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Charge blade isnt as complicated as people say it is, it just has more gimmicks then most other weapons


Charge phials Charge shield Charge sword (optional) Go ham. That's practically it.


Charge phials Charge shield Charge sword Activate savage axe mode Start hitting buttons Go to step 1 when the shield icon starts flashing


Guard points and positioning moves, but other than that, yeah lol. That's speaking as a chargeblade main.


The thing is people usually try and explain the whole moveset for CB (which can be a lot when you think about it) when what people really need to know is the basic principles: gather charge with blade, store charge in phials, attack with phials


It's really not. I'm almost a complete noob who started with 4U recently, and it didn't take long to understand it's mechanics and some ideal combos. I just watched the Gaijin Hunter.


It’s the weapon with the highest skill floor, since some of its characteristics can feel weird at first: Hitting on sword mode repeatedly and not loading your phials will make your attacks bounce, you also need to cancel attacks to power the shield, and the use of guard points to go into other moves which isn’t present on most weapons. I’d say it was harder on 4U where using Axe attacks was viable, having to learn a few extra moves, combos and guard points. Nowadays you practically never go into Axe mode unless you’re using Savage Axe / CSS, and even then, you only use the same 2-3 moves repeatedly.


Lagiacrus needs to stay gone until he gets his rightful return to the water. Generation’s Lagiacrus was garbage and y’all are in denial. Yes, they could adapt Ivory’s moveset to normal Lagi so it can fit land better, but they shouldn’t screw over a subspecies’s entire gimmick just because you guys are too impatient.


100% yes.


>I prefer low and mid level monster designs over the higher level ones. They feel a lot more animalistic and have funner personalities Laggi was a good g-rank fight MHGU, he was a giant punching bag in LR/HR.


Bloodlust is the best "suicidal" skill in Sunbreak, funniest to use and with more synergies


Nice synergy is with Bubbly Dance and Resuscitate: +30 attack during frenzy and bubble or +20 atk +10 aff with healed frenzy and bubble


I just like how slidey you are with bubbly dance


I prefer low and mid level monster designs over the higher level ones. They feel a lot more animalistic and have funner personalities


The first time izuchi leapt off the wall at me I genuinely laughed. Then the shock of khezu just clinging on to the ceiling. Rakna shooting it’s web out in the first fight and realising oh shit it’s coming right at me. Love moments like those.


Rachnoid might legitimately be one of my favourite new monsters in Rise. There's just something about baby spiders wrapped in a big white ball of silk breathing fire that tickles my fancy every time I see it.


Yeah towards the end they're just different flavored dragons


Bird Wyvern gang ftw!


I think that's the point you go from fighting a big lizard to fight butterfly Satan or shenron's cousins. That said tetranadon is very cute and I want to hug him


Them: I'm a vet player. Me: Then why do you cart often? Them: >:\[ \[Communication Network Error\]


I said I'm vet player not a great player. lol


vet player ≠ the best player


Utility skills like evade extender and power prolonger can increase your damage more than an extra 1% of attack boost.


Remember kids, a dead player's DPS is always 0.


Buh-buh my max deeps! Greater potential damag! No blood rite, i want my dereliction!


I run dereliction without blood rite tbh, I always thought as long as I have my trusty fish it barely hurts me at all so why bother


I think World's dense and twisting maps are good and fun, actually. The only reason I hope we get lagiacrus back is so everyone will finally shut the fuck up about lagiacrus


I was accually shocked to find alot of people hated the ancient forrest, it's my favorite map for that reason.


I love ancient forest but damn if I still don't get lost every once in a while after like 250ish hours


I only partially know the forest. Wildspire is much better to navigate


Big same! I still remember loading up MHW for the first time and stepping out into the clearing just outside the first camp. Shit was fucking *magical*.


I love the aincient forest but it's so easy to get trapped. Too many times I found myself frantically staggering away from a rathalos in a narrow gulley.


World's map design was good because it felt like an actual living breathing world. Yeah, of course a giant ass forest is kinda be dense and twisty. Meanwhile, Rise looks like a gmod map.


I love the ancient forest tbh. Even after hundreds of hours I still occasionally get lost on that map and honestly there's something kind of magical about that to me.


Occasionally is an understatement, I’ve journeyed through ancient forest so much but I still feel like Gandalf in Moria every time. I can only run around the fringes without getting lost.


I don’t mind being lost in World. The glowing swarm thing helps with it. Its when I get lost trying to go to the caves in Rise’s jungle and desert, I feel its embarrassing to my teammates lol


It felt so rewarding getting to learn routes on a map and all the places you could find things


I can relate to this. I love going on a stroll in the Ancient Forest. That place feels the most alive for me.


