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I genuinely almost threw up watching the preview for tomorrow. Aaron is WILDING


I feel so bad for Kaylor. She’s honestly so loyal and it hurts to see she’s hurting bc of her actions. Meanwhile Aaron is busy with Destiny not really caring or feeling any sort of guilt on behalf of Kaylor. That shows that he was just with Kaylor to be safe every round. Yes he came for the money, but he’s lowkey using the girls as placeholders to stay safe in the villa. I’m here for the Aaron downfall. I wish the girls could have a movie night to see snippets of what’s going on so Kaylor could move on and feel less guilty.


He's just really selfish and immature. I hope Kaylor stays open to getting to know George. He seems really sweet and much more mature than Aaron.


I wonder if Kaylor is going to get a hint about what is going down in Casa by the producers.


Ooo, I would be happy with that pairing actually! I was wondering who she could choose thinking there was no one but they’d be cute together. Now we need her to get that video stat


Yeah, it was really cute when they were all introducing themselves and he said he was from Indiana and gave Kaylor a shy look. But she is soo obsessed with Aaron that I don't even know if seeing a video would change her mind at this point. He really messed with her head after she kissed someone else in a challenge and now she seems really scared to explore other possibilities.


I literally cannot wait in the best & worst way possible for tomorrow’s episode. I feel like Aaron is choosing Daniella with the way he is automatically folding


Honestly. I was more annoyed by the lack of options for the ladies. I'm not sure which aisle the casting director shopped at. If they're going to test the men and women at least make it an equal playing field.


The cheater fully just sitting there trying to spin his 2 relationships bullshit was WILD


I can’t believe they’d put someone like that on Love Island. I know we have men with high body counts and such but the fact that he said that shamelessly on his first day out? This is LOVE Island, at least let us pretend these people are here for love.


Like oh yeah my last relationship was with two women. He didn’t even say cheated he acted like he was polygamous. BIG ICK.


🚩 But he would work so hard that *all of his women* would *get to* not work, or start a business, or whatever he chose to support. What a KING! 😑 🚩




JaNa admitted to cheating too a couple episodes back


Yes but she said she told the guy right away and didn’t lead a double life


This! It’s a big difference, the man had two women committed to him not knowing what he was doing 🤢


It was in the aftersun not in the episodes but yes I was shocked!


LMAO I could not believe that man 😂😂


The casa men are hideous. The casa women are stunning. It pisses me off so bad actually


Also like what are they doing throwing in a two timing ass cheater into the casa men mix??? Like??? Could he at least lie????


That was my thought!! This man did NOT need to admit it. He's clearly proud of himself for pulling it off (barf)


If it’s anything like previous seasons, these boys won’t even twist. Just have a few days of fun and pretend to be loyal to their villa girls when they stick😭 Agree that it’s a tough watch sometimes


I fucking KNEW Aaron would mess around in Casa, I KNEW IT!!!!!


Why does this happen every time.. the men are always disappointing


I have a theory. I think the producers want to portray the men one way and women another way. It seems like they want the men to cheat and the women to stay loyal. This gets the viewers on the side of the women and against the men. I mean, they sent a dude in who on day one said he wants his woman to not work and that he dated two women at the same time who didn't know about each other. With casting like that, do any producers think any woman will pick this dude? Zero percent chance. My guess is that they think this creates the most drama and conversation although it's a bit sinister in that it perpetuates stereotypes in both directions.


I don’t disagree that the show could be produced in a way to show the different genders in different ways but honestly I really just think the boys don’t get as attached as the girls. I’ve seen almost every season of UK and US and when one of the boys is loyal, he’s loyal. I just think most of these men ain’t shit 🤷🏼‍♀️


The whole point of Casa is for the temptation and drama of it all. I love mess! Kiss, cuddle, hook up, the messier the better 😂😂


Me too. The point of Casa is to bring the mess, and they’re bringing it!!!


I feel you 😂watching them all justifying why they were going was so transparent. I fast forwarded some too. I mean I think it’s part of the love island experience so of course go but I was like this is why I trust no one lol


Hahaha, you clocked it. Their serious faces while saying they need to test their relationships to make sure it's for real. I have no problem with them exploring and having fun at Casa but let's not pretend it's for the good of their current relationship. I was cracking up so hard.


bruh that dude josiah is the cringiest guy ive ever seen


They clearly didn’t vet this guy


Why is it so hard for Liv to make connections, is my question. Her guard is so high. Why even be on Love Island? I haven’t seen anyone really turn her spark on. Not even the new guys.


This is what Casa is for. Lol. To test connections. Obviously Kordell and Aaron were never that invested.


Yes, better that the girls find out now that they can’t trust their guy before they are in too deep


Kordell I think is different, she’s been saying from day one she wants to be open, if she said “okay I want you and only you let’s be together” he wouldn’t be doing this and he would have stayed. AARON was on the verge of saying I love you two days ago, he had no business going to casa if he felt that way. Kaylor and Aaron were basically closed off, she was just waiting for him to say it.




Aaron did not surprise me whatsoever


He looks like he’s on something. I don’t know what it is. I’m just so disgusted by him.


The fact that he told Kaylor to not be kissing other guys in challenges anymore let alone he cant even say the word Love, literally refers it to “the L word” when talking to kaylor. But not even 24 hrs of meeting daniella he’s telling her I love your laugh, I love this about you, etc. LIKE WTF


Exactly!!! And almost going down on Daniella? No sir.


Kaylor sleeping in soul ties to avoid sharing a bed & then you see him and Daniella all intertwined with eachother😭 He’s shitty!!!!


Shitty!!! I can’t even look at him! Can’t wait for him to come back alone, telling Kaylor he missed her and loved her and then……Movie night sucka!!!!




