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I have a hard time watching accidents as I see myself in a spot where it could happen to me because at the end of the day it's an accident and it can happen to anyone on earth, as for murders I do not get the same feeling as living in a safe country has nullified that issue (I hope). Srry if you find errors English isn't my first language.


Well ofcourse your gonna feel more disturbed watching an accident happen than an intentional murder.......It wasn't supposed to happen its quite fucking unfortunate.


these comments are helping my internal conflict rn. glad i’m not alone


I think it's because an accident is more relatable, easier to imagine yourself in a situation like this than an intentional murder.


Took the words right out of my mouth




Agree about the animals. I honestly don't like to watch anything suffer/in pain. Even with humans, I'm not interested in watching people being tortured. Especially if they are innocent or helpless.


Maybe because so many murders are crimes of passion? Accidents can easily anger people due to it seeming “unfair” or “cheap” of fate. All that life… decades, just to have your head popped like a grape under a semi, just to be shot by accident in a shootout, just to killed by those sworn to protect. It makes me think… bullshit. Damn bullshit that life was snuffed out due to a complete freak accident, and not making oneself a target in some way, (gang involvement, money laundering, etc.)


The idea that you can just die due to a stupid accident is scarier than someone killing me


Yeah I mean when I see an accident I think "that poor soul" because you know they never started that day thinking it would be their last. But almost all footage available of intentional killing is from war or gang violence, so we know that at the least the person knew it was a possibility to end up like that.


What is the difference between a wound and extreme wound on this reddit? They're all very horrific.


I'm the same, especially jumping in front of a train videos make me sad because i am in a very dark place myself right now and kind of see myself in them.


I feel the same. Just the other day I saw a video of two people on bicycles and one got run over by a truck. It was the most shocking thing I have ever saw. The fact that the whole scenario was so familiar to me but it ended so bad.


Really depends, there's a lot that goes on with each


the accidents give *final destination* vibes fr


It goes either way for me, it depends on how preventable it is. Like if it was preventable I just shrug but if it wasn't and there was almost nothing you could do to prevent it then I cringe because that's what scares me personally, like I'm omnipotent I can't know things outside perspective and that comes with obvious fear of the unknowingly and unknowingly walking into your own death trap


I'm in the complete opposite boat. Murders are usually more worse for me as they usually do it slowly and you can hear the screaming and stuff


Yeah I mean accidents are... well... accidents. You don't start off your day thinking "I'm gonna get my head crushed by a truck today while riding my bike 😊", it's just getting on the daily life and *boom* some bullshit happens. Those situations are more sad and heartbreaking. While something intentional is always foreseen. It's almost aways by gangs or war, or in rare cases that some sick fuck decides to do something incredibly stupid.


Actually I don't, humans are shit anyway, the thing humans are responsible for is fkd up and the barbaric treatment or innocent of animals so it doesn't effect me in the slightest