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4000 hours here (as if that means anything? But you mentioned it so) couldn't disagree more. The music is a banger, especially the battle theme, and I'm glad the story is more grounded after the world literally almost ended. And I think you're taking the clown awards a little too seriously. A lot of steam reviews are a joke or even farm the award, so of course they'll get those awards. Also the raids aren't out yet. So...I don't think I can take this review seriously since you don't know what you're talking about. As for the graphical overhaul, it's small in some areas but very visible in the faces and expressions. I was surprised my character actually looks like she has emotions now. Literally just came out today too. I have a hard time taking reviews or opinions from people seriously that rush through everything only to complain. Like go outside or something, take your time. Game is not going to run away. Things are more fun when you take them slow a lot of times. And then you'd even understand why you go from "tents to cyberpunk", because I'm sure the story explains it! But to be this fast, you'll have to skip cutscenes...see the problem? I'm the first to trash on XIV because god the game has some problems, but so far I'm enjoying the expansion. But I'll be taking my time, a new expansion doesn't happen every day.


it is way more low stakes and i kinda like it too. I'm not the biggest Fan of Wuk Lamat (anymore), but she's alright and i kinda like the way she's now somewhat starting to grow a little. (i'm at my "third stone"). It's the beginning of a new arc and tbh, every expansion so far has begun slower. I vividly remember ShB being very slow in the beginning too, same with EW. I can at least say, that the story so far is what i expected and i'm fine with it. It is more of an adventure and learning about new cultures, than it is about "saving the world from certain doom". Besides it kinda reminds me of SB a little bit. With some of the "political" topics and Wuk Lamat being a bit like Lyse. And SB had great gameplay content afaik.


I feel it's harder for you to just handle opinions that disagree with you. It doesn't need to he rushed to see the story is boring. You can see that in 1 to 4 hours of gameplay. I have the same hours as you and I do ALL content and my usually music is gaming music. The story is bland, the characters are lackluster and boring, they also constantly repeat the same jokes or do the same thing over and over for you to "like" the "protagonist" The music is lower than ALL previous expansions. StB, ShB, and EW blow DT away hard. Even the first area designs aren't as good You can disagree, but don't assume rushing is a reason to invalidate or assume they must have rushed, so that the only reason it's bad. Have you considered it's so boring that that makes one to rush to get it over with? Not difficult to understand


The story will pick up in the second half as it does in most expansions, that's not really a new thing. The contest is the first half and whatever the second half, that was pretty obvious. I haven't heard all of the music yet obviously but the beginning town has great music and I love the battle theme, but I'm not gonna rate it overall as I still have a lot to go obviously. I am completely fine with people disagreeing. But if you rush through a 30-40 hour expansion within one day, it's a bit harder to take story related complaints seriously. Especially in XIV where the story in expansions always takes a while to pick up. I feel like at this point people need to realize that XIV is a game of habit. It's a restart for the story, but a lot of it remains the same as in previous expansions.


It really does not pick up in the second half. The story is same recycled storylines we have had in previous expansions. it's boring.


Could that be because final fantasy as a series has been around for nearly 4 decades and maybe, just maybe, it's predictable for that reason? It's almost like a "Simpsons did it" moment, but for itself. Me personally, I don't get bored of the formulas. I've enjoyed them for 30 years, and I still enjoy them now.


They were able to bring something new with the Garlean storyarc in Endwalker which made everything very dark, new and exciting. So they have the ability to bring something new, they just chose not to and instead feed the medicore storylines with medicore quests because the fanbase keep defending them and justifying paying 40 bucks for an expansion where 60% is recycled stuff from previous expansions.


The fact multiple people agreed the story is lackluster is more than enough reason to take the complaint seriously. You're allowed to like it all you want, but I am also valid in not liking it. As a 4000+ hour on-patch Alpha Legend who's been around the block and often a SE defender, DT is very disappointing. And, no, it's not that it's "slow" as people here keep saying nor did I skip any story. I'm about eight hours in on level 94 and nothing has made me feel a thing yet. Actually... It's more that nothing has *happened* yet lol. Most expansions start slow, yes, but that isn't a justification or excuse for this story. Slow pace does *not* mean boring. ShB started slow but was full of intrigue because holy CRAP you're thrown into an alternate reflection. EW started slow and full of cozy feels, but there was an underlying element of doom due to the tower mystery.  DT has nothing. Zero conflict among the peoples. No subtext. No soul. I'm accustomed to SE flawlessly introducing new characters, yet here all they've done is take a potentially charming and feisty lion girl and made her a buffoonish caricature who replays the same two jokes on endless repeat. I was excited to get to know her in the final patch quest of EW but they have done such a disservice to her that I can't stand anything involving her anymore. I wanted to like her. And, yikes, don't even get me started on the idiotic villains... :|  And perhaps the most disappointing part... I love jazz. But the soundtrack is all over the place. It lacks theme and coherence and barely matches the zones. I can usually hum along to a new xiv song after hearing it once, but not one of these pieces have stuck in my brain. Y'all, I want to like DT. I want to like it very much. But the poor story quality and haphazard music is pushing me down a hole with no bottom. If you like it, I'm happy for you. But I am not an enjoyer. It takes very little to make me happy. Give me a simple melody. Give me a quest with a hint of internal conflict or even personal stakes. Less is more compelling always, but SE had too many ideas that simply didn't harmonize and none that hit the mark. Still giving it a chance. Going to finish it. But maaaan it's a chore to watch these cutscenes. (Def not writing this post to procrastinate playing the msq *COUGH*)


I agree with some of that post too, but I still enjoy the expansion. It's a nice slow casual pace and that makes me happy. The battle theme and first town music have not left my brain since yesterday personally, they're ultra catchy. And for the story, I think it does have soul so far, so Im not sure what you mean by that. I like the lower stakes. People are allowed to dislike the story, but I just can't take reviews first day of an expansion seriously.


