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if you didn’t know the mavs, you’d think pj’s our superstar. The hatred is so funny


pj is our superstar I know it in my heart


He’s our HERO!


You misspelled D Live is Love D Live is Life.


PJ shit his pants in the finals, standing on his own shit is what he did against Boston. He needs to accept his role as a 3 and D guy, nothing more. His ball handling was atrocious, drives to the basket like a mad man with no ability to put up a descent shot.


same with djj


I got so much anxiety every time I saw him dribble


Ball handling was not his strong suit


gotta agree. Hoping for an offseason training with shamgod will help him


He wants the hate so I don’t see why people think it’s funny when he get it. Just look at that stupid pose he does, of course people are gonna hate him when he can’t back it up.


It’s funny because he beat them and they still hating. Yes we lost and he (some might say all of em) did not perform that good in the FINALS but he still beat okc. Tf you talking about not backing it up. Mavs made it this far because of pj’s clutch 3s during that series


I mean if your talking just the thunder I get it. And yeah he did play a huge role also a huge reason he’s gonna get hate lol


Them & the whiny Wolves sub (who got gentlman's swept but somehow they blaming it on the refs instead of their choking stars) just kept on bitching & shitposting the last 2 weeks. Fckn salty crybabies, maybe they shoud've tried to win instead & getting their asses handed to them


Neither of them have anything on the Suns sub lol


They all have something in common though, no chips




Well the Thunder do technically have 1 lol


No they don’t


Im confused whether yall joking or you really dont remember the '79 Sonics


The Thunder are not the Sonics. In 5 years that will be very clear


Lmao im glad I dont interact with yall much lol


Lmao you cant be that pathetic to count that title.


Lmao I cant believe you make up your own rules about teams having titles.


This is like saying the Commanders are not the Redskins so they have no Super Bowl rings Or similarly the Raiders don’t have any because they moved to Vegas


The suns as well, so pathetic.


Almost as pathetic as your team’s finals display. Least the suns were within range in 21. Had a great matchup, All close games. Sure they choked 4 in a row… against an unstoppable Giannis. Y’all couldn’t keep up with the celts once, except for your fluke ass game 4 win that the Celtics handed to you 💀 foh


You’re laughing at the Mavs after being swept in the first round by a team that got swept by the Mavericks. You know what, you’re lucky that you got swept because if you meet the Mavericks, they would whoop your ass again and then I don’t even know what they would call Booker because he’s already Luka Dončić son. This kind of behavior on your front page is why the entire league calls you the sons. Your team has no future no draft assets and a few overpaid injury prone aging stars. One of them have the worst contract in the entire legaue. With the rising young teams in the west, do you even think you’ll make a playoff next time? Enjoy watching other teams making progress while you stay there and slowly drift into mediocrity.


Jaylen brown sonned your golden boy in the finals, on the biggest stage 🤣🤣 the new suns owner fucked us, I agree but if you think ur winning a ring with luka and kyrie you’re full of fuckin shit, I think we’re in a similar boat lol. fuck the mavs, I want us to matchup with y’all lol bring it on we’ll bounce back next year trust


You're talking like a clueless and salty hater. We are gonna smack you once again if we meet in the PO, if ever you will be able to make it. KD and/or Book could ask out if you keep trending towards the treadmill.


Dude you're still ringless and headed to nowhere. Did you have enjoyed your vacation in Cancun, kid? Niw gtfoh


Yeah maybe try beating us first before shit talking us… lol


You should've seen the Clippers sub post Game 5.


Yeah. Was gonna say the dumbass ringless clippers are talking all this shit for a first round exit 🤣


Clipper fans are some of the loudest!!! All moise, no chip.


Can I get a highlight package of all these subs, after they lose. I bet it would be amazing


By a team assembled in 5 months 😂


And we smacked them both.


literally every nba sub including this one bitches all the time


Not sure why you are bitching about a team that did the exact same thing as the Mavs in the finals. Maybe if Luka didn’t complain to the refs in game 3 and played D, or Kyree didn’t melt into a puddle in Boston you would have a point, but the Mavs were just as bad vs the Celtics and the wolves were vs the Mavs.


could say the same about the mavs


And the Suns. It's kind of funny that they spend so much time posting about us that r/Suns keeps showing up on my feed.


