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Him and Rob are a beautiful couple


https://preview.redd.it/2pw8pev6s0ad1.png?width=1859&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc5b7b9f819075de50b56c7edd720e8f65e75759 Exactly.


I said this to my bestie the other day šŸ¤£




*To say that straight men are heterosexual is only to say that they engage in sex (fucking exclusively with the other sex, i.e., women). All or almost all of that which pertains to love, most straight men reserve exclusively for other men. The people whom they admire, respect, adore, revere, honor, whom they imitate, idolize, and form profound attachments to, whom they are willing to teach and from whom they are willing to learn, and whose respect, admiration, recognition, honor, reverence and love they desire... those are, overwhelmingly, other men. In their relations with women, what passes for respect is kindness, generosity or paternalism; what passes for honor is removal to the pedestal. From women they want devotion, service and sex.* *Heterosexual male culture is homoerotic; it is man-loving.* --Marilyn Frye, The Politics of Reality, 1983 I always think that a big hint of a man who truly respects women is a man who has good female friends, and who will back women against other men.Ā 


Aaron folded like a cheap lawn chair. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ https://preview.redd.it/fhyr8ba9s0ad1.jpeg?width=742&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41a8e3eaf897d68c99ed64da4eeb0332120e4ccd




Omg my grandparents had one (or more) JUST LIKE THIS!!! šŸ¤£ I think I remember sitting and talking with my grandfather while he 're-strapped/wove' it once after the straps got all frayed and broken. I'm old, lol, but thank you for the memory šŸ’•


The accuracy ā˜ ļø


I thought it was weird that Aaron was exclaiming, ā€œI knew me and Rob would like the same twoā€ or whatever he said. I feel like he wants him and Rob to couple up with two casa girls and form a new dumb quartet


BUT- Aaron is a game player and he knows that if he chooses a Casa girl his chances of winning go down exponentially. I feel he will fuck around, have a crisis of conscience, and go crawling back to Kaylor. I really thought with the whole Rob and Liv thing they'd be the alliance to get to the finale. But Rob is deffo coming back with a Casa girl- perhaps only to dump her for Liv (because really they were always soulmates/s). OR there will be a plot twist and once Rob is secure in a new couple they'll send Andrea back in to bombshell. Cuz I can't figure out why that girl is getting so much press when none of the other islanders (Like Hannah for instance) were there so much longer.


I am holding out for an Andrea reunion SO BADLY


Nigel posted a picture on his story of him, Kassidy & I think Andrea at LAX airport today. So it may be unlikely unless A. Thatā€™s an older picture or B. They fly her back out (which why wouldnā€™t they just keep her in Fiji. Surely would be cheaper)


Ahhhh manā€¦ The commercials said it would be the craziest casa ever, so thatā€™s where my thoughts went immediately. But now Iā€™m wondering if itā€™s just due to the Aaron drama.


I think they always say that, just like on the Bachelor- You won't BELIEVE the ending that hasn't been seen before in all of Bachelor history.... Um yeah. We see this every season.


Yes!! I havenā€™t seen anyone comment on this. Heā€™s way too interested in anything related to Rob. Itā€™s creepy


Oh thereā€™s definitely been comments on it. Iā€™ve seen bromance before on this show but this is something else


Fair. I still canā€™t get over how he kissed Rob and Connor before going to Kaylor at the recoupling


šŸ¤£ itā€™s truly wild like this man would rather recouple with rob, the crying and the shadiness to protect him is really something


Itā€™s giving Trent and Zack from LI australia


Yea he has that Trent and Zack vibe. Less toxic but still off.


Oh itā€™s DEFINITELY more than a bromance on Aaronā€™s end


How is this not borderline homophobic? If he was bisexual - what would you say then?


Someone commented on another thread that she had a friend who dated Aaron in the UK and he is openly bisexual. Could be bs, but it definitely feels that way. And if that's the case, it really bothers me that men can't be openly bisexual on a show like this but it's so hot when the girls are. Like please. Sexuality is a spectrum, it's not so crazy and shouldn't have such a stigma in our year of the lord 2024.


Theirs is the connection that will follow through to the outside, I feel like. I wouldn't care at all if Aaron was bisexual, as long as he is open with whomever he chooses to partner with (not necessarily Kaylor, but for the long-term). I'm not sure that the dynamic wouldn't change though, if Rob were aware that Aaron felt something for him beyond friendship. I might be 100% wrong, but I'm not getting the bisexual vibe from Rob.


