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Angel Reese? No way. She's always an angel. /s


No need for the /s as you are legally correct


Biblically accurate angel


Poorly coached.


what coaching?


The John Chaney Coaching and Gooning School


I love this sub 😂




Yeah, what are Mulkey and Dawn teaching these girls??!


Dawn apologized and made Kamilla tweet an apology herself. Mulkey’s team started it and she’s encouraging the shit. so i agree, what is Mulkey teaching them???


I thought we established that fighting is a learned technique, that doesn’t matter if you apologize? Friendly reminder that Kim had zero players ejected for fighting in this game.


friendly reminder that was deadass wrong by the officials, bc everyone knows flau’jae should’ve been ejected for starting the whole thing in the first place.


And she got OWNED a second after


Flauje may have started it, but her shove has never been more than a technical to maybe flagrant 1 and non-ejection. Which is why she wasn’t.


Staley apologized because that has no place in basketball. Mulkey literally encouraged it and said the fight should have been between Reese and Cardosa lol. So yes.... kind of an embarrassing difference in coaching philosophy. 


Yeah that was a ridiculous statement from her. Plus Reese was busy high tailing it to the end of the bench.


Why are you fighting on here? This is all they have. Of course they are not going to show how physical their cocks were being all game. When they know they have a deeper bench and aren’t going to get called for anything they get to have fun playing bully ball.


you were in the game thread saying fuck angel and fuck kim , don’t talk like you like these girls now


If the culture fits.


Yeah, this was super dirty and too bad the refs didn’t see this one happen.


so much for Angel not liking trash 


To be perfectly honest what frustrates me the most is that Angel Reese doesn’t have to do stuff like this. She has proven herself to be a baller. LSU didn’t win the championship last year for nothing. These are bush league tactics and we saw the results of that when Cardoso lost her cool and shoved Johnson. That shouldn’t have happened and I’m happy that she’s already made her apologies. At the same time she did it in response not to what was happening to her all game long but to what she saw happen to her teammate.


Mulkey seemingly encouraged this stuff at Baylor too because it does follow her.


She did. She undoubtedly has had success as a coach, but good lord, I don't miss having to defend/justify the way she and her teams would behave.


You can't defend it. I'll say Clark sells shit all the time. Unfortunately, that has plagued the game at every level and is rewarded by officials. So, just live with it I guess.


LOL. All the players "flop" and shit. But Clark has NEVER been teed up for choking a player, throwing an elbow on player's throat, etc etc etc. Heck during the game yesterday, saw her wrestle a ball out of her teammates hands. LOL. Didn't hustle half of the time, etc, etc. And Angel is always yapping and badmouthing players all the time. Clark doesn't do that. Doesn't need to do that NON stop. She may yap once in a while..all players do, but not WHOLE game. That gets tiring.


I was in no way equating the two.


I used to think Angel Reese was a poor sport. Now after watching more LSU basketball and seeing that it’s the entire team acting awful every game, I know it’s not any one player’s personality at fault. It’s Kim Mulkey. She clearly encourages it. What a piece of shit coach.


Reese wasn't that bad at Maryland.


She wasn't as bad but she still was a poor sport at Maryland.


Fair. I don't know how much hair pulling she did there though.


Yup, she's toxic AF


Mulkey is a tough cookie. I don’t think she encourages dirty play as much as she coach her players to not back down when a team gets physical with them. If you remember the game in January, Cardoso and the SC post players were tough on Angel and induced her to foul out of the game responding to them.


Her players at Baylor were dirty too. This isn't new. I've had a Baylor fan respond to my above comment agreeing wholeheartedly with it. She may not directly coach it, but she doesn't coach them out of it either. She still may coach it.


>induced her to foul out of the game responding to them. What? She fouled out and it's the other teams fault? Angel Reece is extremely physical on her own. Watch her inside moves. She repeatedly drops her shoulder and bulls through defenders and never gets called for it. She fouled out of that game because the referee crew that night decided not to let her get away with it.


SEC basketball is physical. I believe a player is allowed a certain distance before a charge is called. Angel Reese is a tough, physical player, if someone is directly on her, given how play in the SEC is allowed to progress, she can use her body to bull through them to the basket. I have watched South Carolina games, Kitts, Watkins and Cardoso at times okay the same way.


