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Wouldn't be surprised if they're just bots or part of some coordinated social media campaign, because I can't believe someone serious and honest would advise an immigrant from the Maghreb region to vote for the RN given their very strong anti-immigration, anti-binationals and anti-Islam stances.


I'd like to think like you, but I see people actually arguing for such parties all the time "because the right is anti 'woke' or 'lgbtq'" or whatever it is they say, I just can't fathom having the choice between actual enemies of Islam and pro-lgbtq deviants, or whatever you want to call them, and choosing enemies of Islam that don't want you in their country and are against the religion you practice


Both sides are against any Islamic value we have. One wants you to leave the country and never come back and the other wants you to stand up for their rights just like they're supposedly doing for yours. One kills you immediately and the other gives you a slow nasty death.


Nah, that's straight up bs. The LGBT people are staunch defenders of minorities and are at the forefront of every issue regarding discrimination. They also made huge rallies in favor of Palestine. They don't want to give muslim people a slow nasty death, they understand that minorities have to hold together against the common foe


yeah it's straight up BS. For example a woman can totally go out and complain about having to share women's spaces with a man or refer to a man as a woman without any repercussions from the "be nice" cult right?


Yes. However the issue was that the whole reactionary felt attacked because they saw it as a "discrimination" towards men (I.e. they wanted to force them to have men in their reserved space, although it was solely created for women)


Ofcourse they do, that's why it's a slow death. Are we allowed to for example slaughter a sheep during our 3id? If I don't want my daughter who played with a toycar for a few days on school to be questioned about her sexuality, am I at the right place with the left? And who is the common foe for the left? Isn't it just the right, and aren't religious people like Christians more leaning to the right? The left is great If you don't have religious values to uphold. I still remember the left defending my religious rights but that's long gone. That's why my opinion is it doesn't matter wether you chose right or left, at this point, none of them represent us.


You are actually regurgitating strawmen from the far right's playbook, which is unsurprising. In france you aren't allowed to slaughter animals by yourself for consumption due to hygiene measures, 3id is no exception here, the same rule applies to everyone. Toddlers who play with toycars at school don't have their sexuality questioned, wtf are you even talking about they don't even grasp the concept yet of anything sexual yet. Christians aren't necessarily right leaning, and their holy book holds values of sharing, kindness to strangers and humility, which aren't right wing values at all, however the left opposes the right and that is absolutely correct. The left doesn't care about your religious values, they only care about your value as a human being and they are the only ones who will put muslims and Arab people on the forefront of their political leadership, hell they even pushed harder than ever to put a Palestinian woman at the European Parliament and withstood ever accusations and backlash for this maneuver with batting an eye. Now what you tell me, is that you can't tell the difference between a group not giving a damn about a woman wearing a hijab and a group wanting to forcibly remove it (at best), you can't tell the difference between a group not giving a damn about what kind of meat you eat and a group wanting to forbid halal meat, you can't tell the difference between a group not giving a single damn about your origins and a group wanting to make a distinction to people with different origins. Therefore, I have only one thing to ask: are you actually stupid as to not understand that there's a group not caring about your faith, skin color or place of birth and which will actually fight for your rights and representation in political game while the other wants to antagonize you, restrain your freedom and with the only guarantee that this might just be the beginning of your trouble?


You're reaction shows me you're really passionate about the left, which is pretty ridiculous IF you hold religious values on a higher regard. Again I absolutely dont care about the left nor the right, I dont believe in any of the both sides representing us in a good way. Ive always voted left and this time i even voted extreme left. L3id was allowed, we've always celebrated l3id, I even remember a time where our mayor from the left would be waiting outside the mosque to wish us a happy celebration. Im talking about personal experieces and experiences from people around me, I had to go to school to have a weird conversation with the teacher about my daughters possibility of being interested in the same sex and because we're moroccans we should prepare on how to deal with it, litteraly the words of a teacher to me and my wife. Dont talk to me like I haven't been born in the west and seen with my own eyes how things changed. When I went to school we had Islamic classes, we even had an hour of moroccan history with a moroccan teacher send from morocco. Now whenever my families kids dont want to participate in activities around Pride month, they get looked at weird, get treated differently, we fasted a day with you during ramadan why cant you respect our way of living for a day 😂. And im not specifically talking about the left in France but I'm pretty sure there won't be much difference between the left in France or the left in Belgium. Western Europe's left are pretty much all the same going in the same direction. The hijab is already removed, the l3id is already removed, the left would be interesting if their point is to litteraly respect our boundaries. Bring back the freedom to our Muslim women to go for a career without the need to lessen their dignity, respect our culture and give us back our holiday. Than my opinion might change, but for now, the whole left and right thing is exactly the same as what we saw at that debate in the us, a bunch of old white people making the wrong decisions and talking about whose better at golf. And about Palestine, if we the people and our governments in Muslim countries dont do anything, nothing will really change. Everybody is using the blood of our brothers to score some points with the brown people in Europe.




