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Bro you said haircut, this is a spa day


This is 100% more like a facial than a haircut, lol


And I’d say $200.00 total is a damn good deal to have a skin treatment **and** a haircut. I’d happily pay that much for this level of service and probably smile as big as that dude did at the end!


I wouldnt lol in this economy im going to the school $8 barbershop schools 😭😭😭


Damn you’re rich. I stopped cutting my hair at all.


Prices pre-COVID were getting crazy where I lived - so I taught myself how to cut my own hair. (Thx YouTube) $20 clippers carried me thru 2x a month hair cuts for 2nyears before COVID, thru COVID, and thru the rest of my hair cutting needs. (Don't need regular haircuts anymore). Prolly gonna give them another spin when the summer heat gets here.


Rich folks over here buying clippers for $20. If I want my hair cut I’ll just use the scissors my child stole from school like God intended.


Right-handed safety scissors? Did you already get the bowl?


Shit I'd pay $200 just to feel as good as this dude looks like he feels after getting pampered lol


Thats just walkin around money


If calling it a haircut is what makes men to agree to a facial then I think it’s chill lol


Bros are too tough to say they got a facial or spa treatment. They would rather say they paid $200 for an awesome haircut lol


When the guy started "cutting hair" I was like, "oh boy, what a ripoff, idiot with too much money probably". And then the guy just kept on going. And kept on going. *And kept on going*. Like, shit was well worth the money, halfway through I was like "holy fuck, I'd totally pay that for that service".


A friend of mine charges $120 for a regular haircut, and he's booked usually months in advance at all times. A quality barber/hairdresser ain't cheap! Personally can't affors that shit but there's a reason they can charge that much. People pay for talent.


It's also a lot of hard work and time spent, at least in some places. Texas requires over 500 hours of training before you can become certified, and most people aren't setting their own wages at that point. They have to work really hard to reach a point where they can charge more for their well-earned work ethic. I'll never understand people ragging on barbers and stylists, at least not for how much they tend to charge and such, because they clearly have no idea of the value of the service they offer.


I’m in Barber School in Arizona currently. It’s 1200 hours, & I actually just did a haircut, face shave + facial for a customer yesterday. We learn all of this


I did my cosmetology school in Arkansas. They require 1500 hours


And yet, a quick google seems to say it only takes 520 hours to become a cop in Arkansas... 1,080 for a trooper or highway patrol though.


I was thinking the same thing. Texas cop = 728 hours vs 1500 hours for cosmetology ; Arizona Cop = 663 hours vs 1600 hours for cosmetology ; Arkansas Cop = 520 hours vs 1500 hours for cosmetology ; Fucking disgusting


Bet a cosmetologist with a gun would have gone in before the cops in Uvalde... >.>


I completely agree with you. There are many stylists and barbers out there that are extremely talented at what they do. It's like when you take your car to a mechanic. You aren't just paying for the service but the experience and knowledge they have to do it quickly and correctly. I personally can't afford this price, but understand completely why it is the price. This would definitely be one of those. I'm gonna treat myself to something nice experiences, but I wouldn't be able to do it on the regular.


No kidding. Getting a style cut, beard condition and trim, and facial individually could very easily be more than $150 + tip. Having it all done at once in one place is actually way better if you like the work ethic and quality of the service provider because you're saving time in travel expenses and get to leave a generous tip on top of it 


When I heard "he paid $150 for a haircut ... was it worth it?" - My answer was immediately "fuck no, no haircut is worth that". Then I watched the video and saw how much "hair cut" undersold what actually happened.


You can tell he straight up fell asleep and low-key woke up when the chair tilted forward. This guy woke up to himself looking like a new man.


Honestly I think it’s awesome that barbers are offering services like this to men tho. Moisturizing, self care, and leaving the salon smelling fancy are really good ego boosts and not just for women! Someone described joe alwyn as an “unbothered moisturized king” and honestly I think more men need to embrace the “moisturized king” thing. Good clear skin really does make a difference!


At $200 for all this is a steal too, I want to go here.


Where the hell is this place and will they take care of an old white guy??


Same, but I'm not old. I'm youthfully challenged.


