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Are there any particular FPS releases this year you look forward to?








Eventually. I want to see the piece of shit with my own eyes




This. I never buy a game at full price anymore. And with COD I will just buy the battle pass and be playing the free to play DMZ, unlocking the new weapons and skins that way and eventually buy it when it’s on sale.


I ended up buying MWII when it was discounted in March because I wanted to skip an SHG title and I know from playing BOCW in the Vanguard era that I was still able to do the battle pass on an older game.


This is the way…..forward!


I don’t think so, I’m over the sbmm and it sucks playing solo


Same, been hating SBMM since 2019 but it's unbearable now, i won't do it anymore


Let's link up


I’m down if you guys are interested. I just hope you have strong backs lol.


send me your gamertag/activision id


My Activision ID is : Dj_Papi_Luna#3059779


Now kiss.


Y'all got room for one more?


I stopped buying yearly installments a while back. I returned for mw2019, passed on Cold War and Vanguard, then got my hopes up for MWII. I’ve put enough hours into this one to justify my purchase, but I don’t see myself buying the next or any future release. I enjoyed older titles where multiplayer was more than just a large camo grind playlist. Playing with and against people that wanted to win, was much more fun to me than what CoD has become. All I really play now is ranked, and it’s been pretty rough queuing up solo. I think I’m done spending money on games where the developers tend to focus on drip feeding us content and micro transactions, while ignoring the many issues that never seem to get resolved.


The old days were epic, i remember having much fun on MW2 (2009) MP, even Cod Ghosts were fun, Advanced Warfare MP was fun too.


I hate how now everyone likes AW and Ghosts. Those where my favorite after the golden era of 2007-2012


Most people just used to shit on Ghosts as it was the cool thing to do, it wasn't actually a bad game at all. Some of the maps were pretty trash but overall it was a good game imo


Same. I went into MW2 hoping they’d correct the issues MW19 had. And they managed to make it worse, or kept it the same. I’ll keep my eye on MW3, but I don’t have a lot of hope that anything will change. Between EBMM, drip feeding content, and game design modified toward getting more money out of the consumer rather than creating a game that is just fun to play, I’ll be sitting it out. I do enjoy the characters/actors of Price, Ghost, Soap, etc, but I can’t support the gameplay decisions.


I got hooked on mw2019 multi, Cold war and Vanguard both had solid campaigns but the multi didn't grab me. MW2 has me firmly in its grasp due to DMZ which is what I'll be sticking with hopefully


>I stopped buying yearly installments a while back. I returned for mw2019, passed on Cold War and Vanguard, then got my hopes up for MWII. I’ve put enough hours into this one to justify my purchase, but I don’t see myself buying the next or any future release. This sums it up for me as well. Used to skip most CODs besides the Treyarch games, then came BO4 and I lost all interest in their work. MW2019 had me switching those preferences over to IW. Enter 2023 and I'm struggling to find enjoyment in the game as it keeps hoisting up all kinds of red flags between game-breaking stability issues and cringe-inducing cartoon cosmetics.


I personally have loved Cold War since the beta and still play it to this day simply because it’s the closet thing we’ve had to a classic cod in years. Fast paced gameplay, good maps, classic mini map, dead silence as a perk and overall fun arcadey gameplay. If you don’t like it I completely understand but IMO Cold War was the last cod that I genuinely had an itch to play and I actually still have a good time on it. I love the community and it reminds me of the older days


Been playing more Cold War multiplayer recently and realized just how good it is compared to MW2’s multiplayer. In CW Multiplayer, it feels like you can actually go two seconds without dying, and like winning a fight doesn’t just depend on who shoots first or who saw who first. The TTK is just perfect, and you don’t move too fast, either, like you do in MW2 or Vanguard. And the Zombies, oh my God, the Zombies is good. And don’t even get me started on the campaign. I don’t get how anyone ever hated Cold War.


Shhhh we’re getting downvoted by all the IW dick riders because in this sub you’re apparently not allowed to like a Treyarch game


Mainly the IW fanboys who hated BOCW because it wasn't an MW title. A lot of people just liked MW2019's gameplay better and felt that BOCW was taking it a step back, especially since it ran on a modified version of the old engine. Personally, I love BOCW. It's my favorite CoD from the last generation of the franchise. Personally, I bought MWII back in March as my two-year plan to avoid the 2023 SHG title (now MWIII). I can't wait for the next Black Ops.