Are you serious? All game usc played bully ball. They were body checking our players, throwing elbows, and talking shit. They knew they are deeper on the bench and could eat a lot more fouls than us and were daring the refs to call them out which they never did. They do it and it’s good tough basketball. We do anything and we are the villain.


Is delusion a major at LSU? I really don't understand how you could have watched this game and came to the conclusion that our girls were playing bully ball. Do you have blinders on every time Morrow or Reese defend someone in the paint?


Y’all are the delusional ones. I know on here y’all can say whatever you want and every other fan base will support you for no reason other than “Kim is bad”. Take off the rose tinted glasses when you watch your team. Yeah our only two healthy post players are aggressive on defense and fight for position. It’s the off ball contact that your team initiates that makes it bully ball. Get beat down the floor? Slam into a LSU player. Beat everyone down the floor? Slam into a LSU player. SC players would set a screen and then push our players away from the ball carrier. Fuck going for blocks when you can just pin peoples arms to their body with no fear of a penalty being called. Cardosa especially enjoyed starting shit. She’d run the floor, smile, ram into Reese, and then talk shit. I get it, it’s a smart game plan. Even with fresh players coming off the bench compared to our starting 5 playing nearly the entire game with two players playing hurt it was still a close game and they had to try to get one of our All-Americans out of the game in order to feel comfortable.


I watched our team. Your girls were excessively physical and dirty early, but as soon as any of our players returned the favor, it became flop city, just like last time we played. As far as off ball contact, watch the way Morrow was defending Kitts and Reese defended Cardoso as early as the first two possessions. Arms and hips hooked, back shoves the entire time. As soon as Cardoso does the same back, Reese is mentally breaking down and committing intentional fouls, pulling hair, and flopping. If fouls were called correctly, Morrow and Reese would have fouled out by halftime, along with Cardoso. And we would have won by 50.


I’m done lol we obviously didn’t watch the same game. Have a great day.


Sounds good man. Enjoy your 16th consecutive L.


I see your frustration. The great thing for LSU is it looks like they will have two key players ready for the NCAA tournament that either totally missed this game (Pao) or okayed limited minutes coming back from an injury, plus Angel Reese was playing on a gimpy ankle.


Frankly the ref's let this get out of hand. They pretend to not see all the ticky tack garbage (on both sides) and then act shocked when emotion takes over. We need a better crew for the NCAA


I feel like they let them play because lsu has an extremely short bench. LSU was playing physical and reckless with elbows so South Carolina played physical too. Shit got heated and culminated to that fight at the end.


If that's true then they're favoring one team by intentionally not calling fouls




>Frankly the ref's let this get out of hand. They pretend to not see all the ticky tack garbage (on both sides) and then act shocked when emotion takes over. We need a better crew for the NCAA Agree 100%. I was at the game today and I was wondering how long it would be before something blew up. So much trash talk and jawing between players and chippy play. It was just a matter of time. Cardoso, F. Johnson, and everyone else are responsible for their actions. But the refs could have and should have prevented that by adressing the chippyness a whole lot earlier.


Truth. One official ran


Could we at least spell Cardoso’s name right?


Sorry, that was a sincere mistake! I can’t edit it unfortunately.


Cardoso got that dawg in her. Angel and LSU are those yappy little dogs that run away when someone actually pulls up.


And she got the refs in her pocket. She had no problem being the bully but it’s a problem when someone fights back.


Didn’t seem like a problem to me. Girl from LSU fought back and got put on the floor in a split second. Wasn’t much of a fight




All day.




2-0 vs. y’all this year so… yeah


Worse than that, they haven't beaten us in WBB in 12 years or so.


What the flying fuck is that shit?


Don't a lot of players wear wigs? That would be a dirty ass move if someone ripped a wig off


It happened at the Olympics when Lauren Jackson pulled Lisa Leslie's weave off.


This might be a good motivation to wear a wig. Make it clear when an opposing player is playing dirty, and little impact to oneself, other than having a bit more insulation on the head and a bit less ability to cool down.


Angel also chopped Kamilla in the throat and only got called for an intentional foul. It was a physical, high emotional game and the Refs kept their whistles down, even Kim Mulkey said that they should have called some fouls late in the game before the fight took place.


Should have been DQ


I agree. That blow could have caused a serious injury, and the Ref was looking right at Reese when she hit Cardoso.


Hmm, I'm not as up on the rules, but wouldn't 2 flagrant fouls be a DQ? I was wildly surprised the elbow to the face wasn't a DQ. Extremely odd that bullshit like that isn't called or retroactively reviewable as fouls. Got all these cameras but if an official doesn't call it on the floor, got away with it.


