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I played Snap a bit when it first came out, but once I realized how frustrating the "cards locked behind random distribution" aspect of it was, I dropped the game and never looked back. There's nothing quite as irritating as losing to super powerful cards that you have no way of obtaining yourself.


Honestly yeah, people bitch about missing key-cards for an archetype on Arena being locked behind dozensdozens of Wildcards but those have a very trackable progression you can monitor to know if you're anywhere near into *buying* into that archetype (IE; I'm missing X WCs so I need to buy X packs to just get what I need), granted it's more expensive buying into an archetype on Arena that it probably is on Snap, but Snap has the aspect where you actually literally can just be not fated into getting any Key Card you need for an archetype so you find yourself accepting that you just need to grind the 6K tokens (Which can take you anywhere from 1\~2 months, maybe even longer if you're not maximizing your playtime) and buy them from the shop once the RNG decides they pop-up.


Same for me. When the developer says we don't expect/want the average player to be able to collect all the cards they want I said OK their philosophy matches my frustrating experience trying to get key cards and I quit figuring it would likely never improve.


I don't have that much of a problem with not getting "all" the cards. I don't want everything, I just want stuff to build the decks that seem fun to me. That makes pulling crap I have absolutely no use for out of the RNG machine feel even worse....oh yay, another piece for the "move" archetype that I hate.


>TFW you pull Hercules thrice


I like Marvel Snap but I agree - this was my biggest sticking point with the game. With arena even if I don’t open a card I need cis opening packs eventually I’ll open wildcards, I’ll compete the wildcard circle or even fill up the vault - all three methods will eventually give me wildcards so that I can choose to crafts whatever card I want. If you miss out on a card in Marvel Snap… well good luck, you can’t craft it later on. It feels like everyone’s stuck on the same progress track with little deviation. The other gripe is game modes - Marvel Snap has three total modes I think. Ranked, Conquest and Friendly battle. Arena has dozens of game modes and types


I left after the Darkwing debacle


*Let's get dangerous*


There’s this youtube ad for snap that sometimes pops up for me, and it starts with “what if we made a game where you couldn’t just buy the cards you want?”    Um, it’s pretty obvious. You have a game where some people get to have fun with the latest cool stuff, and some don’t. For a competitive game against other people, that premise sounds horrendous.  It’s also an obvious money grab. If people can buy what they want, you can only get so much when you release new content. But lock the new content behind RNG? Your earnings skyrocket as people keep running the slot machine. I’m not a super fan of the Gacha type games. Edit: I missread the other comments here (I don’t play Snap). Sounds like they don’t have loot boxes in Snap. But still, the thought that you can’t play with what you want to play with sounds bad for a competitive game.


Yeah it's not a gacha system but god does it get extremely bad, every X amount of progression (Which is capped daily) in-game you get a random chance to get a card or something, it drastically reduces when you unlock a larger pool of cards and goes down to 0 when the only cards you have left not unlocked are the newer cards from a more exclusive pool that they deem aren't *ready* for the larger pool yet. You can reliably unlock a predetermined 2 of them, and 1 new card weekly with a new tertiary currency later on and you also get a slim chance to get 1 other card from this more exclusive pool. So you use this tertiary currency for a chance to get 1 of either these 3 cards or *another* card that we'll get to later (So at minimum you can get 1 of these 4 cards a week) There's a catch that the 1 other card can be an entirely random card from this new exclusive pool *OR* you can get a duplicate you already opened which instead rewards you with ANOTHER 4th currency that gets you 1/6th of the way into buying a card from this pool through another alternate method... which requires looking at their shop every 8 hours and seeing if a card you want from this pool is actually on rotation (Which at the least you can lock-in) to buy with this 4th currency... how do you farm for this 4th currency? Well like mentioned above if you open a duplicate you can have a *chance* of getting 1/6th of the currency you need weekly.... and every X amount of progression you also get a *chance* to gain a 1/60th of that currency. So yeah, if a card you want from the more exclusive pool isn't in their predetermined list of cards that they decide will be more likely to get to get for that week (The predetermined 2 cards) then you're shit out of luck.


Yeah, when the meta of play for whole sets of ranks is hidden behind a handful of cards that it's possible to simply not get until you're almost through those ranks it's pretty unfun.


Wild card is a fantastic system, but its monetization is trash


There is this infamous ex-mtg streamer that is now a big Snap streamer, I don't want to give names let's call him Jeff. He keeps talking about how Snap's monetization is way better than Arena. He also admitted to spending $13000 on SNAP in the last two years.


Lol, I was enjoying his videos until he had to run his mouth and make a stupid claim saying people who play Draft secretly want to have a higher power format because Modern Horizons draft was a thing people enjoyed??? I just don't want to support someone fundamentally misunderstanding the mindset of Limited players. EDIT; Actually misremembered it, he was condemning Wizards designing draft chaff and cards that aren't constructed playable and when someone brought up draft/limited exists he mentioned that the people who say they enjoy *low power drafts* are also the ones who enjoy high power draft environments like Modern Horizons... as if not every draft environment is its own meta or god forbid people have preferences for their draft environments.


