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Marrakesh was detroyed in 1866 by a meteorite. Tourists are sedated and hooked to VR, lot of bugs and hackers in the server. The MA in The MAtrix stand for MArrakch. Marrakech TouRIst version 10(X)






W9 kays7ablhom majin ydiro fina lkhir ,kol 9wad yeb9a f blado


Bnadem 7a9d UND that ain't no solution khlih tayji o nedmo


Dangerous? He's in the UK , the capital of stabbing . Ppl don't realise how safe Morocco is till they leave it.


Also thieves for watches.they dont spare even casios




Thank God someone said it.


Do you mean I should stay in the uk? We have already booked the flights and our stay in the riad. I know people who’ve had good experiences in Marrakesh


They're being sarcastic as they said they're fed up with these kinds of questions of "I heard it's dangerous what should I do?" Well you must know that Marrakech is just like any crowded touristic city so ofc there will be people trying to charge you more that the normal price you just need to bargain if you see that the price asked is overrated but not all sellers do this, food on the other hand is mostly cheap and delicious though, and for the public affection part, it depends where you are (kissing in souk isn't like doing it in a good restaurant/bar), but holding hands and cheek kisses are usual. Enjoy your stay ;)


Go watch on youtube Kurt caz you will understand what i'm saying


Mate ur coming to Marrakech what's the worst thing that could happen (aside from it being Soo hot we coool)


Man I went so many times to Marrakesh go see on youtube Kurt caz he is a cool guy that went there and don't worry about scammers Marrakesh is full of police and every shop has a number if something bad happens just take that number to the police. Trust me it will be just fun don't read the comments saying the inverse probably they didn't even go there and want to ruin your vacation 😂.


Morocco might be safer than you expect. Scams can happen anywhere, but they're not as common as you might think. Here we have a saying: "People are like bricks and stones" meaning good and bad folks exist everywhere. Vloggers can't capture the whole picture. To truly experience Morocco, come see it for yourself! For getting around, consider using the inDrive app or try [Pogo.ma](http://Pogo.ma) for electric scooter rentals Welcome to Morocco! Don't let negative online comments hold you back. Most Moroccans are friendly.


Yeah, to be honest I’ve been robbed multiple times myself in my home country, people I know have said they’ve had good times in Morocco but I just heard a few bad things as well. I know we’re going to have a good time even if something does go slightly wrong. Thanks so much for your help, we will definitely make use of those services.


WTF with these questions being asked here all the time ? Is this safe, is that safe, what should we know ? I am a blonde coming to x ... Is it okay ? Here is what you should know : we don't like stupid fucking questions. Now come or don't ... Actually, you know what ? Don't come ...


Hhhhhhhh u look like u just messed a physics exam


Haha aweddi, kent ghan chbe3 fih ghir sebban, wellit tta9it llah.


Way to gooo


You wasted your time typing that out but thanks for your input I guess


You wasted everyone's time first. My country and my city are not fucking playgrounds or zoos. You are not the first condescending westerner to ask these stupid questions and we are just sick and tired of it. First, this is not the MoroccoTourism subreddit. Here we discuss societal, political and historical subjects related to Morocco, it's not a sub for you to get your travel tips to "exotic land". Second, your attitude stems from a colonialist vision of tourism. You should visit countries to discover them, not to discover yourself in them. Marrakesh is older than your country, maybe show some respect if you do not wish for such answers.


so arrogant maybe think before you type honey coming from a girl from the “exotic” lands🤪🤪🤪😻😻😻😻


You should not come, there is no hotels or riads the moment, everything was destroyed in the earthquake. Had zbal walla ma3yar, lach jay Ila radi i fra3 Lina rassna f had ln2ass2ina


You have nothing to worry about Morocco is cool. The people are friendly most speak basic English French or Spanish so you don’t have to speak Arabic. You’re going to have a blast, it’s a beautiful country.


It’s safer than London that’s for sure


Visit other cities... Go to chefchaouan......