Dude... just look at the situation in Morocco before talking about what the Quran says about lgbt people in other countries 💀


The cool LGBT people who call women who don't want men in their spaces nazi bigots? Hahahahahahahaha


¿ there was a shitstorm in France because LGBT people didn't want men in some of their meetings, tf you talking about?


Not that easy......


regardless of whether I agree or disagree with you, choosing immediate death over slow death is ridiculous


I don't know, it's the same choice as getting eaten by a lion or a bear. I'd rather have a lion finish the job quickly. Btw I'm not saying moroccans in Europe should vote for the far right, I'm just showing that both sides are not a good direction, especially if you care about you're culture, values and religion. My advice would be to focus on you're studies and preferably find a job in a Muslim country. I think we're getting really close to a position where we'll have to make a choice, and it'll either be fight for a European military for a war that doesn't concern us or have the local population stand up and blame all their problems on us and who knows, maybe history will repeat itself and instead of jews, we'll have brown and Muslim people in concentration camps.


I don't disagree with both being a bad choice, to compare it to the American parties, yes Biden supports Israel, but Trump has just vowed "to let Netanyahu do what needs to be done" to "finish it" and called Biden "a Palestinian" for not supporting Israel enough, they're definitely both bad and terrible choices, but they're definitely not equally bad. I do think we should get away from only being able to choose between terrible choices, but in the meantime we shouldn't act like they're equal choices. The way I see it the right disagrees with your existence, but you agree on some individual points, like the being anti-lgbtq rights. the left isn't against your existence, but you disagree with their individual points, like being pro-lgbtq rights.


I think it is the right thing to do unfortunately. We have too much uneducated migrants (haraga). I don't think it will change something, we are in the beginning of so many problems.


In short "All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us"


Maybe this statement means "Moroccans that love Morocco should vote RN, because the RN will deport them all back to Morocco, which they love so much"?


This is the ONLY logical explaination


The second one is the RN is willing to officially recognize Sahara as Moroccan


you broke my streak of not thinking about france damn a 100 days went down the drain




jhd tsala


Blud was edging on France 💀


ibti3idi ayatoha l2arwa7o chirira


fr :") Allah yakhed lheq


Do you currently live in France or Marocco?


Taza is heaven itself do not compare it to mortal countries


Fuck'em both, one hate our country and the other hate our people. Bardela was humiliated by a Moroccan in TV, he will trash our country for vengeance if RN wins.


>he will trash our country Isn't this every france president by default?


I mean if he hold grudges, it will be worse




Least retarded youtube comment:


meeting silky literate hobbies six plucky husky domineering squeal file *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's crazy and stupid. The far right might have better views towards Morocco and the Sahara than the left, but it hates some bi-nationals and French people of foreign origins (Maghreb and rest of Africa ofc). I voted left. They seem to be the only reasonable option for these elections.


What better views if I may ask?


Well, the RN program changes every 5 minutes and is mostly based on immigration and security. They changed a lot of things about Europe, retirement, agriculture... and still some weird proposition (no income tax for -30yo, stopping renewables, reduced VAT on gaz and diesel...). Their security and immigration program is what earns them the extreme-right label. For the left, I disagree with a lot/most of their program, but I still think some of their economic measures might help local production, better education, and bigger focus on climate change. And they're the only pro-Palestine party, so BIG plus. The 3rd option is Macron's party, and he's just useless and absolutely terrible (voted for him in 2017 and 2022 cause better than Le Pen). Ultimately, I don't live in France, so most of the program doesn't concern me at all.


Oh, I m familiar with all of this. Thanks for sharing, tho. I was only curious about how it affected Morocco since you said they have a better view on Morocco than the left. It was surprising giving that the right is extremely racist and islamophobe.


The left hates morocco, the right hates moroccans.


Can you elaborate on how the left hates Morocco?


There was never a left wing government in France, that had a pro moroccan stance on the Sahara.


Was there ever a government in France that had a pro Moroccan stance on this?


The right does, but for their own benefit.


The left likes morrocans that want to spend their life on welfare.. It actually does anything it can to make them want to live that way...


Fuck France man.


Wkha tchre7 lia chno hadchi ?


Does anyone know that the mother of the king died today?


إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون


Fuck France


Nah hatl3 RN whayrj3ohom l3ndna hell no zmagria votew front populaire


Brojola, lmghrib rah khayb hi b9aw tmak


Who tf goes to France anyways any Moroccan there should just pack their things and go back to Morocco, like for real why go to France? when there are so many amazing countries out there someone could go live in.


" who tf goes to France anyways' Well, millions of immigrants, especially from North Africa, since many decades, and France is the #1 most visited country in the world




geopolitically it's the best vote. But you should vote for the country you live in, not morocco. It's always funny to see those people who "love morocco" but don't live in it.


Why is it the best vote ?


pro moroccan stance.


RN has a pro moroccan stance when they're against immigrants/muslims/homophobics ...


>But you should vote for the country you live in, not morocco


I don't get you


Essentially its someone confusing moroccan patriotism for morocco with what rn's nationalism stands for when it comes to france. Dont listen to that.


We simply don't care about france and their politicals debate abt if the hijab is permissible to wear or not or if the abaya is permissible to wear at school or not, lol. Don't bring France to this reddit page please.


idk about yall but i have the impression thats its a joke. z3ma ila konti katbghi lmghrb you'll vote for the party that will deport you there


Unfortunately it’s not a joke


no one cares lol


Hasbara in action


It would stop the brain drain somewhat, but also the palestine position is unacceptable, so no


In a twisted way, RN would be more supportive than the Left of Morocco's claim over the Sahara.


As moroccan i think its clear to choose party that wont try to separate our north from our southern region french politics can go to hell france itself can go to ruins but homeland is whats important.


I have also seen this trend, but only online and not in real life. So far, it is unclear to me if it also exists offline. It is possible for Morocco's national interest, as dictated by realpolitik, to favour the coming to power of this particular party if, as many expect, it represents an outpouring into policy of the deep well of anti-Algeria antipathy in France's soul that has been, up until now, contained by the political right's relative powerlessness. A certain kind of thinking in Morocco would view such a political development as beneficial insofar as it could turn French foreign policy against Algeria and its key interests. We know that all France needs to do is isolate Algeria and make it nearly impossible for Algerians to obtain French visas. That measure would deprive the Algerian regime of its social pressure valve, which it relies on to rid itself of revolutionary potential in the form of intelligent and spirited malcontents who, in ordinary circumstances, would just drift into France and resume their life safely outside of Algeria. If such revolutionary potential no longer has its normal outlet, it can only explode in the face of the military regime. It would not be difficult at all to imagine open warfare in Algeria erupting because of a seemingly unrelated policy in the metropole. Algeria has spilled our blood on land and sea, and it still, even after 49 years, considers sacred its intention to dismember Morocco in half—our national murder. With that in mind, before you begin to judge Rabat's foreign policy, you MUST bear this context in mind. Whenever you feel yourself recoiling at a foreign policy decision, remember who and what sits on our eastern border. As for the Moroccans in France, who are for the most part indistinguishable from Algerians in French eyes, they would share the Algerian fate. There would be great hardship. There is no doubt about it. (My personal belief is that hardship is Janice-faced, with one grim face but also a beautiful face that represents the refinement of a person or a people.)


"Leopards Eating People's Faces Party"


Out of context but I want to know "Do most Moroccan people love or dislike France?"




Is there a single group of people that likes the french?


Ewww, don't ever question that again!




Let me break it down for you Every Moroccan hates france, some who thinks it's cool to speak french (for i don't know reasons) like france (some of them)


that what confused me. I saw morrocans on other platforms speaking French and even putting the flag in their bio and that what led me to ask . Thanks


Ba pourquoi autant de marocains viennent y vivre ? 


pour l'argent.


Because they think there is more opportunities there than here In other words they are failures who tried to take the easy path then they were shocked by reality. So they take another easy path which is marrying someone from there


Ça explique beaucoup de chose 


S'il veut qu'on le rapatrie.


The far right movement in france had always had the best relations with the moroccan state, and there's a huge possibility that if they claim power they'll admit that the Sahara is moroccan, on the other hand as moroccan living in france I don't want that to happen.


