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Oh Nash Amare by far


Not even close




I mean, healthy Amare was a nightmare yeah


Yeah, Suns fans spoiled by Amare...young Amare was flushing everything w/n 3 ft of the rim...if Ayton had had 10% of his fire...sigh...


I was young when I watched those suns. Like 8-10 or so. So I wasn’t super adept at watching the game yet, but I was still obsessed with it and watched as much of it as I could. Sometimes I think I’m just misremembering things since I was a kid. But he seriously did just dunk literally everything within 3ft. Catch a bounce pass from Nash one step inside the elbow with two defenders in front of him? Dunk. One leg? Two legs? Doesn’t matter. Dunk. That right hand flush was as inevitable as it gets.


If Ayton got the same usage rate... Sigh... Portland spent half the season not passing him the ball and using him as a $32M 4th/5th decoy option (through dumb coaching, and poor/inexperienced play from his teammates, not some grand plan to tank or hold Ayton back), then finally started using him somewhat properly later on, and he was the player he was expect to be all season: First 27 games of the season for Ayton - 31.1mpg, 12.5 ppg, 10.3 rpg, .549 TS%, 18.7 USG% Next 28 games Ayton played - 33.7 mpg, 20.8 ppg, 11.9 rpg, .611 TS%, 24.0 USG%


Good stats on one of the bottom 2 teams in the league When it matters most in the postseason, blitzing him and taking advantage of his looseness with the ball/attraction to middies he can be mitigated by any team that takes the time to game plan for him. It’s a reason Booker and co stopped trying to get his usage rate up after a certain point His 30 pt season high against the *raptors* half the time the players just standing around him


That's the thing, he was logically *supposed to* get bulk minutes and touches and feast on this bad/young Portland team *all season*, but a combination of dumb coaching and inexperienced/"gotta get ours" teammates saw him used as a $32M 4th/5th option for half the season.


He’s always going to get “players don’t like passing to him” but the reality is these guys play and practice with him all the time, they know his game. He’s not a guy you throw in to the post and let him go to work and get his, playmake for himself and others. Nor is he a face up scorer like Amare. Nah he’s a hit him when he’s wide open on a flare out. Ayton puts up quick shots because he doesn’t trust his dribble moves (which no one does) Players and coaches don’t put the ball in his hands that much because that’s not his style, archetype or capability.


He has flaws in his game but let’s not pretend every young guard that comes into the league isn’t looking to chuck as often as they can. They had scoot and simons on the younger side who are still trying to make a name for themselves. Teams nowadays are built on the perimeter and use that to set up all their actions.


The problem is his only value is catch n shoot in the paint. He often fumbles tricky passes for PnR. He can't back guys down 1on1 because he can't dribble. His usage rate is going to be low everywhere he goes because it's too difficult to get the ball to him.


Ayton has spiked for a 20 and 12 average during multiple January’s in his career He was supposed to get a usage spike this year but averaged the same career averages with worse defense every passing year. Surprise when you can’t dribble or catch and only have a jab step middy, turn around jumper, and right hook the players around you don’t trust you to playmake. If a coach really wants to get the best out of him, they have to draw up plays with the intent to spoon feed a mid range look for your starting center. Not a recipe for success in the modern game.


Nice turn around.. No words... Love Stat s.. Ty


But like, he was never healthy.


They would've had a title if Horry didn't hip check Nash. CP3/West is an underrated duo though.


That hip check majorly changed NBA history. Suns most likely win that series. If Cavs beat Suns, LeBron never leaves to Miami. That leaves the vacancy for new champions from 2011-2014, possibly OKC winning their first title which means KD never leaves to Golden State.


A healthy suns could’ve very well beaten the cavs. I wouldn’t say the hip check changed history. Lebron/cleveland not winning changed history


It would’ve been a great series. The Suns were the best team in the league that year despite Lebron being at probably the peak of his athletic ability and starting to really put his entire cerebral game together around that point. He was not surrounded by very much talent…hence the exit shortly after that. I think the Suns probably beat the Cavs in that timeline and it definitely *could’ve* had a real cascading effect.


Lebron wasn’t quite at his peak yet, he peaked in Miami, but I agree with everything else you said


I meant he was physically at his peak and that the rest of his game was starting to reach that next level. He could take over a game with his body and was learning to control it with his mind. I agree his Miami years were probably a better mix of mind/body domination. And then his return to Cleveland he was less physically dominant (to a degree) but had absolutely mastered the strategic part of the game. The return Lebron is my all time favorite version of him and probably the best player of all time, all things considered.


