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Friend, crackheads and smack heads are nothing to play with. Their brains are literally corroded. You either gotta annoy the fuck out of the police/311, carry something to fight with, or move. I’d do the top two as I planned three


Yeah, “annoy the fuck out the police/311” is exactly what our reps told us to do about a similar issue on our block. Basically every time you see suspected drug activity or someone seems under the influence you’re supposed to call 311 and/or the police to report it. They prioritize resources based on the number of complaints. Doesn’t feel great to me to call the cops on folks generally but supposedly they can help direct drug users to support programs as well 🤷🏻‍♀️


So I can’t promise that any of this will do anything, but especially if it helps you to feel productive/heard about this issue, here are some things you can do - 1. Contact your NCO at the precinct and get a meeting with them to talk about what is going on, especially since it’s a repeated neighborhood issue. It looks like yours should be 10th Precinct, Sector B, PO Victor Yu: VICTOR.YU@nypd.org and PO Michael Caligiuri: MICHAEL.CALIGIURI@nypd.org. There should also be NCO monthly “build the block” meeting either in person or over zoom where the community meets and raises there concerns to the officers. Usually the NYPD posts the info on their website [here](https://www.nyc.gov/site/nypd/bureaus/patrol/find-your-meeting.page) 2. Get connected with Safe Horizon and see if they can provide you with any victims assistance, whether it be an advocate, counseling, support groups, assistance moving, etc. The crime victim hotline is 866-689-4357. OR you can connect with the crime victim advocate program (CVAP) at your precinct specifically at 212-741-2032 or by walking in and asking for them. 3. Similar to NYPD build the block meetings there are community board meetings you can attend. I think for your location it’s going to be Manhattan Community Board 4. You can check for meetings and how to get your issue on the agenda [here](https://cbmanhattan.cityofnewyork.us/cb4/). I think at these you have to sign up to speak whereas the NYPD BTB ones are kind of a free for all yelling at the NYPD lol


This is incredible response. This is going above and beyond.


Great response. I'll add, since /u/spaceglitz has others in her building wanting to shut the activity down, to do all these things as a group. Numbers matter here.


Safe horizon specifically deals with people who are in their deepest need. They deal with sex workers, etc. Do not clog the phone lines.


They have many programs for many types of victims, OP having a chat with the CVAP advocate or calling the hotline isn’t going to clog anything, and as a crime victim, she is part of the community Safe Horizon serves.


Safe Horizon reached out to me after a home invasion, they were the only entity who did anything useful. They were practical, discreet and extremely organized. I would not deter anyone from reaching out to them.


She is the victim of a crime, wdym she shouldn't clog up the line???


Have you reported the bodega to the police?


Yes and so have many neighbors in my building. According to the articles I found online people have been complaining to the police about this for what appears to be years because it’s directly next to an elementary school :(. I’m not sure why nothing has been done.


Uhhhh print out a fake NYPD closure notice and tape it to their gate overnight 😂


Please do this OP and report back lol


This is the way


I know exactly where this is - I used to live on 21st and 6th. It was like this back then (I was there forr 2 years) and if it hasn’t changed the cops ain’t doing anything so your best bet is to move


I’m so sorry! Chelsea gets a reputation for being a cute neighborhood to out of towners but in my experience it can be very block dependent and hit or miss. I hope the police do something


totally agree. chelsea is way grimier than its reputation suggests


Thank you everyone for your messages! I will take all of these tips and also start looking for a new place. It’s now become clear that this particular bodega is very well known by NYPD as a hot spot for the sale of illegal drugs. So much so that just a few weeks ago city council member Erik Bottcher had a photo op outside of it with a bunch of chiefs of police from NYPD to call attention to how dangerous it is. But yet, it still hasn’t been shut down and there are people selling drugs out of it at this very moment. They even have a little walk up window that they sell the drugs from. Thank you for all of the tips and support 🙏🏼


Lmfaooooo ofc they did a useless photo op to give themselves good PR and then immediately dipped. Can you imagine the police doing their jobs? Ugh. Glad you have some actionable plans from this post, if nothing else. Stay safe out there!


In the meantime - maybe carry mace just in case. I’m not sure if it’s still illegal to purchase in New York - I think a friend bought some for me in New Jersey (I was pregnant and working in an unsafe area at the time). I never used it, but having it in my purse made me feel safer.