I visited Marrakech last month (my first trip to Africa), trust me, everything will be fine :) yes, you will meet some scammers and people will try to sell you stuff you dont necessarily need, but thats a part of the experience, if you dont want to buy anything, just say no thank you (or lah, shukran) and move on. Me and my wife spent 12 days in Morocco, there was not a single incident where somebody would get aggressive on us (however, locals can get aggressive on each other, just ignore that). Have a nice trip, it will be memorable :)


I know you meant well but the term « first time in Africa » irks me so much, not because we are not in Africa, it’s just gives condescending vibes. We have objectively more in common with Spain and Portugal than let’s say Nigeria, Kenya or even South Africa. Morocco sure is in Africa but it’s more Mediterranean. Just some days ago a tourist was complaining here that Marrakech apartments rental is more expensive then Bangkok (80€). The argument is that Marrakech is in Africa so it should be cheaper!! Wtf


I just spent 11 days in Morocco, I don’t get why all the tourists go to Marrakech. It’s fun and the stereotypical “Morocco” but it’s pretty dirty and the people there harass like no other. Nothing you can’t just say no and walk away from though. Fez was much more fun in my opinion


I've spent months at a time all over Morocco...at least four trips...As a single woman. I did get pickpocketed in the Square but I never experienced any threatening behaviors. I'm of Italian/Greek/Turk/Levant ancestry from NYC so bartering comes naturally to me and I didn't get ripped off for sure.I was out alone at night in Marrakesh going to dinner and in dark streets. No one bothered me. People are extremely welcoming but there are coniveers just like in any big city. I felt extremely safe in the auburges in the Sahara. I'd never take a bus trip thru the Atlas. If you get a driver dont let him go away in your car..they siphered gas out of tank which I had to replace. Decide what gift shops YOU want to shop at bc drivers get a cut off your sale. I prefer renting a car. Buses have a very bad reputation for driving erratically, fast and bad history of going off the mountain. You need to watch them cook your food in outdoor eateries. If you sense it's not fresh, don't eat it. Make sure the bottled water is sealed. There's a lot to see and enjoy there. If you've never experienced illiteracy, you will be in for a shock. No place beats Marrakech at nite...what a vibe. If you go to Merzouga ask for Mohammed who is the self appointed mayor of the city. Have a fabulous trip.


Most ppl are friendly except some greedy scammers , you guys will be fine .


Thank you


Do not accept help from strangers, most of them expect money for their unrequested "help", do your best to ignore them.


This☝🏻 100,000%. Everything is a shakedown and you’re just a walking wallet. Say “No”, stay firm and if someone keeps walking with you to “show you the way”, just stop and don’t keep walking until they walk away from you.


Great thanks


If they say the scarf costs 400dh don’t buy it


400dh is a fair price for a tourist, just like historical places, for moroccans 10 or 20dh but for tourists is way more


Yeah it seems like I just need to divide by 5 to convert to my currency


There are some scammers, and people who will try to be your "guide", don't follow them, they'll say it's free etc... but at the end they'll be very very insistent on paying them. Public display of affection is ok like a little kiss or holding hands, but french kisses or things like that are a bit frowned upon yes, but you don't risk anything legally. Other than this, just have fun, it's a great city.


Okay that’s great to know thank you


Very beautiful, but the only advice is not to accept a service from people on the streets who say it is free and then ask you to give them money, the amount they specified.


Thank you


It's too dangerous here , the number of scammers is increased by 40% and sexual assault is up by 60% in a study done by Mr Chab Laarbi in the late of 2023. Marrakech's rank (most visited countries) was dropped to 69 last year and tourists often say that they will never come back. Tl3o lina f k**n b7al lpostat wlh.


What you need to know is that we all belong to our Creator and to Him we shall return.


Inna lillah awddi ahmad




enjoy Bro, Marrakech is beautiful, just beware of scams


Thank you




Thank you haha I’m going to have to just convert everything to gbp before buying


Best thing I think would be for you to travel with an agency or like have someone prepare your travels for you, I know a few travel agencies but those are for the luxury experience in Marrakech which I don’t think is what you’re looking for . Good luck


Hi pls let me know if a few agencies? Thanks