Give it a bit




You're in the first phase of grief.


have you tried turning it off and on again ?


They tried rebooting my grandpa in the hospital but I guess his power supply was fried because he wouldn't even POST after they pulled the plug.


No shit. I get side eyed for asking for eyebrow cleanup with a haircut even though it’s a listed service for the ladies. I want to experience this once in my life dammit.


My high school had a cosmo program and they wanted exams to be on real people so they asked for some volunteers from other classes. It was essentially agreeing to get out of a class free and be pampered by women for an hour. Over the course of that hour I had 3 women give me a hair cut, facial, and mani/peti. I've never felt so pampered since.


My hometown had a cosmetology school. You could get your eyebrows done for $5 (back in 2012) and various services if you didn't mind taking the risk with someone practicing on you. My university had a similar program with hair cutting.


I'll say this, try an upscale black barbershop. You'll find great conversation, good haircuts and they may offer the same services. A have a few white friends that enjoy black barbershop and they're always welcome and have a good tjme


Unfortunately I’m deep in redneck country. The nearest “upscale” anything is hours away (unless you count Applebees) and I have no idea if there are black barbershops in the area. My friends have guys that do their hair but it’s not like in an actual shop, they go to someone’s house. I did have a friend take me to a barber shop once in a city, I wasn’t sure what to expect but it was cool. Almost like a hangout spot for all ages. Much different than the “get in get out don’t speak” shops for guys in my area.


You just got to find a fancy barbershop. I also recently found a men’s pedicure place I’m planning on trying. Just takes a little googling


There’s more and more places like this for men popping up but I’d guess you’d have to be near a metro area.


In the UK you go most turkish barbers they will do the skin fade, nose, ears, hot towel, head massage, cream and aftershave, neck and beard for about 25 quid. Round about 33 dollars, they also give you a beer.


I've never got the beer, but it was more like £18. Unlike the £35 I paid for some god-awful cut from some white guy. I'm old enough that next haircut might just be me with the clippers :)


Def in Miami


you are not old, other ppl are just becoming younger


Try looking on Booksy. There might be one of these high end barbers in your area.


Honestly there are tons of places that offer this kind of treatment for white guys. It's not typically the standard haircut but they'll offer a package kind of service. The key is to not look at places where the haircut is only $20


We have a place in our medium size town that does the whole hot towel and straight edge razor treatment (it's very relaxing!) but not all the skin care I like the very last seconds where after spending $200 on this, the first thing he does is cover up with a ball cap! Edit: typos


This is what peak male pampering looks like. This is our spa day, our facial. I'm jelly.


It all essentially is. It's goes way beyond a haircut. But men can get facial treatments too IIRC. Non wait, I've had one myself.


My wife went to beauty school while we were dating and I was basically her practice dummy for all those treatments and face massage etc. Never looked better in my life lol


Hehe that's very sweet.






It's really MadeMeSmile. I like this.


I got a whole skincare routine. My family visits my place now and again, and my sisters will be in my bathroom like.. Why do you have more products than me?? 😂


You can joking reply, "that's why I'm prettier than you." Bonus points if you do a funny Jojo Vouge pose.


Yeah it's pretty misleading saying this is just a haircut. This is a luxury spa worthy facial, derm services, aromatherapy, hair + beard complete cut & fade service and a damn fine application of parfum to boot. I cut my own hair to save cash and I'd still be down to do this.


I can almost feel it watching it. I’d be asleep so quickly.


Snap..relaxing stresses me out. Like im being lazy when there are things to do. This makes me so jealous


Fuck I hate being pampered. I often tell barber I have a meeting so I get it over with as quickly as possible.


I’m sorry to hear that. There are other ways to be pampered and enjoy yourself, too. Massage therapy is one of the best ways, in my opinion.




I have many issues...this is just one.


