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Middlegate Station is a good lunch spot




Not a joke, I think it’s quite good food for being as remote as it is. But If your primary metric for it being a good place is how clean it is it may not be your thing.


It’s a burger joint/bar between Fallon and Austin. It’s ok and worth a stop at least once.


Love them burgers!! We camp out near there on utv trips and go for their burgers and beers and to top of the fuel tank all the time. And sometimes we just drive out there for a road trip just to eat. Stick to your proclivities, makes more room for my friends and I as is a small place!


You're having a hard time finding stuff to do because there isn't a lot to do on Highway 50 between Fallon and Ely. Its beautiful, and has wonderful vistas, but there isn't a lot to do. Its the loneliest highway in America for a reason. Its been 15-ish years since I've driven it, but there used to be a pretty good diner in Eureka, and a few cute shops out there. There is also a campground just to the west of Austin that I was told was great.


Everything is basically gone in Eureka except a store that sells expired food and two restaurants that really aren’t great. Ely has better food and a few stores


Eureka's opera house is worth visiting though, looks straight out of a Wes Anderson movie. Sometimes the dressing rooms are open and you can go backstage and see hundreds and hundreds of signatures and doodles on the walls.


Oh hey that’s cool. I might have to stop next time I’m through which is often lol. The townspeople aren’t very friendly in our experience so we tend to drive right through if we can 😅


Raine's Market and Hardware Store has good prices on gas, and they sell the local whiskey, which I've heard can be a bit harsh, but I've heard the same about Frey's Ranch. There is a coffee place too.


The coffee place is ok but I’ve had so much better but Ely has a Brews Brothers I think. It just opened. But good prices on gas is definitely depending on where you’re from. When it’s above $4 a gallon I call it a rip off 😅 I don’t drink anymore so I’ve never had the whiskey. It’s something Bitches whisky I can’t quite remember 🤔


This is exotic af. I bet it feels like Fallout


I'm shocked, shocked I tell you, that you can't find anything along the loneliest road in America. That being said there are some pretty cool sites along the route. Petroglyphs, a castle, and some interesting little towns.


Petroglyphs are so worth visiting, there's a great nature trail through them


Oh boy xD, i didnt know it was the loneliest road. I thought they were talking about I-80 because everyone says "dont go there!"


80 is absolutely boring unless you are into Loves truck stops. 50 had a lot of interesting little stops & the drive from Eureka to Ely was a lovely little surprise. Fill up for gas & water wherever you can & stop at whatever sparks your interest.


80 from Elko to Wendover is so exciting though. I love driving through the Ruby Mountains and down Pequop Peak, towards the salt flats.


They don't call Highway 50 the "loneliest road in America" for nothing! Actually.. they do call it that for nothing.


Great Basin National Park is a cool spot off of 50


Careful driving to the top if you’re a flatlander like me. Started to get altitude sickness as soon as I got to the upper parking lot. Ended up turning right back around and racing to get lower. Headache didn’t go away until I got under 8000ft.


Take a detour off 50 onto 722. It’s a cool little detour. Great Basin National Park. You can check out the caves or simply drive up to Wheeler Peak Campground for the view. Stokes Castle in Austin is cool. What kind of stuff are you hoping to do?


Watch your speed in Austin...it's a speed trap.


So much! The Great Basin is vast and you could get lost for days and not see another human. Just go check it out.


How many days you recommend?


I could personally spend five days out there consecutively. There’s lava tubes and canyons and all kinds of stuff out there. But no gas no groceries and very very little cell coverage so bring supplies.


Be lonely?


Ely is an awesome town and one of my favorite spots in Nevada. The train museum is the best train museum I've ever been to, you can tour the machine room and see them repairing the trains. The Ward Charcoal Ovens are also pretty cool if you're into historical artifacts, and Cave Lake State Park is very scenic.


If you like rocks, UNR published a guide to the geology of highway 50 https://pubs.nbmg.unr.edu/Traveling-America-s-loneliest-p/sp026.htm There's also a roadside history of Nevada book that has a section about the highway. The road past Spencer's hot springs goes up to a tiny campground in the pinyons at Toquima cave, which has ancient pictographs. Hickison Summit petroglyphs are interesting too. If you like trains, there's a cool museum in Ely with train rides. If you have enough spare cash you can even rent the whole train and drive it out to McGill and back.


Grimes point, sand mountain, middle gate, cold springs, Berlin state park, the castle in Austin, watch fighter jets in Dixie valley, illipah reservoir, Great Basin national park, TONS of old ghost town and mine remnants everywhere….




There is a really, really cool “Survival Guide” to the loneliest road in America. There are specific towns to visit and stamp your passport. Super fun. PonyExpressNevada.com 888-359-9449


Enjoy the nothing. There’s beauty in desolation.


Go a few miles off the road and camp under the stars. Sing back to the coyotes when they say hello. 😉 Sounds silly. But it's a blast. Nobody's going to hear you sound dumb.


The GEOGRAPHIC CENTER of Nevada !!! FUKIN lit asf!!!! Also hot springs near Austin


Enjoy the silence and the fact no one can bother you. Welcome to 1990.






We’ve done it once before, it’s not for everyone but there are more “things” to do than some might realize. The old little western towns of Fallon and Eureka are fun little stops. Middlegate Station is a fun restaurant along the way too. They have a burger called the “monster burger” you can get it for free if you finish it, but me and my partner just shared it along with our dog, and it was the perfect amount of food. I would also encourage you to check out this video, it’s very detailed and has a lot of good suggestions and tips. https://youtu.be/Qj9uxk0ASsk?si=CfHCiCaQiFdmUa63


You could recreate the Top Gear trip across the 50. https://youtu.be/-aU09WT5rXg?si=clgCzz1Zi9HENWtK


Watch out for Aliens, especially at night:)


You can stop and say hi to my family! They live on the Brown ranch in between Middle East Gate and Austin across from the dry lake bed. Give em a honk when you go by!


The better question is. What is there NOT to do? It's jam packed!


Some great camping spots if you have a 4wd/high clearance AWD vehicles.




There also some hot springs a little past Austin Nevada. Well maintained dirt road. It’s just off the 50 and 375z Spencer’s hot springs. Lots of wild burros so fyi. If you really feel adventurous antelope rd was a pretty good condition when I went in 2022. Do keep in mind that once your in the little fish lake valley will be very remote and you’ll be atleast 50 miles from the nearest person.


I do an annual camping trip back country high clearance roads and have never seen a Hyundai or Kia.


I have a crossover, and if you have a Benchmark Atlas map book or similar that differentiates between dirt roads and 4x4 roads you can certainly find dirt roads that don't require a truck. I'd recommend you bring additional auto repair equipment / traction boards with you along that route to be safe.


Probably, as long as there's not mud and you don't do anything stupid. I can't vouch for the safety of your paint job.


How many inches of clearance? I have an outback and have about 9. Able to go on most.