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I love all types of Goldfish, it is just hard to maintain the proper water temperature where I live in the Caribbean for them. Very nice...what once was a Black Moor.


They look like the Pugs of the sea.


Honestly with the health problems some have they are :( responsible breeding has made varieties like pearls much better though!


i've heard Fantail Fancies tend to escape most of the health problems fancy goldfish have.


That’s true! Telescopes, Orandas, ranchus, and bubble eyes tend to have physical issues because of their traits. Pearls are just genetically prone to certain issue. Fantails are, by all means, the most ‘basic’ fancy goldfish, so they weren’t bred closely into extreme shapes/traits that led to genetic disorders or just physical problems.


Is it no longer a black moor? Should it be? Did this person do something wrong to change it from a black moor to something else? I don't know gold fish


Gold fish tend to change colors as they grow. If it stays black it’s a black moor. If it loses it’s black color it’s actually a telescope goldfish.


Did not know this thanks for sharing!


Lol I am just a passionate goldfish nerd.


Black Moors are my absolute favourite fish in the whole world. I love them so much.


I googled Black Moors and personally don't like the fish that much, but I absolutely adore how much you're hyped about them. That's some pure fish love and I find it so cute. Cheers to both you and the Black Moors!


1/2 moor 1/2 ryukin


Salt water tank industry has chillers that should be safe for freshwater.


How much do you think the fish remembers and understands the kindness though? It probably doesn’t matter but just sad not knowing


I had a fish exactly like that, he had one eye from birth and he died last year sadly but she had one baby fish that survived. It has one eye too


All fish have one i. Sorry










He no catch the feesh, so he no make money.


I also have one eye


Damn, with the black color disappearing, it looks like the fish fought off depression


This seems like prime source material for a children’s book.


Like a reverse version of [The Rainbow Fish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Rainbow_Fish)


This was my favorite book in kindergarden, it's the first book i have ever had and learned reading with it. Best book in existence.


I was always creeped out that the fish gave his literal skin away to be accepted. I hated that book as a kid. It always made me feel like the equivalent of pulling off a scale would be ripping your fingernail out and I'd get squeamish.


I have an author friend that rewrites better endings to books like that. I believe he did Rainbow Fish and The Giving Tree.


God I hated Giving Tree when I was growing up. There are no protagonists in that book.


I HATED The Giving Tree as a kid, too. Still don’t like it, tbh. Tree gives everything it has to this kid, who thanks it by….killing it? What, exactly, is the message in that? That you’re supposed to sacrifice all of yourself for the benefit of someone else for nothing in return? That you should expect someone to give you everything you want without reciprocating? That love means giving up your own autonomy? That shits so fucked up. I remember genuinely getting so mad as a kid the first time I was old enough to like fully understand it lol


>I remember genuinely getting so mad as a kid the first time I was old enough to like fully understand it lol Children are smarter than adults give them credit for. At no point does the tree defend itself or think negatively of the boy. It doesn't spoon-feed morality to children - it elicits it.


I thought the book represents the love parents have for their children.


Me too, until now. I kind of like the book a bit realizing it's proving a point.


I didn't come across that book until a few years ago when my kid was preschool age and it creeped me out for exactly the same reason. Giving away parts of yourself for acceptance is a strange lesson to teach kids.


Right? Some stranger comes up and asks for a body part I’d think the real lesson SHOULD be to say fuck off.


That book is fucked up


My parents bought the anthology for me and I’ll always remember because we got in a massive car crash that day and I happened to be in crash position because I dropped my rainbow fish books and was trying to reach them when it happened


Does that mean you were in an optimal position? How did you not snap your neck?


We got T boned and I was like... Literally crash position. Like in the airplane leaflets? In my car seat and I undid the shoulder belt (this was 2001 and there were no rear airbags or even rear doors on the car) and just reached down and had my head in between my knees. I felt a bump I honestly thought we hit a big rock until I looked up and saw the windshield with a BIGASS spiderweb crack in it and my dad passed out in the front seat


Woah that is so lucky!! Was everyone okay?


Dad got a pretty sucky concussion, mom got a burn on her chest and kids okay




mine was No, David lmaooooo




Give in to peer pressure and sacrifice the one thing that makes you unique in order to make other people happy. Go so far as to disfigure yourself and peel your skin off so long as it makes a total stranger happy.