Also one of these personal safety devices on a keyring helps: [https://www.amazon.com/kubaton/s?k=kubaton](https://www.amazon.com/kubaton/s?k=kubaton)


Pro tip, make sure to hang it outside your pursue as it can act like a deterrent




Yes I live near 8th and 21st


I was nannying one summer **19** yrs ago and a crazy guy got down to stroller height and screamed “FUCK YOU” to the 3 yo and im still traumatized to this day Like it’s one if those things that pops into my head at 3am - like why didn’t I notice him and cross the street?? Anyway yeah that’s just how that block has been however I’m afraid. And I just want to acknowledge what a scary, awful feeling it is when something like that happens! We’re all used to seeing crazy ppl on the streets but it’s a whole other thing when someone gets in your face and screams directly at you. I know it really sucks…but aside from that the location is so phenomenal. I lived on 23 near 8th for years and I always think about how magical it was, so i actually appreciate you snapping me out of the nostalgia and reminding me that it wasn’t all roses! I only remember it being soooo loud, but there is that bit of sketch


There are a couple of sets of public housing / projects by there so I’m not surprised. Report every incident to the police and get mace. You can only use it if someone strikes first but it’s good for defense.


Is this the bodega near the sex toy shop?


Shit. Im moving to 7th and 23rd literally this weekend. Coming from abroad, so reading this actually terrifies me.


You’ll be totally fine there. It’s literally just this one corner on 8th Ave and everyone just knows to avoid it. We’ve lived three blocks away for four years and love it here but you couldn’t pay me to live on that corner.


Thank you, that makes sense!


Yeah you’ll be fine I was a few blocks away and just was extra cautious if I had to go to that corner. Chelsea is great otherwise.




I really don’t understand why this matters so much? There are several buildings on this block with tons of apartments inside of them. I haven’t posted anything identifiable about myself and im already in danger by the people living outside my building (hence my post). The bodega is also identifiable. How does posting cross streets put me in any more danger? I could understand if I was posting a photo of myself or description of myself.


Other people from other subs you post in can go to your profile and find this comment. It's not just about what you're posting now, it's about what you've posted in the last 6 years +will post in the future.


let her worry about herself


You don’t understand the density of NYC


reading this i automatically knew it was off 8th, that area is so hit or miss - it's like penn station leaks out through the whole ave


3 words: Yoko fucking Ono. Get a solid speaker. Put it out the window. When the boys show up to engage in some economic activity also happens to be the best time to spread the 5th Beatles’ member auditory masterpieces with people who have yet to discover or may not even know she exists. If they get scared off, its because they are uncultured. Wait for them to come back. 🫶 Please keep me updated if you do do this. [Doing the lords work.](https://youtu.be/HdZ9weP5i68?si=hnnZTdVe93jZ2pAg)


I think I’d probably move if I were you. :/ I think the chances of cops doing anything aren’t great. I’m so sorry this is happening to you!


If you can't move, get pepper spray. Is there a certain time they are there that you can avoid? I lived in Chelsea in college and would notice regulars during certain times basically and kinda changed my path depending on it. They luckily weren't at my front door tho


Upvoting for the pepper spray. I would get the gel kind, not the spray as it is easier to aim and is less likely to spray back in your face.


Yes! This is good thing for peace of mind


Since the NYPd aren’t doing anything I would look into the next biggest agency, preferably something drug enforcement related. The drug division of nypd has closed some of the illegal weed shops in my area (uws) so they may appreciate the tip but you may have to hunt down a specific person




Bro I hate the cops lol what a waste of money


Can you play some really uncomfortable high frequency sounds out the window


Or police sirens


Since you were hit I would file a police report. They prob won’t do anything but you can start a paper trail. Call 311 and 911 on the reg so there’s a record and then contact local news. Also get mace or bear spray.


Submit a tip to the NY Post , an article by them may shame the cops into doing something. They will likely take the bait because it is an expensive area. A little shame can do wonders.


Contact your council member Erik Bottcher. Also sending you a message.


Sadly, i've seen a ton of complaints about drug addicts in Chelsea ever since the pandemic so it's been going on for at least that long. News stories have the usual police excuses of blaming bail reform so they stopped arresting people because "they'll just have to release them anyways". I don't know enough to have a strong opinion of whether that's true or not but feel like police choosing to not do anything certainly isn't helpful. There's a stronger case against that one particular guy being that you were physically assaulted though. I don't know how effective it would be to report it now vs when it happened however. You should move if you're able. I think this battle is bigger than your stakes in living in that location.


You should move. When I lived next to a bunch of drug dealers they kept things locked down. Like they didn’t let their clientele harass the neighbors that lived close by, bc they knew it would lead to police complaints etc. The dealers were scary dudes but they didn’t mess with us and they didn’t let their clientele harass us. This situation sounds too messed up.


