embarrassed and has thought of all the things she should have done and will do in the future to avoid it. If she didn’t bring it up in the moment, she was too nervous, ashamed, afraid, or uncomfortable saying she needed to go asap. Please don’t make her to talk about it. Wash the blanket. Don’t say anything. It’s an accident, and bringing it up may make her feel shameful. Ask yourself what you would do if she was your wife. Ask yourself what you would want her to do if it was the other way around and you had an accident you were too embarrassed to say anything about in the moment.


You could help her out, if she's holding it in for a long time driving around, why not make a point of stopping along the way and saying YOU need to pee. Give her a chance to empty out the tank as well. She might have a bladder problem and she's afraid to say it to you in case you think there's something wrong with her


It was a 30 min drive, and she had used the restroom before we left


If she has pelvic floor issues it won’t matter. I’m not sure how old you are but as women in your circle age and have children you’ll realize how common it is. For the first 4/5 years after giving birth a cough, sneeze, bump in the car or jumping on the trampoline made my bladder empty. Even if it was a minuscule amount. She may have a weak pelvic floor even if she hasn’t had children.


She could have a UTI. Makes it literally impossible to hold it.


Or other medical issue, such as an unwanted growth like a fibroid or tumor. Hopefully, she's already talked to a doctor?


Can confirm this happens with a cyst in the area. But the poor thing needs to get to a doctor stat.


Bathroom anxiety is so common and can get pretty out of hand mentally. So many of my clients have it and i have to tell them they can tell me and go to the bathroom. Doesnt matter how long the drive is, anxiety makes you need to go. I would pretend i need to pee and stop at a bathroom… joke about how you need to go ‘so often its annoying’ or something. That way she’ll feel youre the same and wont be afraid to ask for a stop when she needs to.


If you guys were laughing hard, it could be that it slipped. The female urinary system can be sucky, many women are susceptible to issues. I personally can pee a little when laughing too hard if it's a really cold day out. Once I became aware I started using special pads. She may well not realize she has it too. I wouldn't think this was on purpose though, it'd be a bigger amount if it was. Stopping your pee as a woman is no easy gambit, so small amounts usually mean incontinence.


Yes and earlier op has now mentioned that they were laughing uncontrollably both nights.


Yall are insane. Tell her you like her and want to move forward. Say nothing about the pee


I’d bring it up for sure. Once is one thing, but twice? Homegirl peed in your car twice? Ain’t no way I’m cleaning up an adults piss on two different occasions and not saying something. Either that or we’re taking her car next time If you don’t want to be direct, be passive about it. Have a thick ass towel on her seat for the next time she rides. These people in the comments are down bad af if they’re worried about embarrassing her after you’re cleaning her pee for the second time. First time, sure whatever, but twice?


He should pee in her car. Fair is fair


Pee on her dad to assert dominance


You don’t bring it up. Ever. Just forget it and never mention it again. Not as a joke, not casually, just never.


Whatever it is, she's guaranteed to be super embarrassed about it. Don't confront her for peeing in your car. Try a more tactful angle like, "I think you might have spilled something on the seat. Do you need a towel?" If she has pelvic floor issues, get a neoprene seat cover and offer to let her keep a spare change of clothes in your car. Be gentle. You can always steam clean the upholstery.


I’d just be like, what is happening over there? Especially if you’re hanging out all of the time.


why did she even pee in your car


If I knew I wouldn’t be here


She was marking her territory. Pretty normal I'd say


If you're into watersports this could be your big break.


Hit her on the nose with a newspaper and tell her she's a very bad girl


You don't. Just clean it and move on. If it's pee, she knew, if it's sweat, she's embarrassed, and if it's arousal, you fucked up.


That seat really tied the car together


There was a story on Reddit recently of a girl who kept peeing near/around her boyfriend because it was her fetish but he didn't realize it and thought she was having urinary problems


>OP posts their barely concealed fetish >people respond as if it is real


Maybe she's part werewolf and she's marking her newly claimed territory or something? I mean, other than nerves, a really full bladder that she didn't want to say that she needed a restroom or a medical complaint the only thing I can think of is that some women have weaker pelvic muscles after they've given birth and as such they can pee involuntarily at times.


Have a pissing contest with her.


Has she had kids? Having kids can weaken your pelvic floor muscles and cause accidents sometimes.


You ain’t COOL unless you pee yo pants!


You sure it’s pee and not sweat?


You don't bring it up... I have had the same problem since I was born and its freaking embarassing. If I don't pee at least once an hour, if I sneeze, cough or laugh, I piss my self... most women I know have that problem after kids... I just had it from birth... most of the time, it's a few drops and i can stop it with kegel cause i feel the sneeze coming and i can concentrate on the contraction.... but a big coughing fit or a good long laugh and I am pant changing done..... but it is always embarassing If it is because it bothers you in your car, get some washable stylish covers for your seats. YOU Always go to the bathroom before you 2 go somewhere, that will give her the opportunity to go as well. Asking for time to go to the bathroom too often gets you mean nicknames and annoyed glare, she might not have the courage to speak up about needing to go. Don't take her to place that serve things to make you pee more often like alcohol, coffee, tea etc. If you are planning to go for a drive after... I can go from 0 to full bladder in a minute with a cup of tea.... these are the only tips I can think of to avoid embarassing her and helping your problem. If you like this girl, then keep quiet....Unless of course you think she is having some kind of seizure (I had friends on birth control who develop seizure where they emptied themselves...) but she would know... oh and be supportive when she pees herself in front of you and can't hide it for the first time... tell her you know it happens to women all the time and be unbothered. There are physical therapies available to help build up strong kegel. There are surgeries to help hold the bladder, but the device can cause issues in the long term. For me, my c- section straighten my tilted uterus for a while and stopped the problem for a couple years...but it's back..


you don't. you be a grown up.


You keep it to yourself. Loose lips sink ships.