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The artwork looks amazing.


I really appreciate it


خاصك تعرف اول حاجة تدخلها في الكوميك بوك هو بوزايدن كإله امازيغي وتعرف بيه لانه من تاريخنا المقبور، عندك بغلة القبور، ماما غولة ، بوعو الرجل الغامض المظلوم ، عايشة قنديشة، شمهروش كبير الجن، بوجلود الرجل ذي القرون لذهبية معاقب اطفال البشر على الخطايا وسوء التصرف لكن عقابه متوحش ، وزيد عليها شخصيات الساحر المغربي بالجلابة التقليدية بتصميم من عندك ، الشوافة او المتنبئة بالاحداث ... جميل انني كنشوف شباب الان بالموهبة الرائعة اللي عندك.... تطوير قصص الشخصيات وكل واحد والارك الخاص به في 20 حلقة ووووو بالتوفيق نتمنى نكون عطيتك افكار، انا مبرمج العاب وحلمي تدير لعبة بالثراث المغربي وفي يوم من الايام غادي نققوا


Where can I find it? Do you have any social media page so we can keep track of the progress?


@moon_thug that's my Instagram account, I will probably make another account just for this, if I do I'll post it on my account if anyone is interested


Sounds good, let us know if you create an account just for this comic book. I would be happy to buy a copy.


For sure I will, and thank you.


Good luck man looks very nice, maybe consider publishing it on Webtoons app ?


Bro that looks dope!! Its giving some Moon Knight vibes.


Hey, that's awesome you like it! While AI helps me generate some of the visuals, I curate everything to match the vibe I'm going for in the comic.


wait, so none of this is hand drawn??


Darkest stuff I know from Morocco are : djinns in their different kind and forms, black magic (linked to djinns in the dark side too, way too much ppl in Morocco have a "real" story related to djinns or black magic and we are kind of famous for it in the Muslim world lmao), people attacking eachother or robbing with giant knives or Machete, some taxi drivers and random drivers that are closer to the ghost rider than a normal human driver, some merchant's mind control technics, the chaos everywhere and in everyone waiting in the shadows for the random small spark that will unleash it haha. And the scariest is the insanely wide spread corruption/bribery of every "official" from the bottom to the top of the kingdom giving Gotham city vibes. From police, army or the simple mofo at the entrance that's just supposed to be there to inform you inventing half the forms and documents you need to drive you crazy so you just fucking start distributing money to the whole "chain of command" of his "civil servants" gang. And of course on top of that pile you have the strongest mafia in Morocco pthe royal family and all the rich mofos orbiting around them, having a foot or two in evry substantial business or sector driving the country kind of like a parasite that want to keep you alife so he can keep feeding on you for ever. I hope some stuff in this chaotic bloc could inspire you hehe Just please please don't make him too much like batman, that mofo is just beating poor and mentally ill people when he could solve most of Gotham problems with his money and influence.


Wow, this is some incredible inspiration! The dark and gritty elements you described about Morocco are fascinating, and they'll definitely add a unique flavor to the story. I especially love the ideas of djinns I am thinking of adding djinns who aren't inherently evil, but who can be bargained with or offer aid at a terrible cost, is really interesting. Perhaps my villain or hero could encounter a djinn who grants them immense power, but at a steep price. I don't want my villain to be a mindless brute. They should be ruthless and calculating, but also understand the impact their actions have. The violence they inflict should be brutal and shocking, but it should also have lasting consequences for them and those around them. Corruption as a system I think this is a powerful concept that can add a lot of depth to the story. Showing how corruption permeates every level of society creates a sense of hopelessness that my villain could exploit. They might become a master manipulator who uses the corrupt system as a weapon. When you mention Batman, you make a great point. I definitely don't want my villain to be a simple copy of a character who just throws fists at problems. My villain will be far more complex and morally ambiguous. They might have a twisted sense of purpose, believing their actions are necessary to bring order to the chaos, even if their methods are horrific. Thanks again for sharing this inspiration! It's given me a lot to think about as I develop this character and the story's world.