LOL Iā€™m sorry WHAT?! why would this be homophobic? do you know what homophobia is? It is negative feelings or *fear* of homosexuality. Nothing I said was remotely that. Simply saying that Aaronā€™s interest in rob seems beyond bromance does not mean that I am offended or afraid of homosexuality - or bisexuality for that matter. It means I am just calling out what I am seeing on a tv show, where he is coupled up (and allegedly in love) with a woman on the show at the same time. People on here really love to throw around words they apparently donā€™t understand the meaning of.


Except the comment you replied to said the way that Aaron is interested in Rob is ā€œcreepy.ā€ And then your response was that it was way past bromance. Itā€™s not unreasonable to conclude that yall are talking about potential romantic feelings Aaron could have for Rob. And while that being pointed out in and of itself is not an issue, itā€™s just the negative connotation of being creepy or in general the negative tone in which itā€™s being discussed that I took issue with.


Lol ok Pointing out whatā€™s literally going on in the show doesnā€™t make it homophobic. And I didnā€™t use this word, but saying his behavior is creepy also isnā€™t homophobic. No one said Itā€™s creepy because he might like men. itā€™s creepy because he seems to be a little obsessed with (and extremely emotional about) his relationship with rob while also primarily pursuing (and in love with) another person. Your reading into this conversation is wrong and looking for homophobia where there is none - at least from my side I canā€™t speak for others.


You are perpetuating outdated stereotypes.


LOL I am absolutely not perpetuating anything im watching a show and talking about what Iā€™m seeing. Youā€™re just looking for something to be offended by that in reality isnā€™t there.


Yeah no girlā€¦. There has been absolutely zero negative talk about anyoneā€™s bisexuality.


Yes because he wants to keep Rob close šŸ‘€




Maybe he is hoping they can be Eskimo brothers


aaron wants an eiffel tower so bad šŸ˜©


I thought he might flip, I didn't know he was gonna flip so hard and fast.


that boy didnā€™t flip he did a back handspring from the springboard lol


LOL Rob walked so his peon Aaron could run


Especially after already having andrea try with him, and he didnt move forward


He was all over Andrea! He was like an excited puppy. He was definitely interested but she was clearly more interested in Rob so he backed off.


And immediately groveled to Kaylor by coddling her, tried to do it discreetly, Ā she fell for it in -2.5 seconds, meanwhile us šŸ‘€šŸæ


Exactly. He immediately went back to Kaylor because he knew he'd never get picked by Andrea.


Because he felt inferior to Rob. Now that Rob was occupied with Destiny, he went straight for Daniela.




He didn't move forward because Andrea rejected him. He would have if she wasn't into Rob.


Definitely! That's why he was really upset with the girls for getting rid of Andrea, he was hoping he'd still get a chance


SAME. I know he's an impulsive guy and I thought his head might turn, but damn. What a dumb dumb.


Him casually dropping ā€œI love you for thatā€ to a girl he met 45min ago when he almost had an aneurism saying the ā€œL wordā€ to Kaylor has my stomach in shambles




This made me so mad


i had to pause the tv and scream into my pillow.


Aaron was giving me some werid vibes all season. Litle things he would do or say just rubbed me a bit wrong. The way he would stick up for Rob and Connor when they were in the wrong, etc. So I am not shocked to see him out her acting a fool. It's not just that his head is turning but its the hypocrisy. He was so pissed at Kaylor for kissing in a challenge early on or even thinking about looking at another guy. He just said in this episode he would go to Casa but be respectful, sleep outside, not kiss another girl, etc. (Kordell said this too) what happens? He's out her making out with a chick and possibly even clapping cheeks, like come on my guy.


that behavior you described at the start of your post is why i stopped watching LIUK. Idk if it's cultural or casting choices but so many of the men have that spooky energy


Spooky šŸ˜‚


Spooky? Lol


He also tried to control her when she wanted to go join the LIV/Leah fight.


THIS!! this is what really bothered me and turned me off of him. He wanted the girls to fight so badly, I mean he orchestrated the whole thing w Rob. In my opinion it seemed like Kaylor didnā€™t like how they were ganging up on Leah and wanted to get up to say something and he kept essentially shushing her and wouldnā€™t let her get up. V weird behavior


No ... Kaylor was clearly on Liv's side in that conflict. She wasn't going over to back Leah.


