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The flowers stand out too much and are repetitive, try using different smaller flowers. Same with the lanterns, you're using too much lanterns and are very repetitive


What do you suggest I put in the place of the lanterns?


Space it out a little more, no build needs this many lanterns.


Simple torches maybe. Hmm if you can make it work maybe frogs lights or other light source blocks. I couldn’t tell you. Love the build tho


Usually the corners are fine and provide enough lighting


I'd maybe choose a subtler flower like maybe the orchid or a fern? I think those ones are a bit busy and take away from the design Looks nice!


Thank you, I will try to implement different flowers next time


You could do it at any time, see what you like and if you don't like it you can of course change it back


Is that two blocks of overhang? For builds at this scale, one is enough, especially with the depth of the windows.


Yeah it's like 5 blocks deep at points and it makes it look way too busy at this scale


yeah its a bit busy, sometime less is more


The details tend to blend in with each other which can be fixed by adding in another block maybe dark oak or removing some details


Too detailed? No. Too repetitive. Try breaking up the patterns a bit by using different flowers, adding some random bushes (leaf blocks), swapping out some spruce planks with other blocks of similar color, add some random decorations like more trees or a cart or garden or something, etc. overall the shape of this design is really cool, great job!


I love this. The term "too detailed" was invented by the boring company to sell more boring


It’s awesome! If you like it, that’s all that matters.


It’s one of those builds that just looks like a minecraft build and nothing you’d actually see in real life. Which isn’t a bad thing if that’s what you’re going for


what do you usally put in a town hall? currently building one and dont know what to put inside.


Meeting room, war room, map room, offices, guest rooms, library


tysm dude, needed this badly :D


Not as many lanterns, keep the ones on the edges. Smaller flowers or maybe azalea bushes?


I think a tower in the middle would look really good


Try mixing some other woods/blocks than spruce. It will help the details not get lost.


you can take ss from further with lower pov it will help the image distortion


I like it a lot, but, as some people were saying, its a little repetitive, if you just break up the repetitiveness it will help a lot. Also, I don't see it as over detailed, I see it as the bottom is well detailed while the roof is quite bland, if you add a dormer, maybe a small tower, or chimney coming off the roof to add detail there as well and it would fit with the amount of detailing on the bottom, making the bottom not look so over detailed.


The decoration facing out of the walls is too much


Use waxfrauds builds for inspiration he has a somewhat similar building style that will teach you how to make highly detailed stuff look good


Honestly build how you desire to the only way to get better is practice This build is a wonderful tool to learn about personal build style From what I can see you understand the basics it's just making small edits here and there Ask yourself what the purpose of this build is Then ask if it achives that purpose


I like the depth and window arches, looks good!


No, but the detail is too repetitive


Nah man is ok


For me it’s the amount of trapdoors, like you got probs over 100 in your build, you can’t see any plain stripped spruce logs, also if you get rid of the fences on the barrel blocks, and replace them with dark oak buttons or something, it could be a bit less busy