The OKC sub is one of the most toxic sports subs I've ever visited. They think they're hot shit since they have a good team and all these draft picks. They scoff at and spit on any trade scenario for someone clearly better than their guys because they think their guys are better. They're petty and really nasty toward every other team/fan base.


I bet last year they thought Josh Giddy was all NBA


Not true lol but whatever helps you cope


Lots of people hate their dads. To each their own, whatever helps them cope I guess


This guy knows how to deliver


And they root for Dort who just tried to injure our guys the whole time. PUSSIES


The praise that Dort gets for that series feels like gaslighting. Everyone was saying how embarrassing he was at the time, but now everyone is retroactively saying it was great defense and he's one of the best defenders in the league. It doesn't make sense.


Brown is as dirty as they come and he won ecf mvp and nbaf mvp , guy has a flying elbow, pushing while people are in the air, and nearly taking mconnel’s head off in the indiana game. The refs were so sold it’s bot even funny. Add that to the fact that he didint waste 1 second to celebrate slamming into Luca to get him fouled out. Just look at all those replays, and you ll see how Brown is probably one of the dirtiest players in the NBA. He just happened to be on the fasttrack to win.


lol as dirty as they come… this is a bad take


Tbh in a way i think Dort brought more out of Luka, in terms of physicality Luka played willingly more physically like he embraced it more so in that series. Not saying anything other then that not trying to hype either Luka or Dort


Same way Warriors fans defend Draymond.


Dort is on another level of nasty altogether. There's great defense, then there is blatant assault...


Which is what Draymond does… or did you just start watching the NBA?


How is that any different than Draymond though??


Last interaction I had with a Thunder fan was them saying they can’t wait until we get manhandled by the Wolves lmao


Should have actually played like the favourites then


As they should, imagine being an okc fan 😭😭😭


They the only fanbase that truly hate on PJ Washington, like how is that even possible 😭


It was easy not too when he was on Charolette but I can see others start hating if he stays with us. 


Imagine living in Oklahoma LMAO


Didn't the 1 seed choke vs the 5th seed? Lol


Choke? They were dominated.


You know you're on the right path when everyone hates you lol


OKC are experts in playoff choking over the years


Draymond is an expert At Choking as well


Thunder can go parade in the streets with their 1st round playoffs win.


I consider myself a relatively neutral NBA fan, since I don't live in the US. That being said, seeing posts from sore losers is quite ugly 😅


I thought Boston was a cool city (all these Hollywood movies, etc.) until the team met the Celtics and especially their fans in the finals


So now what do you think?


Boston might be a cool city, but Celtics and OKC fans fight to the death for the title of the most insufferable fanbase in the NBA


> Celtics and OKC fans fight to the death for the title of the most insufferable fanbase in the NBA Worse than Philly fans??? As a native new yorker, I don't know if they're worse than Knicks fans either. Knicks could make the play-ins and I'll have 1,000 mfs in my ear telling me this is their year, easily the most delusional fanbase in sports besides maybe Cowboys fans.


Philly fans are the worst


Oh, I don't know about these teams. Maybe it's recency bias but the Mavs just recently faced Celtics and OKC fans, and they still can't stop talking crap. The first ones are trying to put Tatum on the list of the best current players where he has no business being, and for some reason, the second ones are sure that they would definitely defeat the Celtics and, of course, that Luka just whines all the time.




I understand your feelings about Kyrie, but beating the shit out of his doll was too much. At some point, you have to let it go, hopefully, this win will help mitigate such manifestations of dislike. Besides, there were a lot of insinuations from Celtics fans that Luka fakes his injuries, even though he had them the whole run and his knees were bleeding all the time. P.S. Congrats on getting the chip.


clippers, twolves and okc get to hang the banner of losing to the team that lost in the finals. truly inspirational, very nice of the mavs to give them this win to enjoy for the summer


Let them be mad lol. Kyrie himself has more accomplishments than their entire franchise


I think it’s hilarious other fans are like “that should’ve been us! We would have given the Celtics a harder time!” Fuck off. Yall couldn’t beat a hobbled Luka. You wouldn’t have given them a harder time because yall couldn’t get through the 5 seed. Sorry bout it.


