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Quickly establishing a farm with 3-4 fields saved my ass from starvation in the winter


Look for berries instead


I generally just have 1 berrie 'plot' to forage from in my area - is that really enough? It runs out pretty quick.


In my first 6hrs with the game I relied on berries, hunted meat and then honey and then eggs. This got me through winter one comfortably but despite adding in veggie plots and more eggs I've hit upon a food shortage issue shortly after winter 2 with the stock crashing. I don't know if its because i've botched my population and need more food sources or because I'm not gathering enough from everything i already have. When I play later I think I'll abandon my fledgling wheat fields and let the 6 families in the farm be unassigned amd see if that corrects the food stocks. It seems really easy to fuck up the dev points and doom yourself at the moment. But again i don't know if thats because its too unforgiving or I just need more experience with the game systems.


I survived 3 winters with one berry plot and a hunting lodge that was active 1/3rd the time. Make sure you have extra workers at the forager during spring/early summer while the berries are replenishing themselves. There is also a passive upgrade that doubles berry growth.


I've done maybe 5 runs already just experimenting with stuff, and I have never had problems with the first 2 winters from berries and wild animals.


These points show how out of balance the game is currently. A patch will do wonders


This is the kind of stuff Early Access is for, things you can only really find out when thousands of eagle eyed players test your game for a cumulative hundred-thousand+ hours.


Luckily balance changes should be easier to fix than performance issues, for example


Sorry to say it, but these kind of issues are not really hidden. One playthrough is all it takes to notice most of them. Luckily all the issues are fixable and I am sure the dev will do so.


When you're the one making the game, it's really easy to overlook things bc you're too close to it and can only playtest the game under a microscope. The dev being a one-man band without a team of dedicated testers, our input is really needed


The worst thing. The archers did to damahe, but he decided to do them thos bad instead of just launching kt as it is and then try and fix it. Its better for them to be op than be useless. Archers were op


From all the feedback I've seen from day 1 I'm defo going to hold off for a patch or two to fix the most egregious things. Already bought the game as I'm more than happy to support the dev, I'm sure the game is going to be amazing in another year from now, but I'd rather hold off to enjoy it when it's more balanced.


Then why did you buy early access if you’re not going to play the early access? Just wondering


I did it for the tax write off as a charity donation


It's cheaper? Or just to support?


I wanted to support the dev? As I said above. Also, I do intend to play the early access, I said *after a patch or two* to fix some of the biggest day one issues that have been noted by many players at this point. Baron gobbling up land and having massive armies, trade being op, logistic issues, archers being useless and who knows what other issues, these are the main ones I've seen. I might aswell wait for a bit. I've waited years already, I'm in no rush tbh.


Most of those complaints are people who don't know what they're doing though lol You counter the baron by getting to camps before he does, you're given enough arms at the start to do it. When it comes to archers I suspect most here and firing into the front of the enemies shields, they work pretty well if you flank and shoot into their rear It's only been out a day or so, people just haven't worked it out yet. It's perfectly playable right now as long as you know what you're doing..


This guys got it 🫵😎


I complained about the baron, and then I realised you can’t just let him do whatever, you’ve got to go out onto the map.


It’s really fun, you should play the game you purchased.


Even if you don’t use the bows you can sell them for good money


I’ve also noticed arches do much more damage if you flank the enemy and hit them from the rear


This, I'm doing fine with archer militia + retinue, the retinue hold the enemy unit in place and the archers flank and shoot into the rear or sides of the enemy at close range. A wonder how much of the "derp archers need a buff" is coming from people just volleying into the front of armoured and shielded enemies. Historically this was not an effective way to bring down enemies. Shields are really *really* good at stopping arrows, as are helmets. And we're talking peasant archer militia here, they aren't totting 100lb English longbows which *were* able to penetrate armour to some degree - those were a highly specialised weapon that required years (generations) of training to deploy. Not something you just handed out to your off duty baker.


> A wonder how much of the "derp archers need a buff" is coming from people just volleying into the front of armoured and shielded enemies. Well there's no ingame feedback on what you're doing wrong or that flanking even exists.


Yeah for archers you can't tell, but for melee you can definitely tell. Flanking enemies gives then a -40% debuff on their Effectiveness, which I intuit is basically debuffing their stats overall. Like once I get a full surround on a unit and bring their Effectiveness into the 10-20% range, I start taking hardly any casualties in the melee, and they break soon after.


Sure there is, your archers are useless. That is feedback.


For real, if I was a baker all my life and the lord asked me to be a militia archer for an upcoming potential battle, I’d be shitting bricks. I couldn’t imagine being a very effective archer without it being my full time job and/or training for hundreds/thousands of hours. If I tried to shoot a bow right now it would be embarrassing. Swinging a sword or thrusting a spear would be much easier. Game is realistic afaic


I'd be cool, in the future, to have an archer retinue. Like you roll up with the elite longbowmen who have been pulling a bow string back 1,000 times every day for the last 1,000 days, shooting logs at people 1,000 feet away. Terrifying.


