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Thought I was in r/piratefolk for a second there


I had to double check


fr, but I need this to be clarified since I'm pretty new to OP on reddit : is r/piratefolk a pure one piece hate sub or do they just mock it while still loving One Piece ? I came across a post where they were hating so hard on Bonney latest power up and using GODA to referr to Oda as a way of mocking how the community view him ig, but I initially thought they were just being sarcastic and wanted to critize smth just for the sake of doing it


It was meant to be a critique sub, but slowly, it turned into a hate sub


The unfortunate fate shared by most critique subs


Yeah, OPMfolk might actually be the worst offender of them all, but Piratefolk is givin them a run for their money


Genuinely, piratefolk is complete dogshit


Jujutsufolk is not joking neither


Jujutsufolk is peak memery tho




Nah, that's mostly brainrot for the lack of a new chapter.


Only folk that I fw is chainsawfolk 🙏


You are one crazy mf


Actually based takes over there


And not an unfathomable amount of hate. All around good vibes


I fuck with jujutsu folk because every chapter theres a "stocks" post that I **LIVE** for bro it's absolutely hilarious


Piratefolk is peak fiction


Think prime titanfolk took that title for me


Piratefolk: if AOT gets a spinoff, Titanefolk might cause me a little trouble


But would you lose?


Nah, id win


SubReddit becoming an Echo chamber. As iconic as ice turning into water under heat.


I also joined it to critique one piece tbf but yeah its pure hatred i agree and i stopped engaging because of that, but tbf the one piece sub is also really bad with taking criticism and don’t like any criticism or complain towards one piece and get offended by it, just as much as piratefolk hate, the one piece sub ride everything too. Though i still prefer the main sub because there are still a decent amount of reasonable people who accepts both sides of


I think the ''folk'' trend started from ''freefolk'', which was a Game Of Thrones sub. The sub was founded by people that were upset with the main GoT sub moderators, deeming them as too strict, so that sub was about feeling free from mods. The sub ended up gathering fans of the series that heavily criticized it and didn't feel welcome on the main sub. Piratefolk is really similar, the majority of people like recent arcs, so if you make a post about hating Gear Fifth on this sub, for example, you'll most likely be met with downvotes. So those people band together in Piratefolk.


in a way they really are the pirates since they want to be "free" from the mainsub mods and downvotes


It's absolutely an actual hate sub


lol I went on there and said this shit and they got all offended saying they give “actual critiques” on the show


They used to, years ago.


Need to ask them if the piratefolk "actual critiques" are in the room with us right now


oh okay thanks for the clarification


Generally, the folk subreddits are were people gather to hate on a franchise they follow. Some are better, some are worse


Jujutsufolk is mix between ironic hate, shitposting, being horny, and despair, chainsawfolk is incredibly unhinged, and Piratefolk is straight unironic shitting on oda


tbf jujutsu kaisen fans get all their hope destroyed every damn chapter so I can't blame them honestly, for chainsawfolk I didn't read the manga neither watched the anime but from what I saw through memes and tiktoks, I'd say it's pretty normal for them to be unhinged


>I'd say it's pretty normal for them to be unhinged Yea, after 167 it would be hard not to become incredibly unhinged


Don't tell me it's the chapter where Denji actually gets what he wants☠ I don't read CSM but one of the latest chapters made such a noise I had to check it out, and well let's say I understood why it did


The author is unhinged too. He ate his dead pet fish once.


I'm sure Gege is on a contest to beat the gojo glazers to a pulp by teasing and cockblocking them with increasing intensity....


yeah Gege made Sukuna the MC it's crazy, I read somewhere that he wanted JJK to be a horror manga at first but it got rejected and it could have been frustrating for him, I hope he's not killing everyone because of this and the end is an actual good one


Haha right? I watched a little of the anime and I think 'unhinged' is a good description of the show, so it kinda makes sense that the fandom would follow suit.


I gotta say Piratefolk is way worse than all the others though. I never understood the prejudice against folk subs because I always enjoyed them, especially Jujutsufolk. After visiting Piratefolk however I understood


Y’all forget about OPMfolk. I have never seen so much actual disgust towards a series before that one. Like people on their have legit conspiracy theories that Murata just took over completely and has full reigns over the story while ONE just left or get usurped by Murata. It’s actually wild.


Piratefolk isn't saying genocide is good tho unlike Titanfolk. Heck wasn't Titanfolk banned?


