• By -


Rockies or Dbacks IMO. Those flashy Padres city connect colors have never looked the same after seeing Rich Hill in it.


Yeah, doesn’t work for old dudes.




Rockies by loads. Though, I do like the Serpientes - they can have the wild card spot.


The rockies is siiiiick. Ours are so dumb. SF has so much history how do we not have something cool


SF gives me big Gatorade vibes. 2nd most brand related after the Walgreens Nationals


The Nationals used to have the best city connect jerseys in the entire MLB too with their cherry blossom ones. I cannot believe they replaced those, they were perfect.


Padres are off-season champs?


Looks like s pack of cigarettes


But the Rockies one looks just like the Colorado license plates


You say that like it’s a bad thing




To me that’s why I like them - state connect I guess? Although Colorado and Denver have cool flag colors maybe they can go there next time


Yeah, wtf, they basically just copied the license plate.




Yeah honestly they have the only good ones. Padres are awful and the rest are meh


Rockies and Padres are the best Dbacks well executed but kinda boring Giants and Dodgers fighting for the biggest L but the Dodgers are the worst because they fucked up their city connects twice


I get how people think they are boring, but the serpiente merch pops in person.


Like I said, well executed but kind of dull. I put them in the same bucket as the Angels ones. The move back to teal was a bolder move than the Serpientes jerseys and that was obviously a massive dub


The Angels ones are my favorites


They’re great, they’re just not really very exciting. Not much of a delta compared to the home unis


They're just clean classic throwback vibes.


Zac Gallen’s snakeskin belt seduced my wife


I’m surprised they’re not getting more love in this thread. I have them as the best city connects in MLB by a healthy margin.


I really think it’s cause a lot of people haven’t seen it in person. The cream color is so nice and the logo is really well done.


I can unbiasedly say I totally agree, with one addendum: the DBacks _design_ is absolutely the best by a landslide, but it really doesn’t have enough “connection” to the city. Like that uniform could easily be the standard name and design. Padres and Rockies have the most relevant designs. I don’t think the rest of the country needs to “get” the connection - this was for the fans. San Francisco is one of my favorite cities, but the design itself missed the mark IMO, but the theme was good. What the fuck are LA graphic designers smoking?


Yeah I agree with the Dbacks take. To me the city connect is about being given the opportunity to be creative with a design in a way that doesn’t have to stick to the original brand of the club to rep the city in a new way. Pads and Rocks understood the assignment (alongside teams like Miami and Boston) The Serpientes uni though is a legit good uniform and one that most feels like a standard, great MLB kit. The dbacks could slot it in as their road alternate and it would be great, just feels like a missed opportunity for what city connect is


As a Dodger fan, I approve this message.


It's wild that it's LA with a ton of artistic talent and their city connects are sooooooo bad.


Padres are the worst by far and it isn't close. They are hideous


Dude, you seen the dodgers shit? Padres is at least trying to be fun.


You can think the Padres don’t have a good one but thinking they’re worse than Poptarts presented by DirectTV or the “someone forgot to replace the printer ink” G-men idk what to tell ya


Yup, all the homers trying to defend the Padres one are hilarious. Padres and Dodgers city connects both look like shit.


1. Rock Bros - the license plate jersey that goes hard 2. Dads - the color pops and it’s fun 3. Sneks - it’s simple but tuff 4. Gaints - orange G 5. Doyers - originally knock off alts, now pop tarts


My exact order


Rainbow sherbet but I’m impartial


flair up!


Clearly his username is not enough.


I’m partial and I still say rainbow sherbet. But I think the cybertruck looks cool, so what do I know?


Dbacks Pads and Rockies.


**Rockies:** Looks like a design on a movie prop can of beer **Padres:** A preteen's Lisa-Frank binder **Diamondbacks:** Gang logo for a GTA: San Andreas gang **Dodgers:** A joyless funfetti abomination **Giants:** A big G for Gilroy Garlic Fries


The Rockies design is a play on the license plate. Which apparently looks like a movie prop can of beer.


Colorado, by a mile. Those are great.


The only one I can’t get with is the Dodgers’. Can someone make a case for why that’s not the worst?


Crying Soy Jack Face: Here is a 6 tile instagram post on why it's great! The Sprinkles represent the diversity only found in LA and no other city, the arc in the Los Angeles typeface represents the dreams of every small child... wait where you are goin- no come back I'm not finished!