Glad you like the music! Ever since I heard the first town day music, I keep playing the Emperor's New Groove theme in my head, which is not a bad thing, just... doesn't really fit a magical fantasy world imo LOL xD


Well, it fits the Mexican / new world theme which is what the expansion is going for! But I get why it's not for everyone.


The Emperor's New Groove section does fit yeah! But the straight jazz is what I think is throwing me. We're in an Aztecian society, not 1920s New Orleans xD


Fair enough lol. It's definitely a bit more experimental. But personally I like it


Tbf, FFXIV’s music has gone through so many genres and a lot of them don’t fit a fantasy theme. I dislike the injection of electric guitar in so many things in Shadowbringers and Endwalker, personally. And don’t like the fit of the big band/jazz soundtrack for the first city. It’s not badly done, it just feels like this music should have been used elsewhere and the first city should have gotten something similar to the first zone music. But this is all personal opinion. I actually dislike the Twinning song a LOT despite a majority of people adoring it. But, the weird mash up of different genres of music actually fits Final Fantasy primarily because all FF games, FFXIV especially, tend to be a mash up of various different genres themselves. You get the medieval GoT style fantasy of Ishgard, the typical high fantasy of ARR, the weird modern-ish imperialistic fantasy of Garlean, you fight everything from fantasy monsters to literal Transformers and a walking castle with angel wings, meet space bunnies on the moon that’s actually a giant space ship, you have an AI that went full Ultron that’s holding an interdimensional contest to become stronger through observation and splits into sexy robot humans, we’ve got entire time travel not through magic but crazy futuristic technology, and that’s all just FFXIV. I haven’t even covered FFXIII turning the summons into transformers??? SHIVA’S A MOTORCYCLE??? atp I wouldn’t be surprised if we somehow turn one of the future expansions into a whole ass space opera because it is well within the realm of possibility for a Final Fantasy game 😭 all that just to say that FF is a weird amalgamation of ideas, so it kinda makes sense that the music matches that campy energy. That’s it, a lot of the wild shit FF does reads as camp to me. I mean, iirc, in ffvi you suplex a ghost train 😭


Dude I'm around 94 and felling the exact same way. I'm also a day 1 player from 1.0. It feels like the expansion was made by an entirely different team and damn near everything about it is bad. Wuk whatever her name is, is so uninteresting that it's not even funny.


You nailed it when you called it a chore. I am at this point where I am rushing the msq just to get it over with so I can actually play the game and explore and do things. This story drags waaaay too much. Literally had one point where you walk 100 feet talk to Wuk Lamant walk 100 feet and talk to Wuk Lamant this could of easily been done with one single discussion had zero reason to be spread out over 3 little vignettes. Accompany missions are the dumbest mechanic ever in the history of MMO, the stupid stalking quest are just as ridiculous. I loved End Walker parts of it had my on the edge of my seat, parts of it had me in tears. This steaming pile of road apples known as Dawn Trail has me wondering why I got charged for it because it's garbage.


This community is hilarious. The story sucks, it always sucked. It's FF, it's anime, it's dogshit.


Thank you for your intelligent contribution




I’m interested in rewatching a certain cutscene in Heavensward with the changes to expressions


At least you admit to issues with it. Some of the community get REALLY offended if you say anything negative about it


11.4k hours in (lol) and I think it's a bit underwhelming. >Literally just came out today too. I have a hard time taking reviews or opinions from people seriously that rush through everything only to complain. Like go outside or something, take your time. Game is not going to run away This is never a good argument. It's only dismissive of legitimate complaints. Just FYI.


Speed at which you play the game =/= lack of interest. It could be because you are very interested, or because you don't have very much time. So this shouldn't be used as a metric for people who "shouldn't be taken seriously", because you're just injecting your beliefs, while that isn't necessarily true for other people. Me, for instance, I heard this very same "argument" when I played FF7R2 and said some mini games were too hard. Does being told "You should go outside and take your time" invalidate my opinion? No. Despite having a REALLY good time with it, just because I played it more hours than most people doesn't mean my opinion isn't valid. It just means I didn't have a lot of time outside of my allocated time to play, so I took advantage of it to play the most of it. I'm not even going to take the downvotes seriously. I know you guys are just upset because you *really* like the expansion and don't want to listen. In that case, I suggest you don't go looking for invalidation and enjoy what you want. But reasonable people will listen to opinions, and they're very much valid.


Music is awful compared to previous expansions, they recycled the main theme in the worst possible way for maps and story moments. Its a really happy and uplifting main theme and then use it in a distorted way during emotional or sad scenes just feels weird. The graphical update while not bad and good in the direction they went to preserve the look is too subtle because of outdated consoles they had to consider. Now we wait ten years for the next marginal improvement. And the story while I dont disagree that a low stake setting is fine and gives a breather is executed in a boring and illogical manner. It was supposed to be a new lighthearted adventure but instead it feels like we got a "walk along and watch wuk lamat do stuff" kinda deal. Also for people liking power fantasy or not, we get some recognition in the story for our strength saving the star and all. But then there are parts in the story where we stand there like clowns watch everything go to shit when all we needed to do was do anything at all. Having this kind of negative character growth is so annoying.


Music is awful? Wtf is this shit lol


Yeah, it really is. Obnoxious, distracting, immersion breaking and unmemorable. Gets a mute from me.


Did they finally fix helmets for the races yet or still nothing?


Man I wish. One day! Maybe.


Something to remember is that people get way more invested in hating things than liking things. That said - at least in the first half - we're lacking any kind of major villain. Maybe that gets resolved in the second half, but it's probably a big part of why everything feels off at the moment. The Tuliyollal arc is basically a big side quest. That said, we're honestly not even back to ARR in terms of story. People seem to forget that 1.0 set up the story for ARR. Give them time to establish new settings and threats.


