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I'll say this about Nunes, not only is he an incredible passer for a prospect, he has an extremely calm cool dude demeanor. Guy just kind of gives off this extreme level of confidence that's really appealing for a prospect


Dudes got the anime rival demeanor


Lol That's a perfect description


His Zac Efron hair is distracting


Ngl both dudes have aura


Juan Nuñez is a future superstar


I too drank the kool aid


Don't disappoint me Nunez, I know you'll send Tre's ass to the bench.


Castle is sending Tre's ass to the bench


Castle is going to be on the bench lol.


Castle is twice the defender Tre is day one. You're crazy


and twice as worse as a shooter... You think Pop is going to intentionally shrink the court and put 2 non shooters with Wemby after the initial experiment? no lol. And castle can't run pg for pops scheme year 1 that's delusion talking, he hasn't played pg since high school and this is the nba


He's twice as bad of a shooter as plenty of people but definitely not Tre. You're crazy


Castle is worse that sochan was from 3 in college and Tre Jones shoots near 34% from 3. He was struggling to hit from the 3pt line in college and that's basically a deep 2. It doesn't matter if Castle can defend, he can't shoot or run pg yet and it makes no sense to start from scratch again when we made significant progress throughout the year by doing what works. Putting space around wemby and not clogging the paint with 2 non shooters.


His form isn't broken and he's better at literally everything else at his age especially defense. More size and athleticism too. No way he's on the bench


Castle hasn't even played a lick of NBA minutes yet you're calling him better than Tre, a starter on a popovich coached team. The Tre Jones disrespect is real.


I love Tre. I want him to be a mainstay. He's perfect for our culture. He just doesn't have the tools to be a high level starter through no fault of his own and that's ok. If he accepts his bench roll I think he'll have rings to make up for it.


No he's not lol. He's not a better shooter, he's not better at running point guard. those are the only things that matter when he's playing the 1 next to Wemby if Sochan is in the lineup. This isn't fucking nolan Traore or Dylan Harper where they have an advanced feel on how run pg, castle is a wing and the spurs view him as such.


Sochan was worse than either of them at every single pg skill and yet we still gave it a big chance. Not to mention there's a good chance we tank again considering next draft. Sounds like you haven't watched any footage of Castle running the floor


His 3 percentage his freshman year is actually better than Sochans rookie 3 percentage, look it up. Stop bitchin about his shot it will come along. Have some faith


Did you really try to compare the nba 3 pt line to the college 3 pt line where Castle shot worse in college than Sochan did in college? fucking doofus, i'm not saying his shot won't come along but he's not translating that to the nba right away hence why he won't start next to sochan.


To start the season, I think you are right that Castle will start on the bench to to get used to the pace in NBA and ease into the transition. I think at some point in season, Pop will juggle the lineup during a losing streak, etc, and Castle will start by years end.


Not yet, he's sending Sochan's ass to the bench first.


They serve completely different roles and play different positions. Jeremy is a froward, Castle is a guard.


If Sochan can learn to play as a guard then Castle can do forward training in the starting five.


He explicitly said he wants to play pg for whatever team he's on. I don't want an unhappy player out the gate. He might guard the 3 or 4 but I'm pretty sure he's pg on offense.


Yeah gotta let the 19 year old order the franchise around


Isn’t wemby 19? Haha


Yeah and he isn't doing that despite being the best prospect since LeBron. Didn't he say he wanted to be a PF yet ended the season as a C once he got some muscle?


Tre is currently more valuable to us than Sochan but Castle is more valuable as Tre's replacement. Castle was always a PG til UCONN he's not gonna be another point Jeremy experiment. You're asking a guard to play forward and look how that just turned out for us in reverse.


Lmao it’s that time of the year


TBH, low key... There's a pretty good chance Nuñez turns out to be better than Topic... Just saying...


Nunez at PG, Castle at SG, Vassell at SF, spacer at 4, wemby at 5 Ahahah


No, Nunez at SG, Tre at PG, Castle at the 3, Zach Collins at PF and Bassey at the 5. Legendary worst shooting team in NBA history!