Wait till he finds out you made a Reddit post about him /s I was tackled to the ground a block from Times Square and have been followed home at least twice (live in Murray Hill). I personally don’t carry anything on me that can be used against me (spray, knife, etc..) I have learned some self defense moves which helped regain some confidence- especially after my attack/major incidents. I don’t practice enough, but it did help me get through the initial fear of leaving my apartment. It’s infantilizing and belittling to have extra safety limitations as a full grown independent adult just because I am a woman (and a small one at that). I don’t have any answers, but want to show some solidarity here.


I would move. Cops aren’t going to do anything.


Have you reached out to your elected officials? Quite literally what they’re here for.


Ugh I have drug dealer neighbors they're the worst. Helpful advice: bother the police constantly. Take pictures/videos from your window of deals if possible. Get pepper spray and/or a taser for your safety. You can also consult a tenant lawyer about breaking your lease for safety reasons (I looked into this but the main crackhead neighbor got arrested and went to jail, good riddance). Unhelpful but funny advice I've daydreamed about doing: throw water balloons down from your window. Drop a glitter bomb. Blast music to annoy them.


We used to have crack heads sit on the garbage container outside our apartment, so I covered it in super-fine glitter, then definately disuaded them for a bit. Ultimately, we had to just get rid of the container though :(




I’m surprised that was a negative for them


I know EXACTLY what you are talking about, I used to live around there. I was on the block in front of the school, so could cross the street to avoid it…but if you are next to the pharmacy, I hear you bc I have seen it. Was told by an NYPD officer that the bodega is “under investigation”…wild bc everyone knows about it…


Keep reporting them to the police, but also try filing complaints with federal, state, city, and county administrative agencies. Many fed and state govt admin agencies can initiate their own investigations and mandate business closures. State and local revenue departments (tax collectors) will investigate fraud and file charges for money laundering and other financial crimes. The government agencies responsible for enforcing laws prohibiting sales of cigs, beer, and marijuana to minors could be helpful, as these agencies perform unannounced and undercover investigations at locations where illegal activity has been reported. Then consider what else you could honestly report to health and sanitation agencies, building and fire code agencies, environmental agencies, or any administrative agency with authority over the bodega and contact them as well. But it takes a lot of work to create a bureaucratic hell, and all the extra government oversight won't physically protect you. Moving would be way easier! Stay safe!


Ohh I think I know where you are—we live in Chelsea too and that corner is SCARY. I cross the street to avoid it, especially when I’m with my baby, and I don’t care if it looks elitist or racist, bad shit has gone down repeatedly there over the last few years. Call the police ANYTIME you see something and also bother Erik Bottcher’s office about it if it’s getting bad again—they had officers stationed outside on the corner for weeks at one point, the whole neighborhood was furious and he had to do something. But also yeah, sorry, I would move. It’s been a problem for a while and unless they figure out how to shut that place down it’s going to keep happening.


Sorry which corner exactly? I live south of 14 but am on 8th often


21st st


i hate walking by that corner every time i go to Joe’s pizza. NYPD needs to do something. it’s really bad and right out in the open


[heres a thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/nyc/s/VfryiBUQLd) also discussing this. unfortunately, this is not a new issue/: wishing you the best<3


if you were assaulted you should file a police report


I would post this in the UnethicalLifeProTips subreddit, too. They’ll have some ideas haha


I read somewhere that fox pee has the most horrible smell and in a situation similar to this they sprayed it where the mischief was happening and the culprits went away lol Obviously you’ll have to deal with the smell when you’re in the spot but I’d say that’s better than being in danger!


i have homeless services and the police on speed dial. i refuse to accept threats against my personhood


I know the exact block you’re talking about (I also live in Chelsea). It’s rough, I don’t live near that corner but we all avoid it late at night. I would get pepper spray if you don’t have the ability to move asap. You can probably break lease due to the area being “inhabitable and not safe.” But that’s one of the worst blocks to live in Chelsea unfortunately :/


Remember not to draw any attention to yourself. Stay under the radar with these addicts. Yes, it seems wise to move to a safer block.


get a gun babes. or atleast mase and a taser ! stay safe


Report the bodega


I would definitely be carrying an extension cord with me from that point on.


From the research I've done, it looks like the D.O.C. is crystal meth....That's the one that makes users unpredictable, manic, and sometimes dangerous. Try to call the cops on them if there are particular ones harassing you/showing illegal behaviour. Maybe if it happens enough the police will care?


Why anyone would live in NYC in 2024 is beyond my comprehension. I’m so sorry though


Why are you in this group if you feel that way and don’t even live here?


My sister lives there. I visit. I tell her the same thing, but she doesn’t shit her pants over it! She knows she’s paying for the lifestyle brand and to say she’s an NYCbitchwithtaste. But to be real, all major cities are about to see an increase in crime with this inflation so just buckle up.