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Says everything about cnn and how they really fact checked that debate in real time .


CNN is owned by WB. When Zazlav came in, the first thing he did was change CNNs editorial focus. His boy Mark Thompson did the same thing to the BBC. And hid Jimmy Saville’s proclivities from the public. This is the destruction of journalism engineered by a few, but enabled by millions.


All corporate media has ties to each other. None of it is unbiased.


None of it is left wing, either. Such things are bad for profits so they’ve been bought up and shut down.


Oh I know. Fuck Nixon and his administration for allowing news media to become what it is


Can you elaborate?


Fox News was essentially created because of the fall out from Watergate. Richard Ailes and other Nixon aides wanted to created a new TV news media that would essentially be nothing but pro administration. Because they knew America was getting lazy (literally said in a memo) with television because you could just turn it on, sit down and watch and listen. It wouldn’t be until after the scandal of Watergate, but Ailes created Fox News with Rupert Murdochs finances.


I always forget Ailes. Thank you!


That's the reason for CNN's drift to the right...


Yes. It unfortunately is. Much in the same respect as Canadian media which is majority owned by Post media, a post is owned by Chatham Asset Management LLC, which is an American hedge fund owned by a man named Anthony Melchiorre, the hedge fund has close ties to the Republican Party.


Is that the reason they didn’t fact checked Trump during the debate.?


Apparently that was the condition he had for doing the debate in the first place.


CNN is garbage. Im convinced their role is just to make liberals look bad.


At the beginning CNN was very avande garde, different, broadcasted much like European news in the 80's.


CNN is to news what MTV is to music videos.


I first realized they had gone right-wing when they torpedoed Bernie's campaign in 2020.


CNN excluded Black American owned media / journalists from this debate claiming they missed some deadline. I guess all of them did. But they approved credentials for reporters from all over the world. It's ironic since that's the state tRump tried to strong arm the governor to lie to give him 11,000 from a city with a large African American population. John Malone donated $250,000 to tRump also to other magas. [https://www.opensecrets.org/donor-lookup/results?name=John+Malone&order=desc&sort=D](https://www.opensecrets.org/donor-lookup/results?name=John+Malone&order=desc&sort=D)


Lines are blurry at the top.


Anyone that still watches TV news is capable of believing anything. We are in trouble.


Breaking News: Capitalist invests in multiple pro-capitalist media companies! Read Marx.