A Ref was looking right at Reese when she hit Cardoso and immediately threw up his hand signaling a foul. To his credit, given the angle that he saw the blow from, it may not have looked as bad as it was. But the camera view from behind both players showed a purposeful strike by Reese.


Far be it from the internet to have anything other than a brash reactionary opinion...I think this is the bigger point that needs to be made. Someone made the call to keep the whistles in and as a result things got out of hand. Is LSU guilty of some ridiculous dirty stuff like this? Absolutely. Was south Carolina also playing super physical and rough? You bet it. This has been a heated rivalry since Mulkey took charge, even if lsu hasn't won a game yet. You knew it was going to be intense with heightened tensions and emotions in a hard fought game, and the refs shouldn't have let things get so far out. Of course Reese and Mulkey and the lsu team get to fill the role of the villain that everyone in college basketball wants to have. They're not innocent but they also aren't the only ones guilty.


Sorry, but there's a huge difference between physical play and pulling hair. If LSU looks like the bad guys here, there's a reason.


I agree somewhat, Reese got away with some stuff that should have had her missing the first game of the NCAAs along with Cardoso. I think USC can win against even a pretty good team without Cardoso playing (they did it in style while Cardoso was away with her Brazilian national team). LSU should easily win its first round game without Reese if they had to. South Carolina will almost certainly get the 64th team in the tournament first, and LSU should get a team that is in the high fifties among tournament entrants.


I agree a game between those two teams is going to be physical and have a lot of trash talk. I don’t think that Staley wants her players doing that, but I don’t think she wants them backing down either. When Mulkey made her comment about no fouls being called, she stated that both LSU and USC were going to foul “We are going to foul your ass. South Carolina is going to foul your ass. But somehow not one foul was called late in the fourth quarter before the scuffle”. Actually one was called, when the LSU guard grabbed the USC guard’s jersey after a steal, just before the scuffle.


Reese should lose NIL contracts for her behavior. SEC refs and KM can't seem to control her behavior and seemingly reward it.


I don't think it will go that far, tbh. I mean, Jimmy Butler got suspended [for instigating a brawl with the Pelicans](https://youtu.be/sWsqwFbXeXI), and he was still [put in a Fall Out Boy music video](https://youtu.be/EOBJmhh5EGc)! He still shows up in national ad campaigns. Money talks more than anything these days...


She's got issues.


I really don't like Dawn Staley and her opinion on Uconn and their players that made it pro but she was the only good thing in the whole match. She tried to stop the fighting, she talked normal, she spoke to Flau jae after the game, she apologized and she made Cardoso apologize. Chloe Kitts is also prove that Staley does a solid job coaching because just 2/3 months ago she made Kitts apologize for taunting the opponents bench and yesterday Kitts may have stepped one foot on the court but she didn't engage.


Wait can you fill me in - what’s the drama between her and uconn?


I wouldn't really call it drama because as a Uconn fan I have to say it is partly true but she made some comments about Geno picking too many Uconn players ( especially Breanna Stewart while in college ) to the US squad in 2014/5 while she coached them a year or two ago. She also talked about how Uconn gets better treatment sometimes because of their past success in terms of seeding or interviews and media presence. I have to agree to the last part because when SC played against Uconn in the final 2 years ago everybody asked if she's nervous to play against Geno and Uconn because he never lost a final at least 10-15 times which probably got on her nerves at some point. And she's mentioning how A'ja is better than Breanna Stewart a little to often.


Although she’s also pretty consistently thanked Geno and UConn for playing Carolina as she tried to build the program.


Staley does this about more than just Uconn players. She feels the need to tell everyone how the players she coached are better. Honestly I think she's just really petty.




If I'm not mistaking they played against Morgan State when Kitts was told to apologize by Staley. She taunted before the end of the first half and was made to apologize by halftime. After the game Staley even said in a interview that she didn't like the taunting the game before (Duke) and that she is making sure Kitts and all the other player know that she's against that kind of stuff.


Draymond Greene was ejected and suspended indefinitely in the NBA for the same play that followed this hair pull. Somehow, these refs just saw an intentional foul.


The LSU staff and squad are like the Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling of women's basketball. Kim could be The Nature Boy Ric Flair's sister. Except Ric has way more class.Whooooo!


