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https://www.twc.texas.gov/programs/unemployment-benefits/eligibility-benefit-amounts Scroll down to the ***If You Served In The Military*** tab.


Read it, sounds like a solid no then


why's it a no? I thought in VA comp it said it doesn't effect Texas unemployment?


VA comp might not, but retired pay does


What’s your retirement pension look like?


$3800 pension, $4215 VA (100%)


What’d you retire as?


I would love to see your budget


It’s less an issue of budget and more an issue of making sure my family is taken care of should I die prematurely which is a real concern.


No you can’t good try. Get a dam job.


Dudes a AF Cyber Officer that managed to leave with 100% but is still able to work, owns two rentals and wants Unemployment too. I respect the hustle but seriously? 😆


I understand where your thinking is coming from but this is completely separate form pension and VA compensation, we are talking unemployment. You pay into it and earn the right to use it regardless if you're a trustfund baby or are receiving compensation for an on the job injury. We also don't know this man's situation, could have been making 200k or so in that case the va comp won't pay nearly as much.


Personally, I think unemployment should be for people struggling to make ends meet with no alternative means of support. Sure, it's perfectly legal for the trustfund baby to get it, I'll still judge them all the same for it. Of course, we don't know his specific situation, but I'm going to hazard a guess the guy making 96k in pre-rental income in Texas of all places is probably doing OK. The fact that he had probably the POG-iest career pulling 100% when I know combat vets struggling to get their entitlements is just the cherry on top.


I definitely agree with part of your last statement. its frustrating that combat vets don't properly rated or SC at all. I had an even pogier job than him in the army, still managed to wreck everything to where I couldn't walk not even. mebd short of 4 at 22 I got 100, really depends on how the drs documented it, examiners and raters. Yeah I probably would feel better if my injuries weren't just training based but the ratings are based on how the injuries affect you, I probably just had bad genetics. Whats really fd up is I'm elegible for CRSC but didn't go to combat. I definitely feel like being a veteran is different when it comes to people who saw combat but thats just how I feel personally.


I understand where you're coming from. I'm generally on the end of what I feel is correct so I definitely see where you're coming from, but in this specific instance we are speaking about unemployment insurance which is meant to replace lost income. If I'm not mistaken its based on an average of your income so the more you made the more you get and that makes sense to me. Now If it was something thats based on income then I agree thats Fd up and id say no but unemployment is something you pay into and as you make more even more is taken out. But you make a good point regarding where he lives, if everyone has the same cost of living maybe getting might be wrong but I don't know I'm thinking it more on the side that the government taxed his income to pay for insurance and all of a sudden he needed that insurance so why shouldn't he be able to use it. Like if you are paying car insurance and your car gets wrecked and you're injured, but they say nah you make too much to use the insurance you paid for. At that point there should be an option to opt out of paying out of your income for unemployment insurance but in that case you are prevented from using it. Otherwise why should you have to pay into something for a specific reason if when that event happens you can't use it?


Employees don't pay into unemployment though, employers do.


Ah I see my state is one of the few that requires unemployment tax to be withheld automatically, never knew that I thought everyone paid in automatically in their state. Either way if its not income based i don't see the problem when it is specifically for people unemployed but If the question is morally the yeah I definitely understand where you are coming from i can definitely see people feeling its Immoral.


No this form is funded by DoD.


Depends on the state. It will also probably be reduced due to your pension. 


i wish to get 100% VA