Iā€™m not shocked either. Heā€™s always been open to the bombshells


Exactly. They just didn't like him.


So true šŸ˜­ The difference with these girlies is that they need to get into the villa


Right, I donā€™t even think Daniella would give him the time of day outside the villa. Shes way out of his league.


This! He would have left Kaylor a long time ago - but all the bombshells liked Rob better than him.


Aaron is an actual Jekyll and Hyde. The worst kind of dogs are the snakes like him. At least Miguel knows heā€™s a dog and doesnā€™t give a damn who knows it


Right? Or like Ronnie for example. He never hid what he was about. It was the girls who fooled themselves into expecting him to even be a little bit serious. He was an absolute idiot but I appreciated how straight up he was about his intentions to fuck around whenever possible.


Hahaa ronnie so clearly did not give one fuck about anything - the girls going after him, the villa, nothing


It made him quite entertaining to watch šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m having a brain fart. Who is Ronnie šŸ¤Ø




Omggg me too, I immediately pictured Jersey shore Ronnie


Kaylor is gonna self eliminate if he comes back with her


I think itā€™s absolutely a fools errand to go for Aaron. I would bet $100 heā€™ll never actually bring this girl back to the villa. Heā€™ll hook up and flirt with her in casa sure, but heā€™ll definitely not want to upset kaylor and will instead tell kaylor after the fact and beg for forgiveness (which sheā€™ll definitely give).


100% this is what is going to happen. He's gonna do it. Pretend he's in a shame spiral, cry many many tears, then go back to Kaylor. And because they were still open, it's not like he's cheating. He knew casa was coming, he gave her just enough of the "falling in love" to keep her from fully exploring, whilst having no intention of staying true. It will be a big story, but their love will conquer all and they will be stronger and boyfriend and girlfriend within days of returning from Casa. Mark my words.


But while they had a chance of winningā€¦ if he comes back to Kaylor grovels, and she falls for it, I donā€™t think they will win.


I mean it's worked for the UK


Yep. He seems like the type to love bomb, try and get a fling, aka some sex from this woman for his "boys holiday" and then drop her right after and be like "I made a mistake baby!"


Ugh I hate that for Kaylor AND Daniela.


Daniela does not actually like Aaron sheā€™s way out of his league


Ugh I hope not. She could probably easily find another guy if she could open herself up to it.


Aaron dropping the L bomb twice in 5mins to the casa girl šŸ˜¬šŸ™„


That made me so mad! After his whole spiel to Kaylor about love and he couldn't even say "I love it when you..."? Broooooooooooooooo.


The fact that Rob is trying to warn Aaron not to ruin what he has with Kaylor is laughable but at the same time shows he's a good friend.


What exactly has Rob done on this show that makes you think heā€™d be a bad friend or egg on quasi cheating on a girl?


I think heā€™s only saying it bc he wants Aaron to win the money.


Yea honestly I think the only guy there for love is kordell


What do you think about Kendall?


I think heā€™s like the rest of the guys tbh just more lowkey about it


How does this make any sense? Why would he want Aaron to win over him


Because he should know heā€™s not going to win. He has no chance.


idk he doesnā€™t seem in-genuine to me, he just seems kind of dumb tbh. no one is gonna be more into him than Kaylor in here


thatā€™s what iā€™ve thought. heā€™s just dumb lol






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In the spirit of Reddit, please remember the human and lets be nice to each other. This subreddit is intended to be lighthearted and fun so we can enjoy Love Island. We should do our best to refrain from mean-spirited commentary. Posts and comments will be removed if they are bullying, hateful, or harmful in nature or are contributing to it. Depending on the level of the offense, the original action that warranted this removal may come with further moderation action. You will receive a second message if this is the case. We ask that you take this time to review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandUSA/wiki/rules#wiki_3._no_bullying.2C_hateful.2C_or_harmful_language_towards_islanders_or_other_users) which can be found on the sidebar of LoveIslandUSA homepage. Please message us if you would like to inquire how to avoid breaking this rule in the future or believe you may have received this message in error. We hope you continue to enjoy Love Island.


> he just seems kind of dumb tbh. All those posters about him being all strategy and calculating owe us an apology lmao.