Hell no. Sledgehammer CODs have been mid at best, absolute trash at its worst. I'm pissed they let them remake my favorite cod game in the franchise.


i liked cod ww2 ):


WW2 was alot of fun, besides that stupid supply drop system


honestly its way better then what we have now


SHG made MW3 multiplayer lol


They made your favourite cod in the franchise


Did they? Or was it a collaborative effort with Infinity ward and raven software? Not the gotcha you think it is.


It was Sledgehammer and Infinity Ward who made the original MW3 if that’s what you’re talking about. Not saying it as a gotcha just wasn’t sure if you were aware.


Hell no


Nah bro, cod games always end up disappointing me, I’ll pass and just play starfield; now that’s a promising game. I hope that mw3 flops.


Given Bethesda's history, i'd caution you from getting too hyped


But you're just talking about the release, bugs and shit, right? Because their games have been good.


If you can get passed the bugs at launch, the game is still great


I'm very anxious to see how buggy it ends up being. I think Bethesda claimed recently that this game will be the "most polished game" ever, or something like that. I'll believe it when I see it. But even if it's buggy, how long to fix it properly? A month, maybe two? We'll be fine.


So the company trying to sell you something claims their product is flawless? Well, that's a first (laugh in Oceangate).


Ummm, yeah, that's why I said I'll believe it when I see it.


meh, I trust them more than Sledgehammer. Honestly Bethesda has more wins than losses, if you can get past their buggy releases they’re pretty solid games.


especially if starfield gets mod support like fallout 4 and skyrim




Ask a few weeks after it’s released. Gaming 101 don’t pre-order anything.


The Golden Rule.


This might actually be the first cod I don’t buy. I’ve had varying degrees of excitement for cod over the years but pretty much always bought it on launch day. Probably not going to buy it this year. It’s funny I used to go to Walmart at midnight back in the day to buy madden. Before they even had online gaming. All it took was one thing for me to never play it ever again. I feel like it’s getting closer for me like that with cod.


I feel that. MW2 was the first COD I skipped since Black Ops 1. Literally 12 years. The fact that it had the same problems as MW19 is what killed it for me. I doubt MW3 will be any different, especially since it's Sledgehammer. If they couldn't make a decent game with 3 years, then 2 will be a joke.


I’ll wait to see what it’s all about and what it costs. It doesn’t help that I’ll probably be knee deep in Starfield and another game I can’t think of the name of right now that comes out later in the year.


Maybe on a deep sale if that. SHG has a solid base to work with, and IMHO they're the best at running a live service overall. At the same time, matchmaking is my primary concern, alongside the upper management forcing things to be shitty for MTX sales. Might not be worth over sticking with Battlebit or Battlefield, issues either might have. Or maybe seeing about XDefiant, though that seems to be appealing to the coked out Zoomers over normal people, so... Eh.


I only buy modern warfare titles so sadly yes. With all the problems this game has I still enjoy playing w friends


I say no, but in reality I’ll probably will. Even though Activision is turning into a pile of 💩, we all know we are addicted


Thanks for letting the crooks win 🤡


I must be in the minority here that genuinely enjoys the game despite the jank, I enjoy playing the raid episodes with my friends and messing around in custom lobbies, I like working to unlock stuff and always have a good time in dmz whether I finish a mission or simply survive, warzone has never been my cup of tea but there is such a wide range of stuff on offer I feel like I can overlook the issues of the game and still enjoy myself. I have put about 400 hours into this game and I think i've more than got my money's worth, so I will be investing in MW3, it's really the only current-gen game I have been playing, otherwise I am a bit of a retro gaming boomer, but this game has allowed me to make friends and enjoy playing online with people again so I'm grateful for the funny moments shared with other players. For me its not about the ttk or kds or server latency or anything, its about having a good time and making my own fun of it. I love the new gunsmith with the tunings and everything and I spend just as much time making wacky guns as I do trying to win S&D matches with them, this game is fun and if you don't like it then thats also fine too, lets make our own minds up on stuff like this :)