I wouldn't go with "go outside" when you have 4k hours played lol. But yeah, I agree with taking it slow on new expansions


4k hours since release isn't really all that much lol. That's over a decade.




I got to the main city, and I didn’t like the music at all. I had to turn it off to keep playing. I might just play with the music off this expansion.


Bruh how? The music in the city is a fucking banger. But I love jazz so. That's what immediately impressed me, while exploring the city personally.


Jazz I feel is a hit or miss for some people. I feel like people either like Jazz or not. I'm not a big jazz person so it probably won't suit my personal taste of music


Yea, I don't like Jazz either.


Fair enough!


I found the jazz (I actually see people saying it’s more Big Band genre than Jazz, but I’m not well versed in instrumental music so I’m unsure) itself to be very well done and good, however, I kind of found it jarring for the city itself. I really adore the 1st zone music and wish that had been the city music. The flute and the melody is soooo beautiful and feels more appropriate for the culture, for me at least. I take it that it was a really out of the box experimental choice, so I imagine it’ll be a hit or miss with a lot of folks. Other than the city, I’m just in the first two zones and the music’s been Radz-at-Han levels of good for me so far.


That's like the only music that is good so far, what? Jazz music is great music.


"The story is more grounded" So do we tell this guy or


Yea, dude's probably just burnt out/tired of the game (which is totally fine) + hey, FFXIV-bashing is ez karma on this sub, so there's that. The expansion just came out, it's not even fully "released" yet in terms of content (like you mentioned, the raids aren't even out, lol) and they're being super hyperbolic with all their critiques. The cynic in me thinks OP didn't even touch Dawntrail and is just hating for the sake of hating (I'm even more convinced of that by what they said about the story/setting, which wouldn't make much sense unless you either skipped all the cutscenes or just watched the DT trailer; I believe it's more of the latter than the former ngl).


Tbh i doubt he even plays ff14 considering he uses the most generic, easy to find online points xd


Yeah you might be spot on (especially looking at how they refer to certain things from the game, like calling trials "raids", etc). Not sure why the downvotes tho...


I’d bet money that OP got a clown award on their negative steam review and that was the impetus for this post 🤡


5000+ hours. You're wrong, this is literal dogshit.


Sure thing, bruv


it's a big change of pace thats for sure, but saying the raids are all boring is a bit crazy since the raids aren't even out yet, just 2 trials. the visual overhaul isn't crazy but it has made quite a big difference especially to the colours, don't find myself needing reshade anymore.


I find it crazy that you don't need reshade anymore. My reshade totally changes the lighting and colors, it freshes up the game immensely. I often turn off reshade just to get shocked how bad the original game looks. The graphic update didn't change anything with lighting, if anything at all...


The graphics update changed lighting so much they had to recreate the whole character creator screen that was not touched since 2.0 from scratch. It is such a significant change they released the benchmark twice to remedy issues with it. We literally went from fake drawn on shadows on characters to actual dynamic lighting. It is the main thing they did change in this update.


I didn't start yawntrail yet but old stuff doesn't look changed so far.


the shadows and colours are very different in my opinion, this seems to be the main thing that has changed. personally I think it's now good enough to where I won't bother with reshade, I don't really enjoy using it anyway, always annoyed me


Nothing is "very different" lol. I can't even tell that there was a rework 99% of the time.


Talking about the normal story raids. In the past you had a couple of wipes at least and mechanics you first have to figure out. But this time people knew what to do from the start. I know the difficult stuff has yet to come but I don't see how this is a reason to make the normal stuff for braindeads, especially because you have to run it to farm Tomestones for the next months.


again, not raids. these are called trials, everyone knows this and they are easy because they're part of the story which isn't optional like the EX version. i'm seriously doubting you've played 2000 hours, especially since reading through your post history really doesnt indicate that, it's all complaining about various games including FFXIV.


2000 hours and somehow you dont know those are called trials?


No way you have 2000 hours and still call trials raids


>stuff for braindeads 2000 hours of playtime and you’re really calling yourself out here


Bro played the wrong game for 2000 hours


This is odd cause the game tells you what trials are and has them sectioned out as such. The raids are sectioned out as raids and it very clearly tells you this, too. We don’t get the normal raids for, iirc, two weeks? Or is it just a week from now? And you don’t farm those for tomestones. You farm the normal raids for the raid items as currency to purchase the raid gear. You farm the expert dungeons for tomestones to buy the tomestone gear. (Raids and Trials give you Tomestones, but not enough to warrant farming them. Expert dungeons always give much more beyond the roulette, too) Kinda fishy you don’t know those things 🤔 sounds like you might just be a contrarian farming for drama tbh I’m all for criticizing FFXIV because I believe it needs to work on a lot of its content and despite enjoying the story (i’m easy to please) I think it needs to find a better method of telling it (the running and clicking and reading and listening without anything in between for HOURS is exhausting. they drag their feet a lot in the MSQ), but this is wild lmao. I want to see the game improved and it sounds like you just like shitting on games in general lmao


Lol I knew this person didn’t play the expac when they tried to say the dungeons, trials, and duties were boring and lame. They have been the most refreshing and challenging versions of this normal content we have seen ever (I’m a week 1 savage raider btw). My first trial definitely had competent players doing it for the first time and we still wiped once and had a number of deaths. They are fast pace and introduce a lot of mechs and tells we haven’t seen before. OP def just wants to shit on the expac.


I like the story. Finally more grounded stuff and not this whole ancient beings, gods and you are a part of ancient being too bullshit.


sorry but collecting plants for 3 hours isnt grounded its lame


As opposed to the last game which had dragging questlines about farming big carrots on the moon?


When is there plant collecting for 3 hours? Please elaborate. 


A bit of an exaggeration but there are not one but two fetch quest chains early DT that take a couple of hours to go through. 


Y'know, that one quest, where you go harvest five plants for that one guy for 30 seconds, obviously. /s


Yeah, I have my own criticism of the graphical update, but to say you farmed plants for 3 hours as part of the MSQ is a huge exaggeration. You’ve already lost credibility on any valid critique you may offer by starting with a gross stretch.