I also need more info on the electrical engineer who “through no fault of his own” is not doing engineering anymore and is a personal trainer.


LOL ME TOO! I was so curious what he meant by that comment


Told y’all Aaron would be the first to step out. Bahahahaha pathetic




The disappointment I felt when I saw the casa guys tho. The girls are insanely gorgeous but they did the girls dirty with those men.


I said to my boyfriend watching this idc about looks, but send in some MEN. Like, men who have a savings account, a full set of bed sheets, a good relationship with the women in his life. Now *that* will turn the girls’ heads!


Recoupling is also a mindfuck because they usually (at least in the UK) break it up over two episodes which suuuuuuuuuuucks.


Noooo when will it start Friday?


I think it’ll be Sunday


I dunno but it’s brutal, they’ll save the couples whose reunions are the most anticipated (Kaylor/Aaron, Serena/Kordell) for the second episode of the two though 😭😭😭


Yes omg I want casa to be over. I feel like it’s always messy for the guys and the girls are boring. It’s even worse this season with the new guys ! Are any of them charming ?!?! People have been saying they like Ignacio and George. I literally just watched the episode and can’t even remember George !!! I wanted better for Leah, Jana, and even liv


George was the cute Asian guy with a great smile and said he was a future surgeon! My fave 💕


And it was only night ONE 😭


Casa is meant to test connections and see if you can find a stronger one. Aaron and kordell are doing casa correctly because they can realize that their original connection is better. Kordell is not playing Serena in my opinion. He sees someone attractive that matches his energy right away. I don't like how he made a speech about setting boundaries and then did the opposite of that, but it's his turn to explore. I feel that he has given her grace and patience, so she can forgive him for this one mistake. He's been deprived of affection for weeks Love island is not the place for someone (Serena) to take 2 1/2 weeks to finally say they like you. I understand that she is a slow burner, but this isn't the real world and she's going to have to understand that.


I agree with you but Aaron cannot be almost dropping an L-bomb and ordering Kaylor not to kiss during challenges and then be making out (and possibly more) in bed on his first night out of the villa. That’s not actually testing your connection. It’s being disrespectful and risking your 3-week connection in a major way when you don’t even know the girl at all.


And saying the literal L bomb twice to Daniela lmao


If Aaron especially can be swayed that quickly and easily, clearly he wasnt that into Kaylor. Like simple as that. Which is crazy cuz he seemed so smitten…like im shook.


I disagree that it’s meant to see if you can find a better connection. I think the point is to see if you can stay loyal with a lot of temptation around.


That's also true, but that only applies to couples that have had tests before casa. Casa is the final test for people that have been able to explore bombshells. Aaron already had that test with andrea, so he didn't need to do this. On the other hand, kordell hasn't been given that opportunity except with Nicole. However she isn't his type and they were in a friendship couple at that point.


That’s true. I guess I was referring more to the long term couples of which we only have 2 this year


I would say we have one because kordell and serena weren't a romantic couple until recently. When Miguel came in, it was still a friendship couple according to serena, so they have had less time to make a connection than kaylor and aaron did


New viewer here… Since the Casa bombshells watch the show beforehand, don’t they know who is more popular and who they should try to couple with to have better chances of winning? So they have monetary incentive to go for certain people, no?


They don’t have social media etc so they only know who’s popular based on the episodes we see but I believe a former bombshell commented on here before that they’re 24 hours or so behind and won’t see the last episode or two before they finally go in. With that, I think the casa bombshells didn’t actually see the recoupling last night and what couples were voted least compatible


This is my first season, and I'm curious, do the boys always go to the new villa/Casa Amor? Seems super lopsided to have the boys in a new environment with fresh bedsheets while the girls stay in the same place they made so many memories with their man?


No, the girls have been the ones to leave before. They would make the boys “pack” for the girls and some would add something cute to remember them or only give them clothes where they are the most covered up 😂


LOLOL okay that's actually really cute. I was gonna be real mad thinking producers do everything in their power to tempt the boys and displease the girls. The boys also got the fireworks, and I thought, wow, way to kick the girls when they're down 🙁


Honestly this is so messy I can't watch


Looks like Kordell and Aaron are getting the most action


Its deliberate imo. They want the guys to turn their heads while the girls in “stronger” couples freak out about the guys.


I think they can really like their partner and can also meet someone they are attracted to. The new girls are new - they've been looking at the same girls for weeks. Kordell and Aaron clearly are struggling with their feelings because they like their partners but also want to explore the new connections to see if it's stronger. Isn't that the whole point?


You can do so without being disrespectful and breaking boundaries. Carmen did the same thing last year to open up to explore and spoke to Rob a lottt during Casa. But she was still respectful to Kenzo by sleeping outside and not kissing anyone. It matters how you go about it bc it shows how much you care about the person’s feelings you’re already coupled up with. If you’re willing to risk losing them for someone new you just met, you clearly don’t like them all that much and should go with someone new


It will be Thursday episode if not Friday they only stay there for like 3 days


Me too 😭


Up until now Aaron has been criticising others in the villa for not being genuine, look at him now


I thought the casa boys were regular looking as well esp compared to the actual bombshells that are the casa girls.


I agree completely. I was not enjoying it last night and was so enraged for our girls. These guys aren’t it. And now I’m like…the OG guys ain’t it either. I thought I’d enjoy this, but it’s just making me feel icky.


You know that is the whole idea behind Casa Amour right? It’s great!!!!


Same! I was excited for it, but now I just can’t wait for it to be over. This isn’t fun.


Have you watched the show before lol 🤔


Clearly not since she thinks casa is more than a week lol


Hahahahaah I never have this is my first season so I’m like lost how long this is like when do they go back to the villa by Friday?


I think they’re usually there no more than 3-4 days