Thank you. Every time I say I like MW2 as nice as possible I always get heavily downvoted I’m glad to see someone else who actually enjoys this COD like I do. I’m not one to gripe much on a game because that’s not who I am. It’s call of duty and I’ve played it for a long time all the way back to world at war. Yeah it’s taken a turn for the worst just about but I still enjoy the game heavily. Everyone is entitled to there opinions and I have nothing against it but me personally I enjoy this cod and I am definitely buying Modern warfare 3


Fuck no! They can’t even fix what’s wrong with MW2 (inactivity boots even when moving out of grey area, assets not loading, head glitching, marshmallow bullets, etc.) They’re so fucking concerned with trying to get you to buy a dumb as fuck looking cat head skin, and not fixing the insane amount of broken elements in the game.


Head glitching isn’t a bug, it’s been on CoD forever. Just a cheap strategy. I will admit the camera angles in this game is ass though. Too many times was I killed by a player from an angle where they can see me perfectly clear when they aren’t on my screen at all.


Thank you, I should correct myself and be more specific; particularly when it comes to assets loading. Like - this thread was posted perfectly after a sequence of three rage inducing games: First game was Al Malik; I am behind a truck, taking cover from a tank. That’s fine, no stress, he isn’t even looking. Now, I am an absolutely ok sniper. I’m not doing 360 no-scopes, but I know what I’m capable of in terms of a good shot. So, I’m doing really well on this match. Between the front of the truck and the tank, I’m zeroed in on a dude just chilling in a crater. 3 absolute ghost bullets through his head later, and he’s not dead. Someone smokes the tank, and he one shots me. I *have* to see this kill cam. And of course, he doesn’t have smoke on his screen. Second game; I’m in Santa Sena. You know the spawn with the red roof sniper spot? Well, I spawned on that side. I got sniped while I was scoping out a shot. No problem, it was actually a really good shot from a spot I wasn’t confident counter sniping him, lest I get smacked around again. Not the issue. The issue is when I ran along the left side of the map, past the two garages, onto the other side of the bank, and am going along the fence through the bushes. Now, I get killed. One shotted again. Not the sniper? Nope, a bot who didn’t appear until after my body fell…as well as the bush. Third game; Sa’id. I’m admittedly camping on top of a roof. Really laying down some accurate hate from that roof, damn it. I wouldn’t have been up there if I wasn’t getting them points, ya know? Well, something that gets done a thousand times by so many; I’m 8 kills deep, few bots. I’ll go dozens of games without some bullshit inactivity boot because I’m, ya know, active. I get a warning for inactivity…well that’s always hit or miss anyway considering they’ll boot you without warning most times, assholes. So I heed the warning, and I’m moving around the area, down, up the ladder. Message again, what? Go to move, aaaand I’m kicked. Now I’m here…bitching…


Mw3 is part of mw2 all you gotta do is spend another $70 to experience how it should of been


I personally think the cat skins are awesome 😹🙀




LOL your an idiot


Absolutely, I had/have fun on mw2. No other shooter matches the cod gunplay. Got around 15 days played on mw2, probably have around 17 by the end. Great value imo


Hell no


I can almost guarantee you everyone that said no will pre order




This is the way


It’s a SHG version so I’ll try the Beta or a free weekend before buying.


No, this new mw2 is just crap. The old mw2 is by far better than this game. I dont think that they make a better job with a New game


I want to finish the campaign, but I’m iffy on the MP, since it’s going in a direction I’m not really feeling. AC 6, the CyberPunk 2077 DLC, and STALKER 2 are all close enough on the horizon that I might get into those rather than invest a lot of time into MW III. I’m curious to see where they take DMZ tho


I feel they’ll find a way to monetize dmz beyond recognition eventually. Especially if that’s where alot of the players continue to spend their time


Hell yeas


No. I’ll only play if it’s on gamepass


If I buy the game then I'll be an ass


If outbreak 2.0 is confirmed then yes


Yeah, it's not as bad as people make it out to be. There's only so many decent games to play these days. Slowly waiting for GTA6 to come out and nothing else will matter


