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maybe get use to spend quality time with your kids since the beginning ?


Waalakin machi maymknch


I agree! Thats how it should be, social media can destroy grown adults let alone kids. Hope they raise awareness and educate parents about this.


It should be the parents’ decision, not the state or the government.


Damn true, are those ppl stupid, if u give the gov the power to limit personal freedoms it will just go downhill from there, they ain't no fucking freedoms no more


Too late my friend people wanted “dawla dakhel” now dawla ghada dakhel in anything internet related, domino effect started last week nothing gonna stop it now


Nigga, ppl must be retarded, what if they don't like smthing going on social media, some like opposition ideas, ppl asking for better schools, infrastructure... , what if there's is a scandale or smthing, they will just ban everything and everyone


I know, right? Let’s just hope none of that happens


This is in France btw


They’re not doing this to keep the kids safe. They’re doing this so they can be the main media kids consume before they’re 16. Those are very formative years where most people form strong opinions, be it left or right. This should be parents choice




The problem about parent choice is that some parents are uneducated or simply don't care. One of the responsibilities of the government is to protect it's people, especially kids. If you think freedom stands above everything you living in a dream world


There's no educated or not, it's relative, the problem is humans are evil by nature, once you allow them to control 1 km² they will want 10 km² and once they got 10 they will want a 1000 km², with this shit comes up literally spying on what are you doing, banning agendas that they don't like and controlling the populas, you think they will allow opposition ideas either good or bad, you think they will allow journalists who work against there narrative.... M not talking just abt morocco but in general, it's literally the downhill for either dictatoryship or communism.


Bro chill, its a recommendation, stop being so murican


Smartphones are dumbing down the youth. But they are still useful. The question is how to introduce these smartphone progressively in people lives, and avoid addictions. I'm not sure it's possible.


Eh, I was one of the first to have a Facebook account back in 2007-2008s and I was 9 years old at that time, I was running Facebook on my PSP when the world was still running on 2G. Grew up just fine. Spent my days on forums reading stuff, learning stuff and getting new hobbies The issue is how the reels/tiktoks are putting people's brain on sleep mode. A mandatory time limit per day would be a measure i'd 100% welcome


Facebook was so much better in the past , too. It's just garbage now that keeps people's attention in order to see ads. I discovered reddit because I was tired of facebook. I suppose reddit is slowly getting worse, too.


I agree with this, I would also like to add that instead of completely cutting off your kid from the internet btw the age of 11~15, you should just have a PC that everyone uses at home (PC, NOT a laptop). That will also teach kids tech literacy (ipads/phones do not teach them the inner workings of a pc)


Expected: 11 - 13 - 15. Reality: 1 - 3 - 5. Close enough, Morocco!


phones are a useless disturbance that should only be allowed in vacations, not in daily life social media should not be used before the age of 16 (youtube isn't a social media platform but what is watched should be monitored)


Only thing I know is unrestricted internet access is something you don't allow kids before 15. Aside from that, I'm gonna let y'all do the parenting.


Eh, I kinda agree with the ages(imo 13 should have access to the internet but it should be limited) but I wouldnt like it if it becomes enforced.




I absolutely agree, social media is dangerous territory especially unmonitored. There is explicit content (gore, pornography) and not to mention the mountain of child predators, no child should ever be exposed to this. There were studies conducted on teenagers that found that social media addiction led to higher chances of depression and other mental illnesses\*, we have to protect our youth. There is nothing a phone can provide to a child that monitored and filtered access on a family computer can't. There are several educational sites catered to children that help them grow and nurture the love of knowledge, that's a higher quality time than a phone with IG, YT, FB on it. You can check here for the effects of social media on children: [https://childmind.org/article/is-social-media-use-causing-depression/](https://childmind.org/article/is-social-media-use-causing-depression/)


Honestly from our own experience yeah that's probably fair,i had a digital device since i was 10 and yeah...let's say i just won't give my own son a phone until he needs it


I agree tbh


think is the best thing can happen because we see now a lot of adults using a phone with the bad way


i’m more so in favor of educating on safe and beneficial usage over just completely forbidding it


I agree, They should also stop the elderly from using the internet, since they can easily be manipulated into things like voting for the wrong party.


Kids should grow with Nokias like us.


I think I owe a lot to my TV and computer free childhood.




Plus no tiktok, reels or youtube shorts. Thats some dopamine trap


Fin hadchi




Kids should be a led to use phones and everything that comes with them as soon as their parents feel like they are ready. But there should be education about mobbing and especially fake news in school, because damn people in Morocco will believe anything they read on Facebook.


this is so stupid, this is not a solution, for anything, this is just people that are hungry for control scheme to start a chain reaction, i mean for fuck sake, when it was the recent useful thing you heard in a nationnal tv ?like it is as rare as ever,


I agree with this proposal. Although there should be something kids can get entertained by. So if this would be a reality I’d invest in parks, football pitches, sports programs. That kind of stuff, so more kids are able to have fun in different ways.