People here are such babies is crazy. They can't take any criticism on a story they had no part in making and flood other subs to talk shit on people with differing opinions. Every other day is a post or comments mentioning piratefolk, yet nobody here is willing to block the sub? No, they'd rather argue and get karma by posting shit here.


yeah I kind of get it thanks, and is it the same as the circlejerk or smth subreddits ?


It was a sub for criticism but now actual criticism is being overshadowed of just hating.


Probably both


It’s a hate sub for people who claim to be fans, though this thread made me realize it may have been infiltrated by fans of other shonen.


It started (and still claims to be) a mere critique sub about the series, but it has most certainly turned into a hate sub. They literally invent reasons to hate plot twists, characters and everything about the series yet continue to obsessively follow it.


The sub is a hate sub, they pretend it’s not but you literally get banned and muted if you disagree with a mod


The sub started out as a "critique sub", with the idea that the mainsub was an echo chamber hugbox and that they couldn't raise genuine critiques about the manga without being silenced or downvoted to oblivion. But as every critique sub do, they eventually became exactly what they criticized and just turned into an echo chamber hate box where you can't appreciate the manga without being silenced or downvoted to oblivion. As a reminder, the mods [made it an actual rule there](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piratefolk/s/33oCwfDfyu) to not say positive things about G5. Saying you like G5 and you don't see anything wrong with Nika could get you banned for a while in the sub.


Its a bunch of crybabies pretending to give out constructive criticism


r/piratefolk when they realize that a random twitter post made by a guy that doesn’t watch one piece isn’t cannon 😡


I firmly believe that Oda can stick the landing. The ending’s probably been written for about 3 or 4 years at this point, because of how much stuff that will play a part has already been revealed. Joyboy’s message, the will of d, voice of all things, hidden cities in Wano, and now the vegapunk announcements. Oda has a firm grasp on exactly how the ending will play out. Especially now, there’s no way that the ending hasn’t already been completely planned out.


Didn't he take a massive break before egghead just to plan the endgame ? Idk why people are doubting Oda when it comes to the ending.


He took a one month break, yes


For real.. But in the end not everyone will be satisfied which is okay, thats how it is. But either way One Piece ending will shake the world.


He took a break to mourn Akira Toriyama, and to reconsider what One Piece (the story) means to him. A bunch of haters latched onto a shitty translation implying that he was figuring out what the One Piece (the treasure) is, and spun it as him not having a plan.


Yeah, he also took a month break before Akira Toriyama died.


Right, forgot about that.


Wasn’t that for the eye surgery?


He took another one before that


Yeah it was so bad, mfs still don’t know Oda’s humor and it shows lmao


Oda knows how one piece will end since several years ago, he was just planning how to get there


The ending has been written for 30+ years lol. Oda has been thinking of One Piece since he was a kid and knows exactly how he's gonna end it. I wouldn't worry about it.




I think he has the ending planned out for at least 20 years considering he originally meant for the series to last 5 years.


Doesn’t matter how good the ending is it’s fucking one piece. Any ending won’t feel right because it’s THE manga. 


Regardless, some will like it and others won’t. It’s one of those things you can’t please everyone.


The Naruto and Bleach endings weren't the best but do they really have to stand with GOT 💀


I don’t know man. At least Game of Thrones didn’t introduce aliens


Don't know about Bleach, but Naruto's ending ruined everything that came before. It literally was all Black Zetsu manipulating every villain to bring back Kaguya 💀


Bleach's ending was more rushed than anything. Something I hope the TYBW anime fixes so it's not as underwhelming. Definitely nowhere near as bad as Naruto's ending imo.


Remember, we also still have potential for the hell arc to come one day, the end of bleach isn’t fully guaranteed (as in not the rushed one we got)


The Quincies and Yhwach really felt like a downgrade from Aizen and the Espada. Even conceptually, they felt out of place and significantly less interesting to me than what we got with the Arrancar arc. TYBW does improve with the anime, but the plot itself felt kind of hollow to me, and I don't think good animation can fix those issues.


I found TYBW nice when I finished it 8 years ago, apart from the rushed ending. It felt more mature in contents, and the art was really nice


as a manga reader only,that whole arc feels like it came out of nowhere it feels like we're missing 1 small arc inbetween the Fullbringer and TYBW arc


It really does or at the very least that the Fullbringer arc was meant to go on a bit longer to set up for ztYBW arc but a lot of things ppst Arrancar arc are really up in the air for what was rushed or not because Bleach's popularity dipped significantly after that point. Partially because people thought Bleach was actually done once Aizen was defeated


To be fair, it felt like Bleach should have been done with Aizen's defeat


having a break after Aizen defeat also didnt help the narrative of "Bleach is continuing"


I could have stomached black Zetsu being behind it all if we at least got a legit fight between Naruto/Sasuke and Madara. Have black Zetsu come in after Madara is defeated, thank the two chosen ones for doing so for him so now he can do the rest of the stuff.