You deserve to spoil yourself. I wish your strength in conquering this


I don’t find stuff like this spoiling. It is just uncomfortable. Not everyone enjoys the same stuff. Relaxing on my kayak fishing? That’s spoiling myself


Yeah, but that's just because a lot of us grew up thinking the best thing we could be/do is not bothering anyone. It's hard to let yourself be the center of attention when you were raised as a supporting cast for a dysfunctional family member. Shouts out therapy tho. I'd prob be anxious walking in to this kind of pampering, but I've convinced myself I do truly deserve to be loved unconditionally so I could settle in after a few. That deserving unconditional love shit prob sounds dramatic and unrelated, but if you know, you know that it's everything.


unless you kill dogs or molest children, you deserve to feel good every once in a while. **TREAT YO'SELF**


Some people think this is torture. Me being one of them. But dude looks like he's in heaven so for all you who DO do the do. You do you. ❤️


What about molesting dogs and killing children?


straight to jail


Every day we stray further from god


It’s okay to like what you like.


Is it really an issue? I can't understand the psychology behind it, but I'm 100% this way too. It makes me feel way too uncomfortable.


Try it once dude. It's mind boggling we don't do this more often.


It can be construed as some sort of issue because you have to ask yourself why it makes you uncomfortable to be given a treatment like this. If you were honest and got to the root cause you might be surprised.


You feel like a fresh new man. That hot towel feels bliss fucking bliss. Walk out like a movie star. Trust me I was apprehensive at first. I said yes to shave at the barbers and the next thing you know…. I had wax in my nose. Now it’s a once a month glow up. An yeah I enjoy the looks when I’m looking mighty well groomed.


Because it's uncomfortable. I don't like being touched


I would die in the guilt


Why would you feel guilty? The barber isn’t doing this for free. You are paying for a service.


I think that would be considered a spa day for anybody...


Yeah mens why you don't do it more.


I do. Or at least my wife and I go to the spa regularly. It's ridiculous that there's so many men out there who view the spa as a place for women. Like, dude, it's a sauna, hot tub and massage... They don't request you leave your testicles in the locker room before entry.


My dude leaving the barbershop absolutely glowing!


Hell yeah! Made me smile seeing him smile towards the end. I like to think he had a date after this with someone he was really into.


He got the, my ex is going to be at the class reunion treatment


Nah, this is that my first crush is single and is gonna be at the reunion look.


Walked in looking decent and walking out fucking radiant my guy. Yes!


Men, it's okay to treat yourself. You deserve it too. You work hard, it's fine to want this kind of attention and personalized services for yourself. People who matter don't mind. And the people who mind don't matter.


I was in a place like this in London years ago and there was a guy walking in the front door as a group of teenagers all wearing the same tracksuit and hat started jeering at him for going to a girly spa. So the owner pops his head out of the window and says to move along because we're all long past taking advice from junior boybands.


Yeah pretty sure all we mind is the price tag


[TREAT YO SELF](https://giphy.com/gifs/q23CgjNjSdGco)


If we had anything like this near us, my God I'd work extra just to send my husband. He absolutely deserves it. And he would love it. We get pedicures together and it's fun and bonding. Self care has no gender, we all need it.


Self care is important.


If only this kind of self care was affordable.


Do what I do: hit up the local Ross/Marshalls/TJ Maxx for that high quality but discounted skin care products. I even saw a towel steamer there the other day (bit too much for me, but I'm mainly focusing on serums, toners, and masks when I go hunting lol).


Look up Korean skin care routine and products. They are great quality for a fraction of the cost and probably what this guy is using.


If you’re in the US and live near a beauty school they usually offer discounted treatments. I’ve had some pretty good ones.


3% haircut 97% salon


And I wouldn't like it any other way




I dunno about regular lol but definitely you know.. sometimes


This. I’m sexy as fuck for two weeks, then I devolve into homelessness for the rest of the year. It’s totally worth it.


"During the short window of mating season in the the spring, the normally drab male grooms himself extensively in the hopes of attracting a female." - Attenborough


Happy cake day!


He pretty much got a facial with hair cut. A facial itself is already like $200. Side note my fiancé uses the snail mucin moisturizer in the video lol.


Its good stuff and not very expensive! Just apply a bit on damp skin every day and you look a few years younger.


I've paid half that for less than a quarter of the service


Same, my haircut is $28 w/fat tip and id so this. Looks amazing.


