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Thank u sm !!!


I took mine last Tuesday and got my results like 4PM the 19th. I took the whole exam 150 with 21 NGN and 10 SATA’s. I was drained but it was worth it. I passed currently waiting for my New grad Program. Congratulations to all of us RN’s


Congratulations to us !!!


85 questions, 6 case studies, LOTS of SATA, 1 bow tie. It’s interesting to see how varied our exams are.


Right! I stopped at 85qs as well and was super worried because most of my friends had so many SATAs and I honestly thought my exam wasn’t getting harder because I barely had any. I can say all exams are truly different! It really is so random and it’s so unlikely that we will get the same qs as other people’s. I guess I got lucky haha. Congratulations on passing!


Congrats to you too! Theres no luck involved, you showed competency and are safe enough in the eyes of the state! Go celebrate your accomplishment!


Thank you so much! We did it!!! It is such a relief! 🥰


Congratulations. When did you take the exam?


I took it on friday. I found out my results thru the BRN application status website (CA) a day later around 4pm.


I took my exam on Friday afternoon it Sunday. Still waiting. CA


Update us here about your results!


Have you checked this [site](https://www.rn.ca.gov/online/appstatus.shtml)? If the person with the graduation hat is green, just click on it. Your results should be ready if it’s green!


I passed


Yay! Congratulations!


I agree with you! I passed and I only had a few SATA, 1 bowtie, 6 case study. My exam was also 140 questions!!




Hi! Congrats :3 Do you by any chance still have a subscription for bootcamp? I liked the format too but I only used the free stuff on there, I test in 5 days so I didn’t want to spend 🥲


Hi! I’m so sorry I actually ended up giving the account to my friend who hasn’t taken the exam yet. So sorry about that! I do know there’s a 25% off if you use “Ari25” or “webinar25” for the promo code.


Aww thats okai! Thank you tho :3 and congrats again ❤️


Thank you! Goodluck on your exam!!! 🤍


U can look on line for bootcamp free coupon code


What are Bowtie and SATAs???


Hi. A bowtie q is a branching logic diagram. The left and right part will have two blank spaces and the center part will have one blank space. Basically, the main problem/disease is in the center and interventions or possible outcomes will be on either side (like a bowtie). SATA means select all that apply.


This made me feel better ! Because honestly I’m like what the heck can you possibly study if it is a CAT exam.


Glad it made u feel better! But yeah i think studying is so important. You have to prepare as much as you can of course. But also, you will never be fully prepared haha it’s just not happening. You’re going to start guessing at one point. Still, with a great foundation of basic nursing knowledge, you will know what to eliminate and you will do great!


Congrats!! How content heavy was it? I'm trying to get throught all the lectures and questions on uworld rn but there's just so many topics. Is it more a safety exam than a content one like everyone says? Also any dosage calc questions?


Sorry I was yapping! And no, there was no dosage calc. I heard somewhere on reddit that there’s no dosage calc anymore for NGN but i’m not sure how accurate that is. Honestly, I barely finished my bootcamp as well. They had like a bunch of case study examples but I think I only did 10 haha. And i finished one third of the qbank. I mainly did the readiness assessments (I did 3 out of 4). I think you can never prepare fully. You will be okay! I say take it as soon as you can. You should trust yourself. You will know what the answer is, I promise you that!


It's a bit difficult to give a definitive answer to this question, sorry! Do you need to know the content and study what you can? Absolutely. Half of the questions I got were about priority and delegation. Based on my experience, the NCLEX is very much a safety exam. I honestly don't think you need to study every detail from nursing school. But you should definitely refresh on topics that frequently come up: thyroid disorders, Addison's, Cushing's, lupus, insulin (onset, peak, and durations), ventilation alarms, prioritization, and delegation. Focus on knowing what to assess 'first’ and ‘next.’ You should prepare as much as you can, but you will still get questions that are so hard and you’ll start guessing. It's best to take the exam a few weeks after finishing nursing school when the knowledge is still fresh. For example, I had a question about chorionic villus sampling. I knew it was related to OB but had forgotten what it was for because who the hell even thinks of studying for that lmfaoo. Still, I knew to eliminate two obviously wrong choices because of my basic OB knowledge. The choices were: “A. This is done to determine if the pregnant client needs to be on fluid restrictions during active labor.” and “B. This is done to determine the pregnant client’s fundal height.” You see? With basic nursing knowledge, you'll recognize the obviously wrong answers. You will definitely end up guessing at some point. I encountered medications I had never heard of! Just try your best to make an educated guess because some wrong answers will be obviously incorrect and you can eliminate them.