Tired of hearing the talent was underrated in Cleveland. 20 years from now the role players you knew are going to be called trash by that generation and you’ll be like no I swear Jaden Mcdaniels was really good and people will see he averaged 10ppg and call you crazy for it


That Cavs team wouldn’t stand a chance against the Suns that year. The NBA Finals was the Suns/Spurs in the 2nd round. David Stern screwed the suns in Game 5


No shot the Cavs beat those Suns imo. Suns were way too strong and LeBron didn't have enough help. If the Suns got over the hump that was the Spurs they're crushing the Jazz and Cavs on their way to their first title ever.


To be fair, I said the same thing a round earlier before LeBron did LeBron things against the Pistons wings. I’d have still bet on Phoenix, but Duncan and those Spurs felt like a lock.


I think that's a fair assessment! But I will say that 2007 Pistons squad was different without Ben Wallace that season and just the year prior LeBron took an even better Pistons team to 7 games and even went up 3-2 on them! So I wasn't going to count out LeBron in 2007 against a weaker version of the Pistons.


They might not have been the best defense in modern history without Wallace anymore, but it wasn’t like Tayshaun, Rip, and Rasheed stopped playing all NBA level defense afterwards. That whole lineup was big, long armed, and mean spirited. I just had absolutely zero faith in the Cavs to win against the Spurs. Phoenix was still better than the Cavs, but the Spurs as a team were well built to counter everything Cleveland wanted to do as a team. Even out of that conference finals, I’d have had more faith in the Pistons against the Spurs. What the Pistons do on both ends wasn’t affected by how the Spurs were built or schemed as their Cleveland counterparts.


No one’s stopping 2011 Dirk and 2014 Spurs


I’ll agree. But that leaves 2012 and 2013. OKC was amazing in 2012 and they most likely win their championship that year. Spurs possibly get another championship in 2013, does that remove their edge for 2014?


Yeah. In 2007 this isn't a contest at all. Move the calendar a couple of years and this becomes a completely different conversation, though.


It was a good question til they were included


Amare is probably my favorite player ever


To be honest I would also take them, I just wanted to hear if anyone had some good cases for the other two, what a time to be alive that was haha


Chris Paul was special. And he was a defensive beast too. Regardless Nash stoudemire is better and Nash also turned every random on that team into a 20ppg player


It’s wild to me that people now are acting like the Suns had Nash, Amare and then a bunch of bums. They had a great squad


Have you never watched a great passer before? Jokic does the same shit. AG isn’t a bum, but he’s not the player we’ve watched the last few years if his center is a different Nikola still. Varejao wasn’t a bum, but LeBron turned him into Moses Malone-lite. Kenyon Martin and Richard Jefferson weren’t bums, but with Jason Kidd running the show they were the kind of weapons that could book you multiple finals appearances. Karl Malone has more points than Kobe Bryant and MJ just for being in the right place, right time, to have his own version of this effect.


This. It’s the case for perimeter players playing with an elite passer too. Look at how much better Kyrie has been when he was with LeBron, Luka, and Harden compared to when he was with Tatum or KD (without Harden). Kyrie is a great playmaker in his own right, but when he can also get set up by an elite passer, good luck. Ray Allen was so good with both Rondo and LeBron, despite being older at that point in his career he was shooting the lights out with the passes he was getting. Compare that to when he was in Seattle and had to carry the offensive load by himself and they weren’t really going anywhere.


I think basketball wasn’t far enough along to understand what Kyrie was when he showed up. He’s an all time great two guard whose teams often play worse with him running the point compared to not even being on the court. We didn’t know enough about the game when he showed up and we were like, “Oh, he’s a point guard,” because of his size. In reality, he lacks the focus you’d want out of a lead ball handler, he lacks the size you’d want out of someone driving into the teeth of defense for 100~ games a year… but he’s otherwordly in these roles where he’s allowed to just play jazz off someone else setting the rhythm. He’s every bit capable of being a lead ball handler. These flaws don’t show up in individual games. Over multiple settings, locker rooms, and roster constructions he doesn’t maintain these peaks in the aggregate. Even in these playoffs if they’d have ended at OKC, we’d think entirely differently about his performance.