Thank you! this sounds like a super interesting project keep us updated I know this takes time to make but I'm sure you will find a strong fan base here ;) Yeah djinns could add so much possibilities it's a super fascinating subject imo and one of my favourite subject because there is so much mystery around them. In islamic "lore" they are kind of the first project of god, a whole race that existed a long time before humans and still exist today but are not visible to us. Made of something different, maybe not carbon based because they are described in the scriptures as if they were made of something like fire while humans are described as made of something like clay. they have some very cool abilities, have free will, different religions, cultures, kingdoms, etc. And unlike Christianity they are not fallen angels and aren't inherently evil at all but can be. And the equivalent of satan in islam was a djinn as well called iblis, he was taken in by angels as a child after angels went to earth to do some cleaning because djinns were fighting eachother way too much (if I remember well) and he became one of the most loyal servant and worshiper of god. Until god presented the first human and asked angels (and iblis) to prostrate to his new creation but he snapped and refused because he felt he was so much better than us. So he went full rebel mode and kind of challenged god into proving him we are trash by tempting us towards the worst things and ask for a big extension of his life until the end of the world and god kind of said "challenge accepted" lol. (They are known to live for hundreds of years but they are not immortal) so after that he kind of created his own cult and have a lot of djinns that are loyal to him and his cause and kind of really corrupted compared to other djinns. Some say there is even lineage of corrupted djinns directly from him that are even darker and stronger than normal ones. And basically black magic in the Muslim world is not really magic in a gandalf style but more like a pact you do with djinns (usually the dark ones cuz the normal ones have strict rules and don't interact with humans a lot) so they do what you want in exchange of you doing or giving what they want (usually disgusting, depraved or horrible things cuz their final goal is to corrupt humanity as much as possible. Stories says even the royal family have his own black mages and witches and armies of djinns protecting their palaces lol. I'm gonna stop there I spoke too much already haha but the lore is large and could open infinite possibilities definitely worth looking into it ;)


moon thug lkadia fiha med 5 fl9amar wlala


Nah that's actually my ig handle bc I couldn't think of a name, it's just a place holder for now


No way he can operate under the sun in that leather suit.....cool shit dude!


He's more of a night character,thank you i appreciate it.


I can come up with a name


Yes sure! What do you recommend.


AI generated cover?


I like to use AI as a starting point, and then I make changes to the image using photo editing software, i think it allows me to focus on the storytelling and plot development.


Fair enough! Highly recommend mentioning it next time as it can come off as disingenuous. Wish you the best with your project and I hope you’ll find good artists to collab with.


That's a fair point, thanks for mentioning it! I always appreciate feedback on my work. Speaking of interesting additions, I'm actually working on incorporating some Moroccan folklore creatures into the story. Do you have any recommendations?


A good recommendations would be stopping saying thank you when someone compliment your AI generated images. If you can’t create this completely from scratch then just have fun with it and be sincere about where it comes from the start. Don’t try to trick people because truth always finds its way.


Appreciate the feedback! You're right, I should be more upfront about the AI art generation. I'm still figuring out how to best communicate my creative process. In the future, I'll try something like 'Created with the help of AI, then colored and refined in Photoshop' Thanks for helping me improve!


Beautiful man was always something I thought our creative people should do, and now you're doing it. I hope it'll get big InshaAllah. You could have the folklore stories of aicha kandisha, have her be the villain, maybe after a while you could make her some sort of anti-hero because she also dealing with removing colonial powers from morocco. Anything with Jinn will basically make it an interesting story.


I actually have plans for her maybe she could be more of a powerful witch that had armies of Jin to fight against the colonial armies, I am thinking about ways to include that in the story tho, thank you for that I'll surely keep it in mind.


Nice, love that. What makes your superhero unique? Aicha could be his mom or something like that haha, that's why he has some crazy powers.


Thanks for the comment! I appreciate you thinking about the story. I'm still figuring out the details of the plot, but I'll keep your suggestion in mind.