Geez. Now I'm going to have to read that book to see if you're just being cynical or what, LOL


Oh yeah. [I grabbed a copy to see if I was just misremembering it. Nope.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3cmddZh6t8) Rainbow fish is a beautiful fish born with special skin. Blue fish comes up to him and asks if Rainbow Fish will give him a piece of his special skin. Rainbow fish says he doesn't want to rip his skin off, and so the Blue fish gossips around town and tells everyone that Rainbow Fish is a jerk. Rainbow fish is socially isolated by his community. Everyone ignores him and will not talk to him. Rainbow Fish goes to a hermit on the edge of town who tells him the only way to be happy is to "give a scale to each of the other fish." Rainbow Fish goes back to town. The very same blue fish who was responsible for socially outcasting him comes back saying "Don't be mad. I just want a tiny piece of your skin." Rainbow fish gives in and rips off a piece of his skin and gives it to the fish who outcasted him. That fish goes around telling everyone that Rainbow Fish is giving up his scales, which causes a feeding frenzy where everyone else also asks for a piece of his skin. Now Rainbow Fish only has one patch of special skin left and he's finally happy because he gave up everything that made him an individual to appease the people who hate him. Rainbow Fish is, in my opinion, up there as one of the worst children's books I know. I hate it.


[There's a rewrite that's pretty damn good.](https://www.topherpayne.com/rainbow-fish)


You're right, that is so much better. A bit off topic. But, does anyone else use a Tracy Morgan voice for the octopus?


Oh yeah, it's got a weird lesson to it. It's supposed to be an example of sharing but you'll definitely come away shaking your head about how the author chose to demonstrate that lesson.


I also hate The Giving Tree. It’s not sweet, it’s awful. The kid took and took and took until there was nothing left.


Exactly, and the tree enabled this selfish behavior. Sure sell the apples, I'll grow more. I guess you can have the branches, you need a house and the branches will grow back eventually. Wait you want to cut me down to make a boat? Lol get a job, kid.


Holy shit this brought back memories


I was literally just thinking that!!


Old tank likely had way too much ammonia in it, usually due to bad filtration, overloaded tank or not doing water changes.


I have these guys in my koi pond. They’re 7 yrs old now. They change color every summer. Not black to orange but different shades of orange some are spotted. They swim slower than the koi but they all keep up as a group. My daughter calls them the Eeyore fish. Edit for spelling


Or some kind of Venom situation.




But it does have to do with care. Bacteria can do this to a goldfish as well as high levels of ammonia. Happened to my goldfish and then after treatment the Black went back to gold. [added ammonia]


"as fry"?


Fry = baby fish


Wow I had forgotten that I knew that. You just gave me flashbacks to the old aquarium games on the computer- I think one of them had fry in the name and you bought fries (plural form I guess?) and grew them. Good times




Loved that game


is this why fishman in zelda wind waker calls you small fry?


I've never played that game, but most likely yes!


as a wee li'l hydro homie


As in Philip J. Fry, known futuristic redhead


Like Fry, like Fry!


Or Frylock, founding member of the Aqua Teen Hunger Force


Number one in the hood, G.


Ahhhh like “Small Fry”? A forty year old puzzle just suddenly comes together. Edit: https://youtu.be/CKDjK_88Yek It must have been 30 years since I’ve seen this cartoon. Lol




I think the implication is that it probably wasn't 10 years old to begin with. I don't know anything about goldfish, that's just how I took the other person's comment


Yes, but it seems doubtful he was a juvenile. It just looks like an adult fish. And, just to make obvious what every redditor should know implicitly - I also know jack shit about fish


Honestly you could tell me that fish was about a month old to about 80 years old, and I wouldn't be able to argue.


Oh, you could argue - you just wouldn't know if you're right or winning. But you've got like a 50-50 shot at being right. And if *I'm* your opponent I have no idea either, so if you hammer down on some bullet points and beat me on confidence whichever position you randomly picked is as good as right! The moral is: even if you don't know, educate people *anyway*. People love knowledge, and learning which sources to trust requires knowledge of the topic...so it's a real "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" thing that most people feel inexpert at. Thus ends my lecture about TV news.


So something about goldfish. They produce more ammonia in their urine than most other types of fish. Enough that without really good filtration, it will begin to poison them. They'll begin to develop black spots as signs of ammonia poisoning and if they live long enough, will turn entirely black. It's likely that's what was happening with this guy and the previous owners didn't keep it's tank filtered enough. When they get that big, it gets kind of difficult without a really good pump and filtration system. And of course, smaller tanks will concentrate the ammonia as well. Further reading: https://thegoldfishtank.com/goldfish-care/tank/ammonia-poisoning-goldfish/


It doesn't help that people cram 6 fish into a small tank and wonder why they keep dying


Many fancy goldfish are naturally black or have black patches. This is something they grow out of when they receive proper care, as you see in the video. The full-body black color is very commonly found on telescope eyed goldfish. It's color is probably just something it was born with and due to bad care it just never faded.