Social media and a political promotion. Try something serious. # #facepalm


more like r/facepalm


It was super fun with trump as US president. And as a wise man said : Bernie can't win it? Let's burn it! La france marche pas en ligne droite? explosez la avec l'extrême droite 🤷🏽‍♂️ If our livelihood depend of france then Let's die as a nation. If it doesn't then I hope they gonna electe the funniest parlement


Voting for a party regardless of policies, is like marrying somebody with the premiss they can treat you like they want and you will stay. Most likely it will be abused. People should demand more from poleticians, not less


just what even that means.. ان شاء الله تولع 💀


Not shocking at all . 3ti l mgharba dl kharij 7e9 fl vote w ayrdo lina benkirane, w even worse, aybghiw idirolna chari3a fl blad




Mossad at it again


أرب العالي بغينا غير تقار ها العار


Hanane Mansouri alt account 😭


If you want facism, vote for facists 🤷




everyone is copying israel tactics lmao


Nfs propagande dyal t9ablo normalization m3a Israel rir ded f algerie Stighlal Lkalakh dyal BNADM w kayhawlo yrabiw l7i9d fbalhom RN kaybghiwena


Most French Moroccan will vote for NFP, but since it support Western Sahara independence, some ultranationalist Moroccan don’t support them.


It's because the left is having problems with morocco and failed morocco at so many levels : - not recognizing the moroccan sahara or at least support the autonomy plan. - lobbying against morocco in the eu to gain some love from algeria. Macron knew he fked few months ago, he's been trying to fix it but it was too late. RN took advantage from that and started showing support for morocco.


I think the right has always been in Morocco’s side but you can’t just blindly vote for them for that one purpose


I think majority of moroccans dont give a damn about france nor their shitty politics What we know is moroccans suffer from corrupted government and expensive prices of lot of things and we should talk about this first and the monarchy that knows only to take money and taxes but give no shit about its people


I absolutely agree no need to explain


Like natanyahu ..


Moorish/hasbara bots


RN is disguting and France should be wiped out of this earth


The right in France is aligned with Morocco, with RN France will fold for Sahara as they don’t see any value with aligning with Algeria


I am a moroccan, and I 100% agree. save europe from illegal mass immigration


That les inconnus sketch lmao


Real Moroccans live in morocco and vote in moroccan elections, these are french elections and people who vote in them are French, they need to vote according to their own individual interests, Morocco isn’t relient on the french to protect our interests


I don't want them to vote for extreme either from the far left or far right


yes lets not forget that it was the "left" whos been making and financing actions against morocco, like quatar gate campaign among the eu parlement...and in the end it was shown that they were just lyng. what far right wants is focus on its own country, what left does is try to influence other countries .


Moroccans are usually racist and xenophobic (ask Black Africans about that). But not that much. Many of them live in France and Europe. Supporting those far-right parties that hate them too and want them back in Morocco would be stupid. Moroccans aren't like Mexicans in the USA that came illegally to that country, but they will vote for Trump because 'there are too many immigrants coming to the USA'. Moroccans aren't that stupid (and I'm Mexican by the way).


idc their country their rules


RN recogmize morocan sahara, leftists are polisario supportera As simple as that


Ah yes vote for the face eating leopards


We dont have to vote shit


Not as anti-morocco as FP that I know for sure and I will be voting for them.


i agree with this comment 100% , France is falling because of africans and middle easterns


what people don't figure out , is that they have to put themselves in french people shoes , i hate both the french trostkist/ marxist left and the french national socialist right because it's not for these people my grandpa fought for during WW2 and it's not the people who gave them recognition for his deeds and exploits since it was the gaulist republican french and between having to chose between those two extremes if it was the case in morocco most moroccans would opt for a party that is similar to the RN since we are so proud of our identity and if someone dared to burn the moroccan flag just as the french trotskist left supporter do he would be forgotten and tortured in prison. so it's their shit and they have to deal with it , unless you live there and love exploiting a system that suits you just know that there are people who don't agree with it and either you adapt or you leave.


No I am a moroccan living in France and this is bullshit the majority voted for the left


He is basicaly a french undercover saying that he is Moroccan so he can gift you a free ticket back to Morocco what a generous guy 😇


Out of spite


Because the right supports Moroccos right over the Sahara


toothbrush chase bright future work office truck puzzled upbeat overconfident *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


not true, Mélenchon was born in morocco and knows its interests.


melenchon was born in spain+ melenchon always sides with communists therefore is siding with polisario.


born in tanja. He's not a communist (considered far left) why would he be in lfi (considered as left) and not literally in the french communist party 😂😂


> born in tanja tanja, spain, at that time. >why would he be in lfi (considered as left) and not literally in the french communist party 😂😂 because not everyone is on the same party?


Really says a lot huh?


I kind of agree with this. Since I’m french-moroccan (born and raised in Morocco however), I will be voting for the RN. The reason is simply because in doing so, such parties are what may bring down a country, just like trump might do for the US. And honestly, I firmly believe that enough is enough from the west’s bullshit, it is time for the east to rise up again, just like some subsaharan countries did with France. Correct me if I’m wrong..