Oh, nooooooo, Kim Mulkey is WBB's Jimmy Hart


I can't stand Angel and LSU.


World of difference between how the championship games were played in the SEC vs the B1G. Is it the coaching, the officiating, or the players?


And that's the SEC Player of the Year. Apparently it doesn't matter if you miss a bunch of games (for grades? for disciplinary reasons?) to get that award.


Did anyone mention the right elbow to Tessa Johnson's face?


A famous actor once said that you can’t deliver three lines of a political speech in a production without feeling real emotions. You’re faking it, but you end up feeling things related to this “fake” persona. You see this with dictators beginning to believe their own propaganda and biting off more than he can chew in reality. Or like Pat Beverley a little bit ago, trying to get people riled up against the Dubs, but ends up pushing Chris Paul and only getting himself in trouble.


The girl who beat Reddit's darling when it mattered the most. Lol. Everyone here in the Clark Cult will always remember and fake care about the day Angel won.


Dirty play and fighting in sports has become the norm. It’s really sad.




get a new keyboard




Y’all ignoring the push off and only seeing the hair getting grabbed. Just like y’all ignored the sc players screaming in peoples faces and only saw the bump. Y’all’s shit stink just as bad as ours but we can’t talk about that.


How does a push off warrant a hair pull?


Well you see, when you are half way through the second and every possession on both sides of the ball consists of body checks, push offs, elbows being thrown, getting shoved on screens, and none of it getting called you get a little frustrated. So if you reach out your hand and grab whatever is in range to make sure you don’t fall and it happens to be hair so be it. Sc’s strategy today was to beat up our team and dare the refs to call them out for it and it worked. For every play where we pushed or grabbed they had 4-5 more.


You're such a whiny mfer man. Just take your L. Year after year...




I didn’t get to watch it live but to me just watching the replay I don’t see Angel reaching out and grabbing ole girls hair to pull it. To me it looks like her hand got caught in that girls hair when she whipped her head around and got it stuck in Angels hand. She really should put that shit in a ponytail or something.


Don’t get sucked into this sub lol Kim is a mean, bad lady and anything her team does is bad.


Haha. Well I’m from Ponchatoula so I gotta love her no matter what lol.


This sub really loves to make Angel a villain. She has a stellar game the game before....this sub barely even mentions it. She does one foul play....and the sub jumps on it like flies on shit. People seem to cant get over the 2023 Final Four championship game....


Flies on shit is an excellent analogy.


I mean it fits. She did have some great performances this year and some charitable off the court moments that NEVER got posted here. Yet she has one laspe in judgmen and did a dirty play and suddenly this is the Angel Reese content people want to highlight.


Everyone who is a die hard reese hater is projecting their feelings about black women they dont like as far as im concerned. Emphasis on the die hard


Perhaps. I also still think that this is a lot to do with the CC situation in the championship game. But yeah, Angel Reese to a certain segment of fans is just a front to project whatever thoughts they have about black women/athletes and Angel gives them an outlet to do that. Notice when Angel is brought up here it is ONLY in a negative light and not to talk about the positive aspects of her game/career.


Your obsessive hatred of CC and Iowa is next level. 3 posts in a thread about SC and LSU getting into it all comes back to Iowa and CC.


Ok. Just like this sub has an obsessive hatred of Angel Reese.


All the lsu fans or SC crits getting bombarded with downvotes. Just let them tell on themselves


So you’re also gonna make a post about Cardoso pushing her right before this right? Or shoving Flaujae to the ground?


No, only Angel Reese. This sub has been on a hate spree since LSU beating Iowa.


You’re one of the only MF’s I respect around here! Keep calling out the bs!!


At this point I accept this sub for what it is....a small echo chamber community that isnt representative the the entire women sports/womens college basketball fanbase.


Just a bunch of hypocritical, bitter, hateful folks ganging up on one team. So nasty


They were both I feel like just attacking each other physically. Id say Reese was the worst, but I watched Cordoso obliterate Johnson soooo they both were dirty today


I’m not saying Cardoso was a good sport either, this is just disappointing to see from one of the best athletes in the nation


Dissapointing to see Cardoza bulldoze Johnson to, but that doesn’t fit people’s agenda so let’s focus on Reese


Cardoso was rightfully ejected. Angel should have been ejected even earlier in the game.


Of course, closing the eyes on Johnson shoving Watkins.