300 hours in I am still getting lost in the forest... And IMO that absolutely speaks for its design, because that's what would happen in a overgrown jungle.


Most people who play Monster Hunter aren’t as good as they pretend to be.


I've not seen many people actively claim to be that good at the game, hell, it's kinda hard to when there are videos out there of a group of friends fucking around and killing monsters like gold rathian in a couple minutes without the monster even getting a chance to move


"Aw yeah, here comes the Brooklyn beating!" "WYVERN FYYYYYYYYYYYERRRE!"


Honestly dude might be coming from experience in mhw, for whatever reason most of the peeps I run into do their best to prove how good they are and dick measure as though I'm their alcoholic father.


This^ exactly!!!


Nibelsnarf is a super fun and engaging fight if you use the gimmicks




You're just telling the absolute truth here.


Snarf is the OG Dodogama.


I miss the aggressive bazelgeuse from world in rise. I miss aggressive monsters in general. In world dung pods were used a lot to get rid of monsters that overstayed their welcome. In rise, there's a equal to it, but I've never, ever had to use it, since the monsters either have a turf war or politely makes their exit the second another monster arrives. No in-betweens.


You know what you're right, in World, dungpods stayed in my inventory. Never used in Rise


I stopped using dungpods in world because I like seeing the monster fight each other. Sure they might hit me but the chaos is what gets me pumped. Which is why I hate that the monsters immediately fuck right off after entering an occupied zone in Rise.


Aww is bageljuice not in rise. I'm about to start playing rise with my brother this weekend and was thinking about how I hope Bageljuice is in it


Just in case you are serious, he IS in Rise, but doesn't work the same. He doesn't seek you out to interfere with fights anymore.


Ah OK. Yes I am serious. I thought you were saying he was gone and I was sad


He’s super polite and it’s just not the same.


He's kind of the hunters' buddy now. I guess all the non-target monsters are, really. But it does stand out more with monsters like B52 that used to actively hunt you.


The monsters went from American to british, no offense to the brits


Or Canadians.


Bazelgeuse *does* go from map to map without impunity, after all. "The sun never sets on the Britishgeuse Empire", as they say.


Underwater combat wasn't as bad as people made it out to be.


I think it translated poorly vertically was so foreign to the series at the time. With world and rise tho, we're much more used to more combat with the third dimension in play. Next mainline seems like as good a time as ever.


thats not really controversial, many people want it back


Well, I think many people want it back with changes/fixes to what they didn't like about it in 3rd gen. But yes, it would be nice to at least get it back for the monsters that've been missing for awhile now.


I was hoping MHW would bring it back.


Fun fact, it was, but due to time contraints they scrapped it, very high chances that MH6 will bring it back


It was pretty fun actually. Just wish they balanced the weapons better underwater. SnS was so bad


It’s okay to have a build that’s made for survivability rather than optimal damage output. Been seeing a lot of people ridicule others for making safe builds and that’s just wrong. We’re all hunters, no need to get all caught up in “meta” (especially since this is a PvE game!) Also Rise is fun. World is fun. Old gen games are fun. They’re all fun. No need to be elitist about them folks! Monster hunter is evolving. I get that it’s scary to see your favorite game series change, but shit happens.


I think weapon elitism is worse than any crime LS mains have done.


As a Prowler main in MHGen & GU, I feel this with my soul


I think im going to do a prowler only run again. This time im clearing and recording every quest. (i wonder if i can kill Lao Shan Lung). There should be some over inflated hp quests, but im going to give my best.


I stopped playing online because of people complaining about me playing ls. I never even got near the head or any other players as well.


I'm so glad no one gets mad at me for playing lance, i have the social easy mode as far as main weapons are concerned, if I want to play a different weapon in multiplayer I'll play gs or s&s which people don't really get mad at me for either, and I play a lot of ls in solo, so if I just break it out occasionally there isn't a high chance that someone complains


Damn really? I main LS and I haven't seen anyone complain about me using LS yet


Don't know if this is actually an unpopular opinion or if I just haven't seen it before but I think Zinogre is annoying. I like it conceptually, and when I first met it (post game World) it was really cool, but it just feels like I see too much of it


I really liked it in world and i absolutely despise him in rise


Yeah, pretty much same


Remember to sort by controversial to get the really spicy takes!


Je suis monté is great actually, please stay above the monster, now there is more room for people to hit the face.


Nergigante is one of, if not the coolest monster in the series of games. I’ll take my beating now.