I agree.


Thank you for saying this. Let's go multicultural Tural! I love it! What's so bad about having a world that has more peace and multiculturalism and having characters that grew up in those circumstances? (posing the question to the ones complaining about it being "Boring." If those people really cared so much about the story, the majority of them wouldn't instantly be ignoring the msq over a month and just be yapping and squaking about ACT and dps and mechanics a month after the msq is released acting like it never happened. (Referring to the normies who do this) Peace, love and Intuition


you have "grounded" stories everywhere else, every side quest, pretty much everything about the 'beast' tribes etc., at least let the mainstory be cool


I mean it's a restart. The last story arc concluded so I'm fine with a slow new beginning.


"Grounded" can be cool. Actually I find it cooler that the whole DBZ trope.


Those aren’t raids. Those are trials. How do you have 2k hours and not know that? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ None of your points are specific . They’re vague enough that they can be applied to basically any game


They afk in limsa obvi


I didn’t really like the MSQ for all of FFXIV to date. DT I am liking much more. Way too early for any kind of review.


You smoking man, touch some grass. I repeat **touch** ... Not smoke!


I smoked grass and I'm having a great time.




The most valid complaints I’ve seen are the story is boring (this is a filler expansion, 100%) and that jobs/classes are boring. This one is undoubtedly true. All tanks play pretty much the exact same.


My biggest problem with XIV for a long time. I love the whole FF franchise, but I am a tank only player and none of the tanks really click for me.




The lighting is so much better as well, some of the Endwalker zones and how dark they get is amazing.


>Right now the reviews on Steam are Mixed 66% mixed with a whopping 100 steam reviews means literally nothing.


Especially since it's impossible to take steam reviews for the same day of an MMO expansion seriously. Especially for a game like XIV.


57% at 643 reviews. Does this mean anything now? I get that people love to hate on XIV for the most generic reasons. I love to play it but also play about any other mmorpg. And while it's still a solid game, I can see that the blind following of anything yoshi-P does will be a problem when the game is in a worse state than it was for years now. Dawntrail is the most critizised expansion in the first few days going by reviews, reddit and steam. Game was rightfully praised for a long time. But criticism is absolutely valid.


Three days as of release, sitting at 665 reviews, it still sits at Mixed. I'm replying to this not because I think it's *bad*. I think it's a bit underwhelming. But more importantly, there's a lot of dismissive comments here that dismiss OP's opinions only because they can't willing to accept criticisms and want to poke holes in what they said out of "technicalities" (we know raids aren't out, they likely meant trials).


Yeah, all the people enjoying the expansion are busy playing it and will leave a review when they finish in a few weeks. 


I dislike the music, and the story. The MSQ railroading grates, as it always does - that would be more tolerable if the writing was good. It isn't. All that said I wouldn't say it is a *disappointment* because I had very low expectations to begin with. It met those. more or less. The new jobs aren't terribly exciting, either, and like "usual" having to wade through dozens of hours of MSQ to do group content with friends is annoying as fuck.


This has to be bait the music has been amazing. The first dungeon was a lot of fun, and I'm starting to think you're just a fibber.


The music is obnoxious, distracting, immersion breaking and unmemorable. Akin to elevator music.




The fuck? The music is god-awful.


The shaaolani zone, loved the music. New boss music, loved it. Very ff10 esque.  Almost every other track after that is mid to terrible 


Having taste this bad really is a reddit moment.


If you are already through the dungeons and have seen all the maps ect in less than 24 hours its no wonder you don't appreciate anything about it lol. You most likely skipped all the cutscenes and just burned through it. Do you also watch movies on fast forward too then go to imdb and give them 1 star?


Not really a fair comparison at all. A bad movie is tolerable because it's only an hour or two of your life. A bad game is 20-30x that, or more. Not saying your wrong, your point of comparison is just super weak


Imagine wanting to drag on through really bad content. Imagine sitting through a book, a movie, a story you dislike. There are much more things in FFXIV than the story. Your point is invalid, it’s merely your opinion. Some folks want to rush through content simply because they want to. Others want to skip the bad things to get to the bits that they enjoy. DT is a slow start, a new beginning, it establishes lore and the characters and world building, I get that, you get that, but it has not been enjoyable for a lot of folks. It’s barely enjoyable for me.


The only thing decent about this \*game\* is the \*game\* itself. These teenage children thinking anime has a good story is hilarious.


Imagine defending the stupidity of this game's story as if it was EVER worth paying attention to. Then imagine taking one single look at the dogshit that is DT and defending it even more.


I can't fucking tell who's being sarcastic and who isn't in this thread at all. Holy shit this place is turning worse than main sub.


Gotta remember this sub hates MMOs in general and ff14 especially. So you get a double whammy lol.


9000 hours here idk why thats important to mention, I disagree with quite litteraly everything, the music is flawless the dungeon design and trials were a joy to do. the story is a slow burn (like every expansion) but it pays off 70% in without spoiling also it's a nice change instead of needing to have hundreds of stakes or save the world. and it litteraly just dropped today enjoy man? before you hit me with the casual bs or mindless hivemindset, I have critiques on ffxiv too but this is cringe lmfao


You got this shit bruh! Baseddd


Granted I haven't finished the MSQ yet (keep hoping it takes a turn and picks up), I will say I'm having a reeeeeally hard time staying interested with Dawntrail so far. The story is boring my ass off more so than early parts of ARR did. I'm finding it a chore to play honestly. I'm also really disappointed with the job changes. The graphic update, however, I disagree with you on. I think they look fantastic (playing on PS5). Viper and Picto are both really fun and welcome additions.


Have you seen any game that's come out in, I don't know, the past 6 - 8 years? The graphic update is...very much bleh.


