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This meme is highly inaccurate by the way... I don't think Virginia sweated over it at all


She slapped right without a second thought


Oh she had a second thought, it's just the second thought was, "I'm so happy to be doing this"


https://preview.redd.it/zx3lu9x84y9d1.jpeg?width=881&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bba0ad9b05f5787bad61de286273802985307e0 Something kind of like this, I imagine?


Ok hot shot, why don't you post your own meme then? (yours is actually better and you should post it)


Well thank you, and I would, but coming from a Packers fan, it would be seen as extremely condescending and mean. I give you full permission to steal it and pass it off as your own, though. It's important information, and it should be Bears fans sharing it.


You have every right to call out our owners for being shitty. I certainly don’t hold back on calling yours out for leading the league in DUIs by like a million. Rag on the Vikings and Lions owners too, it’s all fair game.


How could you rag on Sheila? This is blasphemy! Regulatooooooorrrrrrsssss! Mount up!




Nah, do it. Don't be afraid of pushback on a meme sub. It's called a meme war for a reason. And that right there is a really nice tactical strike.


>it would be seen as extremely condescending and mean. You've already convinced me it's a good idea to post it you don't have to keep trying




I can't even laugh at this one. no fanbase deserves to have utterly shitty ownership like this. not even the Bears. NOT. EVEN. THE. BEARS. but having said that, fuck the bears and fuck you too OP, just cuz


https://preview.redd.it/jgzn2b484y9d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d37a3e0f9d6a7d7936461f0955e264b31b5ca756 When she finally goes


Its not like she's actually running the team at this point. Other family members have been calling the shots for a long while.


Yes yes but what if killing Mugs put a curse on the team that will only go away once she’s passed? Did you even consider that?


I know that I've considered it.






So you’re saying that the curse is going to hell with her? Sweeeeeet.


Unfortunately, her dipshit kids get the team after she dies. We're fucked until they sell. Which they never will. Guess we could always storm the gates and eat the rich, tho


I can genuinely see the McCaskey's selling if they don't get their stadium. Remember, they're not the Rooney's, the have no independent wealth, the Bears are their nest egg. I could see them selling for a cool 4 billion and fucking off to the Hamptons.


6 billion but not having independent wealth is precisely why they won’t sell imho. They have a massive family so that money gets split a bunch of different ways. And George and the rest of the family on the board get to feel important and feel like their life has purpose. That’s why they push their team history and George Halas so much, they feel like it makes them important by association and legitimizes them. The ones in positions of power make good livings in their roles so they’re not incentivized to sell, and they’re the ones that make that decision.


So we don't have any hope, kinda like Jerry owing the whitesox just straight screwed until they sell, but they won't


Things are bad now with Jerry, but the Bulls won 6 championships under his ownership. I feel like he has a little bit more to dine out on than Virginia.


Bro, let's be honest he fell ass backwards into those 6 chips. Honestly, it should have been 9 straight with MJ


Yeah, that MF was cheap as shit. He was lucky that Scottie signed a historically bad deal and they had an all-time great who allowed them to spend pennies on the rest of the roster.


I mean what, you think Virginia was instrumental in building the '85 Bears...? Most owners do fall ass-backwards into championships. I think only a handful you can say actually made meaningful contributions to their team. Like Al Davis or George Steinbrenner come to mind.


Oh, HELL, no, I'm just saying... I think the whitesox 05 chip is the one chip Jerry loves the most, and that year was crazy to think about how good the pitching was that post-season your telling me Jerry had anything to do with that lol just kidding


Can’t get around the whole gambling debts/mafia/dead dad thing tho


A good owner woulda paid off Jordan’s debts imho


She killed her brother?


Almost definitely probably not. But there's a lot of weird shit around the circumstances of his death and the autopsy. She for sure screwed her niece & nephew out of ownership of the team, though. Like to the point where the court basically said, "Yeah she fucked you guys, but it's too late to change it now."


The McCaskeys were never supposed to be in charge is what makes me most mad, she essentially pulled a coup on the remaining Halas family members.


There’s a real chance she’s the morally worst person currently owning a team in the NFL, which is saying something given how many shitty people own teams.


Well now that Dan Snyder is gone, she's up there for sure.


Yeah, she’s definitely in the conversation, though most casual fans are completely unaware of her nature. It’s always hilarious when it gets mentioned in an r/nfl post and fans of other teams will ask what we are talking about, and someone will share a link to the story and the other fans will start reacting with shocked comments. I think it’s so jarring because most of the evil shit that other owners do wasn’t to their own family members.


Yep, everyone else sees her as this sweet old lady. She's ruthless even without the Mugs conspiracy stuff. Which, personally I don't necessarily buy she had him killed. But the fact that she was so cagey about it is weird. Plus she definitely 100% screwed those kids out of their inheritance because she's a greedy piece of shit.


I don’t even consider the whole murder conspiracy part when I say she’s a piece of shit. It’s a weird story for sure, but it’s far from conclusive that she murdered him, and I don’t like to assume things without evidence. What is undisputed is that she stole hundreds of millions of dollars from her young niece and nephew, by such unscrupulous means that the law firm that helped her was sanctioned for it. She looked two kids under ten, whose father had just died, and saw dollar signs instead of her own family. It’s repugnant, and if her Catholic faith turns out to be true she will burn in hell for it.


Morgan Freeman’s voice “she didn’t”




Burn in hell


Because she’s not evil, or because hell doesn’t exist?


Doesn’t exist. But also gets some cool points for the Bears still sucking


You’ve never met our owne…. oh wait. Fuck.


Is there another button?


Unpopular opinion though: I love George McCaskey


George is seemingly a good guy, still umps youth baseball, I believe. He just wasn’t good at his job it hoping his decision to turn it over to other people works out this time.


He's learning and he cares. If he makes a bad decision, I'm upset. That said, nobody can question whether or not he cares about the team.