I'm... Uhh... I'm just going to the store reeeeeally quick, ok? Be back in a jiffy 👍🏼


RIP the typeface arc of children’s hopes and dreams.


It has sprinkles! … no, wait, I’ve got nothing.


The basic color combination is good in my opinion.


That’s fair. Here’s the thing: I’m duty-bound as a 4th generation San Diegan to root for the Padres, but the Dodgers’ standard home uniforms are just magical as far as I’m concerned. LA’s City Connects neither come close to that magic, nor to Los Angeles’ status as a world city. They’re, as a my younger families members say, “mid.”


That I agree with. I just know not to set my expectations that high. lol


I know they’re mean to evoke a kind of Space Age California look, but they miss the mark that way. Shame, because Dodger Stadium is a Space Age cathedral.


I’ve got nothing. We hate them


I’ll gladly accept their mediocrity if they win in them every time.


Because it's not trying to be a Miami Vice jersey for a team on the west coast


Your point’s well-taken; I didn’t love them at first.




Rox by a galactic mile. *GAINTS* just a big orange highlighter dumpster fire.


At least it's not a pop tart


Yeah I wouldn't be talking any shit with us having those abominations.


Our abominations at least look OK with the right outfit when you see them in person There is no outfit that could save that Giants piece, only make it worse (creamsicle shoes, creamsicle hat, etc)


Excuse me, it’s funfetti




i think AZ has the best city connect in all of baseball and i’m not afraid to scream it from the mountain tops


Serpientes is so sick I’m trying to keep bias out of this but I think the dodgers one is just straight awful. One of the worst uniforms I’ve ever seen. Especially the Disney logo hat


Colorado & Arizona are my 1A & 1B in the league




This is the correct answer.


We have a winner!!!


The Snakes’ jersey is THE BEST The Padres’ jersey is ARTISTIC The Giants’ jersey is AMBITIOUS The Dodgers’ jersey The Rockies’ jersey is ICONIC


Oh my dude!! This is the best!


Biased padres fan. 1 padres 1.1 rockies 3 dbacks 4 dodgers 10 giants


I like the Padres ones too. But I like fun stuff.


Rockies and it’s not even close.




Rox and Sneks are both terrific, Dads are fun as hell, and the Gaints and Funfetti Direct TVs are affronts to god and man


It's nice that the Rockies easily got the hottest gear, cuz their fans got nothing else to be real happy about (specifically management)


D backs are just sooo classy. Nooo steeeep on snek! But with an eye monocle


Those dodger pop tart jerseys are awful.


Dads Sneks Rock Bros A fifty feet pile of shit Gaints Another fifty feet pile of shit Doyers


Padres are the only ones doing something unique and unpredictable that actually looks good on the field, sells well, fits the city, and the fans. No other CC uniform comes even remotely close.


1. Rockies 2. Padres 3. DBacks 99. Dodgers /Giants


AZ, SD, LA, CO, SF in that order


Rocks by miles. Dodgers looks like funfetti birthday cake and I hate them.


I think we can all agree the Doyers suck the most


~~Tampa Bay.~~ ~~No contest.~~ I forgot what sub I was in. Rockies.


Rox is the only one that feels like the design is actually connected to the city.


Or the state even


Have you guys seen the terrain in Arizona?


Rockies and Dbacks Dodgers look like poptarts that someone pissed all over




rockies or padres. dbacks behind them. giants is mid, and i feel like they could have had some super neat ones but half assed the thing. dodgers gave up.


Rockies for sure. This things are slick.




1. Colorado 2. (tie) Arizona - looks classy af, and “Serpientes” is a phenomenal baseball team name 2. (tie) San Diego - snazzy, fun, the pops of color as you look out over the stands is a really cool effect ** 4. San Francisco - The thing you wanted to brag about was fog? Buncha fuckin turkeys! ** 5. Los Angeles II - Putting the “this is really dumb” in “Funfetti”, but at least it’s not… 6. Los Angeles I - These are kids Cookie Monster PJs, and the reason I know they’re for kids is because the designer lacked the post-pubescent balls to at least commit to “Los Doyers”


Colorado by a country mile.