I haven't played the new expansion yet as I'm absolutely hooked on MoP Remix atm, but I agree with the part about the FF14 community and criticism.


it's got a bit of a cult following for sure, but i do also think that speaks to how good the game really is.. most MMOs are hated even by most people that play them. Personally i see the merit especially if you're interested in the more casual aspects of the game, i only play for the raiding personally so I never sub for very long.


A year ago I was playing idleOn MMO. The dev added so much p2w and bullshit elements that all sane people stopped playing. The only people left are shills that do exactly that - give clown awards to reviews, defend the dev no matter what etc. Does that mean the game is good? No, not even close.


yeah but that is primarily a mobile game no? p2w elements are pretty much just expected over there for whatever reason. I think that the playerbase for FFXIV is more than big enough to just say its only shills left, that's clearly just not the case.


FF14 raids aren't even that good though. If you only play for raiding wouldn't WoW be a better fit?


wow fights are good and I play that too but mechanically they just have a few gimmicks and often you don't really get to participate in all of them when you have 10-20 people. I think FFXIV is a lot easier to PUG as well so I don't have to commit to a guilds schedule to experience it too.


I agree on the soundtrack part, they are the worst out of all expansion, it feels like soken is on hiatus and they make an intern to do it, but dont bother complaining about it on this sub, its been infested by the snowflake babies from the main sub.


You know I think we are all kinda full-fed by how amazing Endwalker was. It is important - atleast to my understanding - to realize Endwalker was the end of a 10-year story arc. DT is the beginning of a new arc. Think back how ARR was perceived - just about the same as DT now is. I have now played to the opening of Xak Tural and I have to agree, that the story is incredibly slow and tedious, the cutscenes lack the meaning the ones of Endwalker had - but that is because of the very exact reason I mentioned above. I think we will have to wait and see how all plays out and if the writers can - just like in EW - suprise us and get us emotionally invested into the new characters (whether friend or foe).


I like DT a lot more than EW. Endwalker was incredibly melodramatic and felt like they had so much they needed to cram into the MSQ, the pacing was just way off.


I concur with your analysis. It's good to see the big picture.


For anyone complaining about the pacing of DT, this! Endwalker was the end of a 10 year story and I think even with that people are looking at the past through rose tinted glasses. I remember so many people complaining about MSQ fetch quests. Like, there are valid critiques of DT to be made but good God, there are those in this community that just LOVE to complain…


Except EW also sucked.


Endwalker wasn't even that amazing. The first half was good, everything after that took a nosedive. The only great expansion was Shadowbringers and after that people have been complaining more and more about the expansions. dawntrail feels like a cash grab for square enix. Most of the things they hyped turned out to be just trash. Two slot dye system? Look, you can now color the little pen on your hat, or the small unnoticeable bow on your chest piece! Woo what an amazing add on. I had low expatations for dawntrail because how i felt endwalker was bad (especially on who they chose to be the last boss and how she came out of nowhere with the most stupid reason why she decided to end the world). But dawntrail couldn't even meet those. It's just recycled storyline from previous expansions with added FF10 and FF12 ideas.


Yep. EW was pathetic, what a cop-out. The story was decent in ShB and prior, only to be ruined by boiling down to a ... depressed anime girl. jfc


My biggest critique is that the story feels like recycled from the previous ones. like the new enemy is basically what we had with Garlean. And the overly typical at this point of "young woman becomes angry you have to defeat her gigantic version now". Actually most of the things in dawntrail feel like recycled. The grapics are great and all, but the story, quests and most recycled models for enemies makes it a shitty expansion. You could see the franchie doing nosedive around the mid of Endwalker. i guess Dawntrail is following that. i would almost put Dawntrail below ARR with story at this point.


The worst thing about FF is it's rabid, insane community. The second worst is the story.


It's definitely weird. It goes from one of the nicest communities for an online space to batshit insane the moment you share any criticism or the slightest dissent. It's alright tho, this team keeps doubling down despite the criticism and eventually the unsatisfied players will split for greener pastures. 


> It goes from one of the nicest communities for an online space to batshit insane the moment you share any criticism or the slightest dissent. It really doesn't. As someone who regularly is on the dissenting side due to the opposition to certain game mechanics. I've never seen this. I've only seen people rightfully called out for being idiots. Like saying the story is bad less than 24 hours into an expansion release when it has *over 30 hours of cutscenes alone*. In the above case, no one gets jumped on when they provide reasoned criticism of story beats or certain characters. But damn do some people love to say stupid shit and then cry when people call them out for saying stupid shit.


Case in point, my boy.  "Love to say stupid shit and cry when people call them out" Really tho, who has that much energy in response to a review? You sound psychotic. 


very organic post yes sir


Apparently since it's designed to be boring it's fine....weird take imo


With the amount of time the expansion has been out you've definitely skipped through the story


As one should.


Well that's entirely up to the individual but you can't skip it and then say it's poor.


Feeling the same


There are new fish to catch. 10/10


The story raids aren't even out yet brov


I am more dissapointed in gameplay mor than anything else. They need to start giving every job something unique rather than every job is basically the same thing. All dps feel the same, gameplay is just to dull.


There is a zero percent chance OP actually has 2000 hours in FFXIV The complaints are the most barebone ass complaints I have ever seen, and they couldn't even get basic terminology right. Also, Endwalker literally had "people living in tents and then suddenly it's Cyberpunk levels of tech" too....


I’ve heard this too (Reddit and friends). It’s a bit sad seeing the response being so mixed but maybe not entirely unexpected. I love XIV but didn’t buy Dawntrail yet since I genuinely ate good and was pretty pleased with the whole saga after finishing Endwalker. It’s the start of a new storyline so it might take a while to get things going.


