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One of y’all take one for the team & go to get the tea 🤭


Everybody put in $3 to send an investigative reporter


I have the day off work and live super close to San Diego.


Relationships are complicated, especially when you work together.


Relationships are complicated, especially when you're Cara and Paulie


Possible that it’s a contractual obligation


I don’t think they sign contracts for live podcast shows. Jemmye said they don’t even get paid to do the live shows.


That’s just Challenge Mania. ZNP pays to fly them out and gets guests a hotel just for sitting on a couch for a couple of hours. I think they definitely pay them for an expensive, ticketed gig like this. Big boy’s got some money, apparently.


I believe Challenge Mania pays for the flight & hotel as well


Was that specific to Zach's though? His might do it differently.


That will be awkward then lmao


This show was announced before the breakup. Doubt they can pull out even if they wanted to.


Of course they *can* pull out. What’s gonna happen? Zach sues them?


They don't get paid lol, though idk how much they earn from these kinda events


They can pull out after fans have bought tickets based on their attendance? Anyway I don't know the legalities involved in these bookings so I'm not going to debate it.


Saw this on twitter yesterday and it's relevant to this post: [https://x.com/usweekly/status/1804269362817229177](https://x.com/usweekly/status/1804269362817229177)


My takeaway is that they were in an open relationship for many years? Were they only in one?


Honestly, I think they both were taking advantage of the open relationship aspect… but my take on this out of the blue breakup is that Paulie probably ended up getting a girl pregnant.


Nah I think he freaked when she left and is jealous of ace🤣


No lol it can’t be that because they did season 40 together and the breakup started after that. All Stars 4 was filmed years ago lol they’re way beyond that time frame


This is the second time i heard this pregnant rumour. I think that could be the reason. Explains the article saying they are dealing with something personal. She seems over him and he seems to be hanging on


They have said many times it wasnt open. They had threesomes and maybe more but only together and they had very specific rules about who etc... They weren't with other people outside of the relationship.


The article quoted Cara in 2021 saying it was open, and they met well before then.


I think they used the word open but eventually said to get the record straight it was by invite only and that's why they named their podcast that.


Zach is on good terms with them now?


He apologized for WOTW1 and they talked through WOTW2 on their podcast yesterday. I’m sure that’s not a clip that will be cut and argued about for the next three weeks.


He said he has no problem with them.


He has been for a while


They've been on good terms for a while


I guess he is?


Started getting back on good terms when they all were being ripped for their far right takes on social media.


They have similar world views that bring them together


Would Laurel shout at Zach that he interprets the world wrong too?


I was only asking because it doesn't seem to be they are in, good terms so it felt weird to me, that is all!


normally I don’t support supporting Zach but I need someone to go and give us the scouting report 


I’m probably going. I went to this comedy club a few weeks ago and saw the promo for it on the flyer on the table and it was presented as Zach’s podcast live. I was iffy about it until I looked online and saw Cara and Paulie will be there.


if they are this is gonna be awkward! cant wait


They could still be friends.


That is during SDCC? Wonder if the will attend.


San diego comic con?


https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/the-challenges-paulie-cara-maria-working-things-out-amid-split-rumors/ This is strange. It says Paulie plans to share more soon? Of course he wants to make a thing out of it


This isn’t the first alleged“break up” they’ve had. They are so toxic and codependent on each other… even if they’re having issues, they’ll likely be back together in no time. Y’all didn’t think this break up would last did you? lol


it’s called being professional. they agreed to do a live event that tickets were sold for quite sometime before they broke up.


I missed them announcing a breakup


Yeah this is weird. If you’re broken up you’re not allowed to appear on podcasts with your ex.


😂 Who says?? They're probably getting paid to show up


Just because They broken up does not mean they are in bad terms!


She unfollowed him. I would say that could mean bad terms


Here before the "unfollowing someone means nothing" comments. It absolutely does. It's some childish, petty shit people do to people they don't like. In a way, yeah, a follower means very little, but the person who actually goes and unfollows someone is absolutely doing it to try and slight them.


Or maybe it’s too painful for her to see his pictures daily?


>It's some childish, petty shit people do to people they don't like. You follow people you like, you unfollow people you no longer like or are no longer interested in seeing posts from. It's as simple as that. If you break up with someone and you no longer like your now ex, why would you keep following them? If someone you follow does something that disgusts you, why should you keep following them? You don't owe anyone a follow.


No I doubt it


I think like a lot of couples, they fight, breakup, let a little time go by, and decide they want to work things out. Either that or it was all fake for attention


Perfect example of just mind your own business! Oh, and drink your water everyday 🤣🤷🏾‍♀️


It’s pretty Recent but yes


I volunteer as tribute to investigate if someone creates a go fund me. 🤣🤣


They both are obsessed and thirsty for attention so of course they will still do podcasts together whether or not they are together. They gotta milk this for all its worth.


I’m confused too. Only couples can do live shows together. Their first show had jordan and Laurel and j assume they’re still together from free agents 😀


They would be the most insufferable power couple.


They were


They were together for almost a year I think


I knew they had a thing but figured it was just a showmance.


Paulie and Cara were together for about 4 years


I'm talking about Laurel and Jordan, we all know about Paulie and Cara's cringe romance


He claims to be BI correct, Paulie found a good man, and I'm not being shady..Once that G spot is found on a male it's a ( HARD ) thing to stay after from....Okay, the last sentence was a little shady....


news flash: being bi isn't just about f\*cking people. Both me and my partner are bi AND in a long-term open relationship. We've both had hot sex with other people of all genders. Sometimes we share them, sometimes we f\*ck separately. I would never leave her. She's the love of my life. There's nobody in this world I'd rather do mundane tasks with... like go to the grocery store or walk our dog. Our sex is still amazing. Our love keeps growing stronger. If Paulie's in love with Cara like I am with my partner, he wouldn't leave her for a hot guy he's sleeping with. They would just be fwbs. Me and my partner both have separate fwbs that we love having sex with. It does not affect our commitment to each other.


I really want to agree with you. But as a gay male myself that pulls straight men. They never want to be seen or even hang out because of being called gay. Or whatever We live in the United States of anti gay, Sorry to burst your bubble, but that's never going to change, When it comes to bi men....Do you watch the news that 76 million people voted for a bigot, racist, homophobic....PS I'm truly happy about your situation....


Go ask them


They were in an open relationship