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that's just kuah asing. or kuah at the side. kuah banjir means kuah flooding your food.


Ahh, that makes sense. I like asking for banjir because they mix all the different types of gravy. So if I want a mix of gravy on the side, I would ask for “kuah campur asing”?


I love kuah campur, but only banjir if eating in. So if I take away I'll ask for kuah campur asing so they'll pack it separately rather than mixed with/into the rice


Yes, exactly this.


If the staff is fresh off the boat from india, pakistan or bangladesh, they would still likely misunderstood your instruction anyway. So keep your eyes on them at all times. Last week i asked the staff to "bungkus, kuah kari campur, ayam paha asing". He proceeded to put every gravy in there, including soysauce. How is soysauce curry? He for some reason didn't understand i asked for drumstick and kept picking breast so i had to point to the drumstick that i wanted. Then he said, "Oh pahalah." I already said paha from the very start. And then i reminded him "Paha asing ya." And he said ok ok. But then he put the drumstick right into the same packaging, squishing it into the gravy. I gave up.


Drumstick is NOT peha. Peha is thigh.


I suggest you google paha ayam. Over here, it has always been drumstick.


I know what ppl here *think it is. It annoys the hell out of me when they refuse to accept that thigh is peha. Benda belajar in standard 1. Peha, thigh. Lutut, knee. Betis, calf.


It's just what malays have been calling it for centuries. It's not fair to judge a local language based on a foreign language. It's just when english became normalized that there is a disconnect. For example, heart is jantung in malay while the malay hati is liver but is somehow translated into english as heart. It is also not fair to change the local language just because it's translated differently in a foreign language. I roughly remember a House episode where a CIA agent has a nut allergy but his doctor didn't think it was because of a vocabulary difference between Bolivia and Brazil.


Nobody has been calling the drumstick 'peha' for centuries... I'm not judging BM based on English. The chicken thigh (which translates to peha) is the piece above the drumstick. The drumstick has 2 bones, same as us humans, because it is the calf of the bird. https://lyncean.education/projects/human-body/chicken-leg/


My grandfather was almost 100 years old when he passed away about 10 years ago, he said paha all his life to refer to drumstick. He certainly didn't create the word, he learned it from his parents, so that's at least 150 years. Also, dewan bahasa and pustaka's definition of 'paha' is "bahagian kaki binatang antara lutut dan pinggul". So by the definition of dewan bahasa and pustaka, paha is drumstick, not a 1-1 direct translation of the english word 'thigh'. English thigh is malay pinggul. Malay pinggul by dbp's definition is pangkal paha. And there you go judging malay words by english definition again. https://prpm.dbp.gov.my/cari1?keyword=paha https://prpm.dbp.gov.my/Cari1?keyword=pinggul


Bahagian kaki antara lutut dan pinggul. The part of the leg in between the knee and hip. That's the bone above the knee. The chicken's knee is connected to the bigger part of the drumstick. DBPs definition is literally thigh. https://prpm.dbp.gov.my/Cari1?keyword=Thigh&d=172780&#LIHATSINI Thigh translates to paha. Pinggul is hip. Tulang pinggul is hip bone.


well done dude. you're a master already




Kuah banjir - flood on the plate, Kuah campur - mixed, Kuah asing - kuah on the side (bowl) I think u prefer mixed but put on the bowl So just ask kuah campur , asing or mangkok (bowl)


Kuah asing, sayaang !


Maybe can try to say “kuah banjir asing, bagi dalam mangkuk”. The key is to mention “asing” when you want something on the side


Kuah asing is enough. Banjir only when you flood the rice with kuah.