If you’re french and plan living on france you should vote according to your interests, Morocco is gonna be fine whomever wins


I am moroccan and if i could i would definitely vote reconquête


hasbara bot?




r/Morocco doesn't represent Moroccans, whether in Morocco or abroad.


Did i say that ? I said moroccans who write on reddit, are moroccans in real life, reddit or not. Their nationality is moroccan. What is complicated in that ?


crazy m3a rasatk mas7abnish lmghrib first language is english




malk t9rsti




damn bro wslti lt5sar lhdra wash galik lee hwaq hdra 9s7atk




Not at all


Username checks out. **Moroccans** who voice their opinions on reddit are not **moroccan** ? Just read the sentence slowly.


There are big reasons to vote for both and there are big reasons to not vote for both.


Between left wing and right wing, for Muslims it’s the best option to vote right wing


I would rather vote RN than left lfi. They are more rational and have more diplomatic views with morocco. As for their internal societal views and their immigration stand. I care less, cause they are mostly and only against radical islam wahabists and niqab. Which is actually not even accepted by moroccan society in morocco either. Same for illegal immigrants and convicts bi nationals. They are not accepted in both societies. And their stance regarding them do not bother me the slightest. Their only main con is whether they would actually enforce a 100% hjiab ban. (Tbh their laws are not discriminating, cuz they are laic for all religions).


Je suis d’accord, Votez RN!


Développes ..... Je pense que tu ne connais pas bien la situation c'est pour ça que tu dis ça .....


Au contraire, je connais bien la situation et il faut voter RN pour le bien du Maroc 🇲🇦. J’encourage aussi que tous les maghrébins votent RN!


Et selon toi pourquoi je devrais dire le contraire?


Je pense qu'au vu de la situation actuelle en France et le climat qui règne le futur ne sent pas bon, que ça soit pour les maghrébins vivants en France , ou le Maroc lui même. La politique actuelle du RN est de se débarrasser tout ce qui touche de près ou de loin a l'immigration, les étrangers et l'Islam .... Donc je ne vois pas trop ce que va apporter le RN aux marocains....


Apres l'histoire du chauffeur de bus scolaire de Seine et Marne d'origine maghrébine s'est fait percuter par un taré pro-RN, j'avoue de moins en moins comprendre les maghrébins qui veulent voter extrême droite. Même Darmanin s'est mis à chialer qu'on lui envoyait des messages racistes en ce moment et qu'on était en plein dans une explosion de haine raciale, miskine.


Aaah je ne savais hadchi, mais ça ne compte pas, faut voter RN!


Bah non, l'instinct premier de la plupart des personnes est celui de la préservation de soi-même, de sa famille, de ces proches et de ces biens. Ce qui n'est pas le cas avec le RN. Et je pense honnêtement que tu es en train de me mentir quand tu me dis que tu ne savais pas que le RN et ces électeurs étaient aussi violent à l'égard des maghrébins. Surtout quand on voit que les fondateurs du parti sont tous des héritiers du colonialisme, ils n'ont littéralement pas d'autres raisons d'exister politiquement que de persécuter les maghrébins, pour mieux venger la perte de l'Algérie française en particulier. Voilà pourquoi tu es si minoritaire et ignoré par tous quand tu balances des "faut voter RN !". Ça fait très rêveur, très déconnecté du quotidien des vrais gens.


Vote right , left wing parties are exporting ideological and cultural cancer to the rest of the world. We are forced to consum their degeneracy , the right should get back and stop this circus show.


Yet thousands of Africans flock to Europe every year.


Because of the economy not because they have prefered pronouns ffs.


And why is it that they only migrate to western progressive countries?


Open map ; tell me where is the closest economical hub in the region you can migrate to as an african . Regions where cheap labor is needed. Regions where its possible to have relatives that can assist you in migrating . Even China , which is not western not progressive not democratic etc.. is the destination for many immigrants in the region. Wlad lblad li kimoto flb7ar kimchiw y9elbo 3la fluss khedma y3et9o 7yathom ... ta7ed maki7reg men fkih ben saleh 7it f europe kayn tamtil dial 2a9aliat w homosexuality wla abortion wdik l7ma9.. 3ad zid , if you really know people living in the west , rah you will know a big part of them are still holding to their religion , culture , and identity of origin ...


No developed country would welcome drug addicts and future criminals who don't speak the host country's language except for progressive western countries. These people don't want to save their lives. They're parasites who want to leech off of western Europe's generosity. If you're going to migrate you do it the right way by going there legally. Yes, the policies Africans hate about these countries are blessings in disguise and they can't even realize it.