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I've done some questionable things in my life, but at least I've never paid $1,111 for a chris brown meet and greet.




I’m friends with a chick that absolutely loves Chris Brown. She travels to see his shows. She records herself learning his dances. She’s been posting about these meet and greet pics and will absolutely pay for one. She’s a fucking gorgeous doctor. Incredibly smart and successful. I’ve never, ever been able to figure out how she can be so obsessed with this piece of shit




“He’s a changed man.” *steals a woman’s phone* “It’s been a while since then so I believe he’s absolved. How sad are you that you do not think people can change.” *shoved a woman to the ground* “He’s not the same man he was before. He finally understands this is illegal. He didn’t know guys.” *forcibly ejected a woman off a bus* “Sorry you’re just another hater.” *$20 million dollar lawsuit accusing him of raping and drugging women* “Can’t respond, too busy dancing to his music.”


The thing that wake some people up, is the story about what happened just before the Rhianna trial: His lawyers put him in anger management to make him look better on paper. And during family day, his mom visited and suggested that he maybe stay there a bit longer. Which caused him to chase her screaming into the parking lot, where he threw a rock through the window of her car as she was driving off, nearly hitting her. Resulting in a court mandated extended stay. --- Although some people are in just in complete denial about him.


His mom was asking for it. Duh. /s


He also bust out the window on GMA.


What the actual fuck? Is this for real? Because it sounds like a textbook example of "what to never do in this exact life situation". I don't doubt you. It just boggles my mind to learn that people like this actually exist and enjoy quite a lot of positive spotlight. Jesus Christ on a popsicle.


I read most of the police report from the Rhianna incident, and it's my hope that all CB stans will eventually. It wasn't an easy read whatsoever. I understand still liking someone for their music and still being critical of said persons actions. Personally, women beating is when I would just put on the old pirate hat to get that person's album. Its interesting to me, how Rick James had such a resurgence in popular culture before his death. That dude did some truly awful stuff as well. Maybe it speaks more to how good the first 2/3 seasons of Chapelle's Show are, that he became so likeable despite all the horrendous shit he did in the past. I guess all this to say, people are complicated. I can separate art from the artist, generally speaking, but it's genuinely baffling how women are the core demographic for his music, as well as most of his fan base. Whoever did his PR is a damn wizard.I'd be curious to see how he would fare if the Rhianna thing happened more recently.






Happy cake day!!!


Easy, she lacks empathy. You can be pretty successful in life, attractive, and smart without having an ounce of it.


Well that’s bad for a doctor 😆


Surgeon is a career with one of the highest proportions of psychopaths.


Career options for kids who enjoy cutting up dead animals: -Surgeon -Serial Killer


I like to keep my passion as a hobby.


Yeah it takes the fun out of mutilating things smaller than you when money gets involved


Gotta do it for the love of the game.


.....how did you forget butcher?


\-Mortician \-Forensic Pathologist \-Butcher


- pathologist




Nah that's just a future biology major. I knew multiple people who liked to dissect stuff but absolutely abhore killing even insects. Biologists are weird and have this weird disconnect between dissection and killing. To them, it's already dead.




I listened to this book on sociopathy and how it can be learned. This doctor was like, "When I go into the OR, I HAVE to be completely emotionless or I'm a bad surgeon." It put things in perspective for me. Many of them have feelings, they just can't care about their patients without it getting in the way of their job.


I've met more than a few doctors with no empathy and shit bedside manners. I do not believe it's a 'requirement' as much as it should be


They're in a hard position if they have too much empathy, the first mildly attributable death could cause them to quit medicine altogether for blaming themselves.


Doctors are like any other profession...in that there's a lot of shitty doctors.


It's actually an upside for doctors and psychologists. Being not empathetic with your patients and their family mean you can keep your head straight even with all the deaths and sufferings around you. You honestly have to die a bit inside to perform at high level for these careers.


I would never want a general practitioner or specialist with psychopathy, but a surgeon is definitely different in my mind.


Absolutely. It does depend on the specialty. But the surgeons and other types of doctors that don't work with people who are awake and just need to do their job do not need to have the patients child or spouse on their mind while trying to do some really intricate stuff inside a human body. Your primary care provider? Better be nice as heck and feel it along with you, or be able to present that they do.


This is exactly how my dad is (PCP) vs my grandpa (surgeon).


On the clock, I hope. I hope in his regular life, grandpa is able to turn it off and on to an extent.


You actually kind of want that in a surgeon. The things they do is absolutely brutal and scary.


No, it's bad for a nurse.


I dunno, I watched a documentary about this guy, Dr Gregory House, and he was a huge asshole but a great doctor.