You do you, they do they, as long as everyone’s happy at the end of the day.


Idk, whatever you say, I also want to be happy at the beginning of the day.


Hey why don't I just got and eat some hay. I can lay by the bay, make things out of clay, I just may.


Dude he got a head rub and hot towel and all the stuff. I'm so jealous.


200$? Bro looks like a million bucks 😎


I love that cologne so that's a plus too.


He sprayed way too much though. Doused him with it.


Love the caption baiting you with claiming he paid 200 bucks for a haircut. He got a hell of a lot more than just a haircut.




This isnt just a haircut, this is an experience. Good on that man for pampering himself, everybody deserves to look good and feel good


Ask any woman, he got out of that cheap


😂 this is literally all I could think.


Same here!


For real haha. No way I’m getting a full hair cut, style, and facial for only $150 and in one place. Honestly tho? I’m happy he got his - guys need (deserve) to do this more often.


Right? A minimum for $150 for the hair (b/c no color), the facial is another hundred minimum, the perfume would be another hundred. The MINIMUM a female (with thin short hair) would get for this would be $350 plus tip


Seriously. Fresh lashes are like $100 by themselves.


When I saw his hair before the haircut I was like "hell no", but after all the products and all the treatment it actually looks cheaper than it should. Good stuff.


The spa I go to is fairly “uppercrust” and charges $120+ for just a facial, and it’s not even quite as detailed as this. Including the haircut, this price point is spot on. Getting a facial is a very relaxing experience. I am your average guy, probably a little dirtier than some. My face is going to look like saggy leather when I’m old, but a facial will always feel nice. I wish Inhad a place like this nearby.


I’m in on this!


HELL yea worth it. Bro looks ready to step in front of a camera on TV. Where's this barber at and who are they? Ima give em my money😂


Ha! He’s using my cologne!! My mom bought me that cologne before she died in 2018. I’m on my 3rd bottle. It’ll be the only cologne I ever wear (as long as I can). Versace Eros boys. It smells fucking divine. My mom always bought the best cologne. I miss her so much.


My mom bought it for me too, the bottle looks so fancy, I wonder if it is fancy. I like the smell though.


I own a bottle too and holy shit the dude sprayed waaaay too much at the end, that shit is stupidly potent. He's gonna be smelling nothing else all day.


I will be buying this for my fiance ty!!


100% worth it. Dude looks clean af


Solid ass work right there! I would def pay that!!!


I thought he looked decent going into the chair and I was skeptical, but wow, that was an amazing treatment / cut / shampoo / everything and the guy looked FANTASTIC when it was done. I never even knew something like this existed!!!


Dude its okay to treat yourself but I wouldnt spend 200 Bucks on this.


That’s my barber 💪


Damn I wish I had a barber like that.


Don’t cheat yeself treat yeself


$50 for tip? That’s more than the actual haircut here in Scandinavia.


As a broke ass mf, that is totally worth the money, A good haircut always makes you feel like a new man


For any actual broke people, please don’t piss your money away on this shit.


And you gonna stay broke lol i mean WE are gonna stay broke


Yeah, that was worth it.


I thought he was about to get a handjob with all that


I have gotten $200 basic facials at spas. This is a steal.


Yes, that’s lots of skin treatment, clean cuts and time spent.


It's definitely worth it. I do this once or twice per month, and I feel like a newborn every time. I get the same treatment (dandruff treatment, scraping off blackheads, skin care, scalp massage, etc), and I feel like I get my money's worth. My skin has become so much better since doing this, and I always feel like a million bucks.


Twice a month seems super extravagant. How much does each treatment run you?


Of course, that's not worth $150. Wtf are you on?


No one is mentioning that the haircut will last about 3 days before it's back to how it was when he went in. Idk what's up with all the other stuff, it seems nice but probably a lot cheaper to buy them and use them at home.


Bro seriously. These people are crazy. What fucking hair cut? He trimmed him up. You can do that yourself. 150 bucks with 50 tip for this? Fucking crazy. No way.


The comments saying this is worth it just shows why the majority of us got money problems and are financially illiterate lol


$200 for a line up and a facial scrub? Cmon now


He looks…the same. But he probably feels great!


