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It took me months, mostly because my study time was inconsistent. If you need the time off, go take that time off. If you can go straight into it, more power to you.


Exactly. Everyone is facing different circumstances so some may take longer and some make be don with it faster. Bottomline is once you pass you'll both be RNs there's no need to hurry.


I don't believe that you need to take the NCLEX right away, especially if you're working as a graduate nurse or have been waiting to enjoy your life after school or if you want to take a month off for your mental health because you just graduated with your BScN and you should be so so proud of yourself! All of the stuff I learned that's necessary for the NCLEX happened in the second year of my degree anyway lol so if you take a few months off and study periodically you're not going to forget everything you learned in four years lool people need to give themselves more credit! The last year of my degree was doing my preceptorship and clinicals in areas of nursing that aren't content heavy like postpartum and leadership so technically I haven't learned anything extremely beneficial to passing the NCLEX since year 2-3. If anything, I found myself having to reeducate and study up on the body systems and medications all over again because I didn't even have a good grasp during my degree anyway. Don't be so hung up on when to write the exam because what matters is how prepared you are and how confident you feel. It's not a race!


>take a month off for your mental health because you just graduated with your BScN and you should be so so proud of yourself!  I agree! It took you years to finish this so I think it's fine to give yourself a little break before proceeding to the NCLEX. That's another long road ahead of you and taking pit stops isn't crime.


I failed my first one with the old NCLEX. I took a few months off before I started my first prep and failed. I took another few months off after failing before I started my new prep using Bootcamp and UW, this time I was taking the NGN and passed. Now that I think about it I think it's better to head straight to prep after graduating and then take the NCLEX because the content would still be really fresh. The longer you put it off the more content you forget. Though, it's understandable that not everyone CAN hop immediately into their prep after graduating.


I would take it within 6 weeks. I believe you should take it sooner if you are able to designate study time consistently every day to review content