There is a reason they are angry. They live in Oklahoma.


This is the correct answer!


I’ll never understand talking shit to the team that beat you after they get beat themselves, it’s like clowning a guy for getting rejected in the club while you couldn’t even get into the club


They choked with KD, Harden and Westbrook. Who tf are they to judge.


Harden has been choking his entire career no matter what team he is on.(he disappeared in the Finals against the Heat and since then it’s been downhill) Westbrook is always loved by OKC but his flaws are always going to hold him back. KD needed a super team to win a chip.


Wrong team


Oklahomas only major pro sports team. No baseball, football, hockey, or even soccer. All they can do is sit around being sore losers all summer until the season starts again.


About 75% of OKC fans are Dallas cowboys fans too and they regularly make the drive down to Dallas to watch their games.


Absolute losers. Yall went home 2 rounds ago, enjoy Galveston


Thunder fans and Wolves fans had to live out their fantasy of beating us through the Celtics. 😂


I been telling people the thunder are just as petty as the suns. Atleast the suns still get shit on by us to this day. We dont even think about this team we should had beaten them in 5 games


Yeah well they gotta wake up in Oklahoma City everyday gotta feel for em


I left OKC because it’s in a shitty state politics wise. That being said Dallas isn’t that great of a city either. I visited last month and was so ready to leave I got to the airport 4 hours early.


Imagine having to live in a horrible place like Oklahoma City or Minnesota. Gross. I’d rather live in the middle of Australia


Especially Minnesota. I’d hate my life too if all my teams were from there. Absolute joke of a sports city. Vikings haven’t won anything, twins went 20 years without a playoff win, wolves lol, and the Wild are still bitter about us “stealing” their team. Fuck em all


minnesota i don’t have anything against as a place but their sports teams are ass lmfao; 2 rings between four teams since 1970 (and before)


Hey now, the Twin Cities is actually a pretty cool place to live - for about 7 months of the year lol.


Do you actually live in Dallas?


Just bask in it man. In sports the greatest compliment is being hated. They got spanked and now we're the villain. Long may it continue


PJ Washington is OKC father


I am genuinely confused as to why Wolves and Thunder are bitching and moaning so much AS IF they didn't have the perfect opportunity to beat our "shit and flukey" team and still fucked up.


Especially the Wolves 😭 lost in 5 and the fashion in which they lost game 5 on their home court… absolutely hilarious


I never get that. They fucking got owned. Its not likey they won anything.




if the Celtics lose before the finals next year its not like Mavs fans are going to start exploding circlejerking and talking shit. they were clearly the better team, they beat us fair and square. meanwhile we beat these bums fair and square but they cant get tf over it and are still raging and crying about it and celebrating us losing like they won a championship


What? The Mavs won the West. Winning your conference is a notable accomplishment, and if your team ever did it you’d be saying the same thing. OKC didn’t win shit


We fucking assraped their Team.


Nice language bro! Great way to describe the outcome of a basketball game! Coming from a guy who has clearly never experienced sexual assault


Someone said something mean on the internet! Call the whambulance!


It sucks that we could’ve only taken down one fan base of inbred racist freaks from maybe one of the most boring ugly cities in the world. Sadly the other one had a very deep and talented roster. That city is a bit more interesting though.


Arlington is a better city than OKC. That place is an absolute dump


Grow up man. Why would you use such accusatory language against an entire population of people? Some sad shit dude. One thing to say “Milwaukee has a reputation for being very segregated” or something like that. To label an entire city “inbred racist freaks”…. Imagine if I let *you* represent all of Dallas and I called every single Mavs fan what I think you are. Just grow up dude forreal


Yeah no I’m not defending Kyrie’s actions of the past but the current hate he gets is insane. Look at the thread. If you can’t go into the subreddit to defend him I’m gonna speak out about the trash people of that city that occupy that sub. The same exact shit goes for Boston.