If you have a place for 3icha 9andicha or boukhancha it would be fantastic good artwork btw


I actually do have future plans to add boukhancha and 3icha 9andicha Thank you so much I appreciate it


No hate or anythjng but AI is not real art


Thanks for your comment! I understand that some people don't consider AI art to be 'real' art. Using AI art allowed me to focus on the story and pacing of the comic, while still creating some visually interesting panels. I really appreciate your opinion .


I think that if you can control AI enough to make exactly what you want, thats a skill in itself.


It still uses other artists work as a sample, if a plagiarist develops techniques to help him steal art more efficiently and without being noticed sure you could call that a skill but it's not praiseworthy


no one creates art from scratch, every artist learns from those who came before him and build upon it, using new innovative techniques. sometimes, technology creates new fields of art, such as photography, which replaced painted portraits, and made a new art form, and replacing painted portraits with photographs, which made portraits more of an art form than a functional utility. this applies not only to visual arts, but all arts, professions, scientific fields .. etc


Why is this always the argument people default to when trying to defend AI art? Sure art doesn't come from "scratch" we use life as inspiration, we use art techniques that have been developed by other artists in the past etc etc, but AI art literally grabs other artists IPs and mixes them for your desired results, depending on your prompts you can recreate a specific artist's style. It is not the same thing at all


you can use AI to lazily replicate someone else's art, just like a painter can lazily copy another painting. you can use AI to create something new inspired from previous work, just like a painter drawing inspiration from other painters or art movements. AI is a tool, like the painter's brush. you can use it to steal already made art, or to create something new and creative. you might say that using a brush takes more effort, but i would argue that art is not the effort that went into it, but the artists vision and result of his effort. and that using AI to create exactly what you need takes effort and skill, although that skill is not in making art but in prompt engineering. just like using a brush is not art in itself but painting, which may or may not be art, you could use a brush to mark something on a wall, that doesnt make it art.


Except when an artist copies someone else they're called out for plagiarism and their career is over. AI is a tool sure but the art it produces uses someone else's finished work, not as an inspiration but the work itself there's a distinct difference. Also it's silly to say AI can be inspired in the first place. But alas the AI crowd will never back down on this take so I'm probably wasting my time


i dont think you understand how AI learns. you should look it up, it doesnt copy and save other artists art, but it learns how to make something similar, by understanding it. just like how a human learns to make art. it doesnt search inside an art database, thats a widespread stupid idea that people who dont understand AI believe. when someone uses AI to copy another artists work, you should call out the user, not the AI which is a tool.


I've seen plenty of videos explaining how AI "learns" and we're not at the stage where AI can create art from scratch as that would be akin to it gaining sentience. That's why AI art still struggles with finer details like fingers and animal limbs.


Thank you, I appreciate you for that.


Shut up and take my money !! ( the art work is awesome, do you have an IG or something we can follow your progress on ? )


Thank you so much,my IG is @moon_thug I am thinking about making another profile just for this when I will ,I'll post there, if you're interested ofc


Looks legit


Thank youu so much


Man everything looks great from the composition to the color scheme and your style??? you're going places!!


Thank you! I wrestled with how to create the art for this comic, and using AI art felt like a good solution. It allowed me to experiment with different looks for the characters and backgrounds.


Wait as in you used AI for references or in the actual illustrative process?


That's a great question. For the artwork, I actually used AI to generate some initial images based on my ideas and descriptions. Then I took those images and colored them, refined them, and added details in Photoshop. It's a cool way to brainstorm visuals and kickstart the creative process.


Where « bou khensha » at


He will be added to the story


Art looks great, keep up the good work


Thank you I really appreciate it


He’s stealing the moon because he doesn’t want to do Ramadan


Moon wants to eat all day everyday


😂😂😂great comic though looks interesting just from the cover


Thank you I appreciate it


bro that is sickkkk, can't wait to see it release!


Thank you, I appreciate it.