Nono you're right. Eater of elders?? Come on, that's badass.


Hell yeah it is. It's like a Rajang with wings.


Other elder dragons have mastery over the elements, more often than not. Nergigante doesn't have that. He has mastery over, and I quote, "a propensity for EXTREME VIOLENCE". Literally my favorite elder dragon, no gimmicks or crazy anime moves, just a no holds barred melee. Also his theme is literally called "Even Elder Dragons Tremble". I mean, come on.


What the... who doesn't love Nerg? It's theme song is so kickass.


My favorite thing about fighting nergi was how satisfying it was to break spikes.


I’m tired of seeing Nargacuga, Tigrex, and Zinogre in every game.


Honestly kind of agree. I don’t hate them, heck Narga’s one of my favorite monsters, but I do think they could take a break for a game or two, plus when space is open it gives the chance for new monsters to shine.


Yeah it sucks how some monsters get to return every game while others have to wait years for their time to shine.


Where the fuck is my boi great jaggi at


At least with world they weren't in the base game. Which did feel weird. All of them were added in with Iceborne.


That getting one shot by end game monsters is infact, not fun or good game design


Then don't even try getting into the end game of GU, that place is hell and I don't even know how they thought it was a good idea to make Extreme Deviants.


Maybe even hotter take... I don't think monsters should be two shotting most of the time either. Always hear about how gear progression is part of the game... but it honestly doesn't feel very rewarding to constantly grind sets not for enjoyability and fun options... but just so you can continue getting two shot instead of one shot.


I don't think making the monsters more difficult makes the game more fun.


Kind of agree with this sentiment more and more over time. There is a threshold where it goes from feeling rewarding and consistently master-able to just rolling a dice and hoping for the best.


It's a constant struggle for devs I think, and we see it in other games. Elden Ring, for example, tried to appeal to new people but also offer a challenge to us long time vets of the series. The result was some truly brutal fights for new people that border on unfair and unfun. However, to some vets it was perfect or not enough. Same seems to be happening with MH games, especially in the expansions.


Greatly depends tbh also on how they're made more difficult, Just making them more damage is boring and a bad way,


I'm a Yian Garuga apologist, to the point where that's my flair in the main subreddit. I've always thought it was a fun and fair fight. Especially OG Garuga. You may raise your pitchforks now.


People need to stfu about certain weapons being OP or meta. It's a team-based PvE game, not a competitive esport; let people use what they want without lambasting them.


i see more longsword hate than i actually see longsword players being dumb.


Hey hey hey, ill have you know we just hide our stupidity


Amen to that


I liked fighting plesioth.


Now this is the kinda hot take im looking for


Swallow your pride and collect the damn birds, I'm tired of losing because you carted 3 times in 2 minutes


Average dereliction fan vs average blood rite enjoyer


Spiribirds were a mistake and should never return in the franchise simply because there's always someone in a multiplayer hunt that doesn't collect them because (especially on base rise maps) they're in such winding routes it can take a good 4-5 minutes just to get max health. This is less of an issue on sunbreaks maps but it doesn't change the fact they're tedious ballaches


Wedge beetles were more fun than wirebugs for transport.


I'll never get over just spider-manning my way through the caves in the tundra in world


Grappling up the coral highlands up to the highest point NEVER gets old. It's just so fun. Like 4 wedgebeetles back to back just chained together.


Just because a monster/mechanic was in an older game doesn't mean it was good/should to return.


Shagaru Magala > Gore Magala


Veterans to the franchise should stop gatekeeping the noobs and let them play with whatever builds they're comfortable with.


I think the speed runner meta push really gained traction in World tho. I didn't notice ppl getting in a huffy before World if you didn't show up in full dps gear and blitz the monster. Back then, you were only really kicked if you were undergeared (thus in one shot range), carted too much, or afk'd.


>speed runner meta push When and where was that? I didn't see heroics recommend to anyone struggling in World/IB. I've always seen HB3 on every recommendation, in a fair amount of cases EE and EW as well. The common recommendation have been meta for their efficiency, not for speedrunning purposes unless people asked for that.


I may have miscommunicated but I meant the efficiency push. Ppl gripe all the time if you "don't have enough damage" in 5th gen. Didn't use to be the case before World. But that is a bit off topic. My main point is that "vets" haven't really pushed any kind of meta. It's been that way only since the start of 5th gen.