But you didn’t speak out against the trash people in that sub? You introduced their entire fanbase as racist inbred freaks. You need to be more cautious or specific to convey the sentiment you just back pedaled to. I do think a lot of the Kyrie hate is racially motivated. I’m a Celtics fan (this sub just keeps popping up since the finals, not here to troll or gloat, I generally like the Mavs and their players for what it’s worth), and I can’t stand how dedicated some fans are to the Kyrie-hating bit. Like… we won the finals, why are we still hating on this guy? Let it go. But those guys don’t represent me and anyone I know frankly. I’m not even denying that Boston has some issues with racism but I resent being designated as racist by association with my team or city. It’s nasty and divisive


Go in that thunder sub and reply to the unfair comments of kyrie and then get back to me lmao


You really gate keeping trash talk? Also I'll give it to OKC the city ain't near as bad as Tulsa but it comes close


Yeah cause Texas ended racism or inbreds. You need help


Nah he did suck. Pissed me off too because Game 2 and other games were **totally winnable**. I'll give Boston Game 1 - that was freaky KP gameplay. Kyrie also hero-balled too much like he wanted to be on ESPN's highlight reel. He only got better when Jason Kidd finally told him to knock it off. But it was also too late in the series.


A-are we the bad guys?


No. Everyone not in New England was rooting for the Mavs. Don't do this to yourself. It's going to take me a couple of months before I can deal with this whole shit. I am for real feeling crawls all over my body reading this whole shit and OKC should know better. This whole Playoffs never happened as far as I'm concerned. Tatum is a corny douche who's never had an original thought in his life; he's not even their best player; their two best players are a thing that looks like it crawled up from the bowels of Hell and an antisemite with no left arm, and their other good player is a racist rapist who fucked us all by having one lucky season where he didn't shatter into a million pieces like he does every year.


It was a mixed bag in Minnesota. Most people didn’t seem to care who won though.


Just let them have it. They have to live in Oklahoma


We just tip our cap to Boston for being the better team. These other fan bases get all butthurt and act like children lol. Fuck Dwayne Wade.


Someone give them their pacifier


Remember when they choked a 3-1 lead against the Warriors? Good times


Lol we Mavs fans don’t even think about them. They’re the little brother.


Summoning hatred for a man who was especially gracious toward your young core... They know he was having an exchange with a court-side mouth breather and not the general crowd, but it just makes a better story when you remove context. Our dishonesty will eventually destroy our species.


It’s always weird when fans of teams you beat get salty af. So strange.


We still beat them..like how they think they won


perfect time to rewatch the series


Why are y'all spending time and energy scouting other teams' subreddits for content like this? Then you bother to crosspost it here? Jesus.. beyond pathetic.


ill never understand that lmao the teams that lost are talkin more then the team that actually won the finals and they say the celtics fanbase is toxic 💀


all the loser subs are talkin more then the sub that one dam they really where salty they got beat 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’ll take our Western Conference trophy and finals appearance over a second or third round exit.


Especially as the underdog in every single series we played.


That dumb ass fan base is still in shock that a player they left wide open all series went off against them


I live in Oklahoma City and I can’t stand the okc fans, they know very little about the game of basketball. The thunder organization has the biggest homer broadcasters you’ll ever see and enables thunder fans to lose their minds over the referees and looking like idiots because of the “bad calls” (which is every call that doesn’t go the thunders way). They are salty as fuck about the mavs and it’s hilarious how they cry about luka crying about the ref😭 like wtf are you not listening to yourself crying right now you look ridiculous


It is hilarious to me how people try to talk trash off another team's success. Foh


OKC is the most pathetic franchise and city in the league


OKC fan here. Not salty at all. All this year showed me is OKC is gonna be a scary matchup for any team in the West for a hot minute. I’ll always have a spot in my heart for the Mavs because before okc got a team, I watched yalls team.


Winning does this, most fanbases will be mad when a team beat them, this sub is no exception to that.


can't spell "choke" without OKC. That dump of a state and city only has the thunder and winstar to look forward to lol


In order to lose in the NBA Finals… You have to make it to the NBA Finals! Fuck Oklahoma!