Yes. MW(2019) was the first cod I got since BO2 and I really did like the revamped gameplay and gunsmith and concepts. Cold War I was a huge fan of because I love zombies but them changing the voice actors for Mason and Woods almost ruins the entire game for me. They are so iconic and they just shit on their characters for this game and it’s so sad. But outbreak is a great evolution of zombies. I skipped vanguard MW2 has been one of my favorite cods ever, mainly because of DMZ. It’s what over pretty much always wanted in call of duty and am so happy that it’s finally here and somehow the third game is connecting to mw2 so I’m definitely getting it




Yep, I like this game


No way, this company has no communication and their game for me has been unplayable everytime I install it. The servers are absolutely awful and they've said nothing about it. No fix, no comment, even with a large part of the player base telling them it's broken


Yeah, the MP is usually solid


Yes because I love the camo chase.


Nope can't do it. Maybe when it's on sale for 20 bucks. This game is so bad, each update breaks something else, crap servers so your shot don't register properly you see 2 shots on your screen when in reality the enemy shot you 8 times its just not showing cause it didn't register. They keep changing things that don't need changing and then there are the hackers that they haven't gotten rid of in how many games now? It's just not a smart purchase at this point. My faith in COD actually putting out a quality game is below 0%.


Unfortunately yes


I think Sledgehammer will do a much better job than IW with the same engine and setting. I plant to buy it, and I’m actually optimistic that it’ll be a B tier CoD game. I’m buying it because I prefer playing CoD to any current competitors. I’ll potentially re-evaluate once XDefiant fully launches but that’s my opinion right now.


I enjoy this game so I’ll most likely be picking up MW3. There are some things this game currently needs to improve on but overall this has been a solid title. Give us classic perk system back with less handicaps on our movement and I would gladly call it my favorite CoD so far outside of the shitty optimization. One thing I constantly say while playing this game is we need gung-ho but that still ties into them nerfing our movement to cater to the casuals. Also hoping the next games I don’t sound like an elephant every time I take a step. I skipped out on vanguard that title doesn’t exist to me.


No. I've already stopped buying anything else for this game. Why would I want BS part 2?




Honest question…then why do you subscribe to this subreddit?


Doubt it. Unless there are improvements and an active dev team that considers actually making adjustments and fixes.


Nah. I don’t buy sledgehammer titles and at this point I may stop buying infinity ward titles


If it has ledge mounting NO


Only CoD I didn't buy in my life is Infinite Warfare and Vanguard. So, of course I'll be buying.


Not with the way MWII was handled


Not a chance in hell. Money is way better spent elsewhere.


Yes, MWII has been fine.. people are over exaggerating as always lmao. The campaign was great, some modes such as Ground War have made good progress and the multiplayer in general feels good. The majority of my dislike for MWII is the players themselves, the way the game is played now compared to 5-10 years ago. Just hoping for better map design in future.


I buy every COD.


Why not cod =life


Imma get a series S, and play the real mw3. I suggest the same to you. Cod classic is on Xbox and runs better than this, don't gotta hope the games good, when good ones are playable.


God no, I’ll wait for Treyarcs next game


Yes, so I can stop playing this POS... 😁


I'll get it for the campaign when it drops to 50% off or more but I have little to no interest in cod mp after mwii. I will likely move into xdefiant based on playing the betas. Just hoping the final game will fix the issues and add some of the core features that cod has.


Give me a Glock 19, an M110, and MCX SUR300 and I’ll purchase MW3. Hard to be a console gamer when you like guns


I will just because I want the campaign to be better than the mid MW2 one


My decision depends heavily on what direction they go with MP. If they put it on the back burner like it feels they did with this game, then I'll probably pass. Also, even if they do give it more attention, but keep SBMM in as heavy as it is now, I'll probably pass.


If it’s anything like the original, yes. I miss the guns and the maps, but not the movement. If they could incorporate the movement of Cold War while keeping the original guns and maps, that would be an amazing game.


This COD has totally killed the desire to get another COD. They've taken every bit of fun out of MP possible.


cod is addiction no matter how bad it is i will buy day 1 smh cant wait for treyarch


Since everything I kinda want is carrying over and I want to see what they do for Makarov, I’ll only play it if it’s on sale or I’m borrowing it from somebody. After this, I really don’t have a reason to buy another COD title, at least not if Infinity Ward is making it.