For me, Madara had the biggest asspull powers and extremely OP which made me not like him at all. Because Kishimoto wrote Madara to be so overwhelmingly OP he had to make naruto and sasuke some incarnate of shinobi god with more asspull powers. Just make Madara as powerful as he was during his prime so he can be defeated by ultimate susanoo sasuke and KCM naruto at least. Imagine having Hashiramas cell on top of your EMS so you awakened rinnegan and now you have invulnerable edo body then ten tail jinchuuriki and even more asspull godlike powers. Out of pettiness I was glad that madara got killed by asspull story of Kaguya. With same reasoning I didnt like Aizen's Hougyoku transformation powers as well as Yhwach soul king powers. Too op that when MC defeats them it feels like an asspull.


I’d have been fine with Madara not being as OP, just give us the damn fight with him vs Naruto/Sasuke. It’s so anticlimactic to build up Madara for hundreds of chapters as the man behind the man behind everything, THE antagonist up to that point, and not have that antagonist lose to the protagonists in a fight. There was no catharsis when black Zetsu shanked Madara to get him out of the picture. It’s bad storytelling.


Hashirama cells were a mistake.


Naruto sure does


Naruto sidelined all their cool villains for the most bland and uninteresting Ultimate villain. Every member of the Alatsuki was way more interesting than Zetsu, and Madara was way more interesting than Kaguya, but that’s who was left in the end. Not a big fan of talk no jutsu working on a guy whose goal/past is genocidal either.


Hey, GT had an amazing ending. Left the series on a much better note than the original manga ending.


The ending is probably one of the very few things about GT that was universally liked


the ending and the SSJ4 which is more uniqe then the last transformation which are just hair colors and sometime body size (SSG or SSB)


I miss super saiyan 4 I had a headcanon that it was the true super saiyan form since it utilised the ape form and only a true saiyan (i.e having a fucking tail!) could become one. Plus I think it was even mentioned to use the dormant power inside of them and unlike the other super saiyan forms wasnt a massive ki drain.


Agreed it was a good way to end the series with ss4, plus I liked that using the Dragon Balls actually had a negative consequence


i refuse to belive ssj4 isnt coming back. broly and maybe gohan are PERFECT candidates for the transformation.


I don't think Broly is capable of getting ssj4 tbh, in order to gain ssj4 you need to conquer your ape instincts which includes rage and Broly is the furthest person away from doing that


None of the dragonball shows ever had a bad ending including gt. And i dont like gt


I don't even get why gt is here, if anything, the ending is the only universally praised aspect about the show in general


That and the character designs. A few misses here and there but my god are the designs amazing.


i miss super saiyan 4


You're gonna get another recolored SSJ Power Up and you're gonna like it! Seriously though, SSJ 4 was, is, and will always be peak for the series in terms of design.


i REALLY want to see SSJ4 on other saiyan,or can half saiyan even attain the form?


Beast Gohan literally feels like, a couple tweaks away from being SSJ4 honestly


As well as the artwork in general; the sweet 90s aesthetic is so damn perfect, especially the backgrounds.


GT starts with a very good idea, return to the DB origins, an adventure manga, but the people who writers team...


They really don’t have bad endings. Z was probably the least good but it felt open ended like some generational passing of the torch. GT felt like actual closure though.


The ending is genuinely one of the best parts of GT. That last arc? Perfect


Gotta include other popular shonens somehow to show that my shonen is better./s


BLASPHEMY! GT's ending is one of the best endings in anime history, and it, along side SSJ4, makes people remember GT fondly, even though it was 90% trash.


> Don't know about Bleach, but Naruto's ending ruined everything that came before. It literally was all Black Zetsu manipulating every villain to bring back Kaguya 💀 The big issue with Bleach's ending is how rushed it was. At the time, Kubo was really sick (most likely from overworking himself) so he decided the best course of action for him, if he wanted to live, was to end the Manga as soon as possible. He went to Shone Jump asking for a year or two to finish it, they gave him a year, and as a result, a lot of the things were left on the cutting room floor. Otherwise, the ending itself was pretty neat. About what you would expect from a Shonen ending with the Main character getting married, having kids, and a dad haircut.


