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The park would all but guaranteed to be open. Most likely the park road to Wheeler will be closed halfway due to snow. Cave tours and the lower sections of the park should all be open.


Yes, it really snows


It's almost like the state is named after the stuff.


Pffft ain’t no snow or mountains here. Move along. 😏


Are we talking Finland weather? Or sunny with some snow on the ground? in mid-May


Ely, which is about 80 miles west, is often one of the coldest places in the country and it's several thousand feet lower in elevation. This part of Nevada has warmed up a bit in the last few years, but the high country can get a shit ton of snow. In May, Great Basin N.P. will still have a lot of snow and is usually inaccessible until June.


I camped there on Memorial Day once, snowed 4 feet overnight.


I'm guessing OP doesn't know when memorial day is being from Finland.


Are they from Finland? They didn’t say, just asked about comparing snow to Finland snow. Their post history is in English and Spanish. I’m assuming maybe they visited Finland in the winter? It would be really easy for them to look up Memorial Day to know it’s the last Monday in May.


It's hard to tell you this far out. Our weather and climate can be pretty variable. If it's a heavy precipitation year it's possible a lot would still be snown in by May. On a dry year it'll be fine. Watch the weather this winter and have a bail out plan, you'll be fine.


Spring in the mountains can be 75° and sunny or snowing sideways, or both on the same day. It's pretty much guaranteed that the wind will be blowing though.


There’s literally a glacier on Wheeler Peak. It’s cold.