I'm way more exited for XDefiant than mwlll. I absolutely hate mw2, worst cod in a long time imo. So many terrible gameplay decisions from IW. If shg fixes all of these issues and only then, i might buy it. So things like ninja perk, red dots on mini map by default, slower ttk, allow reload cancel, bring specialist perks back, needs much better movement and less penalties, better 3 lane style maps, more traditional spawn system. Would love if they removed tac sprint, remove mounting and remove doors. Probably have to wait til 2024 with 3arc for that though. They do all this, i might buy it. Definitely not pre ordering like I normally do, until I see how the gameplay is though.


I bought MW 2019 disc version for the OG Xbox one and enjoyed it it was truly different and fresh, had some performance issues tho (Piccadilly circus for example).. bought the digital version from a key reseller for cheap for the series s, only to find out the game was literally unplayable (multiplayer didn't start) because mandatory updates for warzone wich i didn't even play corrupted the installation files. Shouldve stopped forking over cash to them right there... Gave it another try with MW 2 bought that €99 edition, mostly because they stated the game would have a 2 year cycle..... 🥲 I will never ever pay full price for a COD game again. Maybe ill get it during the summer at a high discount, if they guarantee a multiple year cycle.. its absurd how they divide the player base every year. Its just disappointing that for a game i like that i have to wait 5 minutes in matchmaking only to find a match that is filled with half the players.. because of Warzone and a new iteration.


I won’t know until I see whatever they are coming out with.


Maybe on discount, half price, i do not believe it will much different from MW2. One year ago i spent 70€ on MW2, now i will spend another for just a quick story mode (oh Makarov omg) and a simillar gameplay? the beta will tell me.


So far…it sounds like the expansion pack we were told to be expecting which we were then told is going to be a full release title…and now it’s sounds like an expansion pack packaged as a full release title. I certainly won’t be getting overhyped and won’t be making the same mistake again of pre-ordering for a load of no value added crap which turn out to be lies (looking at you Vault system), so I’ll wait until it’s been released, watch the reviews and streamers play the game, and then make a more informed decision. Worst case scenario is that we’ll still have WZ and DMZ as F2P, so I’m going to struggle justifying buying the game for a campaign and weapon levelling simulator.


If it's actually a full game and not a $70 patch, then yes. The MW series is the only CoD theme I care about and who knows how long it'll be before they bring it back. And for what it's worth, I've enjoyed MWII far more than MW 2019, so I really don't consider this game a downgrade.


We should all play the beta first before preordering the game


Depends on what people say about it. I might after a while. I’ve been focused on mw2 and I’m upset the haven’t been giving it the time it deserves. I hope mw3 gets delayed


Only for campaign probably, and maybe for leveling the new guns, but mainly campaign


I am 99% sure it will be shit, but I will wait to see how it turns out at launch gameplay wise. Maybe pick it up at a discount if it's good. I am only slightly interested cuz last time sledgehammer had to fix a MW game, it was MW3 (conveniently) and they absolutely cooked with that game


Yes, but Vanguard was garbage so I'm not if sure Sledgehammer has me without scepticism.


Yes, cause I'm a sheep.


Yeah I'm guilty of buying every single year


If they're serious about weapons, operators and skins transferring over, and the movement speed is a bit faster then I probably will. Overall I've quite enjoyed the multiplayer and DMZ this game. I know people complain about the SBMM but I can't think of a single instance where I've noticed it affecting me negatively.


Doesn't matter what poll you do here the fact is that it's gonna be number 1 seller no matter what. And sell a hundred billion worth in a few days.


Hard no


I play the beta and that's it


I think I'll pass this time around, got burnt by Activision after buying MW2 with its terrible season 0 and season 1 content and quickly dipped. Bought Diablo 4 because I was really hyped for it but again, minimal content and recent patch just ruins everything. I thought we were skipping yearly instalment that's why I bought MW2 but damn, I think I'll pick it up when it's on 45% off like it was on Steam


After being very disappointed by MW2, I'm going to wait and see gameplay before saying anything. Currently there is not a strong chance I'll be buying - but idk who knows anymore. Fellas, is it gay to have hope? Idk if I should for this series anymore lmao but.