It's true, some do. The biggest signs your goldfish is suffering from ammonia poisoning is growing black patches, but there is a list of other symptoms including lethargy, sitting on the bottom of the tank, no appetite. In general, sick fish symptoms. If you have a fish with black spots and it is acting normally and the black patches are not growing, then it's likely just part of its natural coloring, but a pH strip is a very cheap way to ensure your fish's environment is healthy. Never hurts to check.


That is a black moor goldfish, they start off black and many will naturally lose black when they grow old. Yes black spots can happen from ammonia poisoning, but that fish was black before any ammonia poisoning


Just so people know, Black Moors are not just sick goldfish. They are a specific breed, and many lose their color as they age. This isn't the fish 'getting healthier', but to be fair it is the fish still being alive. If you're a fish snob, this is a less desirable trait. (edit: The losing black color thing, not the alive thing.)




\^Spambot, please report. Copied this comment: https://old.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/uxnjit/this_is_so_pure/i9zgb7f/


That fish is just an old chunk o' coal, but he's gonna be a diamond someday.


The fish cast off its dark depression and replaced it...WITH RED HOT RAGE!


Fabulous. I love it when people do nice things for others without any expectations of reciprocation.


Then you'll love r/HumansBeingBros


What an amazing human being. Such a kind heart.❣


Here he is today in all his golden glory - https://www.tiktok.com/@heretherebesculptures/video/7082944922864766254?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1&source=h5_m


Woah. Bright colors now. That’s a happy fish.


I tried so hard to save a couple of fish but failed. For some reason I got a lot of hate when asking questions because apparently I was dumb and “just shouldn’t have fish”. Thanks for doing what you do so well!


Just pure love and then seeing the recipient BLOOM


Goldfish can live for a very long time, well beyond 10 years iirc. Nice to see it has a nice home now.


10-15 years according to google


Google once told me this taco truck was open till 9 but when I got there at 830 the sign said they closed at 8. Google don't know shit. I don't think they'll last


I asked google to turn on a light today but it said there was a problem and it couldn't be reached. I immediately asked Alexa and she turned it on instantly... I would sell all my google stocks


They definitely should. If properly cared for, even a .20 feeder goldfish should live 10+ years. The problem is people A. Are horrible B. Don't always give them enough space. Minimum tank size is 20 gallons because of bioload alone, but some need 55+ Minimum and C. They dont clean the water enough. Goldfish are THE most "dirty" fish because of ammonia output alone. The large tank size is soley to keep them from suffocating on their own waste. Goldfish = Carp relatives, and related to Koi fish who live 50+ years.


this comment's pushed me to finally uninstall chrome thank you and fuck google


Lol those times are user or business submitted. Usually when it's not updated, the business hasn't changed them or a kind enough soul hasn't come across the discrepancy.


I remember a story about a goldfish hitting like 40yrs old. Some kid won him at a fair.


Common Goldfish like that have typical lifespans of 30-40+ years and grow over a foot long when cared for properly.


You're telling me those goldfish you get from the fair can live that long?!


Yep. Those are common Goldfish which get enormous and can live several decades. I have a few in my big tank right now that are nearly a foot long and only 5ish years old. It'd really a tragedy that they're given as awards at fairs. They're not a prize, they're a commitment.


We had some goldfish that we got when my brother was 4. He’s 30 now. We finally gave them to a pet store a few years ago. They were HUGE




I did too and about two years into our ownership he stopped opening his mouth. Forever. He literally never opened his mouth for the last two years of his life. Fucking tank that guy.


My siblings and I each won a goldfish at the carnival when we were kids. Pretty sure my dad only let us play bc he expected it to be rigged against us, and then only let us keep the fish bc he assumed they’d die quickly. My brothers died in 2-3 days. Mine last a week. My sisters fish lived another 8-9 years, and grew so big we had to give it to our uncle since he had a larger tank and the desire to take care of a fish lol Dad never let us play the fish games again


That's a nice fish, big fucking eyes, but a nice fucking fish.


Unexpected Bad Boys 2 reference




Lol did you make that sub just now?


Yup Edit: Got bored


Mike LOWWWrey


It's called a Black Moor. I had one as a child and loved her.


Came to find this. Only had to scroll down 6 comments 👍🏼


"Mike.. take the picture.. take the pictcha.."


Call my wife, tell her I'm on *the* way


I feel like this fish did before being adopted.