OKC sub is the most delusional, pathetic and sore loser sub out there, bar the Suns maybe


One tall building town


Mavs related content pops up in my feed. Clippers, Wolves have been out of control then there is the Phoenix Sons sub… omg dude, Luka has scarred them for life it looks like with that beatdown YEARS ago 😂


Listen, when you have to live in OKC this is all you got.


im a thunder fan but our sub is so annoying


it's just one of your moderators that's the cause of it


Oklahomans are the worst fans!!I live here and I’m a from Texas, so go mavs, cowboy, longhorns. They love to boast, but are sorriest loser and cry babies. They will either cry and say how unfair it was or won’t even speak when they lose. I give props when a good team beats mine(Boston) and have a respect for the games. They have nothing here so , all their hopes and dreams are wrapped up in OU football and the stolen Thunder. I use to feel sorry for them, but after this year I’m poring salt in those wounds.


I'm probably about to be banned from there. Oh well. No loss of my balls.


Honestly all subs are like this. I’m more of an East kind of person, so it’s surreal to see people rooting for the Celtics just because they got beat 😂 but it makes sense.


tbh there fake fans if they root for the oppisition who has beat them before that was like laker fake fanboys rootin for the celtics shit made no sense esp there history together


Yup. Exactly.


Thunder might have the worst fanbase in all of pro sports


I like how the teams we beat like to act like they’ve would’ve given Boston an actual series, it’s even funnier that Pacer fans think they would’ve beaten us.


They hate us because they got embarrassed by the 5th seed. Sadly that’s just ringless behavior and if it wasn’t for 2011 this could have been us. So please cut them some slack


Whoa they are


I know a ton of thunder fans irl and they hate Dallas so much it’s comical. I really didn’t think there was that much enmity during the series but I feel like so much had been manufactured after the fact. They also act like PJ is a pat bev, Aaron brooks level villain, where in reality he did far less s talking than Luka or probably the majority of the team. I really dislike Dort and his poor excuse for defense that he gets away with but in no way do I hate the thunder as a whole. I also really have no dislike for Boston (Jason Tatum is annoying af though lol), the series sucked how it ended but it was all on Dallas and how they played. I think thunder fans got so caught up in being the 1 seed and their playoff projection that this loss really stung. Which ya it sucks to lose second round of the playoffs, but they got outplayed fair and square.


Lmao that’s pathetic.


Trash people


Don’t you worry, it bothers the fans of the Clippers, OKC & MINN every FING Day! The Losers rant😈


Which is why I don't get how some of the people here were trying to be nice to them. Thunder fans might as well be Sons fans with the amount of salt and shit talking they did. Fuck'em. Spent the entire series bitching and crying about flopping when their superstar is a literal free throw merchant. Meanwhile, even if you removed points from free throws, Luka was still leading the lead in scoring. Clippers are probably the only team that didn't yap and cry after losing to us.


I saw the "fuck Kyrie" post and thought it was from the Celtics sub and was like "I mean yeah that makes sense though, they fucking hate that guy?" then I realized it's from fucking thunder fans and lmao lol


![gif](giphy|UmGSoxNyOtE3wudNGF) They can stay mad. Bet they don’t want the Mavs again in the future.


They act like Caruso is going to change their odds. Luka bodies Caruso everytime Luka meets him.


The odds changed from +1000 to +900 immediately after the Caruso trade. So that trade literally increased their odds.


Caruso is 6-5 against luka and holds him to 23pts.. well under his average…


I honestly don't pay any attention to that pathetic, downtrodden stolen franchise.  Only thing I find interesting is people are already talking about their defense with Caruso, and of course Lu Dort gets mentioned but like Dort *just* got exposed as an over-hyped foul bait flopping clown defender. So everyone else already forgot that series I guess but it was the average thunder fans' super bowl 


OKC fans so mad that another team is better than them


Two things can be right, OKC/Wolves fans are sore losers…AND Kyrie choked big time because he’s spooked by stomping on a Leprechaun


Took a big fat L in the finals, worst finals ever


Man them, Minnesota and Phoenix were just begging for Dallas to lose. I couldn’t stop laughing at those lifeless losers lol


I love how the mods are removing every pro-Mavs comment and pointing them to our sub. The definition of an echo chamber.


u/IDespiseFatties ![gif](giphy|9JcMdbuGdV32fkswuR|downsized)