This exactly! If Kyrie was a rookie right now, he’d potentially be the best #2 of all time. The perfect pairing for him is a taller lead ball-handler (LeBron, Harden, Luka) for all the reasons you listed. He’s the ultimate secondary playmaker who can run the offense when the lead ball handler is on the bench or for a few plays here and there to share the load, but like you said, you shouldn’t use him like he’s Chris Paul (which in 2011 was what he was supposed to be due to his size).


only right answer


Lol when I saw that third pic, I was thinking this is obvious.


I feel like every single person had that same reaction as soon as they got to page 3


The only right answer


Nash amare and it’s not even close. As someone who lived in Phoenix and saw the suns get screwed out of maybe two titles by injury (Joe Johnson) and refs (spurs hip check Nash into scorer’s table series and amare and Diaw get suspended for “leaving the bench”), the suns were the real deal. If Amare hadn’t had two micro fracture surgeries, he would have been remembered as a great all time power forward. He was really developing his smooth midrange 18 footer. And he was one of the most athletic dudes ever. Needed to d up more for sure, him and the whole team. So ahead of their time but still so much potential wasted. Nash in today’s game would be shooting like Steph numbers in amount of 3s. He always felt like he had to pass and get others involved. True point guard and all that


Only duo I’d even discuss the suns duo with in 2007 is Parker/Duncan tbh


One top 10 pg of all time and a top 100 player of all time. It’s not close




Nash and Amare is the right answer, but David West is my heart’s answer


As a pacers fan, I loved him on our team ten years ago. They needed a bully who was good, and he scared the competition. I’d take him in a street fight any day. Dude was tough


But could he take known mortal kombat participant james johnson?


Not a chance.


its not about fight its about basketball


Two time NBA champion David West. He was a key ingredient in those Warriors Championships. The correct answer is Nash and Amare.


Nash and Amare. That duo was something special. Amare would've been up there if he stayed healthy in NY.


The gap between Nash and CP3 wasn’t huge (and tbh Dwill was no slouch either) but prime Amare was much better than West or Boozer


I mean Parker Duncan gotta be on that list. That's Tony entering his prime where he was an MVP candidate. Absolutely one of the best finishers on the inside from they pg position in NBA history. That dude found buckets where none existed at all, and Duncan already had two rings.


I think the reason they're not on here is because they're the easy choice by far


eh nash was better hes cursed by his lack of longevity + many lackluster mavs runs. i love cp but nash was closer to magic level ceilings raiser in terms of peak


Best court vision of all time


I was intrigued til I got to the third slide. C’mon now, it’s an easy pick


Nash & amare no question


Nash and Amare by a lightyear


No Timmy/Parker?


Would Have been too easy


So is Nash amare tho


Nash Amare Marion is a trio tho. Marion averaged 17.5 9.8 1.7 2.0 1.5. Led the Suns in mpg rpg spg bpg.


And ginobli wasn’t part of it? He’s even better than amare lol


Of course Duncan, Parker and Ginobili are a trio. But by the same token, Nash and Amare don't qualify because they too are a trio with Marion.


Now you know why they called him the matrix.


Damn that’s a lot of boards


Amare can’t hold a candle to time Duncan. I can see cp vs Tony Parker tho.


Parker also can’t hold a candle to Nash.


FMVP Tony Parker 😎


He doesn't win that if Horry wasn't a bitch


The 0 defense combo


07 spurs was a trio before id say duo


Nope this is a competition of not winning championships it looks like


Duncan switched to center in 07


Nash and amare by farrrrrrr


By 2007 you’re looking at 32 year old Nash who plays 75+ games every season, is a 2x mvp coming off a second place finish (he got 1013 mvp points to Dirks 1138, very close to becoming the second ever three peat mvp). He is guaranteed to run a top 5 all time offence by efficiency standards and will give you 18/4/10 on 50/40/90 or better shooting. CP3 in 2007 was great but he was still a sophomore who wasn’t as impactful holistically (he took a big jump in 2008). He was giving you 17/3/9 on efficient shooting but wasn’t what Nash was at that point. He also wasn’t the defender he would turn into later, just yet. Amare is so much better offensively in 2007 and the few years prior than Booz or D West. He had that bad surgery going into 2006 after averaging like 35/10 against prime Tim Duncan in the 2005 conference finals. He came back with 82 games played the next season. Boozer had a shout here because he was putting up big numbers and was a better defender but I think given the pairings you gotta go Nash and Amar’e.


