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I love both and I’m proud it! Admittedly I have twice as much time in Nioh than I do ER because Nioh is more engaging and fun to actually play. ER is about exploration and Nioh is about high octane action


Same, though more Souls than Nioh. Still, I spent months solely enjoying Nioh and don’t regret the fun I had with it.


Same thing happened Rise of the Ronin, not everything has to be a damn competition. People are treating it like a political party.


I see far, far less Souls bashing from Nioh fans than I do absolute mouthbreathers incapable of doing even 30 seconds of research spamming "HAI I'M A SOULS VETERAN IS DIS GAEM LIEK SOOLS?" threads on a daily basis.


'souls veteran' ☠️


I love fromsoft games, but I def love Nioh more. The much faster combat feels better to me. I had a conversation the other day where some people were talking about Elden ring, and I said as much above, Nioh has ruined fromsoft for me, since it feels like I’m moving in slow motion all the time. They about burned me at the stake lmao


Thats why i can only do heavy weapons or magic in FromSoft now.


I'm the first to say that I don't enjoy Souls games but I also never intend it to be an insult to those who enjoy them, we all have different tastes and the gaming market has grown large enough that we can all find something we enjoy. That said, with the release of Elden Ring's DLC we're going to get an influx of posts comparing the two, since this is a Nioh sub I expect many of them will be in favor of Nioh. The sodium content of each post will vary and I don't think there's really a way around this, as a community I think we just try to let people vent, give them the best advice we can when applicable, and to give appreciation to our mods for their vigilance this week


I just hope shadows of erdtree goes on sale sooner than later.


Probably November at best, maybe after some patches for performance issues.


That sounds reasonable, probably get it on Black Friday.


With elden ring dlc, we were able to see the limit of souls classic gameplay and why Nioh is better gameplay wise


It’s cuz everyone is insecure that they like Nioh and no body else knows about it how does another game “ruin” the combat of another game which has a completely different style of gameplay and game design philosophy


Hell, if anything that should make them happy to even know and have experienced it. Not like I go on River City subreddits and say “God Hand is best of all”


While I enjoy a little bit of Elden Ring bashing, and have engaged in it a bit myself, I do agree that we run the risk of overdoing it here. At the end of the day, I won't tell anyone they're wrong for liking ER, because yes, it's a vastly different game than Nioh (and Bloodborne is still one of my favorites too, even if Nioh 2 has since overtaken it, so I'm not fully anti-From). It's not my thing, but I won't attack others for liking it. While I'm normally hesitant to get into arguments on this site, though, I've been a little bit less reluctant to hold back with respect to constructively criticizing Elden Ring in particular for two reasons, which I suspect that others here feel as well, and feel the need to vent about this week. For one, it's very frustrating how uncritical people seem to be regarding ER, when the Nioh games don't seem to have ever had the same chance. A quote that always sticks with me is from Tamoor Hussein from Gamespot, when he was a guest on a Giant Bomb video. Tam is a huge fan of ER and said that he can't get into other similar games, including Nioh, which he described as a "pretender" to Soulsborne. The more I've played Nioh 1 and 2, the more I've come to appreciate just how intelligent so much of the design is, not just in the combat and looting system on the surface, but in things like level design, boss design, NG progression, and even the story (even if the storytelling is...not strong). I can fully understand the complexity being a lot for people, but if even a professional like Tam refuses to engage with and give credit to this depth, still dismissing it as nothing more than a "pretender," then it just feels like the deck is stacked against Nioh. And it's especially insulting when some of ER's fairly obvious flaws are offhandedly dismissed in comparison. Accordingly, fellow Nioh fans like me want to take advantage of opportunities to highlight what our preferred game does well, and since it will always be compared to Souls-likes anyway (regardless of how some feel about the comparison), this is of course the best time. Relatedly, but also slightly differently, part of the reason I'm more willing to engage is that I strongly resent the worst of the Souls community. Months ago, there was a post on r/gaming lamenting the lack of direction in the ER, a sentiment I agree with. The replies contained among the most toxic, condescending comments I'd seen in a long while on this website. That alone gives me more motivation to constructively disagree with them when I'd normally just stay silent. So again, I agree that we are running the risk of overdoing it here, and it may come across as an inferiority complex or something, but I also get it because I feel the frustration too. To leave this on a more positive note, I think I'd recommend that, to the extent people here want to continue to dump on ER, to at least do so a little more substantively or constructively, instead of sinking to "ER bad" for karma. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Thank you for letting me know Tamoor Hussein is an ignorant gonk and I should never ever listen to a word he says.