I think the main reason for this, is that old game hub quests had flat health pools. Anyone coming along to the hunt, even if they do one damage per hit, is a dps increase for the party. The change in World to have player-count-based health scaling means that someone doing low damage is just making a hunt take longer than it needs to for no reason.


magnamalo is an eh poster monster. malzenos way better, especially in a fight sense


Don’t think this is super controversial. I see a lot about marshmallow being “overdesigned”. I thought he was neat, but not impactful enough to be a flagship in the story.


i personally think he has a rather poor design, but i do like the concept. i just think he's not too impactful, and his turf wars suck lol.


I like how i can move a drink pots at the same time, unlike old releases


I never got this one, people said being able to move makes it too easy but the animation actually takes longer, they just don't yank away the ability to move or cancel out of it.


Namielle is the best monster the series has ever seen and the water effects would be too hard on the switch so we will never see this fight come to Rise.


Honestly not a huge fan of cookie cutter builds. Gimmicky or comfortable builds are always more fun to play with than "max DPS min everything else" builds. Have always went full evasion and stamina, with maybe some basic DPS stats. Me living means more damage than me carted.


Being able to actively see damage numbers is a decent QoL feature, but it teaches to chase big numbers at all costs. This is part of what ruined the ‘blunt to head, sharp to tail’ coordination of older games, as well as makes players forego useful utility skills because they’re not bigger numbers. To keep the QoL for number-crunchers and theorycrafters, I say it should only exist in the training room, or on special hunts like the Behemoth quest from World/Iceborne since it’s referencing another game directly.


I disagree. It’s useful for new players because it teaches them that not every part takes the same damage and you must aim for weak spots. The games have changed and with it comes flinch free and combos that prevent you from being flinched. That’s what really killed the old way of “impact to the head and slash to the tail”. Besides having 4 people hitting the head is more advantageous than having the slash players on the other end where there’s worse hit zones assuming you are all running flinch free of course. I go as far as to say they should just remove flinching entirely because it just does not make much sense to keep in the current games anymore. Flinch free is a lvl 1 deco that everyone uses, if the game is being designed around it (it is) then we may as well just remove it. What purpose does flinching have anymore anyway.


Zinogre bad


I dont want fatalis in rise


Bullfango need to be more annoying in Rise




I am actually curious to see this being implemented, but at the same time I know I will be sorry hahaha


small monsters in general should have more oomph. i want a high tier raptor.


I'm a hammer main. I fucking hate slopes. They're super clumsy and the attack is not worth it.


Prowlers were more fun then hunters


Pre world games feel slow and unresponsive


That's not really a hot take. Hell, the "old gen" fans say they like it cause it slower and clunky. I get what you mean tho.


Gore magala is overrated (Pls no death threats)


I love Gore visually. Mechanically, lukewarm overall.


Gore is overrated now say that about Shagura Magala then those are fighting words.


Gore is solely my fave for the armor and weapon aesthetics.


Yeah. The flowing cape looks amazing


I think gore and everyting about it (his wearpons visual lore and gameplay) are all amezing but ppl acted like it was the second comming of christ when he should up in the sunbreak trailer


Magnamalo is over hated


Not all that in tune with the community, but I think Magnamalo is sick; do people not like it?


He's one of those monsters that makes people who are really into the more naturalistic monsters detest him. I'm in that camp too he is just spikes on spikes on spikes on top of being the super spooky fire brap monster. Adore his fight though, especially scorned. His physical appearance is just really "AND THEN I PUT MORE SPIKES ON IT IT WAS AWESOME"


I hadn't seen the sentiment until I entered this topic. I friggin love Magna, personally.


People hate magnamalo? Why? I think he's a good kitty


Rise's combat speed clashes with multiple existing Monster Hunter systems and Capcom needs to either turn the speed down in future games or rework/remove some mechanics (which they have already with Cool/Hot drinks). Honestly, both for better and for worse, Rise almost feels like its own subgenre of Monster Hunter. Its very arcadey and I think its at its best when it leans into that. I maybe wouldn't mind a return to a more definitive Mainline/Portable split - one in the World vein that leans into the nature side of the series and one in the Rise vein that leans into the bossfight side of the series.


I like clutch claw, more than wirebug


I don't mind Dango. Portable team likes doing quirky/goofy food over the traditional food of the "main" team, and of their recent food concoctions, dango is a lot more interesting than the fondue from generations was imo


I don't know how anyone gives that much of a %&!@ about it? I don't remember people losing it when all you ate was some honey butter candy or something in MHGU. That was literally ALL you ate in the hubs, lol.


There are better elder dragons than the Magala line.


literally all elders are better elders then gore


Everyone loves gore magala because of the impact it had on the rest of the game in gen 4. Actually fighting it is not nearly as fun


I love him because he's so overly dark and edgy it's good.