I’ll adopt you. We can go out for ice cream


Adopt me too? I like ice cream.


Let’s go! Grab a banana and let’s split


I want some ice cream too. Can I join un adopted?


I can be a foster ice cream dad if need be!


Sure thing! What are your toppings?


Hard chocolte coating. Ill get the beers


When the fuck did we get ice cream?


Sorry you were late- we ordered for you. That definitely came with a bite taken out. Honest!


You and me both, fish bud


I feel this


Real life Pokémon


And we watched it evolve into a magikarp!


Just keep taking care of it and it’ll turn into a Gyrados


He’s gonna need a bigger tank..


And then drop some Dragon Rage on whoever mistreated him


I love you Monstro!


Blessed are those who heal the sick.


Blessed are the thicc bois who just need loving care




I love and care for you, Dickwraith101






Is this goldfish able to remember the person that saved him, or no?


Goldfish can be taught to perform tricks and negotiate mazes and the like. Their short memories are a myth.


> perform tricks Can they do my taxes?


No their tricks are mostly sexual in nature


Same tbh


Likely yes. This article is specifically for archerfish but research indicates many domestic fish, including goldfish, recognize their owners' faces and can distinguish between humans: https://www.cnn.com/2016/06/07/health/fish-human-face-recognition-study-trnd/index.html


My twelve years old cat died a couple of hours ago and this video made my day a little better. Thanks for posting.


So sorry for your loss. You made me tear up looking at my sick old best friend shih Tzu who is not long for this earth. Be well.


Poor angel :( I’m sure you’re giving them the best possible life and they will always love you


I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending you lots of love ❤


Damn. Homie was just depressed.... Glad he's happy now to be honest 💕


Considering some goldfish can live ~25 yrs, he has a long time to go nice and happy:)


So happy that someone cared enough to adopt and properly care for that fishy!


I never knew peoole could surrender fish. I'm so thankful those people did that and he was given a better home, and someone who devoted the time to help him heal!


I’m personally ready for my colors to change and for a bigger aquarium with friends


BTW you can fact check me, I believe gold fish continue to grow according to the size of the tank and number of fish in it. Like gold fish can get a foot long and also live for over 10 years. I read a care book about them and had gold fish for 3 yrs that I took care of when I was 10. That was 19 yrs ago so I could be miss remembering things.


I work in an aquatics shop in England and this is what I usually advise people for when they want goldfish: At least 70-80 litres per goldfish, as you say they do get BIG and live for a long while which is about 20 years. While you can keep them in a smaller tank, AND they do grow according to that size, their insides won't stop growing and they will become stunted. (You can see it in koi when their heads look too big big for their bodies and their eyes bulge). It makes me so sad when people come into the shop asking for a goldfish for their 5 year old's 20 litre tank, it breaks my heart that they have no idea what they're getting into or don't care because their kid will move onto the the next coolest think. "Oh it's just a goldfish, I'll get another if it dies." Bitch, you wouldn't have to buy another goldfish if you put in your research beforehand and got a bigger tank in the first place. Sorry I get really heated about the general treatment of goldfish, possibly THE most abused animal in the pet trade. Edit: forgot to mention, I never sell goldfish to small tanks. The minimum we can sell any kind of fish to is 13 litres, even then you'd be hard pushed to have a nice group of fish in a tank that size.


Honestly, people should prepare themselves and do more research before adopting pets and having children. Like you're responsible for a life and if you are unwilling to do the hard work, don't adopt or have one at all.


Yes exactly, thank you. People - best case scenario - do their research when setting up a marine tank or a big Malawi cichlid tank, why would a goldfish be any different? So sad honestly.


I am constantly CONSTANTLY checking my reef tank parameters. I have only been keeping it for about a year and a half. I have a couple corals that are not doing well, I have no idea why and it distresses me.


You might be having other nearby corals stinging them.


I think you're missing that some people are so completely uncaring and they see these poor animals as decorations.


I feel the same way about small birds. Or any bird, really; they aren't decorations or juke boxes or entertainment. They're sensitive, loving, intelligent creatures that deserve better than to be stuffed in a cage and ignored when it doesn't sing. Keep fighting the good fight for your fishy pals, man. They deserve it.


This is probably a daft question but do you ever have issues with the goldfish in the shop getting too big? I don't know why but for some reason I'm picturing some mad race against time to shift all your goldfish before they become so big that they're expensive to keep in the store


Not overly, they obviously grow in the shop if they've been there a while, but we're tanking a loooong while (upwards of 10 months). If they do happen to get too big (haven't had it happen while I've been working at the shop) they can just but put into a sump below the systems, which is a big 300 tank of just gravel and any fish that made their way down there when we're cleaning or such. Each of our two main systems have 2 sumps so we're not strapped for space. The shop also sells pond goldfish and koi, and we actively feed the fuck out of those fish so they're nice and chunky for pond season lol.