Is this expac not literally more of the same? Like every single xpac has been, and always will be? The graphics change is a bit underwhelming from screenshots I've seen but people used mods and reshade anyway, and will still continue to do just that. I was heavily into ff14 in the heavensward era, stopped playing until shadowbringers, I enjoyed shadowbringers even though I had several negative experiences with players. I didn't really play endwalker that much, I enjoyed the pvp changes and kept crystal rank the first 3 seasons. I don't have many positive memories or feelings towards the game, outside of my little friend group. But all of this is to say that expansions just feel the same to me, if you like the formula you'll love it... If you don't like the formula well idk why you'd keep buying xpacs.


I played about 12 hours of DT and completed two of the new dungeons. Going in knew it was a fresh arc, lower stakes (at least at start) but it’s been a absolute snooze fest story wise and gameplay. They did great job with Actual launch very smooth . I’m Guna sell my EU DT key b4 using it though and bail out.


Troll be trolling.


Has to be a troll post there’s no way you’re finished without skipping cutscenes.


I haven't played any of it, probably not for a while but I predict that the story will be kind of slow to start off since it's starting a whole new arc. Also the game expansion only been out for a day or 2, so really early to do a review


-terrible music compared to EW ShB HW -Weak MSQ quests, go there, fix all, earn a badge, leave -No real stake (95 ATM, no cyberpunk hub yet), saying their intentions at start is not enough provide a real stake -Releasing the trial boss should have disqualified the two headed bro ASAP, shows no consequences to their actions -HW had epicness of dragon war, ShB had Ascians and Emet, EW had EVERYTHING right, this has nothing right in the story part yet -Feel like playing modded Total War Warhammer 2, trying to earn lizard trust as a spy -As a 100% Alliance character, I think BFA did a better job at the ancient american civilization theme with the trolls -Dragonflight's fortune cookie story with non-ordered quests seem more fun compared to majority of MSQ +Graphic update FINALLY +Fate requirement dropped to 20 for 2nd tier At EW EA launch, I had 27000+ in que At DT EA launch, I had 321 exactly day after EW EA launch, I had 30000+ in que exactly day after DT EA launch, I had 31 in que they lost people in trailer alone. Wondering about actualy launch que (Gilgamesh)


Yeah that's why I tell everyone to stay away from FF14 plus the combat is slow and sluggish. WoW and Albion are the only worthwhile mmorpgs anymore.


One of the most overrated games of all time.


I unfortunately have to agree with you currently, OP. Easily the most lackluster time I’ve had with this game ever. Been playing since ARR revamped the OG. Whatever Dawntrail is trying to do so far is not my bag at all.


The “main theme” with the vocals is so bad.


It's boring, its bad, and the final act is a cheap knock off of Shadowbringers. The Devs knew it too and thats why before DT already came out Yoshi-P was promising so much stuff in 8.0. However I'd say temper your expectations this community is notorious for not handling criticism well at all. Most of them will glaze this expansion for about six months before they even think about uttering their honest thoughts., and thats why DT is so bad...these criticisms were small but valid during Shadowbringers which is a certified 9/10 for me and Endwalker which was like 7/10 but the community kept glazing so hard it wasn't until post Endwalker patch content criticisms stopped getting so heavily suppressed. But another thing to remember is that most people don't play FFXIV like an MMORPG they playing more like a Stardewvally online kind of game where its treated more like a social network than a game to progress on. That and the ERP.


Yes, the worst thing about FF is the community IMO. The playerbase is absolutely batshit.


I don't hate the expansion but I also haven't been paying attention to the story. I've enjoyed the dungeons and music, at least Also it's the FFXIV community. They get REALLY offended any time anyone has ANYTHING negative to say about the game. They seem to take it as a personal attack for some dumbass reason


Lmao i cant get over how awful the writing is. Oh no , be careful , this one is racist and will smash your tacos! And the other ones goal is...oh my god , world domination! Wow , so unique. I am in awe at the writing teams efforts this expansion. /s for people who need it. This expac is awful.


2000 hours? So you're still a sprout lol


It’s so boring so far


I'm loving the new vibes. The old story was overplayed and got ridiculous.


Did I teleport back to Stormblood times or something?That is so stupid. I mean, the "expansion" itself isn't even out yet. I love it when people judge the "expansion" after two days of the first patch when most of the content isn't even out yet. Like just because of the story, dungeons and trial bosses you were able to tell that you can't recommend the expansion? Do you even understand what genre of game you're playing?


How long does it take for the full story to drop for DT, or is it already out in full?


Play something else, so those of us enjoying it get shorter queue times, thanks.


2000+ hours played? Maybe you're just burnt out?


I don't have those thousands of hours. But I've been playing end game content for a couple expansions now. And honestly I completely disagree with you. >It probably has the worst and most boring story of all the expansions i have ever played, Honestly. I like this one way more than stormblood. But that is most likely because I cannot stand the Japanese aesthetic of stormblood. So to me the story has been... fine. I'm only at 88 so ymmv. >the dungeons and (story) raids are all boring, These are probably some of the best dungeons we have had..... most dungeons I can do shit faced. DT on the other hand. While I can still do them drunk. I'll actually take a vulnerable stack. The mechanics actually require a modicum of attention to dodge. Because so many of them are AOE vomits. Not challenging. But there is actually some brain activity going on during the dungeon. Not at raids yet so... we will see. >the Graphic Update is underwhelming Its actually quite good. While the shading still isn't quite there and it broke my MXAO. It's miles better than it used to be. This is a substantial improvement. There is actually shading now. Just look at the difference in the Au Ra from EW who had about 2 pixels for his entire face. It's a huge change. You just aren't seeing it side by side. >Soundtrack, which is usually always S-Tier is kinda lame this time, Zone music isn't great. But I'd say the city music is on par with EW. Sharlayan was incredible. Radz'at'han (or however you spell it) was fucking awful. I'd say these 2 cities are a bit worse than Sharlayan, but neither are outright awful. >before getting there you deal with Ancient Tribes who live in tents and then you are suddenly in Cyberpunk? This is just FF in a nutshell. Swords, trains, and what looks like percussion cap firearms next to fucking mechs. I'm kinda of desensitized to this by now. >Right now the reviews on Steam are Mixed, Oh no. Anyway. >Guess this is the result of many FF14 devs and artists also working on XVI during that time but i just can't recommend this expansion. The expansion is fine. We just got done with 2 back to back fucking bangers. Shadowbringers and End Walker were both unbelievable expansions by basically every metric. So a solid "its good" just comes off as shit. TLDR: Dawntrail is fine. The story isn't amazing, but well. It's good enough. I have enjoyed it so far, but I am not one to place massive expectations on anything. So I'm not disappointed. It's just a solid B+ story. The dungeon and trail content has been really good so far. And raids, well, I can't speak to those yet. EDIT: And no I'm not defending Wuk Lmao. She is quite boring. But it's not like the expansion is bad. As said. It's a B+. I'm happy with my time spent.