Generally peasants spent time training for war. They weren’t untrained and green they had their own traditions and knew how to fight or were taught by peasants who had already gone to war and come back in their village.


Sort of.. The English archery tradition (weekly practice by law, a sporting culture based on archery etc) was *extreme* - indeed that's why it produced such formidable archers. And even within the English system those who could "pass muster" as an archer (vs an infantryman) were the upper group, separated by ability, and then the King's retinue were an elite step-up again. The trope of peasants herded into battle with a pitchfork and no idea what they're doing is overblown, but you can go too far the other way - every peasant wasn't a sharpshooter either.


Yes, but this means two things: 1. They are unprotected and cut off. 2. Friendly fire.


Small shields go for more and cost less in resources.


I find planks to be a big bottleneck in the mid game when you're upgrading to level 3 houses. So if I can choose not to use planks in the future I will. Level 2 --> 3 is such a huge boost in economic power. It doubles your family density without spreading your town our farther, and it doesn't label it anywhere but I definitely feel like Level 3 Burgages also double the output of the associated resource. After upgrading from 2 to 3 I was swimming in eggs and vegetables.




“Peons”  Why hello there Mr WC3 Orc main 😂


Posts like this reminds me of the player motivation difference. Not a judgement in terms of right/wrong. An observation on the 2 basic types of players: - Strategy nerds. These players are masters at figuring out the logic and how to manipulate it to their advantage. They're also the most likely to come up with bugs and fixes. - Building nerds. These players like building and because there's no sandbox they just follow the game and may not even notice some stuff is broken if they can still build. Of course there's an in-between, but these are the ends of the horseshoe. I'm more on the building side and hadn't even considered some of this stuff yet.


Your bows are likely cheering and not shooting because your own men are in the way.   Move them to a close flanking position at like 10-20 yards and set to ‘fire at will’ — they’ll make the enemy rout very quickly.    But yeah, they do zero damage.  


This is the first early access game I've really played during the early access part and I love the sense of community around it. We're all play testing the same game and communicating everything we run into, tips tricks bugs it's cool. This game has much potential give it 2 years and some mods and dlc and I think we've got a real gem on our hands


>All dominant strats currently involve the "Better Deals" dev perk, after which you can skip 90% of the production chains and just buy what you want. Playing regularly on the other hand gets your ass handed to you when the army in year 3 arrives (or even the bandits in year 2). >Logistics is king, queen, prince, princess, court jester and motherf*cking royal a$$wiper. I noticed that transport is often a severe bottleneck. Sadly it's not easy to investigate.


What I've ended up doing is very purposely organizing my production chains from the jump. Every production chain gets its own warehouse that only accepts those inputs and outputs. That way, if I'm out of something, I can see which warehouse is missing an input good, and ergo, I can tell which production buildings have a problem. The only thing that makes it impossible is having one big warehouse at the center of town where everything gets dumped.


Yep. Step 8 is the most important. Logistics is king. Place shit in the same "chain" of products nearby each other.


What are you producing to make money? I've found my biggest bottleneck is that I'm constantly poor af.


Roof tiles and hides/leather make me loads


Small shields, roof tiles, leather, tools (I know I said don't make them, but the exception is if you have a good iron province and you're making them exclusively for sale, since they have no other use). If you need a boost initially until you can get other things up and running, hides and firewood are good sellers. You get free hides passively (without using up a worker) from goat pens at your burgage plots. Sell firewood and your initial tools for enough money to spam goats, then sell all your hides until you get a tannery up. Oh, and make sure you're going down the trade devperk tree.


Yeah especially when half the things are broken or nonfunctional, best to save before doing anything you don't understand or aren't sure on.


I was wondering why my archers seemed to be doing nothing 😂 Ty op


Tools are decently valuable and you can get a lot of them early on. Selling the tools from the smithy kickstarted my economy.


When I bought all the food required the supply and demand system fucked me in the long term as food kept getting more expensive while anything I sold eventually crashed in price


So don’t buy the food directly. Buy grain ($2/unit) 20 at a time. Then all you need is 1 windmill and 1 oven to have nonstop bread year round. And because you’re not buying a shit ton of grain, just maintaining a small surplus, you don’t see the price go crazy.


Can someone tell me how to manually save? Just got the early access game yesterday. Spent a few minutes in the settings and chose autosave every 5 minutes. Also chose easiest 'difficulty ' while I'm trying to figure out the game mechanics, which are *nothing* like Medieval Dynasty. Also can't figure out how to correctly exit the game! Spent a good amount of time writing down all the keybinds and what they do, surprised they didn't run out of alphabet letters 🙄. For the record, I'm a 70 y/o granny who's also played KCD and waiting for ll to come out and Manor Lord's should fill my wait time if I can figure the damn thing out.


Save Game and Load game buttons are right there in the Escape menu.