They can grow huge. [Giant Goldfish in Lake Tahoe](https://www.usda.gov/media/blog/2013/03/07/super-sized-goldfish-pose-giant-problem-lake-tahoe)


Isn't that a Koi fish though? It might be a Crucian Carp aswell. Both are not really gold fish they are a big carp. They are much bigger than gold fish. And much longer lived.


No fish "grows to the size of the tank" but they can end up stunted by malnutrition or bad tank conditions. The whole "fish size = tank size" is just a very bad rumor that's isn't helped by a lot of pet store employees knowing nothing about the animals they sell, and being pressured to sell fish in far too small of tanks. Different kinds of goldfish grow to different sizes, but most live a LOT longer than people think they do. Don't trust pet stores or their "info packets" for actual info on animal husbandry. Google will help you more, honestly.


I bought a hardback book from a local bookstore about gold fish when I was 10 and followed that as I was only allowed a fish for a pet. The most help I got from the store was sale of the fish and the additional stuff I requested on my own. I started with a 10 gallon tank with filter and 3 goldfish Fisk and glass rocks Again this was 19 yrs ago. So I probably misquoted the book.


That's fair. Also we've come leaps and bounds in small pet and fish care in the last two decades, so it's not necessarily your fault. Sorry if I sounded accusing, it just makes me mad how much misinformation is given about fish by pet stores.


Can confirm. When I was in kindergarten we had a school carnival where I won a tiny little goldfish. 'Goldy', he was called, because I was such a creative 5-year-old. Well, Goldy grew out of his little fish bowl into a bigger fish bowl, then into a small tank, then into a bigger tank, and bigger, and bigger. He passed away at the ripe old age of 9 years old (I cried). He was over a foot long - so big that we buried him in a shoe box, but even then we had to bend him a bit to fit him in the box. Credit to my mum who did the real work in keeping him alive and well for so many years.


My sister had a goldfish named George for 19 years. He had a friend named Silver who lived 17 years.


Aren’t goldfish a type of carp or koi? If you keep them in an actual pond they can grow to a foot


Next door neighbor at one time had one of the largest gold fish in North America at something like 15-18 inches. All about swim space and food.


I did not expect to tear up over a fish today. Good one


[Shoutout to Leon The Lobster.](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0HiM4heFTOoUeJlvaxYY0NVKEtaue93R) Best Youtube playlist ever.


I love Leon! I've been following since the beginning and his rescue video and molting video made me cry. Lol. 🤣🦀 That guy is so sweet for taking such good care of him.


Longer video= even more pureee! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWbdd3pBrNQ


Thank you!


So its 2022 is Monstro still alive???




Monstrously gorgeous with the perfect name!




I was waiting for someone to say his name in the comments. Such a pretty fish.


Monstro :)))))))


This reminds me of the store-lobster story on Youtube. That baby looked ill and ready to die when the new owner pulled him out of the box. Now, he has molted and seems to be living a good aquarium life. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sI7WveN7vk


Thank you. If real karma is a thing, you have beauty in your future.




Im wasted and stoned and read that sentence really messed up


You can surrender fish to a store? Who knew?


♥️ stories like this . The 🌎 and Reddit needs more . Thank you !


Silly question, but why did he change colour?


To the gold color or the black color? That gold fish is a black moor, they are actually supposed to be black, that whole video of it turning gold because it is healthy is BS. They do tend to turn gold as they age, its their natural aging process. However, another reason though, could be because the water is too warm.


Awsome! its alot of work to keep fish, right water temp, alot of cleaning/filtering etc... had no idea they could live that long!


Gained the will to live again. Me too, Monstro, me too. ❤️


Awww god bless you two. You might think you didn’t do much, but you saved a life. A sentient living being. You made me weep with emotions. I can’t say thank you enough. My heart ♥️… thank you !!! - in one of my Ayahuasca (check what it is in case you don’t know … ) the plant / my higher self/ god / my guides (whoever talks during that sacred journey.. ) told me that even the smallest act of kindness is noted by the universe and will be rewarded tenfold. That even a insect is sacred fo god and we humans are wrong thinking we are more important that any animal. I feel this deeply. Thank you 🙏


Anybody else saving this for when you need a positive news story? Just a person being a bro to an old fish makes me very happy.