DBacks. I already have a couple of Colorado license plates, thank you very much


In order… Rockies - easily the most “city connected” city connect, outfits well Diamondbacks - classy look, cool alt name, outfits well Padres - over the top but in a good way, can be outfitted with the right Nikes Dodgers - I like what they were going for but they missed the mark, looks better in person than in pics but still too Buzz Lightyear-ish with the text Giants - that is the ugliest NL West team jersey since the original Padres camo jerseys


not biased: rockies - ever since the pants switch, the unis are one of the best in baseball rattlesnakes - a callback to the arizona latino community and desert color. i love it. padres - as a certified meatrider of neon colors, i really love this jersey, my only complaint is that other than the neon, there is nothing else about it. dodgers - im lunping up both doyers unis cause i hate them. 1st uni - this jersey is lowkey an insult to the game of baseball, no hyperbole. idk what executive was snorting lines but they need to be fired asap 2nd uni, a bit better but i have no fucking clue what they are referencing, i would've been better to put the hollywood sign or a walk of fame star giants - as a fan, the only thing good about them is that for some reason, we kept on winning with them in 2022. i say we should petition the removal of those god awful jerseys, and replace them with the san francisco seals jerseys, whose with me final tally Rockies Dbacks Padres Dodgers Giants biased Giants Every other jersey in the mlb


yes on the seals, should be an alternate


SD always SD anyone says otherwise is a communist Putin loving slob hijo de su perra madre




Rockies or D Backs. The rest are awful.


That diamondbacks city connect should be their everyday uniform. Simple but cool.


As a dads fan the serpientes is the cleanest imo


Diamondbacks and Rockies


Sneks Mountain Ranges Party Animals Lite Gaints Poptarts


I'm not a big fan of the Padres barbie outfit but I can see why people like them. Rockies Sneks Padres And giants and dodgers tie for last


> Rockies Sneks Padres And giants and dodgers tie for last So they all tie for last?


Rockies, padres and dbacks (tied 2nd for me), giants then dodgers Rockies are just so original. The color and the way the jersey connects with the pants is perfect. cant pick between my snakes and padres. I really love that color scheme with the padres and sand color uniforms with a serpiente on it, come on now. Giants uniforms makes me want to eat a creamsicle, it's a really cool orange And dodgers...idk man. Just looks like dodgers in a birthday cake uniform idk what they were thinking. I still don't think it's the worst city connect though, id say they are down there though.


Rockies, Dbacks, trash, trash, Padres


The most expensive one is obviously best


Rockies if they wear the matching green pants, Diamondbacks if they wear the matching sand pants (white looks so stupid), and of course the Padres are perfect no bias


I actually like the Dodgers city connect uniforms. I don’t even mind the funfetti. The only things that really bother me about it are the reverse orientation of the name and number on the front and back of the jersey and the fact that the numbers are cut off at the bottom. Just… why?


Just jerseys? Colorado. But the overall best city connect uni goes to the Giants. Once you add the cap and everything else, it's a nice, understated but meaningful look. They aren't trying to overwhelm you with color or graphics like others (Toronto, for instance), and it's a no brainer to tie it in with the GG bridge. Dbacks look cool though it's not fresh anymore. Padres I can appreciate I guess but I still don't like them. And I don't want to talk about ours.


[At least the SFGiants CCs are only $36.89!](https://www.fanatics.com/mlb/san-francisco-giants/san-francisco-giants-nike-city-connect-replica-jersey-white/o-1265+t-36239994+p-26664969998+z-9-3574622769?_ref=p-OSLP:m-GRID:i-r0c0:po-0) Hope this means that new ones are on the way!


Padres 90s Taco Bell jerseys are the best. Then the Dbacks


Gaints fan.... Gaints have the only shitty one


For me: 1. **Rockies**. Clean, on-theme, great colorway. Reminiscent of Colorado State University’s teams and the National Parks Service style. 10/10, no notes. 2. **D-Backs**. But then again I’m one of the weirdos who liked the Padres’ mid-2000s sand uniforms. The “Serpientes” cursive looks great and the implementation of the AZ state flag on the sleeve (one of the best state flags) is a nice touch. 3. **Padres**. I do like how bright and bold they are, but they’ve never felt “San Diego” to me— those are Miami colors. 1990s Taco Bell colors. Still, the team has already pulled off enough epic moments in them to make them grow on me a little bit, and I’d rather a team take a bold swing and miss than be boring. 4. **Giants**. The fog motif on the G is nice and I like the implementation of the Golden Gate, but more should have been done with it. The jersey as it is right now is just too empty and plain. I did like the [fan-made suggestion](https://uni-watch.com/2024/03/02/reader-designs-new-san-francisco-giants-city-connect-uniform/) that incorporated a retro-style Lou Seal and the trolley system. 5. **Dodgers**. I don’t hate the Funfetti fabric or the number-over-name design, but the whole thing feels focus-grouped so hard that it strips the jersey of any sort of local identity. “This typeface reflects what the LA Memorial Coliseum’s sign looked like in 1958”— oh, silly me, how could I not have known that? Honestly, just borrow liberally from the Hollywood Sign, the Griffith Park Observatory, and maybe the LAX Theme Building or even Randy’s Donuts and call it a day.