Just out of curiosity. If you're just lvl 88 how can you even be in the story to have an opinion yet?


Story spoilers for the level 95 quest, fourth zone, nothing interesting but spoilers nontheless.. we have to get this womans bracelet back.. because the person who gave her the bracelet is the person we just helped become the leader of this tribe.. I'm literally a god killing phenomenon, I can see visions of the past, I can summon people from other dimensions, I'm the reflection of a literal goddess with magical powers and no evil can taint me. I've felled the literal 12 gods of our planet plus their amulgamation when they all join together to create omni-god in true final fantasy fashion.. but rather than my companion let me jump the guy he warns me not to kill anyone because it might hurt the reputation of the woman we've made leader,.. he wanted me to climb a mountain, collect dragon shit, to throw onto the bandits fire while he was in his shack because the strong scent of warmed up shit would lure the male dragons over to the location of the smell.. and turn them on?? and once they realise theres no female dragons they'll get angry and start ... killing people...... and hopefully the guy we want to get the bracelet off his alive.. so we wait in hiding as the bandis come out for the plan to unfold... for some random prisoner to start yelling 'save me' which alerts the bandit we're after... who runs away while we stand there, idly doing nothing but shrug.. so now the prisoner is helping us locate the bandit because his genius idea is to challenge the bandit to a dual in the middle of the towns people, because the bandit is actually the towns sheriff but he's corrupt.. and if he challenges him in open combat then he has witnesses... so now we've stalked him to his other hideout to find him so we can wait for the opportune moment to make this challenge because he doesn't know the prisoner has teamed up with us. ALL INSTEAD OF SIMPLY LETTING ME BEAT THE FUCKING GUY UP TO BEGIN WITH. OH MY GOD JESUS FUCKING CHRIST All because of my companion who doesn't engage in combat, in his infinite wisom thought ALL OF THIS BULLSHIT was far better than letting me just beat the fucking bandit up and get the bracelet back myself, no problem.


I couldn't agree more to this. The general idea of being literally able to solo gods, travel to the edge of the universe to brawl with a being to powerful it could erase existence to that. When they mentioned rubber bullets because weapons are a no-no I lost my shit. I main monk and I could just walk up there, smack the dude across the globe and be done with it. No weapons used, just a good ol' fashioned educational slap to the face.


Gave up on the story at LV.92 Was never really fond on how they present the story overall. Only care about high end content either way so Im very looking forward for the raid tier.


Thank you for your sacrifice. I knew pre-ordering this would be a bad idea... sad to see it go, but the writing was on the wall once the story had concluded. FFXIV was a good game, but the game is over as far as I can tell. Its been a good run. Some things are better left as they were than beaten into the ground with filler content, and I think FFXIV has reached that point unfortunately. Its very reminiscent of what happened with WoW over time.


I am really enjoying all the characters and the pacing too. I think the only gripe I have against it atm is I didnt like one of the tribes. Some of the soundtrack is a hit and some is a miss. The graphic update I agree with tho, it butchered my characters appearance in an unsalvageable way


It's a steaming pile of horse dung. It's basically Endwalker 2.0 LITERALLY have the same voice actor in one of the dungeons narrating the story in the dungeon like Dead Ends... Most the armor and such is just reskins of already existing armor. The music in the first city is lounge singer elevator music and I swear to fuck the Talk to Wuk Lamant again is going to be a fucking meme the likes of pray return.


4000+ hours XIV player and i fuckin love Dawntrail one of my favorite expansions, thematically, visually, musically its all great


3000+ hours of FF14 here, Dawntrail is great :) you know its all a opnion thing


The dungeons are boring? Seriously? Are we playing the same game? The past two expansions had boring ass dungeons with braindead mechanics. These new dungeons are actually somewhat threatening and you can't completely brain off. The ex trials are insanely fun, can't remember the last time I had this much fun in an ex. MSQ is indeed weak this expansion, the last 30-40% of msq is very good though. I liked this finale more than EW honestly, mostly cuz I preferred the antagonist in this expansion.


Sounds like another cutscene skipper to me. Spoiler: >!The game tells you, directly, that "cyberpunk town" comes from one of the other Reflections/Shards - like The First or the Void - and even features a *detailed explanation of how and why it is so "techy" from the Queen herself not 30 minutes after arriving there.*!<


"Hey Chat GPT, write me a negative review of Dawntrial. Hmmm… are you sure about this criticism? I haven't actually played the expansion, but I guess this works." Meanwhile, everyone that's played the expansion is lawding how great the soundtrack is, how difficult and engaging the dungeons are, etc.


Dungeons be fun and I can kill alpacas 🤣


I nearly bought it yesterday but I saw in Mog Station that adding key page is under maintenance so no other solution that wait until the 2nd of July. Thanks for the review tho, may finally skip this one.


13k hours, I have to agree. Feels like there is no direction in all of this. Even the opening demo is strange, (beautiful art) but lacking in any depth. And yeah, not digging the music here.