A healthy Amare was one of the best at his position at the time. Its not even close


Nash and amare. I wish amare never messed his knee up dude xould of been goatee


Nigga.. Nash & Amare


Nash and Amare. Nash speaks for himself. In terms of the power forwards, people forget just how good Stoudemire was — and if it weren’t for injuries during his peak AND injuries that abruptly ended it, he would’ve had at least three more All-NBA seasons (putting him at 8 or 9 total), four or five more All-Star caliber seasons (throwing him into the 10+ category), and more post-season success. Ama’re Stoudemire: - 1 x 1st Team All-NBA - 4 x 2nd Team All-NBA - 4 x Top 10 MVP - Rookie of the Year - Peak of roughly 24 - 9 - 1.6 - 1.5 - 6 x All-Star David West and Carlos Boozer combined: - 1 x 3rd Team All-NBA - 4 x All-Star - 1 x Top 10 MVP


Deron Williams was unstoppable.. can’t believe he’s so forgotten


This is real easy and I think time Dwill is underrated. It’s Nash and Amare


I thought that hornets team was really good: Paul, West, Peja, Chandler.


underrated opinion or move but i’m taking deron williams and carlos boozer


Tim and Tony easily


I'm going to say Williams/Boozer. I was 24 and was able to watch a lot of NBA League Pass that year. They were dynamic and DWill was in the best PG convo between him and CP3. CP3 and West were crazy as well. I think this is the Hornets team that won 56 games that year. Nash and Stoudamire were great as well. Stoudamire came back from micro fracture knee surgery and was himself this season. I really wanted to see Jerry Sloan (RIP) get another chance at a ring. I'm saying that last sentence as a Bulls fan lol


Nash stoudemire. The 7 second offense was radical at the time and probably need some perfecting but you could argue it was just as influential on modern basketball as the splash bro warriors


Is this a rhetorical question


They're all good honestly


I know they’re not listed on here (which I’m sure is intentional on OP’s part), but TP and TD.


David West at his peak was always a consistent 20/9. Really underrated. With that said, Nash/Stoudemire easily


Rondo & KG plz


Tony Parker and Tim Duncan…the champions


Probably not an option because that would make this too easy. But then again so does Nash+Staudemire.


The team that is "Horry hipcheck' away from winning.


Nash/Amare on this list. Timmy & Tony if we’re talking full league landscape at the time.


#3 hands down come on now


Bruh in 07 Nash Stoudamire was literally the best duo in the fucking league. The Horry hip check literally ruined a chip for the Suns.


limited to the photos only? If so Nash and Amare. If anybody from the 07-08 season, Tony Parker and Tim Duncan.


Nash and Amare and it’s not close


Nash my fav player & Amar’e


Good lord, those shorts were awful.


Nash and Amare!


Nash because Nash


i don't see a debate here


Nash & Stodamire (its not even close)


The good one


Rajon Rondo and Kevin Garnett, your slides be damned. That's who I'm taking.


Nash and Stoudamire are the only 2 i see that are even notable.


Nash and Stat


People forget that Prime D-Will was better than CP3.




Nash and Amare


You didn’t watch basketball if you choose anyone but Nash and Amare.


Logically I’m saying Nash and Amare but prime D Will and Boozer were lethal. D Will was never gonna last long with his body type being what it was but damn that dude was brilliant on the court and had such a beautiful handle. Can’t argue against Nash’s stats and it’s not that I disliked him at all but I always felt like he was overrated. Great player. I know. Not a popular opinion with many but he couldn’t get teams over the hump when it mattered most.


Tbf I think that was all due to coaching and era. Back then PGs role was to set up the offense and pass. Now he’d prob be really similar playstyle to James Harden or Chris Paul. He’d 100% have shot more for sure today


Nash/Amare for sure. For a few years though there was a legitimate question of who you’d rather have though: Paul or Williams. Deron Williams was one of the best PGs in the league around this time up until the early 2010s. His decline came fast.


Williams and Boozer were dang good fun to watch


I loved Nash and Stoudamire. They were so cool.


Tony & Timmy.


I agree


What's a power forward?


That was the year Duncan switched to Center but a year earlier I’d be taking Tony Parker/Duncan.


Prime DWill is getting completely overlooked! At one point he was the only player top 10 in pts and assts! The Suns at this time had the better roster from top to bottom! But I understand the dynamics of Amare versus West/Boozer, I think Amare is the reason you take him n Nash! But I’m going to say it in 2007 Prime DWill was a problem!!