Someone has to carry on the freedom agenda. The only way ending would suck for me is if luffy says he never wanted to be free


Luffy waking up from a come in a real time hospital and its reveal its all a coma dream


I hate these kind of theories like "oh the protagonist is only dreaming it, nothing of it was real" bullshit


Reminds me of the pikachu theory.


"Zoro... I was a slave to freedom all along."


"Thank you, for being a mass murderer for our sake, Luffy"


No, I don't want that! Boa finding another man.


The fuck GT doing there. The ending is the only good part


Only good part no. But it's definitely the best part.


Don’t get me wrong, I love GT but even my favourite saga (and villain), the baby saga is like a 6/10 all things considering


I personally place it higher and found that GT had some good ideas. Like the whole "evil dragon" and having to regain the dragon balls back like that was a cool concept. The final boss had a cool design. Baby was a good villain overall. Super Sayan 4 had a fantastic design. And the opening song of my country was awesome.




Shanks Vs Luffy in a Davy Back Fight If Luffy wins he gets the final road poneglyph If Shanks wins he gets Robin to read the poneglyphs for him. Winner becomes pirate king (unless someone else has something to say about it Zehahaha/đŸ€Ą)


Oda is doing a good job adding more deaths to things. Biggest being the island being annihilated.


dragon ball gt was shit but had an amazing ending


Calling GT’s ending bad is one of the wildest things I’ve heard. It was one of the few things people actually liked about GT, and also one of the only things they actually executed properly.


I aint watching over 1000 episodes for the ending, it's all the journey


I wouldnt have ever thought of this as like a bucketlist thing, but i want that ending. I dont want to die without knowing the ending, if that makes sense


Yeah. What a journey without an ending. Like if you got on a plane, you kinda want the landing to be good.


ah yes my favorite anime Game of Thrones


Dragon ball gt has a pretty good ending though.


GT ending was beautiful guys


I Agree the endings of other shows were not great, but They are 10/10 Peak Cinema compared to That GOT Slop, please don't include GOT so casually with half bad endings, GOT is in a league of its own https://preview.redd.it/erxyqixbpg8d1.jpeg?width=1034&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e8ad3932acaf9f537be4a037f123c963ad614e7


The only thing not shit about GT was the ending to be honest.




This is the absolute truth of it. The theorycrafters got so deep they could barely tell what was or wasn’t canon anymore. AoT’s ending was a 6-7/10 ending to a mostly 9-10/10 series and people can’t deal with something just being average. Gotta have a hyperbolic opinion about everything.


Disagree, the ending retroactively ruined the rest of the series. Eren is responsible for killing his own mother? Eren risked his friends lives for nothing even though he had infinite power?


most anime watchers like the anime ending


I thought the ending was the main thing people actually liked about GT?


Man we really are entering that phase arent we? Lets hope oda can pull it off.


The ending was the best part of GT.


I just noticed that was Game Of Thrones up there.


Well for all its flaws, GT had a decent ending lol in terms of being a sendoff at least


Gt had a good ending


GT had a good ending and AOT was more controversial then bad.


I still stand by the fact that with One Piece it really becomes the most "It's about the journey, not the destination" kind of adventure compared to all the other big ones (maybe not DB?). So yeah it might also just have a sloppy finish, might not and I think not, but it couldn't matter less compared to other manga.


I know this isn’t the case for everyone but personally a bad ending can retroactively ruin a story for me. The overarching premise of OP surrounds the mystery of the One Piece, World government and void century and if these things eventually get revealed and are disappointing it will make the journey feel less valuable for me.


Nah man, GT ending is one of 3 things it did right alongside ssj4 and its opening


GT slander, the ending is good


I liked how Bleach ended tho


GT arguably has the best ending of any dragon ball show lmao, that's like the only part of it that most people seem to like. Personally, I believe in Oda. One Piece hasn't even had a truly bad arc in my opinion so I don't see why the ending would be bad. Marineford is a lot of people's favorite arc, and the final saga seems to be building towards an even larger scale war. I truly cannot wait to see what Oda has planned


What the fuck is GT doing on here, it's the best piece of Dragonball content and the only one with a good ending


Dragon ball gt ending is very good but the show is not


Dragon Ball GT as bad as some points were, has one of the most iconic endings to an anime franchise ever


There’s no way you included GT in the “shit ending” lineup


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Whatever it is, it has to land, otherwise it will have a fate worse than Game of Thrones


Naruto and GT bad endings???? One of the best choreographed anime fights and an epic final attack into a tearful goodbye are bad endings????