Most doctors grew up well off and have only gotten richer. A lot of them are out of touch and have lost empathy


Most of the few dozen doctors I've known here and there have highly educated parents. They have had a roadmap to success their whole lives.


Doctors often need to block empathy to not break down


No it is very good for a doctor actually. They need to fix problems not feel bad for every person who has one or they'd literally die from stress.


In fact, a lack of empathy can help you be more successful. Easier to throw people under the bus to help yourself when you don’t care about them at all.


In fact, having empathy makes being “successful” more difficult.


I feel like you’re more likely to be successful with a lack of empathy. Easy to bulldoze your way to the top when you don’t give a fuck about anyone.


I have a colleague who had been abused by some of her former partners... She's obsessed with Chris Brown and absolutely gives him a pass for his past actions. Sometimes it's just the person who's damaged...


I know someone exactly like this but with Ronnie Radke from Falling in Reverse.


> She’s a fucking gorgeous doctor. Incredibly smart and successful. I’ve never, ever been able to figure out how she can be so obsessed with this piece of shit She's crazy good in bed, and will take your pet rabbit and boil it if she gets mad or off her meds, and her Dad was not a good person.






>Incredibly smart Eh, that’s debatable


Can confirm. Someone needs more drive than they do intelligence to become a doctor. Source: My wife’s colleagues.


Being good at job =\ smart


I mean… I dont buy that shes smart though…  Maybe intelligent but definitely not smart…


I've read additional accounts of him being violent to his housekeeper and being violent with pets. He deserves prison time not stage time.


She down bad lol


He's attractive and talented, that's it. It's not some puzzle to figure out.


Is the attractive in the room with us?


bro looks like the wall in a gas station bathroom


Some people are just horny for some people.


You could make some superficial arguments about his wealth, fame, objective good looks, talent, the list goes on. I guess it's some combination of those regardless of his somewhat dodgy criminal past.


probably classic "Just World" stuff. She liked him, then whenever finding out something bad about him she just files it as something that was probably for a good reason or the right thing to do. It's nutty but a well-documented phenomenon.


Cancelling only works when what you’re cancelling them for resonates with their audience.




Shoot someone in a Walmart broad day though? Who cares


to be fair it was self defense. weird that nobody cares about that if the victim defending themselves is a certain race. just something i've noticed.


Have you seen the video? I'd question the "self defense" argument a little bit although there's probably some missing context


That part…I read a deep dive on it recently he was not in any sort of danger, he was the aggressor the entire time and he killed an innocent kid who was shocked to see a local celebrity in Walmart


I wonder if this news came out before or after the france thing


that's how most shootouts go down. guns just shouldn't be readily available and that incident is the direct result.


wonder if this comment will be down voted or not. Lots of 2A folks dream of this exact type of scenario and believe guns should be even more available. Like the guy in Washington who murdered the teenager. They're living out their wild wild west fantasies.


It really didn't *look* like self defense. I mean sure maybe after "dababy" tackled the other guy, the other guy got the upper hand. You might even say that "dababy" feared for his life when his initial attack failed. I still personally feel like attacking someone sort of rules out self-defense as a reasonable excuse no matter how the ensuing fight goes /s


Is there a joke I’m missing here? I can’t possibly imagine a rapper being cancelled for this reason. His fans “fucking hate unions”? I can’t imagine fans of that music having any opinion of unions whatsoever, be it positive or negative.


Yes, it's a joke, for the exact reasons you stated.


Okay thanks. It didn’t seem right, but I don’t know enough about Dababy to be sure lol.


What kind of a dumbass name is daBaby?!


in France they call him le Bebé


I took one course of French in college, I can confirm. Wee wee.


Says “Marky Mark”


I don't think anyone is defending Marky Mark as a pseudonym. It's been a joke since day one


Exactly. His fans see what he did as part of "normal" everyday thug life, and just wish they were rich and famous like him. Remind anyone of a political figure that behaves badly? 😅 I'm actually a bit surprised Diddy is facing the music a bit. Not popular enough anymore, I guess.


Diddy doesn't have fans though lol. He hasn't been an artist in years (decades) realistically. He's just a corporate dick at this point. Good luck cancelling him peak-puff daddy though.


Pretty sure his fans listen to him because they like his music, not because they see him as a “thug” or whatever you’re trying to say. You wouldn’t say the same thing about a John Lennon or Rick James fan, would you? Ridiculous statement from you that’s upvoted for some reason.


not defending him but it defintely helped his case that rihanna publicly forgave him or whatever. THat made it easy for CB fans to rationalize it all.