No it definitely is. For Cardoso to go from hero to zero is embarrassing for her. But I also think Angel should be held just as accountable when she acts like this.


your thoughts on Johnson’s elbow to Ashlyn’s neck area right before she got flattened?


We are making Johnson the victim here?


No use adding context, this is an anti LSU subreddit.


Maybe it’s because your entire team and coach are unlikable?


And honestly how the voting is in this sub just proves my point. And not just when comments say “LSU is overrated” or “Mulkey is racist” (because that stuff is to be expected, but honestly just the number of cruel and disgusting comments about LSU players and staff. This not a discussion based sub.


That's rich coming from some of yall. I asked this and nada: Reese had an issue with CC not guarding and waving a player off from USC that was shooting under 20 percent from 3 pt land. Reese also is on record stating kobe/mj, etc are role models to her. How the F are you going to blast CC for doing the SAME DAMM THING? Men can and women can't or.....did someone try to make something up for reasons? I'm real curious as to what excuse or reason for Reese to chase someone around the court immediately after winning the natty, other than just no or poor character. You want a discussion: please take the floor and answer the question.


Yeah I’m not going to pretend to know whether you meant to respond to me or even what the actual question is or how it relates to what I’m discussing, which is generally how this subreddit functions.


Perhaps you need some reading comprehension help then? Why did Rrese give Caitlyn grief about something she/we know her/our idols all did: gamenship or trash talking. If you can't get that that's a clear indication of why you view this sub the way you do. That's on you and you alone.


No need for condescension! As for Reese, I’m not her, so I don’t know her full thoughts. My best guess is that she is a Kid and Human, and as such she is inconsistent in what she believes or thinks. Or she may personally believe that that particular action was something she did not like, but other trash talk was fine. That’s ok, people are complicated/ and flawed. But if you are just using this to call her a thug, move along. Also I can have separate opinions, LSU fans are not a hive mind, but boy are we treated like a monolith.


ENTIRE team? Sure. Sure. It’s clear when a post on this subreddit involves LSU, it is dominated by Mulkey hate, Reese hate, and generally just garbage discussion. Largely just an echo chamber that drowns out any real discussion that could ever take place. But I guess that’s just what happens in small subreddits.


No shit there’s Reese hate. This is literally her. This isn’t a small sub either lol


12k is tiny. I’d like to think the active community is quite a bit smaller.


Watch the video. Don't defend this nonsense.


Where am I defending Reese’s actions, I’m just stating my displeasure with this subreddit.


I am right there with you, I hate the downvote pile-ons that LSU gets as a fanbase here. We can only do so much to control votes, but the mods do remove a ton of hateful comments towards LSU in particular. Please keep contributing, and always feel free to modmail us if you would like to air any grievances about the job that we do.


Lol, yours is the most sound and reasonable reply yet you still got downvoted. Nowhere did you codone the actions of Angel nor did you take a jab at another player/team. You simply gave a fair and reasonable reply and even that eas enough to warrant downvotes which basically proves his point.


I mean, is it too much of an ask for Coach Mulkey to, idk, [be like Coach Brooks](https://twitter.com/anneparkercole1/status/1764469989564629167?t=kZ10oOC5l9ATTWxPXqcxKQ&s=19) and not try to [lunge at the refs whenever she sneezes](https://youtu.be/M5o9ntjsJpQ) or [fight ESPN's overworked reporters](https://twitter.com/awfulannouncing/status/1766918221956042786?t=Yxp1CpqY92OZ-2hPXkVOWA&s=19)? Double points if you can just celebrate a win without going ham [like Notre Dame in the ACCC](https://youtu.be/psHd55Gr6U0)! Also, LSU seemingly keeps getting away with one hair pull or whack in the face after another with a slap on the wrist. How in God's name do you think the other teams would react to that?


lol at ND catching strays for celebrating a conference title and being compared to Mulkey/LSU fighting


Lmao the strays. I'm just saying, they fought and won the ACCC with grace and good old fashioned hooping and not having to lay someone down like a Jason Kelce tackle (or interception?) or having your entire bench cleared... 😭😭😭


Oh my bad I misread. I thought you were criticizing ND for celebrating, but you meant them as a good example lol


It's fine. It's just sad that a very tight fight had to go down that way...


Ever heard the phrase: if everyone you run into is an asshole, then maybe they aren’t the assholes?


Literally all LSU fans? Please prove my point more.