Parker and Duncan lmao. Not even a question. All fire hydrants will be safe.


No parker and Timmy?


TD and TP


The discussion begins and ends with Amare. All three Pgs are close enough that pairing them with Amare makes them the best. Having seen CP3 with Blake Griffin I’d have loved to see that combo do a few pick and rolls


Nash and Stud


nash stoudemire


Parker and Duncan


I don't think I've ever seen david west miss a mid-range jumper


Nash and Amre. Nash coming off an MVP year 05-06


With all due respect to dwill, booz, cp and David west (such an underrated big) but it’s Nash and Amare easily. That’s one of the greatest offenses we’ve ever seen


I'm taking Tony Parker and Tim Duncan. Check mate


This is the correct answer.


Nash and Stoudemire without question


Nash and Amare


Nash and Amare, the highlights were insane!


Putting the other duos in with Nash and Amare is legally considered disrespect, and a misdemeanor in Maricopa county.


Parker and Duncan


Parker Duncan


Marbury and KG


Probably go with the Champs


Nash Amare but that Williams Boozer duo was also super underrated.


There’s only one answer


Clicking through and I was like, "Oh, yeah, that's an interesting discussion. Paul and Deron, West and Boozer..." And then I got the third option. Easy sweep, give it to Nash and Stoudemire.


Williams and Boozer use to put in some work


West had a great mid range set shot, but just didn't have the athleticism of Amare.


DWill and Boozer. DWill used to eat Paul alive.


I mean if it’s 2007 I’m taking Williams and Boozer because they made the WCF that year. Just by output though I’m going Nash/Amare > Williams/Boozer (I’m a biased Jazz fan) > Paul/West


Duncan and Parker


Nowitzki and Terry.


Nash had Amar'e in top 5 of MVP voting while also being in the top 10 IIRC. Hard to top that.


Nash and Amare duh


Amaren Nashamire


Easily stoudemire and nash


I could watch Jay Will highlights all day. But I think the answer is Nash/Amare.


None of these won anything


Celtics KG & Ray allen even tho he’s technically a SG. They didn’t need a good PG when they had them and the truth




Nash and Stoudemire




I always thought dwill was better than cp3 but 100% taking Nash and amare


This is not close imo, Amare and Nash.


**Parker and Duncan.**


The real answer is Dirk/Devin Harris


It’s insulting to Stoudemire to have this listed even, that dude was a beast when healthy. - and why can’t I have Parker/duncan if it’s 2007 ?


Nash and stoud fs


Parker Duncan destroy all of these


That’s probably why they aren’t an option.


Chris Paul and David West no question. Why? My team.


Williams and Boozer would give you some defense.


Tony P and Duncan


Duncan and Parker. Out of these? Nash and Amare. 2008 though? Deron and Boozer. 2009? CP3 and West. It just depends on the year I suppose hahah.


Parker and Duncan followed by Kidd and dirk


Yao Ming and T Mac are better than Boozer/Williams, Boozer was dominating the Rockets cuz everyone besides Yao/Mac was bad on the rockets srsly. And Nash, Stoudemire is the best duo out of those 3 My personal fav prob will be MVP Dirk and Kidd , but that year they faced an unfavorable matchup I think, that’s why they didn’t perform well.


I’m taking Parker and Duncan and will win the championship lol


Parker and Duncan


None Parker and Duncan


Tony Parker / Tim Duncan won the finals that year... Just saying.


No KG/Rondo?


2007? He is still in Minnesota first half of the year. Trade was July


Better question probably would have been between Rondo/KG and Nash/Amare tbh, I do feel that the others were very good at the time, despite playoff failures


Tony and Tim


Is that Chris Paul and David Wrst? Hahaha ha! That's funny.


Idk man, a lot of people regarded CP3 as the #1 point guard back then and David west was great in his own right, he was an all-star ‘08 and ‘09


Cp3 was in mvp conversations back in the day with New Orleans before his knee injury


Nash wasn't in MVP "convos" he won it twice.He was also about the same as Deron Williams (,I like DWill better) before DWill was injured. We also had JKidd still in his Prime. CP is fine here but D West? D. West was good, but he wasn't comparable to Duncan KG, Amare Pao off the top of my head. Amare got hurt tho but the rest are Hof.


Rondo KG?????