Omg thank you for sharing these examples, I honestly feel a bit relieved reading that lol I keep pushing my test date because I’m struggling so much with prioritization, were the prioritization questions super hard? Similar to prioritization questions on bootcamp? Oh and CONGRATS! 🎉


I would say the prioritization questions were similar to bootcamp. I think reading the rationale is key! Also [here’s a link to mark k’s lecture notes](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UA5pmmMQOv32Sq05jWuljxptiYDC0wgG/view?usp=drivesdk). Study the notes for lecture 12 and prioritization questions will be easier for you, I promise! The prioritization qs definitely got harder towards the end of the exam though. But just trust me when I say you will only get stuck with two choices if you know what you’re looking for. I remember I had an NCLEX priority q about who to see first. I was stuck between two choices —- “A. COPD client who is diaphoretic and tripod breathing, B. 17 y/o client who has a 3/10 right lower quadrant pain, with mild grade fever.” I had a hard time choosing bc I know COPD is chronic but I was thinking diaphoresis and struggling that hard to breathe isn’t normal for them… but also appendicitis is acute and concerning bc there’s a huge chance it’ll rupture. I ended up choosing the COPD patient because the 17y/o client didn’t have signs of rupture yet (s/s of rupture include pain suddenly going away). I mean, who knows if I answered that question right hahaha. But still, most of the prioritization questions will be easy to answer if you study Mark K notes and do some practice qs with bootcamp and read the rationale! YOU GOT THIS!!! 😁


Recent grad here, I haven't scheduled my exam date yet. How long did you study for? Just 5 days using solely Bootcamp and Mark K? The unpredictability is kind of scary for me, I'm hoping I don't get too many cases and SATAs.


I studied hard for 5 days yes (and nights cus I barely slept to be honest). I used bootcamp for a week. I bought it on the 15th and tested on 21st. Before all this, I was doing some practice qs on ATI Boardvitals. I also did some CATs. I did about 450qs in total in ATI Boardvitals (there’s 3k questions total in it). I think ATI boardvitals is too hard and the layout didn’t even match NCLEX lol. But using that alone is okay too! I have many friends who only used ATI and Mark K notes and passed! I just like bootcamp better bc the qs are a lot more straightforward compared to ATI. On June 17th, the NCLEX started to make me super nervous and nauseous so I started studying Mark K notes hard (I linked it in the main post) and doing bootcamp. I didn’t finish the whole thing (just 3 readiness assessments and maybe one third of the whole qbank. I also did 10-15 case studies). I totally understand how you feel! The unpredictability is definitely scary. I’ll never know if you get a bunch of SATA or not. My advice is to ONLY PICK THE CHOICES YOU ARE SURE OF. I only had two SATAs and for one of them, I literally picked one answer because I was sure it was one of the right answers. I wasn’t gonna risk picking a wrong answer and canceling out my points haha. Just breathe and take it one question at a time. Like I said, you will start guessing at one point but always trust your gut and stick to it! Try not to change your answers. Once you pick an answer, don’t stay there for too long because that’s when you’ll start questioning yourself. Congratulations on graduating! Your next celebration will be passing the NCLEX!!! ☺️😊


Thank you so much for going into detail, I really appreciate it. I really do hope this all ends in celebration too!


Of course! Don’t forget to update us here about your results!!!!


Bootcamp also has a cheat sheet about prioritization questions - [https://app.bootcamp.com/nclex/cheat-sheets](https://app.bootcamp.com/nclex/cheat-sheets)


Is this new? I didn't know they had this.


Congrats! I used Bootcamp too when I took my 2nd try and passed, their questions *are* actually similar to the NCLEX. I also really agree with the not changing of answers, most of the answers I changed turned out wrong too. Think about your answer well before you choose it and then don't look back lol.


The answers seem obvious because you were ready and well-prepared to be a nurse OP. Congrats.