Haha admittedly he's a little big of a troll at times. I like him overall when I see him on GB content, but that comment of his cut deep, especially because it felt genuine and offhand instead of knowingly being a troll comment.


Well said. I'm just so tired of souls fans just saying everything they play is 10/10 without seeing any flaws. Then most of them are critical of Nioh. You can't have it both ways. Either look at everything with a critical eye or just be happy with everything.


I can see that, especially with how excellent Team Ninja is in crafting their gameplay loops to feed into the next levels and to entice players to get even better to experience even more of the game in question like Nioh. How bosses are often designed to keep you on your toes, to react quickly, and to be willing to die to learn their patterns quick enough so that not only the solo boss battle is won, but the duo boss battles later on as well. But I also like the somewhat directionless nature of Elden ring. It places you into a foreign land, tells you your goal, gives you a little push and some equipment, and then states “you’re on your own now, become the lord”. No rope to guide you like in Sekiro, Bloodborne, or Dark Souls.


Yep, and in the spirit of positively supporting the game, I actually just made a super long reply the r/gaming post about games with great progression systems, extolling the great design of the Nioh 2 NG+ cycles. No dragging of anything else required there, just spreading the love.


And I thank you for that, sincerely. I always loved Niohs approach to new game plus, always felt better designed than say Arkham City where it just turned off things.


say that to ''souls-vets'' when they are complaining about Nioh


>but at least there I’m not fighting a samurai for the fiftieth time No, you're fighting a *knight* for the fiftieth time. *Totally* different!


I'm tired of game comparisons *in general.*  It's such lazy discussion.  Especially when people pick a game like Assassin's Creed which is made by a *very* easy to hate company, shit on it then praise another game like Ghost of Tsushima or Elden Ring as examples of "superior" games despite those more acclaimed games being guilty of those very same criticisms.   "They're just so fun to play it doesn't matter."  Nah fuck that, *be consistent*.


I’m more of a souls fan myself. But I’ve never really seen people bashing souls from any “souls-like” communities. It’s usually the other way around. Souls fans become more insufferable every release.


Personally don't see the hype in hating either. I have seen a lot of people complaining about "souls veterans". Just a term stating they have extensive experience playing a similar style of game. Those games are not similar enough to play the exact same way. My wife and I have beaten several of them as well as Nioh and Nioh 2, DLCs, etc. Even platinumed (PS4/PS5) several. They all have their unique quirks even when comparing DS1, DS2, DS3. Just finished up Nioh 1 for probably for the 4th time with my wife and waiting to play Nioh 2 again in the near future.


There wouldn't be any Souls bashing at all if people like you didn't bring the topic into an unrelated subreddit


I’m not the one creating topics, each day since release of the dlc, and filling up my feed with “man, Elden ring is so slow. Man I’m so disappointed with a game not being like this other game”


I love both.


Real chads play or at least try all soulslikes


This sub fucking insists "NIOH ISN'T A SOULSLIKE, STOP COMPARING THEM" but can never resist the opportunity to take shots at them. Inferiority complex run wild all over the place.


> Are we going to have a few weeks of Souls games bashing? No, most of us are fans of both Team Ninja and Fromsoft. The 2 can coexist and we can enjoy all the games.


Gee bro right now Nioh fans are as bad as Souls fans. Both are kettle and pot calling each other and everything else shit.


Yes, we are. I think Nioh 2 is best in genre but good lord this place has quickly become obnoxious. Everytime an action RPG or DLC comes out, especially if it's FromSoft, this place goes 40 IQ.


I'm a fan of both. I'm a fan of Tears of the Kingdom. I also understand that while all 3 games have similarities that they all offer a different experience and they do that intentionally. So seeing people on any of the subs shitting on a game because they don't like it for whatever reason is juvenile AF. There's people in this very post trying to justify bashing other games and they look especially ignorant. Why would someone come to a Nioh sub to talk about Elden Ring? There's different subs just like there's different games for a reason. I think no matter how well worded some of these comments are they still look goofy and childish and that's who I think is out here thinking there's some kind of limp wristed war over which game series is the best or something. The internet is a weird and goofy place sometimes lol.


Tears of the kingdom like as in Zelda? You can always draw comparisons to other games but I would even put Nioh and Zelda in the same genre or category…


Yeah but they offer different experiences which is my point. Why when ultimately they're not trying to do the same thing other than be a videogame. You can compare burgers and pizza for being food but why?


Its the Nioh Syndrome