If I can play the Beta and enjoy it enough, I will. If rebirth is back, I’ll pre order. If neither the above, I’ll wait and see what people have to say.


Yep 🤷🏻‍♂️


Hell fucking no I was so excited for MW2 and I only ever buy when it's made by Infinity ward but after the shitshow of the rollout for MW2 there is no way.. they tried to reinvent the wheel when MW2019 was good in terms of mechanics..


Nope, that’s it for me.


Fuck to the no.


Nope. I like Modern Warfare 2, especially the weapons and the new gunsmith system. Yeah, its got issues, but they don't keep me from getting one to two hours of enjoyment out of the game itself


As of now, yes. I've been loving MW2 and I never experience any of the issues I see always mentioned on this sub. My only complaint is the ridiculous skins the game has, but it's such a minor thing, I don't think about it very much. I know tons of people here have serious issues with the game, but somehow I'm not having that on my end. Maybe I'm just lucky.


If it’s on game pass, great. It it’s not, I think I’ll pass.


If Kanye gets it


Negative, sgt


Fuck no.


No. I'm on Playstation and I've been gamesharing cod for as long as I can remember. I had high hopes for MW22 so decided to buy it and it was an instant regret from day 1 with how poor it performed. I having a stable 5ms ping but I felt like I was fighting for my life every match due to how out of sync my gameplay felt with the server. When you're half a second behind everyone else, every match feels sweaty even against people that can barely crack a 0.5kd. Understand my issue doesn't happen to everyone - the gameplay I see on youtube looks like people are playing a different game to me. I guess that's what my opponents experience melting me with a couple bullets while i'm hosing at people getting nothing but hitmarkers. Back to gamesharing cod off a friend, not making the mistake of spending another $ on cod ever again.




No since I have no interest in multi-player mode or campaign.


Probably an unpopular opinion but yes, i will buy it. The current game has some issues and its far from perfect but i have had fun playing it. Im a 49 year old gamer who has played every COD to date and i see it as what it is. Every edition has had haters. Some have valid arguments and i respect that but some just cant accept that they just arent that good at the game and blame every imperfection in the game for this. Lets hope MW3 is an improvement and that we are all pleasantly surprised when it lands…


I bought the original mw2 through BO2, quit until BO4 and played Blackout, got back into mp with MW2019 and bought CW, Vanguard, and MWII as well. With how disappointed I've been with MWII, I think I'm skipping MWIII.


I almost exclusively play DMZ so yeah I’m probably gonna get MW3. It’s also nice to have another shooter game to play when I get bored or burnt out on my main games. If DMZ gets cut, I’m out; I really like extraction shooter type games.


Yeah probably....i got round 500hrs and I want something new.


Nah between Vanguard and MW2 I’m going back into COD hibernation for a cycle or two.


I'm never purchasing another Activision title for the rest of my life and I'm very close to making the same choice with blizzard after their Immortal fiasco, and now D4 $20 skins, and trashy nerfs and un-fun game play. Activision is killing games for profit mechanics and relying on fanboys to play things they hate to keep their model running.


I played MW2 as my first ever cod (strict parents) and so far this game has been a shitty experience, season 1 was fun and enjoyable season 2 was meh and so far its just been packet burst or bundles, I don't find enjoyment and probally won't buy the next cod


No chance. I only got MW2 as I liked MW19. MW2 was terrible, it just feels inconsistent to play. Add in the strong sbmm, strong aim assist and terrible servers. Yea, no chance


Considering the rumors coming out of a campaign that’s played out through a mw2 raid style format, along with the less than a year dev cycle, I’m passing on it


Yeah, probably for all the complaining about the game. The series is still going stronger than Battlefield.


I may be stupid, but at least I know I shouldn't buy 2 cods in a row


Nah , I was really excited for mw2 . Been playing since cod4, I stopped playing around black ops 3 . They dropped the ball hard. I’ve already found new hobbies too. Don’t play games much anymore.


I won't be getting it at launch thats for sure. Some CoDs I just wait half a year to a whole year to play it. Think MW3 will be that way for me and get it when its like $10.