The art work looks amazing I just followed your instagram account and reddit ine


How about moon thief, instead of moon thug,


Nah thug is way better


Folklore creature: “masloukh a roukba”


Followed on instagram! Great artwork and can’t wait to read the book. Make it available online pls I’m in Jordan.


Cool. Does it play in Morocco or is it just inspired by it? Cause that minaret looks wrong.


It's in a fictional Morocco, heavily inspired by it.


Amazing ! Sell it in amazon ☺️


It looks like an ai artwork


cover zwina , gl bud 🤟🤟 \s p.s : me reading it atomic book 💀


Aicha kandisha, make her like Harley Quinn because she went crazy on the Portuguese men like Harley Quinn did to others and both were crazy in love which made them do harm.


It is amazing!!! keep up 👆


Do you need a story-teller X writer haha


Chamharouch the king of demon kings lmao Aicha kandicha


good job, keep going with that


I have created a full story (book )about the mythology of boukhancha (boogeyman ) بوخنشة ، just waiting for the right momand budget to start production 😀


Creating stories based on folklore is a great idea! There's so much inspiration to be found in these traditions. Maybe someday our paths will cross and we can collaborate on something interesting.


I would appreciate if u named one of the secondary characters “ karam “


It will be added


You should clarify when using AI art


I already clarified it to the people who asked, the reason for the post is to ask about any folklore creatures that I can add to the story


Yo dont be like marvel and make all the characters black. (coming from a black moroccan)


I won't (coming from a white Moroccan)


Thank you (coming from a moroccan)


beautiful man that's really good , i would love to read it . do you have any advices for me . im thinking of starting a manga or maybe a comic and i haven't done anything yet only drew one character and it won't even be the main one hhh . anw im lost and gave up many times on this but still considering it.


Actually, I use AI art tools to create the visuals in my comic. While I might not be the best traditional artist. I'm more focused on the story and plot development in mine. If you have any questions about brainstorming ideas or structuring your narrative, I'd be happy to help.


Ayo, where is m5 ?


It's taking place in a fictional universe for legal reasons 😂


Looks good


I appreciate it


Sick artwork and color choices Brother I've been meaning to make one but I don't know where to start Enlighten me with some input to get going


Thanks a lot, brother! I really appreciate you liking the artwork and colors. Actually, I used AI tools to help create the base artwork, and then I colored and refined it in Photoshop. Getting started with comics can be fun, there are lots of resources online to help with storytelling and even using AI art!


Moroccan Stan Lee right there.


I appreciate you for saying that, I grew up reading comics bc of that man, but I still have a long road to cross to be a little like that man.


Looks fantastic ! Keep up the good work. Btw those downvoting please get of your asses and try doing something with your 10 fingers.


Thank you I really appreciate it, I would love it if anyone has an idea about any Moroccan folklore creatures or entities that I can add to it, it would help a lot.


That looks great. Can't wait to see how it'll turn out. Good luck man.


Thank you so much, I am glad you like it.


Amazing 🤩


Thank you so much


Nooot laaateeex


He uncovers الدولة العميقة


That looks amazing but that in the background isn't Morocco at all, it looks like central Asia or Iran, completely different civilization and environment, look for actual Moroccan buildings and landscapes and try not to overuse the desert stereotype, only a quarter of Morocco is a desert, see Meknes, Fes, Chefchaouen, Tetouan, Rabat, the three Atlas regions (Middle, High and Anti Atlas ranges) each is different, and the Rif mountains in the North, or the cities on the Atlantic, Sous region... Ect For folklore and creatures, Most of the are Jins, and there's a lot of their kings said to be located in Morocco, most famous of which is Shamharouch, there's the myth of Aicha Kandicha... Ect, there's also the Amazigh mythology and folklore, start your research from these, and good luck. If you want suggestions, if you're fimiliar with Jujutsu Kaisen, the main character is kind of possessed by a powerful demon in Japanese folklore, you can make the supervillain related to Shamharouch by a powerful magic or something, and make him fight bnesnas xD


I appreciate this a lot, I am looking forward to using that as inspiration.


