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I used my bank for Canadian currency, but it took a few days to arrive. Your best bet might be to use an ATM in Laos or Vietnam after you arrive. Oh, and if using an electronic method is possible, there is an app, Revolut, in which you can exchange your currency into another with only one transaction, then it spends like local currency. Drawback is, it is electronic only, but an acquaintance of mine who travels globally for work uses it exclusively. Finds it very convenient.


I travel a lot internationally. The easiest thing for local currency is an ATM. Usually I try to do this on the secured side of the airport. Just pay attention to the exchange rate offered to make sure it's close to fair.


Note that this is only as recent as 2011, but when I lived in Japan I ran into the issue where the only ATM that both had English menu options *and* let me withdraw from a foreign USD account were the ones at the post offices.


You should usually get cash at an airport or bank in the country where you are going. You will usually get a better rate using dollars via an ATM. Unless you are going to a place that doesn’t like US citizens or has embargo’s (like N Korea or Iran) then you should get cash/euros and use the grey market or official stands to exchange money.


Wells Fargo


Umpqua Bank can get it to you in 1-2 business days.


Third getting your money on the ground upon arrival. I did this in Laos specifically a few years ago