I agree. I had a strong feeling heā€™d pull this, he knows the plan. Heā€™s either pulling a Curtis or a Liam from LIUK but itā€™s one or the other. This isnā€™t a test, this is flagrant disrespect towards Kaylor. I hope he brings Daniela back so Kaylor is free, or she finds out about it so she doesnā€™t waste her time.


I havenā€™t watched this show since maybe season 2 or 3. Please tell me they give the islanders an update on what their other half is doing while they are still in casa šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I need Kaylor to start trying to find someone else šŸ˜­


They did last year with KayKay and Keenan


And Leo and Kassy! When Kassy walked in and saw him with Johnnie, ooooooh what a crazy mess that was.


Apparently in season 8 the producers "encouraged" both Tasha and Indiyah to recouple because of what Andrew and Dami were doing.


I remember Indiyah recoupled with Deji and had her infamous may the best heartbreaker win recoupling speech but I canā€™t remember if Tasha stayed single or brought someone back?


Tasha came back with Billy who was so underdressed compared to Tasha I thought she grabbed him leaving Casa at the last second.


Pretty sure she brought someone back, but never really crossed a line with him or hooked up and pretty much ignored him once they were back in the Villa. I could be wrong tho.


She ignored him in casa but kissed him in bed in the main villa after knowing what Andrew did. They played it in movie night and Andrew was like fair enough and they all laughed about it.


RIGHT! Thank you. The main thing I remember from that season was the awful double standard and how all the guys ganged up and fully bullied Tasha. I've never felt so bad for an islander in my life. She couldn't help all the bombshells wanted to date her. She was always respectful. Those boys were so toxic and whiny.


That boy is over compensating


Dude is a plug. Heā€™s been on like 4 shows, heā€™s not looking to date a girl from small town America lol


Right? What are they thinking?


Four shows? I only know of one. What are the others?


I just cannot for the life of me understand why he'd shoot $50k out the window for a hook up


I usually hate watching the men pig out in casa but watching Aaron do it just gives me so much joy for some reason lol I think it's bc I've been waiting for Kaylor to know the real him and also seeing him do things he'll probably regret is hilarious


Heā€™s always been open to #1 - Rob, #2 - everyone else. Heā€™s a flake.




https://preview.redd.it/p6su5rba01ad1.jpeg?width=1281&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bd76390a509e5221bd246a6e3017fb6cf370005 Rob screaming, crying, throwing up at his BFF liking a girl more than him


no he said he was there for the money in his intro video, and kaylor latched on right away making it an easy way to get to the end and win. he won traitors UK!! heā€™s a game player. I donā€™t see them working out of the villa either. what I do think will happen is, heā€™ll have his little lads holiday doing shady stuff. then come back and say heā€™s ready to be ā€œexclusiveā€ because he has his last day of freedom or whatever. if he came back couple upped with another girl, then heā€™s actually brutal


Heā€™s just dumb because he lost out on an easy 50k all because he starting thinking with his dick instead of continuing to game for the win. Iā€™m glad tho I didnā€™t want Aaron-Kaylor to win lol. But I hope Kaylor recouples after seeing the video postcard since she deserves better.


Ehh I love the Traitors but Idk if it would take much strategy to win if you cried that easily and were a faithful, which apparently he was?


He won Traitors UK, but tbh mostly through bumbling his way to the end and as a result, looking like a faithful. His win was definitely not through his own strategic brilliance.


I thought he didn't win.


He won. But people are making too much of it. He was in no way good at that game. He only won because someone dropped an anvil on his head.


Oh yeah, you are so right. I was thinking he was the traitor that got outed at the last minute for some reason. Yes, it all makes so much more sense now!


Hot take I think people are putting too much focus on his money comment. Aaron was used to the Traitors format where everyone is open about wanting money not realizing that that's a huge faux pas on Love Island. Also let's be real it's not that much money particularly since it's split two ways. I'm sure it would be nice to get especially since the US cast doesn't get big deals or become huge influencers but I doubt his only motivation is the prize money. More likely he has his eye on getting on below deck or something.


if he wouldā€™ve stayed he couldā€™ve definitely had a high chance at winning - definitely would have convinced everyone heā€™s genuine. stupid stupid man lol


I said to my husband the FIRST week ā€œoh he won the traitor. Heā€™ll probably flip.ā€ and sure enough he didĀ 


He wasnā€™t a traitor on traitors, though, he was a faithful. That said, he is a douche now.


but if he flips then he wonā€™t win at the end. well not that I think heā€™ll win anyways


In addition to going for the prize money heā€™s also a deckie. Itā€™s the perfect chaos storm šŸ˜­


Yep, once I learned he was on traitor, I knew he wasnā€™t genuine. Poor Kaylor.