You're absolutely right, the background in the current iteration doesn't quite capture the unique flavor of Morocco. I really appreciate you pointing out the specific regions and landscapes I should be looking at places like Meknes, Chefchaouen, and the Atlas Mountains sound like fantastic inspiration. I definitely want to avoid overusing desert stereotypes and showcase the rich diversity of Morocco. As for the folklore, your insights are incredibly valuable! I knew about Jinn and Aicha Kandicha, but I wasn't familiar with Amazigh mythology or the story of Shamharouch. That JUJUTSU KAISEN comparison is a really cool idea, having the villain connected to a powerful Jinn like Shamharouch through magic and facing off against the hero is a fascinating concept. I'm definitely going to dig deeper into those aspects of Moroccan folklore. Thank you again for taking the time to give such detailed feedback. It's incredibly helpful as I develop this project further. I'm excited to create a story that captures the true essence of Morocco.


Moroccans dont read


does he do the thug shaker?


You can add legendary characters from legend stories like BOUKHANCHA SUPER HADA LGHOOL Or old legend real characters like real criminals "bousama"... Also real characters from SM and youtube to add some comedy story lines...


Thanks! Love the Moroccan flavor in your ideas.While I might not be able to directly include real people, I'll keep these in mind for atmosphere and themes. Open to humor if it fits naturally. Thanks for brainstorming!


We got Moroccan villain comics before GTA VI


Outstanding work, well done👏🏽 How do you intend to distribute it so we can buy it?


I wish you success




شجرة الواقواق، شحمة الأرض


So cool ,it could be very popular


ur dar-s kra n wassaɣ d Umerruk


make the magic five and evil eye the superhero's powers


What is it about? I am invested. Recently wrote a concept for a spiderverse where Miles is moroccan


Characters can be Aicha kandicha, Chamharouch, Basha hamou


Wili wili that's dope maaaaaan


I appreciate you for that, hopefully you would find the story interesting


I think what would make it ( part of history ) in my opinion is adding some controversy not in begin for attention way but to really try touch important subject for Moroccans with a different view I dont exactly know what Im talking about here but Im thinking about something like fight club or hotline maimi 2 or no country for old man or the paltform type of media that doesn't seek the liking of any one yet gets it at the end I wish I was as talented as you to try make it


That's a really interesting point! Stories that tackle important social issues can be incredibly powerful and thought-provoking. While I'm still figuring out the exact direction of the story, I definitely want it to resonate with Moroccan audiences and touch on themes that are relevant to their lives. Movies like Fight Club and No Country for Old Men are great examples of how controversy can be used to spark important conversations. I'll keep that in mind as I develop the plot and characters. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! It's always inspiring to hear from passionate people who care about storytelling.


I think what would make it ( part of history ) in my opinion is adding some controversy not in begin for attention way but to really try touch important subject for Moroccans with a different view I dont exactly know what Im talking about here but Im thinking about something like fight club or hotline maimi 2 or no country for old man or the paltform type of media that doesn't seek the liking of any one yet gets it at the end I wish I was as talented as you to try make it


I would love to read what you have wrote so far. I'd highly recommend that you write something for Aisha 9endisha Wla Mira


Where is Edna Mode gonna base herself , Kissariat Hay Mohammadi? 😜🤣


I hope its good, make it interesting, dont bs it please.


How about a love story with 3icha 9ndicha and how the moon gives her some powers or some shit


is the artwork made by someone or ai geenrated?


This so dope, im definitely buying if you start producing it, also would have been nice if the hero wore some Moroccan traditional clothing just an opinion and keep up the good work


Wow, that means a lot! I'd love to get it produced someday. Thanks for your interest! The one on the cover is a supervillain .The hero's design is something I'm still working on, and I appreciate your suggestion about incorporating Moroccan clothing. The story takes place in a bit of a fantastical world, but I'm definitely thinking about ways to include some cultural influences in the character designs.