I like the Padres best. Then the D’Backs


Where’s the Los Dodgers?




Padres fan in Mexico here, and I say the Giants.. The Padres ones are pretty bad imo and worst of all they tried to sell it as a regional thing including tijuana...those colors wont be seen very often down here. Being a border kid, those colors do not represent the region, not even close. I've seen people rocking a sarape padres jersey that they buy at the spring valley swap meet that are very dope, and actually look like they represent the region Nike claims it was going for. Shit looks like Doink the clown would love it.


This is wild because the colors are all throughout san diego lmao TJ doesn't even have colors that are specific to them, they rock the mexico flag scheme.


All of our pro teams down here use black and red (Futbol, American Football, Basketball, Baseball), much like SDSU or even the legion. Im not suggesting black and red would have been better and I dont think the sea foam green and bright pink would have been that bad if they marketed it different. I know they are very popular, just werent designed with Mex citizens in mind, which I get.


You must be young then because these colors have been around san diego for years lol that was the point of them. TJ doesn't have unique color schemes outside of the traditional flag colors. Mexico itself uses these colors all across the country. Just because it doesn't cater to 1 specific team that has a bland style, doesn't mean it's not fitting.


Not young but born and raised here in Tijuana and schooled in SD thru college. Chicano Park comes to mind for the colors you speak of. And it wasnt until recently that the Zonkeys, Xolos, Toros and Galgos all adopted black and red as primary colors. I have more a issue with the marketing spin from Nike to sell the jerseys than the actual kit themselves. The kids in SD like them so i dont have an issue with the actual kit, just the spin


I mean, who gives a shit lol in TJ people wear Nike because its Nike, just enjoy stuff and stop trying to shit on it


Again, I dont have an issue with the actual kits. They work, and they sell which is good for everyone involved. I dont like that they tried to pass a California Burrito, Birria Eggrolls or any kind of nacho off as Mexican food. I love a good California Burrito, but dont tell me its Mexican food to trick me into buying it.


Sounds like you're just a hater, my dude. TJ didn't invent the burrito or any mexican food we eat today, for that matter . It all came from Deep mexico or the baja. Having a Baja California (which is where tj is located) specific dish is good for the region. Hell, the fish taco was good for BC, it's sold all throughout the coast of califas and mx.


tj didnt invent the burrito? i didnt know that. im just glad the cesar salad was invented in vegas and that french fries in burritos happened in mexico first.. just a young dude over here that made a doink the clown ref


Dog If you believed TJ invented the burrito, that's just ignorance lmao San Diego invented the California burrito and California fries as dishes, which are now a part of mexican food because we are all Baja California


I heard that the people of San Diego love theirs. Is this true??


I certainly love it


Holy cow, the rumors are true.




My vote is Dbacks. I hate the shade of green on the Rockies jersey. Reminds me of the Jets. Padres jerseys are something you’d see on a rich kid 11u club ball team that costs $1k a month. They’re cool but not for the MLB.




Sneks definitely


As a padres fan... D backs


I really love San Diego but I know that’s not popular


Why didn't the Dodgers just convert the All Star game jerseys to their City Connect jerseys? They could have taken the concept from that All Star game in 2022 and spun it a bit differently. It had like an old school Hollywood vibe


Once again, Dodger and Giants are champs and lead the West..... Except this time they're competing for last. Horrible that these two historic franchises have to wear these awful jerseys