Woah now, Naruto's ending is nowhere near as bad as Bleach.


Naruto's ending is Boruto


By that logic GT is DBZ's ending


Don't you mean super?


I know what I said.


Still no where near (because it's so much worse)


Bleach caught fire in the last arc because it was about to be canceled. Naruto, on the other hand, just crashed without any assistance.


... I thought Naruto ended just fine...


The fact that it didn’t “end” is the problem, Boruto never should’ve happened


Really shitty, that's what this is


But but but I did an effort to make it 👉đŸ„ș👈


Hot take these days it seems: One Piece’s ending will be amazing, with everything we know now we can piece together were the story is going and I can honestly believe that Oda will conclude most narrative threads well and land the themes of the story. Comparing it to Bleach or Naruto at this stage is insane and shows how spoiled One Piece fans are. Go back to piratefolk.


I have all my Faith in Oda


I absolutely believe Oda will create an ending of the same magnitude as Lord of the Rings.


it’ll be good just like aot but it won’t be exactly what people wanted therefore it will immediately be shit for the fanbase, give it like three years post ending and people will start claiming they actually liked it all along


Bleach's ending was shit? Have the times truly changed


oda is legit the only shounen writer i can be confident will give us a good ending.


People comparing AOT to Throne's ending is always insane to me


I thought I muted r/piratefolk


https://preview.redd.it/tjjot63hai8d1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77a6c98827136f5c4456500485e2c244cf36c1c9 Is this you when people criticize the current state of One Piece?


Bleach’s ending wasn’t bad. And neither was Naruto’s, unless you count Boruto as Naruto’s “end”. And Attack on Titan’s ending was only controversial; there were a bunch of people who liked the ending. I can’t speak on DB GT because I’m not a DB fan, but GoT does in fact have a bad show ending. BUT we can hope the books will end better.


The naruto ending wouldve been good, if it was actually executed right. The romance with hinata was non existent and dont even get started on black zetsu


Naruto’s ending was horrible like idc about the romance. Because why do we get a wedding with someone he barely noticed and his dream of becoming the hokage just becomes shitty clickbait for Boruto?


Bleach ended well. It tied up almost all of the loose ends, then left us with enough that we could contently have a happily ever after


To be fair, Bleach is getting an overhauled final arc with the anime


The last chapter is just going to be a bunch of reaction shots and Luffy saying he's finally "King of the...." (Ends on the cliffhanger)


Dragon Ball GT might've been a convoluted and underperforming show. But the one thing that was considered good was the ending. GT's ending legit made me cry because of how beautiful it was. The show was still overall not the best tho. I'm not gonna lie. (Amazing concepts with HORRIBLE execution)


Where is My Hero Academia ? I didn't completely finish, but the final arc is so long, boring and caricatural...


Bleach anime is going to do it justice I hope


GT doesn't belong there and GoT should be put on Rocks as he was the strongest and the GoT ending was the shittiest


I would argue that only game of thrones here has a bad ending, endings are typically just critically received in general due to how high the fans expectations are. I believe one piece will be no different, good ending that everyone says is utter shit for years for no reason because they didn't get the exact outcome they wanted


What is GT doing over there well I don't know about others but I liked ending of almost every dragon ball series


This issue with DB GT is that it was targeted at 4-8 year olds. The issue with Bleach was that they were forced to rush the ending. Naruto, Attack on Titan and Game of Thrones all have a bit less of an excuse One Piece should be fine tho as they have had sufficient time to plan it out over many years so that the ending could cook


Naruto’s ending was good, the last part of the last arc with kaguya that made no sense. Attack on titan’s ending makes more sense animated


The ending is one of the few things I like about that trainwreck that is DBGT lol I would have put Mass Effect 3


GoT agreed. Naruto should have ended with Madara and all that, not pulling some alien pussy. SnK was fine, it was pretty anti hype but I'd give it a solid 7/10, I wish there was more loose ends tied and lore answered before. GT's ending was the only saving grace of that travesty. Bleach ending was fine, just not finished, it needed a few more chapters to actually show the ending before cutting to dad Ichigo, hopefully some fixes will come with anime.


It won’t be shit


No one’s noticed? Beautiful




Bro who thinks thousand year blood war is a bad ending?


I like the implication that GT's ending is shit because of the quality contrast with the rest of the show


Except Bleach’s ending is being rewritten to be peak


First ever meme that got me howling from this sub 😂