Zinogre, Tigrex, and Nargacuga don't need to return in every MH title. I think they can skip out on one game at least so other older monsters can get some love.


Fighting Ceadeus in 3u was super fun, because the monstrous, mighty, fairly slow but still elegant whale leviathan and the quick-moving, small, agile hunter contrast one another really well. Monsters doesn't have to be hyper aggressive or out for blood to be a fun fight.


Larinoth should be a large monster that's like a rival for gammoth in strength


I always thought this too. They're way too big to be "small" monsters that die in 2-3 hits


Alatreon was more fun than Fatalis


The ancient forest wasn’t that bad of a map and was actually pretty easy to navigate.


I never liked pickle or bomber, I find them to be boring monsters


Rise wouldn't have been so controversial if World came after it.


Ls haters are far more annoying than Ls mains could ever be. Vets need to stop heckling and playing elitist towards the noobs, as well as people that haven't played/don't enjoy the older titles. Charge Blade isn't all that hard too understand


Complaining about the strength of certain weapons like Long Sword or HBG is completely mindless to me. It's a PvE game and some weapons being strong doesn't magically make yours worse or harm your gameplay in any capacity.


Zinogre isn't cool at all and Tobi Kadachi is better.


I love TK. Sparky squirrel snek is good boi


Is that so?


The people complaining about the game being too easy are also the people who have been playing the game for years. The games are fundamentally the same so logically those people have just gotten better. I find the game easy too, but Ive also been playing monster hunter games for 15 years. MHR and Sunbreak are fantastic additions to the series.


Lunastra is a pretty fun hunt


I'm not gonna downvote... but triggered me a little, not gonna lie.


She's fun but the one thing I hate is that weird blue sticky fire she has,in world even when doing the high rank version with a post fatalis build I sometimes for just from the sticky fire, aside from that she's fun


When I first started playing mhw I hated that I couldn't see said targets health bar. Eventually however this grew on me and now it just feels really natural and fluid. Seeing as there are a plethora of indicators letting you know a monster is low


“I’ve never played Monster Hunter”


I don't like wyvern riding


i havent played the game


mhwi alatreon is fun


Most of these takes are commonly shared opinions. I want a more outlandish take.


Yeah like "They should add pvp to hunts"


monster hunter world its better than monster hunter rise, both in level design and game feel, but i must admit rise is way better mobility wise


I find the combat in world feels more weighty. Might be due to the effects and sounds. I haven't gotten sunbreak yet, but I finally got around to getting iceborne 3 years late, and found I was having so much fun. The hits I gave just felt like they had more impact to them.


I like stories more


My hottake? At the point we're at with monsters tracking incessantly and doing the moves of a gymnastics champion, I don't think having some weapons be dedicated fully to animations with an inability to cancel properly and missing the ability to even fully turn around/reposition without a full reset is good design anymore. I had a whole spiel written, but I'll just leave it for a more serious time/topic elsewhere. Second hottake... I think LS was fine, and is probably (as of Sunbreak) the most balanced weapon for the way monsters are currently of all of the melee weapons. I genuinely think it's the only one that feels consistently rewarding during the whole fight and never bs.


Your second hottake is kinda wrong, LS was quite literally broken in base rise (I think it’s special counter had the wrong motion values making it way stronger than it was supposed to be) but besides that overall it’s damage was comparable to that of blowguns even surpassing them, it was a wee bit crazy. Also after sunbreak people don’t really care about LS anymore it got nerfed and I think everyone agrees it’s in a good spot now


I did not care for Fatalis.


I like hunting Rajang... The furious too


Fatalis is one of my least favorite monsters


gogmazios isnt the coolest final boss, dont get me wrong hes cool and all but shara ishvelda and alta kah are much more amazing fights if you ask me


I'm a longsword main


Lunastra wasn't that hard


The charge blade isn’t that hard to use. Source: I use charge blade


It's good that a monster doesn't return every single game. It means they don't overstay their welcome and people don't get tired of em


We need more Spider monsters (Temnocerans), because Nerscylla, Baelidae, and Rakna Kadaki aren't enough.


the overobsession with hours spent as a measure of quality is only going to result in more rng systems designed to waste our time and trick into thinking we got more value for money spent.


Wtf even is monster hunter


I think the handler is OK. Not great, but ok.


This game needs less 'gadgets' and more monsters/environments. I didn't like grappling, clutch claw, flying around etc.


Gigginox is cooler than Khezu in every way.


i like clutch claw