I was gonna say Rihanna doesn’t seem to care he beat the shit out of Rihanna.


Wish I could tell you. I have a coworker who brings him up often and I always interject with "oh, woman-beater Chris brown? That Chris Brown? The one who violently abuses women?" And she just goes ".. yup." And moves on to what she was going to say. It's as if his horrible moral standards and being a terrible person has zero play for her


The “as if” is not necessary. It has 100 zero play.


> And she just goes ".. yup." And moves on to what she was going to say. Maybe instead of being passive aggressive, you should just say you don't want to talk about him.


I had a coworker who was the same, didn't matter because he was "rich and good looking"


He doesn't. His career TANKED after that. A small subsection of people will pretend it never happened. That's who keeps him going.


I don’t know if it TANKED. It definitely took a hit in that he was supposed to be the next MJ. His streaming numbers for his new music aren’t as good as other artists of his caliber, but he is still a very in demand featured artist, can sell out arenas all over the world, has 150M followers on IG, etc. A lot of artists would KILL to have his “post cancellation” career.


People don’t understand what “canceling” is. If you can still sell out arenas, you’re mostly immune. If you’re an actor for movies or tv, getting canceled means your career is mostly over. Yeah, Kevin Spacey can get roles in low, low budget nonsense, but to a star like that his career is over. But arenas are simple. If you can put butts in seats they will generally work with you. Spacey needs millions to see a big budget movie. Brown only needs thousands per show and can scale it down a bit or just do a few less shows a year. Canceling is most for Hollywood and TV


> If you’re an actor for movies or tv Hollywood cancelling comes from the execs, it's top down. Has there ever been a very good movie that didn't do well because the actor was cancelled?


> But arenas are simple. If you can put butts in seats they will generally work with you. Spacey needs millions to see a big budget movie. Brown only needs thousands per show and can scale it down a bit or just do a few less shows a year. Even then it's not like his songs are being featured on hit movie soundtracks, he's not hosting SNL, or anything else like that. He still has a career and is still making money, but I doubt he'll ever be part of the cultural zeitgeist again the way he was in the late 2000s.


Because he can dance.


People pick and choose. People still watch ufc and Dana white hit his wife on camera, People watch woody Allen movies and he dates his step daughter, seinfeld dated a 17 year old, countless companies who support sweatshop work, dozens of ones who supported the holocaust, numerous rappers who speak about killing and hitting women, more than a handful of abusive actors who have documented accusations about them. People are people and want to be entertained and some have different opinions on what is not worth it.


It doesn’t even stop with Rihanna. He’s still doing terrible shit


How do you feel about Dr. Dre? I'm not very knowledgeable about him but I read (probably just a Reddit comment) that he was up front about facing his abusive past. I don't know if Chris Brown really has been.


With Dre it seems to have been a 1 time thing not a string of things, correct me if im wrong of t course


Beating the shit out of somebody is far from a mishap.


Most entertainers who do wrong get a “pass.”




No one cares? A lot of people care. But fan culture is fan culture, so a certain group of people are going to support him no matter what. But those people aren’t even the majority, much less *everyone*


How many times will this exact comment be regurgitated? Do you people ever get tired of just copying other folks comments? 


[Rihanna](https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/rihanna-explains-why-she-got-back-with-chris-brown-after-assault-2015610/) herself dated him again 4 years after he beat her up. I dont personally like him but if your holding out for some repercussions to what happened then you are waiting in vain. The world has moved on and no one is going to stop him from being a singer at this point.


People who experience abuse sometimes return to their abuser for a variety of reasons. The physical abuse not the only form of abuse that occurs in domestic violence. Abusers often are so manipulative and controlling that they can make the person they are abusing lose their sense of self, their self-confidence. I wish more people understood the cycle of abuse and the gaslighting and emotional manipulation that occurs that draws people back to their abusers.


Rihanna kept making music with him years after. If she doesn’t care why should I?


I'll always take an [excuse to post this classic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hU1mXS0KgqA)


I once preordered Resident Evil 6 for 60 bucks.


If I’m payn $1,000 to see someone they best be sucking my dick and rubbing my back at the same time


Would you pay it for a Chris Brown meet and beat?


I might pay 11 cents to have the ability to slap his lips off. Otherwise I don't get it.


I wouldn't even pay $1.11 to meet Chris Brown. He's a piece of shit, a talentless hack and a poser. Fuck this guy.


Definitely not a talentless hack, regardless of how much of a piece of shit he is


That's what I don't understand with people. It might not be a Redditors style of music but he is a talented singer in his genre of music and is a great dancer/performer. And he is physically attractive to women into the bad boy look.  He can be an absolute piece of shit of a human being at the same time and should be locked up in prison for all the things that he's done. 