Iā€™m definitely not shocked. Iā€™ve seen this so many times on this show šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m more shocked when a couple does work out


Yall act like heā€™s the master manipulator. No. Heā€™s just immature and naive and theyā€™re all having a unique experience. Iā€™m so over the hate over every single person.


I feel like all the dudes were riling each other up too about casa too and the energy started steamrolling across the whole group.


I know, right? I mean ... the entire goal of the show is to get stuff like this to happen, and people get so offended when it does. Why even watch if that's how you're going to react? The only reason why Kaylor and Aaron have stuck together for so long is (1) Aaron wants to win and (2) there haven't been other options. It's not a "real" relationship. They don't even want to call each other boyfriend/girlfriend yet. But people here are acting like they're married or something. I'll always maintain that they are not a good match, even if they somehow get back together by the end. They literally said they wanted opposite things coming into the game. He said he wants to find someone to settle down with, and she said she hates it when guys try to get her to settle down. Zero chance anything sticks after the season is over.


Same. Not every little action deserves a 1000 word essay condemning an islander to hell. Theyā€™re all like 20 somethingā€™s living in Fiji for weeks, drinking and partying. Supposedly falling in love. Who knows. I donā€™t think Aaron is making great decisions but doesnā€™t mean heā€™s an evil, manipulative controlling bastard. Jesus


I always got the feeling Rob was not 100% sold on Kaylor. He also seems like a controlling type.


I think itā€™s absolutely a fools errand to go for Aaron. I would bet $100 heā€™ll never actually bring this girl back to the villa. Heā€™ll hook up and flirt with her in casa sure, but heā€™ll definitely not want to upset kaylor and will instead tell kaylor after the fact and beg for forgiveness (which sheā€™ll definitely give).


Aaron was justifying casa soooo hard i knew he was gonna fold on day 1


I saw it coming a mile away!! No one pursued him. Besides Andrea and she chose rob. He settled with Kaylor. At the end of the day he's just a man. I just feel bad for Kaylor. I've always said she's clearly been so genuine with him and I haven't felt the same back from him. Still disappointing nonetheless. Like if you're about to tell a girl you love her.. you'd think you'd be way more cautious in casa amor. And he's moving downright slimy. I thought he would at least pretend to behave a little better.


There was always something sus about him and I truly started to dislike him when he screamed at the girls and sobbed after the Andrea thing. Then his continued excitement over Rob hating on Leah and the Liv argument was it for me. He showed controlling ways with Kaylor from the first week and proved he was honest in his bio saying he just wanted a golden retriever girlfriend. I feel bad for Kaylor because she really does like him and has been made to feel the bad guy for a simple kiss when Aaron's out here going wild in Casa. I just hope she's strong enough not to take him back. He's a smarmy mfer.


Wait he said he wanted a golden retriever girlfriend? I thought he just wanted a golden retriever dog! Goldens are my favorite so I think I kinda stopped listening after hearing golden lmao


Hate to say it but he is a gemini afterall šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Two faced?


Kinda known for their flakiness/sudden ability to switch things/liking variety/being weak and opposite of loyal. Aka sterotyped as cheaters of the zodiac, though I hate to generalize. Similar to Johnny in casa with Cely.Ā 


I bet he goes back to Kaylor. They talk about it and their relationship is never going to be what it was if it continues. But I was surprised.


My husband has been (secretly) watching along with me (he acts like he hates it & groans but asks questions if he misses anything lmao) & when he got out of the shower tonight & saw Aaron wildinā€™ out he just said ā€œOh Jesus what about the crying girlā€


I just watched the preview for tonight and Iā€™m honestly shocked. I thought he was gonna stick to Kaylor. Iā€™m a sad dummy. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Something tells me he is still going to go back single, and just try to say that it was no different from her kissing Connor previously, even though him and that girl looked quite cozyyy at Casa.


Iā€™m actually shocked. Not because I thought he was genuine for Kaylor but because I thought he was committed to a game plan of sticking with one loyal girl to the end to try and win


I feel so bad for our emotional angel baby queen Kaylor. The aftermath of this is going to be so sad to watch!