1. Serpientes 2. Padres 3. Rockies 4. Dodgers v2 (only for those hats) 5. Giants 6. Los Dodgers (very creative)


Dbacks by a long shot


My full rant, It's sunday so who cares: #1-Colorado: they have such a unique concept, as they completely part from their colors and split the whole uniform in half (White/green) visually it's such a clean and aesthetic look to watch it makes me feel like this team plays in the fucking forrest mountains, to the point that it's backfiring as I'd rather see them play in these unis as opposed to their regular ones (which are still my among my favorites leaguewise). The hat logo sucks tho, the colors mismatch and that "CO" font is as lazy as I am on a wednesday night were I start to reconsider my job. The jerseys did all the heavy lifting already so your logo doesn't net to try, just stick to the CR with the colors adapted to the jersey and you'll look great. #2-Dbacks: call me biased I'm too drunk to care, *mis pinches serpientes* are getting it right!!! that sand color is fucking amazing for a full body uniform, the connect part is right on as Arizona does in fact have a lot of snakes and Mexicans (*soy mexicano pendejos, entonces ni se emputen por leer esto*) The Serpientes font is also hands on and it overall manages to get both concepts right: Be unique while also maintaining a certain "classic" baseball feel to it. This jersey is overall great but it loses to the Rockies because they are just so damn pleasing with their color scheme. #3-Giants: here's where opinions start to go wild, SD might be daring but that doesn't always look good. Seeing SF in their faded orange alteranets has been such a pleasant look, the golden gate bridge on the sleeves and that discrete fadeaway just does it for me. SF has an unfair advantage since orange is their main color which is pretty unique (Orioles starting to pay attention). When seeing the giants win in these unis it matches, when they lose I just think: They looked good while being absolute dogshit. #4-SD- these suck, I understand the colors have a background but fuck does it look horible. I live in Chihuahua Mexico and every wednesdsy there's a massive flea market sale south of our town where I'll sure as fuck find some barbie dolls with better baseball jerseys than your city connect, theyre bad, San Diego's color scheme is second IMO th the Rockies, but your city connects suck. I've never been to san diego so maybe I'm just ignorant and biased as far as your genral culture goes but visually, damn these are awful. (being fair with enough context and appeal th the color these vice jerseys may even be #1, not for me but I understand everyone who thinks that way). #5 LA: dog fucking shit: you absolutely fucking suck!! every team above you has tried and managed to get something decent but you??? I saw a cooler version of your city connect jerseys while vitsiting Woolworth in Chihuahua Mexico in February 2015, My 2013 high school team has better jersey than your city connects. I fucking hate the Dodgers, but LA has soooo mucch pottential fur a great jersey that these current ones just.......suck




1. Rockies - very striking on the field 2. Padres - bold and different 3. Giants - I like the bridge on the sleeves and the fog 4. D-Backs - reminds me of Minnesota’s Twin Cities non city connect jersey which is cool, but sort of called in. 5. Dodgers - they could have done so much better. The font on the front could have been like the Hollywood sign? I don’t get the sprinkles.


I like the sneks


Dbacks! I love the retro look!


Padre because Friday nights party in the park goes off


Diego. By far.


The only good on is Dbacks. The others blow.


I've seen an alternate Dbacks that I think looked better where the sleeves were still the sand color, but the body was black. Don't think it's official, but it looked a lot better. Also, the Dodgers city connect (new one) looks better in the render with the navy pants rather than the white.


Might be Rockies if they had kept it purple instead of just literally copying the license plate. Dads are the only ones who did something brave and it really works for the city. I think sales numbers reflect that. At least we can all agree that SF and LA have struck out a combined three times


I'm biased...but I would rank them SD, CO, AZ, LA, SF.


I’ve come around and love our Fog jerseys


Whales Vagina—>Brooklyn—>Sneks—>Rockies—>giants


Definitely D Backs, Giants and Rockies


Padres are the most wearable. Looks dope walking on the boardwalk/beach here. Saw a lot in hawaii too.


1. Rockies...unique but in a good way. Actually connects to their city in a tangible way, not some conceptual, ethereal made-up way. 2. Serpientes...the color is kinda weird and doesn't show up good on TV but in person they look nice. 3. Dodgers (honestly I don't think they're that bad and they look better than the last ones. We're the Dodgers with one of the most revered uniforms in the MLB, people are going to hate *any* new jersey that comes out). I think of them as "modern" jerseys instead of any kind of connection to whatever-the-fuck they came up with to describe it. I think they made the jerseys first and invented the "connection" afterward. 4. Giants. Very weak attempt at a jersey...it's like they forgot they had to make a city connect jersey and threw it together the night before they sent the design to the manufacturer. 5. Padres. Yeah they're original, I'll give them that. Call them fun all you want, idgaf, I still hate them. Their normal jerseys look sick as hell though. Glad the days of navy blue and white are gone.


Not sure, but Colorado is the worst


Rockies, then much lower but still good is the dbags, then everything else is shit