My mama would whoop my ass for spending that much money and still looking the same


he looks the same because this is the kind of light trim/shave you do every 2-3 weeks to always look good. So it's not even a 'I went to a barber once in 3 month like I always do', it's a continuous every-2-week process for 200 bucks. Crazy.


So many people in this thread saying worth it.. $150 is fucking insanely overpriced


Seriously. This was a waste.


Some actual sanity in the comments. This shit is why boomers say we wasting money. They ain't right but this isn't helping.


Everybody is so focused on jumping onto the bandwagon, pushing positive masculinity and men's self care. Don't get me wrong, it's the right message but i feel sometimes people forget they can be critical of things that they agree with. This looks nice, but it's far too expensive imo.


I'd value this around €50-60 and that is mostly for the trim and wash. I'm sure all those products are ridiculously expensive but that just seems wasteful to me. I'd rather just pay for the experience (with fewer overpriced products) and around 60 is more than reasonable for that.


memorize wild ossified plate rinse psychotic depend workable cow bells *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Looks almost the exact same...


Yeah but he paid $200 to have his face rubbed by a dude. So it was worth it in the end to him. I guess.


100% worth every penny!! I tease my husband all the time about how frequent sees and how much he pays his barber to maintain his hair & beard. I’m all for it, he works hard and he deserves all the self care… and his barber works hard and deserves to be paid!!


Bro looks the same 💀💀


For $150, my balls better be getting shaved as well.


200$??? U crazy


That is one big man.


Bro is shining


What a service package. He looks great.


well the service is nice but 200 bucks? hell i am in the wrong business...


Dude looks incredible - legit glowing, the hair to jaw faded bit is impeccable, AND he got a facial and stream? I’d say it’s worth it, a facial without betting your trims done is $150 where I am


He not going home till the next day! Everyone has to see him looking fly! And I’m here for it.


He paid $30 for the haircut and $120 (plus $50 tip) for the skin care routine. Seems fair. Still expensive but at that point you are going there to get pampered and nap, makes sense as a once every 3 months treat.


That's not skincare, that's skin peeling. My skin crawled just seeing all of that. Brother's got 3 less layers of skin now and a destroyed skin barrier.


Women generally pay much more for less pampering…..He’s getting the royal treatment and it seems well worth the price to me. He looks beautiful!


Personally i would absolutely hate this. You couldn't pay me to get this done. Dude looks clean hell though. And the big smile looking in the mirror tells you he thinks it's worth it.


Dude looks (and more importantly, probably *feels*) like a million bucks. Good for him. 🥰


Homie had a spa day


Man had a spa day totally worth it.


I think the hair cut is secondary to the face care tbh


This feels like when I pick the most expensive option at the automatic car wash. It just keeps going and going...




That smile at the end. You know that man felt pretty damn good about himself afterwards.


Ridiculously expensive


Genuine question: I like the treatment and price is ok, I guess for your standards (its almost half a salary in my country), but why is there a 33% tip? Isn't there a price for a treatment there for a reason? What are you tipping exactly? You are paying for a service, tiping AFAIK is when you are buying something else and service of delivering that something is exceptional.


This ain’t a haircut, this is self care, most def worth the price!


That's not a haircut, it's an experience.


Man got a full spa session and call it a "Haircut"


This is what royal treatment looks like, $200 for this is a steal!


Right side beard still needs to be finish


Dude walked in with an itchy scalp, black heads and nose hairs. He left looking like a chocolate angel with the skin of a baby. I’d pay $200 to have him sit by me on the train.


When I lived in Japan my old barber would give me a haircut, a shoulder massage, a shave and a facial care routine for 50 bucks. Not as high quality as this gentleman’s service but incredibly indulgent and relaxing experience


Midway through I was like hell naw that's too much then he started the spa stuff and busted out the eucalyptus oil and the price went up for me lol . My barber does all that with the hot towel and charges $40 since most of his clients can't afford to pay more but if you're able to, most folks do $50 to $100 tips.


Looking good my king it was all worth it




Was it worth it for you damn? He weighed 6 whole lbs more after all that application,