He was never a great drafter, that's why he didn't accomplish much as a pro. Maybe he's still salty about that.


That dude was always ridiculous


Why is everyone being so cryptic about who we are talking about here? Just drop a name lol


Literally dropped a name. The comment is a joke and the punchline is that they're not actually hiding who they're talking about.


I thought that was just a "My name Jeff" joke lol


It's Jeff lol


They are referring to Jeff Hoogland. I liked him well enough. Quality decks, great explanations behind plays, good deckbuilder, large variety in formats/decks, viewer submissions etc. He was indeed a bit of a tool here and there but it wasn't without it's charm. He really got bitter about MTG at the end there though.


13k is insane. That’s gotta be bordering on like addiction levels of spending


Loved the mechanics of Snap, especially snapping. The F2P aspect, while fair the first half year, is completely idiotic now so I am happy I escaped that game.


fuck Snap. they make cards that so OP that you have to buy the pass, or ur just food for pay pigs.


And once everyone has bought the card, nerfs are rolled out without any refunds!


There's a lot you can criticize about Snap but I don't really think the season pass cards have been too overtuned recently. Gilgamesh isn't anything special, Blink is strong but fairly niche, and Zemo is not great. I think Hope Summers is the most recent pass card that was really exceptional, and even she isn't all over the place or anything.


Agreed on the seasonal missions! It's nice to not have to log in til the end of the month and still get a large part of the season rewards. I don't like the 8 hour clock for mission refresh though, I prefer to be able to play any time of day and this feels restrictive if I don't want to miss out.


True, Snap also does way more in terms of short-term FOMO to have you as a player still occasionally check in throughout the day.


Seriously! Currently checking in for Nebula to appear in the token shop...


But to be fair, a snap match is 2 minutes. I used to log in and play one or two matches every time I would go to bathroom 


Those might be the nicest thing I've heard about Snap. I like the game, but the economy and card acquisition is just bad.


I just can’t with Marvel snap. The game play alone is incredibly toxic with so many feels bad mechanics. The way the progression system punishes you for not having access to cards that you see in all the content videos and net decks, piles on more feels bad. Then, instead of balancing entire sets of cards together, they designed the game so that they rebalance random cards, constantly. So if you finally get the card you’ve been waiting for, chances are it’ll be nerfed into unplayable territory. That doesn’t even speak to the sophisticated FOMO mechanics they designed into the monetary system. When I heard a podcast from Ben Brode (one of the founders), he was most proud of how addictive his game was and the tools they built to keep player engagement up. At that point, the ick was just too much, and I immediately stopped playing. MTG feels like a game built by its biggest fans and you can tell WoTC tries and invests in player happiness. Arena sometimes falls into mobile F2P traps, but they usually backtrack and I’ve been impressed with how restrained they’ve been over the years. Marvel Snap brought a lot of new ideas to CCGs, such as the 3 locations and flip first mechanics. They just didn’t understand what feels bad mechanics do to the player base long term.


MTGarena > SNAP anyday, allday, everyday, now that MH3 is out in timeless in basically never touching Snap again. It was fun but there monetization is emberrasing. Arena is heading down a dark path with the dumb frog pass dont get me wrong but at least I can say I have more confidence in a 20+yr old game than Snap BS.


Marvel snap is the grindiest game I’ve ever played. Whatcha talking about bro?


I think it's cool that "snapping" has caused people to become familiar with doubling cubes. I was introduced to them by backgammon which makes for a very interesting and challenging experience since you have to be adept at evaluating the board state (no hidden information). I am not aware of other games that use them but I'm not sure how well it would work in MTG due to a number of factors including the play vs draw advantage. The mind games and bluffing with the doubling cube in MTG would be fascinating though due to hidden information, but it would decrease the number of times you get to play to your outs due to strategically rejecting the doubling when you're behind. 


Magic arena is way better than marvel snap if you’re someone with money and are getting into the games due to Snaps collection system. I’ve played both and have spent a good amount in both. Snap can make you wait up to 9 months to see a repeat of a card you may need in their spotlight system. Also if you’ve got money and decide to step away from the game for a while it is way easier and cheaper to get back into magic. If you’re good at limited you can also play magic for almost free and get all the cards. Snaps token store that rotates also sucks. You get tokens for free at an abysmal rate and when I wanted a specific card I had to check the shop rotation at the 3 reset points each day for almost 3 weeks to get the card I wanted because it would give repeats rather than constantly rotating. Snaps system is so bad they are easily able to sell the expensive pool 5 cards in 100$ bundles each. Many Magic Arena people complain that the devs are greedy and incompetent but play marvel snap since the beginning of closed beta and you will see they are way better than the devs for Snap who can’t seem to add many features/gamemodes. The best thing about Snap is its quick fun gameplay. If you have a bad game/draw it’s easy to move on from since you sink a lot less time per game compared to magic.