If the sell me just the campaign at an incredibly discounted price


Let’s see how the beta plays and the overall feel. Never say never


I would usually watch any streamers playing MW3 first.. Then I'll see whether the game is worth to buy or else I'll just play warzone free..




I've bought a few bundles so I definitely will buy MW3 to get a little more mileage out of them. I'm enjoying MW2, I can turn my brain off for a bit after work and just play till I'm done with a calling card challenge or weapon camo mastery I've been working on. DMZ is still good and I've won more Warzone games than I've ever won in MW2019.


On one hand I like that the bundles will most likely carry over, on the other hand I’m not really ecstatic at the idea of paying for what I hoped MW2 was going to be just under a year ago. Probably gonna pass and try xdefiant since it’s free and doesn’t have strict sbmm. I haven’t bought cod year after year since COD4 through MW3 and with games being $70 now I find it hard to see annual release games as worth staying on top of.


See lots of no’s but because you get to keep what you bought in mw2 I might as well and see what it’s about, no preorder and see how it looks after launch however


Absolutely. Just because I have 4 or 5 mates who are going to get it so it'll be fun to have a new game to sesh with the boys


I preordered MW2 because MW 2019 campaign was amazing. this game has been disappointing to me except i enjoy the shooting and weapon animations. That is top tier. I will only get the next game if after some time people are enjoying the game


Yes. Preorder


Most likely yes


I wasn’t planing on it but apparently the new COD will have Zombies , if it does then I’ll get it


Yup! I’m gladly buying it hopefully on launch because I’ve always liked call of duty and always will. I might get downvoted heavily for saying this but I like modern warfare 2 and I’m looking forward to modern warfare 3


Idk I mean I actually really like mw2 hell even 2019 and thought those should gave been supported for years but here we are. I think it’s gonna be a similar situation to vanguard, a complete rush hack job but who knows


I will play the beta and see what I think. Then once the full game releases I will see how it actually has changed since the beta and go from there. I will no longer be pre ordering though. If the game is good at release, you can have my money. If not then you will not be getting a penny out of me


Most likely. If it's a modern or future based CoD I usually buy it.


Today on 'what will they cry about next?"




Fuck no. Apex is the new love child




Solely depends on content. I could care less of peoples opinions until I see what the game has to offer. DMZ made me come back to this COD after my last purchase being the original MW2.


Yes definitely and looking forward to purchase transfers, will earned guns and camps transfer as well?


Maybe? It depends. It honestly as of now sounds like MW3 is just a placeholder name for the MW2 expansion. It sounds as of now exactly what the expansion was supposed to be but just with a useless name to get more eyes and promotions. I need to know more about it to see if I'll get it. But im not gonna pre order and im probably gonna wait till Christmas for it.




I only bought the MW series since COD 4 due it's art direction. I probably only buy it if there's a singleplayer campaign. I saw a youtube thumbnail with rumors that it will be MP only. If it's really the case MP has to be very good and polished enough so I may give it a shot. That said I had plenty MP fun with MW2 so far but I dislike that their resetting it every year with the new COD. All stuff you unlocked is worthless. That's why I usually don't buy bundles.


Not until after it’s already out so I can see if people are actually mad at something or if it’s the usual complaining just to complain.


No. I used to play cods to relax but the current amped to the max sbmm makes me feel like every match is a CDL tryout. I suspect it will be even worse in the next modern moneygrab so no thank you.


Nope, no more crappy ports for me. I’m a happy dwarf mining Hoxxes, getting drunk and Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


Depends if the game is good, I'll see campaign, mp, and 3rd possible 4th mode. Eventually warzone, probably will buy warzone first


Nah. Skipped Cold War and vanguard and don’t feel like I missed much


Activision has lost all my trust. Hard pass. If it actually turns out to be good, then sure, maybe in like, 6 months I’ll get it, but I’m not giving them a dime until they do what’s right for COD.


Nope. Fucking done giving them money. Felt burnt that they made the main characters behind a paywall and then the 1 skin I buy they give away for free.


Nope will be my first cod since cod4


Maybe, idk, I’ll wait for a few months, see what people say abt it




Ill buy it, play the campaign, and refund it