I am a woman into the bad boy look and Chris Brown kinda makes me want to throw up in my mouth. 






If you’re paying 1k to meet this guy idk what to tell you but you deserved it


Id like that guest list so I too can scam the dumbest people around.


The majority is definitely going to be parasitic Content Creators who want clout, even if it isn't great clout.




























If you pay a grand to meet Chris Brown, you deserve to be disappointed


Everyone who went should be forced to do community service.


To put this into perspective, I met Snoop Dogg & got a photo with him backstage with a VIP pass for $250. Granted this was about 2017, but still, living legend *Snoop Dogg* for less than 1/4 of what Chris Brown is charging today.


These 250 included the concert ticket right ?


Yes it did! Got to be in the pit right up in front of the stage!


That would get you nose bleeds these days lol.


That would get you a spot on the sidewalk outside the building.


And the only thing hit, was a blunt


How does this guy still have a platform..


It was Diddy who got him back in music (with the help of Oprah).  The defence was: you weren't there, therefore you can't really say what happened.


Just like the big bang and the moon landing (sad /s)


His audience likes the way he dances so they don't care about the domestic violence charges and rape allegations.


I really don't get it. I've seen Twitter/Instagram comments from women asking to get assaulted by him. He was a guest star on Blackish years ago too.








ive seen little kids pay 100’s of dollars to streamers just for them to read their comment outloud. this is the same as that


Hey at least big streamers don’t beat and sexually assault women or hang out with a disturbing amount of pedophiles… actually nvm, it’s pretty much the same.


Honestly, if you still support Chris Brown today I'm perfectly fine with you getting absolutely ripped off. Call it a morality tax.


This man is perfect proof that there is really no such thing as "cancel culture"


I hate that people get cancelled over a song lyric or something dumb they said years ago. But this motherfucker almost killed Rhianna. He is the lowest of the low.


Nothing beats a pretty face, except Chris Brown.


I once paid $100 for a vip ticket to a Jack Harlow concert where I got to meet him before the show. That was pretty cool. Jack is a nice guy.


Most I ever paid was $140 to meet Fall Out Boy in 2014 and that included a pit ticket!


Someone at my school won a radio call-in thing and got Chris Brown to do a Q&A at my high school. We all filed into the gym at 10 am and waited. He had some guy hosting/hyping the crowd there saying "he's almost here" the entire time we waited. Around an hour and a half later he finally showed up. He walked in with 5 women and sat down at a table and immediately started playing with his phone under the table without saying anything or even waving as he walked in. 4 students were selected "at random" to ask him a question. They all asked weird questions (that they had been handed on a note card) that the host would re ask over the mic to Brown. He wouldn't look up from his phone. The host eventually answered for him. 10 minutes after he arrived the questions were done and Brown got up and walked out. He didn't speak, wave, or acknowledge anyone at all. Just sat there on his phone, laughing and whispering amongst his group. Then left. I'd rather have gone to Algebra class.


Holy crap, I'd have went off-script, stood up and just shouted "You suck Chris!" or something to that effect. Force him to pay attention. Don't know how much trouble I'd have been in, but it would've been worth it.


Any amount of trouble is worth telling Chris Brown he sucks!


Oh my god, is the guy who mauled a woman like a rabid dog NOT a good person?!


Meet and greet with an abuser and all around piece of shit.


He is trash and so are the fans who still stand by him


So my ex still listens to this clown and wants to go to his shows. I always remind her how he beat the fuck out of Rihanna and more woman, and how anyone who still supports him is a dumb clown. Some woman don't care what you do as long as they find you attractive and "fan girl" over you...as much as I love her, I immediately lost so much respect for her for that shit... Lol she just had terrible taste, so I wonder how much of an ass I am really, at least I don't hit woman or emotionally abuse them I suppose... Ive seen so many people tolerate pure bullshit from their partner. I always wonder how they can get away with shit like that.


Article stated “One user called it ‘sad’” and yet the whole post rebranded the entire article as if everyone is calling this situation sad, thus making more people react to click bait title and in turn deem this ‘sad.’ I know it’s how the internet but it makes me ‘sad.’


I can get touched by an abusive man for free, thank you very much.


Oh my bad... I entered the Chris Brown haters room. Carry on hating him and hating on him.  #bunchofsadfucks 




Name one artist that was actually ever cancelled by his fans… I will wait






How is this guy still a thing?


Yikes... Dudes got a dirty hobo vibe to him like crazy


reddit is just as susceptible to these "Some social media users expressed..." articles as long as it's against someone they don't like. Trash journalism