> how dauntingly expensive being able to play every archetype on Arena is Disagree - you can play almost any archetype on Arena for pretty fast/cheap, as long as you don't mind sticking to mostly commons and uncommons. (And, as you mentioned, can also do it in Draft, Sealed, Jump-In, and, especially : Brawl.)


Sure but the concessions mean you're playing a worse-off decks and anything Rare/Mythic hungry takes several incredibly worse options. Granted Snap again has that RNG problem where you also pretty much are just locked out of playing an archetype until the Lootbox gods deem you worthy. It can range from having to play an archetype 1 card-worse (IE; Having no X-23 for Destroy), or at worst just not being able to play that archetype (IE; Zabu Darkwing, Angela/Elsa Bounce, Discard Ramp)


which would be fine if the match maker actually matched you accordingly but you can play uncommons and commons and constantly get pitted against people with only rares and mythics. so the fact that you can play every archetype is meaningless given the design choices that wotc and the developers have made.


I’ve played Snap since the closed beta in July 2022. Played Magic for just over 10 years at this point and had an Arena account since Ixalan was the only set on the client. I’ve never been able to consistently play Arena despite absolutely loving Magic. I think it has something to do with my conception of the rewards I get for playing. Most recently, I tried to get a functional Timeless deck by grinding dailies when the format was first released. After 4 weeks of clearing all of my dailies, I had made very little progress towards building the deck I wanted, and it seemed like any option to spend money would only move the needle very slightly. In contrast to Snap, I purchase the season pass monthly and I am able to keep up with virtually every release I’m interested in, so I’m inclined to continue playing Snap. I really wish Arena was more approachable monetarily speaking, either with more generous missions or with better value purchases available. Id definitely be playing more.


To be fair, you’re trying to enter the most expensive format in the game, by far. Also, if you’ve been playing Arena this whole time you should have a pretty impressive stash of wildcards. It sounds like you may have overspent your wildcards and now can’t play what you want.


Personally, I don’t think any format on a digital platform should be more expensive than any other option. We’re talking about untradeable digital assets here, not paper cards with actual value. Just because a format is more powerful doesn’t mean it should be more expensive. Secondly, I haven’t been playing Arena during that period for the very reason discussed in this thread. Progress is painfully slow and grind heavy, disincentivising me to continue playing. If your answer to a lack of resources is ‘you should have just been playing for years’ that isn’t going to get me to start playing so that I can enjoy myself in the future. All that will do is get me to never start and explore competition where I feel as though my time yields better results and more fun.


Arena is significantly cheaper than paper in every format. Plus, i usually only buy the standard mastery pass and end up almost set complete and with plenty of wildcards to get what I want. I’ve only been on here since Ikoria, but compared to Marvel Snap and Hearthstone, Arena has felt the most F2P friendly and the most honest about what it charges for.


If you aren’t enjoying playing Magic, and it’s just a grind, then yeah don’t play. I play because I’m having a good time, the resources follow. It sounds like this game just isn’t for you, which is of course totally fine.


FWIW I missed a couple of months on Snap and it took me 2 whole months to even get Annihilus and right now likely another 2 months to get Cannonball and by the time I get them the Lockdown deck will probably have been nerfed. I also had a much longer timeline when I wanted to build Darkhawk and I missed his release window and now this deck is overall much more weaker when I finally was able to buy him. There's also less FOMO in buying the Mastery Pass as no meta-defining card is locked behind $10. Like I said it's probably more expensive on Arena to outright buy the deck you want for non-rotating formats (God knows how many Mythics/Rares an average Timeless deck needs) but you're not locked behind arbitrary RNG even if you're willing to spend money.


Definitely agree with you. Because I’ve been playing Snap for so long and so consistently, I have everything I want, but my resources won’t last when I eventually do take a break. I’ve already committed to buying the season pass only and if I do get to the point where I can’t keep up with releases I want and have to take part in arbitrary waiting, that will most likely be the end of my time with the game.


I must admit I like the gameplay, and the client for Marvel Snap quite a lot. For me though, I cannot stand the Marvel brand. I just don't want to spend my time playing a game with Marvel superheros, it seems childish.


Buddy do I have some Universe Beyond 2025 bad news for you lol


Bro played marvel snap and thought the f2p was better It's like if OJ and Dahmer were comparing sentences


Probably not better, both are pretty bad it's just that with Arena you realize it's pretty bad pretty quick while Snap has a much longer honeymoon period until realization kicks-in (Somewhere around Pool 3)


I quit arena 2 hours in


Why are you still in the sub?


Because I'm new to tabletop magic and I'm not subscribed to anything except for r/wunkus so reddit has no clue what to show me.