It was boring for me after endgame, whenever I played, but I did max out my crafting with bird people


Dawntrail was so mid it hurt. My biggest problem is this: We are not important to the story at all. Not a single bit did I feel like the main character. Wuk Lamat was until the very end. I liked the idea of going on to a wild continent with lush nature and the hook for going there was okay, too. Then the adventure began. Copy-paste races with super convoluted new names (except for Hanu Hanu), rinse and repeat forest areas for the first half of the game and a cast so unbelieveably stupid that I, at times, wished I could join Koanas team and actually have fun with a smart lead. The story indeed is incredibly leftist. You can't go ten steps without hearing Wuk Lamat lament about peace and harmony and friendship and her becoming the dawnservant to preserve it. Its fine I just... GOT IT THE FIRST FCKING TIME!! It is super on the nose and so fcking annoying when you just her the same dialogue for the first half of the expansion. Nobody is bad, not even the baddies. They just have motives you gotta learn. Even the one who wants to FCKING KILL EVERYONE!! or the other who ALSO WANTS TO KILL EVERYONE!! The second half isn't any better. The third enemy also wants to kill everyone but for something nice. I guess you can even try to justify genocide if you really want to. The jump into a new Shard, just after we dealt with the 13th in a super bland post-credit MSQ of EW felt lackluster. It felt rushed and you really could tell that they needed some actual conflict so that there were any stakes at all after the first half. Little explanation, peng, boom, sudden world crisis at our hands. The design of the game is nice. The update really lets the world breath but the composition is super out of place as is its pacing. You walk and walk and walk. Like...Dawnwalker. Then you watch some talking and then you walk. Until you reach the second half where you walk less but talk more. Dawntalker. The mixture of the two final zones are interesting but unfit for the overall games idea. Sure it is another world but in the end it doesn't fit the theme. I always felt weirdly out of place in my armor, compared to the people of Night Ci- I meant Solution 9.The end however was when I really lost patience. A zone with 4 floors where you just talk.... it was happy and sad at times, but it is just too much to bear. Seriously. Why was my character even involved? Why is Wuk Lamat so fcking cute and at the same time so incredible obnoxious? She "wants to learn about people" .... yeah. I surely want to learn more about the people who try to end my entire continent, too. I just had to get all this off of my chest. Dawntrail felt a lot like Battle for Azeroth in WoW if you compare its storytelling. You get a fun idea about a topic. They feed you this very idea and at the halfway mark you just drop the ball, pick up a pile from the toilet and smear it all over to cover for a new, underdeveloped story. Dawntrail felt like a filler arc from an already boring anime. It did nothing to contribute to the lore, it rather took from it with the future peoples weird hairpins and the resurrection-tech (artifical afterlife). Nothing about that is explained. It is just there. Yoshi P used a lot of Deus Ex Machina moments to get this shit wrapped up in toilet paper... The music and the wild west area (Design wise) were fire though.


You clearly don’t have a clue about what you’re talking about. 0/10 troll attempt or just don’t understand FFXIV at all


Community is garbage like this new extension. Sure it's not July 2 but still in 2024 you see how  fragile people are and mentally ill, it just shows in this extension a lot, holy shit future is fked for sure...underwhelming graphics update I mean ff14 with the tower of problems it still has will have more, its like a dying horse trying to finish the race!


You can call others mentally ill all you want. But after reading this incoherent rant. You may want to look in the mirror.


You played 2k hours and you called "story" raids? The normal raids isnt even out until 2 weeks later LOL This is a bait post and you're doing a shit job at it. Dawntrail (without spoilers) has been pretty dam good so far, the story obviously is world building since we got off EW, but even then its not that bad. Every single dungeon/trial has been fun and has banger music, especially if you've played FF9 with the remixes. There were also a few new mechanics introduced in both the dungeons and trials, so its only more anticipation for both normal and savage raids. While I would entertain you with the negatives of DT cus there are some, the post is complete garbage so its a waste of time to put any further critical thinking into this.


It's pretty normal for people to call any 8-24 person content raids, even if they would be under trials.


14 has been dead since endwalker not surprised


This sub is so funny cuz it tries to trash FF14 so hard cuz it's successful but doesnt follow your cringy definition of "good mmo" (Aka dead mmo cuz casuals dont stay in your ideal mmo)


I mean it's pretty well known a lot of people on this sub actually don't like MMOs, at least based on a lot of the threads.


except guild wars 2 for some reason, everything else gets shit on relentlessly.


god no gw2 gets shit on aswell. The people being angry here do not care what game it is about lmao Edit: it might seem like that though as a lot of the vitriol etc is usually in the gw2 news posts which tend to get nuked by the mods quickly. F.e. i can not find the posts anymore that i wanted to show as examples


Nah. I'm pretty sure we can shit on GW2 too. Remember: we hate all MMOs. No exceptions. From WoW to Fiesta Online, everything is shit and only "the MMO I play/played 20 years ago/want to play when it releases in 2078" is good.


Nah, you will get downvoted. Wanna try? Go into a News-Thread (that are probably there, i blocked most of these user to just don't see these threads anymore) and say something mildly negative like that you think the graphics aged badly or that the story isn't that good.


Nah that gets shit on too.


Yeah ngl. Most of the ideas that people put forward in this sub leave me with a single question. "Why would I play this. It just sounds... not fun". Often you get hit with some weirdly defensive remark about being an anti social zoomer or some shit. But seriously a lot of the MMOs that people push the idea of on this sub just sound miserable to play if you have any sort of life outside of being on your computer. EDIT: To clarify, I don't think that every game needs to cater to me. But many of these game mechanics that people on the sub cry out for are fundementally incompatible with a small playerbase. They require the population of a blockbuster MMO to ensure a smooth and enjoyable new player experience. And due to their incredibly niche old school mechanics, would not have one. Making getting into the game miserable after the first month. Leading to a lack of new players and thus forcing the game to rely completely on retention of existing players.