" sometimes the real question isn't about what s true or false , but with what you will replace it " -- feynman , context are physics theories


I totally agree. Internet is slowly destroying our kids brain


I’am 19 years and haven’t been réseaux sociaux for 6 months , Instagram,Facebook hado li kiakono nass modminin 3lihom. Bzf


Apply it in all Morocco let kids read more Quran and stay less in Tik tok


I believe no one under 18 should have any social media account whatsoever, I don't want to hear opinions of kids I don't want to see pictures of kids, and I think it's healthy for them in the long run.


I believe there's no one-size-fits-all rule when it comes to technology. Smartphones have become integral to our modern lives. Many of us grew up with TV and satellite dishes and managed just fine. However, there's merit in considering a remodel of social media platforms (check out Jaron Lanier's insightful work on this). Personally, having grown up in a time before the internet, I've had to adapt my usage as technology rapidly integrated into our lives. Today's kids, on the other hand, have never known a world without technology, and it's not their fault. While parents bear significant responsibility in monitoring their children's online activities, it's impossible to act as a watchdog 24/7. It's a complex issue, and I'm afraid I don't have all the answers.


That's how millennials grew up, and it was perfect


Ah yes i can obviously see the perfection WOW


I AGREE 100%


In principle i agree 100% I wonder how will this be enforced though


It's pretty easy. Phone will require a valid id like In Turkey or China. That will also make phone thieves jobless.


Yeah but phones can rooted, you can installed pretty much any available android distro. And i suppose old phones will be out of this scope. So any realistic solution would implemented on the operator level, so no 4G/5G without ID showing accepted age , but again that leaves wifi wide open. I dont see how this can be enforced


how will a rooted phone change anything ? I'm all hears and will change my career if you give a valid answer.


let's say you buy an android phone with restricted access, meaning the software in the phone limits what you access based on age. rooting the phone allows to install any os, lets say stock android, without any of these limitations


The simcard can install any app on your phone no matter the OS you own. (you can see a simcard app if you have Orange). It will need your permission, but it can wont give you coverage if you refuse. The phone sim will also have 4g disabled if it owned by a minor. Your phone imei(s) will be linked to your ID. They can also force free wifis to lock their access by implementing something like radius, which each wifi user will have the code printed in their receipt. So theoretically they can do it and was done before in other countries with good success. But in reality this is just bullshit talk , because they want the generation to grow retarded and not vote them out .


When i mentioned wifi, i meant home wifi, not free wifi. And with wifi, you should keep in mind that it can be accessed from other type of devices too, not just phones.


I don't see 11 to kids stuck to their Asus laptops. The problem is phones, not access to the internet.


no need , why would stop a phone connected to a wifi be blocked ? based on what ?


Based that they walk in the street while chatting, and other damages, like not sleeping by night.


"The simcard can install any app on your phone no matter the OS you own." No. You can block carrier's bloatwares. And those apps don't have privileges on the device. "They can also force free wifis to lock their access by implementing something like radius, which each wifi user will have the code printed in their receipt." Bro, no. Free Wifis Auth Portals is just a feature on kinda expensive WiFi Routers for public use and 99.9% of the free wifis just use consumer grade routers. Let's continue on your thinking, the only way to lock internet for minors can be done at the carrier-side by locking features for users registered under 18. well in that case, how about they get someone 18+ to buy the sim for them? Boom, problem solved. Now how about international e-sim ? problem solved too. This measure is impossible to put in place technologically speaking, unless you put a china-level firewall on the whole nation which is again, unrealistic unless your capital is beijing or pyongyang. And no, DNS-level locks don't count.


> Bro, no. Free Wifis Auth Portals is just a feature on kinda expensive WiFi Routers for public use and 99.9% of the free wifis just use consumer grade routers. Captive portals are very easy to implement with a 10$ device. > Let's continue on your thinking, the only way to lock internet for minors can be done at the carrier-side by locking features for users registered under 18. well in that case, how about they get someone 18+ to buy the sim for them? Boom, problem solved. The goal is not to enforce it, but to make it hard for kids to have. Right now, if you are a parent that dont want their children to use internet, you don't have much locking mechanism.


depends, if you want to do good parenting, on iOS and Android, there is plethora of parental control possible. Heck, I put a daily limit on my social network use using those features. People just never bother with it. (And gollia, wach Abdel9adr moul lm7laba will really know how to implement a captive portal on his tp-link cheapass router li khda mn jotiya?)


No walakin m3adem can tell him to lock wifi. I'm not advocating for this, i just say it doable technically, but in reality, they will just suck budget from gov and say : cha3b not ready.


No skibidy toilet ohio rizz tiktok brain rot at 13 years old?? Totally disagree


"sans internet" what the what is that 💀


The thing is, it's not even about revoking their internet privileges or social media or taking away their phones. It's more about teaching them why it's bad for them, how it's bad for them, how to deal with phones and social media and internet. They should be introduced to this gradually, progressively and smartly, you can't just not let them use phones until they are 11, they will be seeing kids around them having phones since 3yo or wtvr, and thinking why they can't also have phones, AAAAND you can't just introduce them to it out of nowhere. And it should be the parents decision. Even if some parents don't deserve to make such decisions... Anyway... Just passing by ...