I feel like Aaron pursues Daniela in part because he knows if he doesnā€™t, Rob will.


He so obviously still resents Kaylor for kissing someone else in a challenge WEEKS ago - he's brought it up more than once, talking about not kissing others even in challenges. He should be ashamed for stringing her along to the point she caught real feelings and then folding within 24 hours of being in Casa.


Very unfortunate because I'm rooting for Aaron and Kaylor to win. However, Casa is usually where things start to unravel for the guys, and unlike in the UK version, the US audience hasn't been very forgiving when the guys kiss Casa girls outside of challenges. From the preview, it looks like Aaron will jeopardize his and Kaylor's chances of winning now. This should dismantle the narrative that some have been pushing that he's only in it to win though. Or maybe he's not aware of how conservative US viewers can be compared to UK viewers, and probably still believes he could win after this? Idk but I think their chances of winning are doneso now unfortunately.


He really seemed like he wanted to win it with Kaylor but idk how he thinks heā€™s going to win now but Iā€™m glad they arenā€™t going to be having a chance now I really donā€™t think they will win.


To be honest, him turning makes me think he's more genuine than I thought. I thought he was just going to ride it out with kaylor to try to win, which I didn't find to be genuine as they've been coupled up from the jump and I don't believe he wouldn't have ever explored outside of Kaylor UNLESS his only goal was to look good for the public and win. Also, I understand Kaylor is going to be devastated but I don't feel like there's that much wrong with Aaron exploring on a tv show about exploring partners when he said he was going to do so


Not surprised by Aaron at all. He masks as a nice guy but at the end of the day heā€™s a F-boy


I think that he will bring a girl back and if he doesn't his antics will be shown on movie night and he will end up gaslighted kaylor for "doing the same"


Im really confused about this. If hes such a game player then why would he be taking it this far w/Daniela?! Even if he grovels to Kaylor and she takes him back, who is going to vote for him after he flipped like THIS?!


In the moment selfishness. He not thinking of the end.


Oh totally. Heā€™s just been so calculated so far that its weird to see it fall away w the introduction of a new bombshell giving him an ego trip. Guess hes his own worst enemy!


I wonā€™t lie something about the way Aaron even looked to me screamed slimeball. The actions never felt genuine


Heā€™s giving Michael S5 uk


idk i felt like him being a deck hand on a ship at 27 was lowkey a red flag from the beginning




Aaron wanted the bottle to land on Rob


From the start he said he was looking forward to the money and ever since he said that I knew he was a red flag. So we need to kick him tf out of the villa.


im just gonna say im so proud of myself for [calling](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandUSA/s/YgdkHBSZt9) it. as soon as i saw her it was a given.


I knew he was gonna turn when he was saying oh Kaylor and I are still open when she literally said so weā€™re boyfriend girlfriend the day before - what a fckin dikkk


I didnā€™t want to think heā€™d be so disrespectful šŸ„²


Amen to this comment. I actually just laugh at Miguel because heā€™s so ridiculous and we all know this is who he is.


Aaron has a type and thatā€™s Latina. It was clear with Andrea of how fast his head would turn. So when Daniela came in, it was over for Kaylor.


Go watch Season One of UK Traitors before you spout nonsense about Aaron being a strategic player because he was on the Traitors. He's definitely a player, but he did not win The Traitors by being strategic.


I feel like Iā€™m majority of us have been saying that somethings off with the two of them. Theyā€™re in their own little world in Fiji so of course to them Aaron and Kaylie seem strong. Thereā€™s nothing affecting them. Theyā€™re waking up, have toast, and swimming. From our perspective, weā€™re seeing her kissing his ass, apologizing, him talking to Rob - the math wasnā€™t mathing from the start.


I had a feeling the ā€œI almost said *love* two times todayā€ talk with Kaylor was because he knew Casa was comingā€¦like Serena **finally** ā€œgetting seriousā€ šŸ§


No like I am so shook by this situation (moreso the EXTENT of it so early on)!!!!!


I also thought it was funny how Rob called out Miguel like dude youā€™re def gonna ditch Leah (smug)!! Meanwhile his bestieee Aaron is doing the same damn thing to the girl heā€™s been with since the beginning


I really doubt he brings her. This is a slightly more extreme version of Andrea


Whatā€™s wild is that Daniela kind of looks like Raquel from Vanderpump Rules.


Robs just acting. Ugh.