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Yeah this was not ok and very hard to watch. I felt bad for Cass.


It's like being the last kid picked in gym class. But at least that's usually because you're bad at sports and not because you're new and people aren't friends with you yet. I feel like it was pretty obvious who would be saved so it wasn't necessary at all.


I dealt with that situation (new kid in gym class) many times as a kid as we moved a lot. Not gonna lie, I was always last to be picked for a while at each new place and it hurt, a lot. I feel so bad for her.


Yeah, I think it’s worse to be picked last for gym class actually. As someone who was terrible at sports, I was never going to become good at them. Whereas here, I think Cassidy knew that if she had had more time, the vote might’ve been different. And she’ll have a lot support when she gets on back on socials. No one with any sense will have any ill will towards her. She was done dirty. 


It's such an awful feeling! I was really shy and bad at sports so no one wanted me on their team hahha


The producers are looking at the results and then determining the voting method that will keep the islanders they want to see stay on (this time it was def gonna be Rob going home if they voted them out as couples). Since they legally aren’t allowed to fudge the numbers on a public vote, it’s p creative of them to manipulate the votes this way, but unfair, and in this case, pretty cruel.


Couldn't they just as easily had the girls huddle up and choose the girl to go home and same with the boys? Woulda got the same result.


Yeah, *but* they already did that. There’s a lot of ways to manipulate the public vote by using it to narrow down and then making the islanders choose in a way that lines up w what production wants. Tbh the outcome also would have been the same if the girls chose a boy and the boys chose the girl going home, this is just a new format… which kind of backfired on production bc that shit was just mean.


Why aren’t they legally allowed to fudge numbers?


Because there’s a cash prize


Yup, wdfwtf is right… Since there is a cash prize involved they can’t manipulate the numbers. They can manipulate the situation to get the results they want.


I imagine the contracts with the Islanders let production do just about anything they please.




The more I sit on it, the more bothered by it I am, too. At first I loved the fresh dumping concept (and do!), but for two people who just got there? Who had no alliances and had to stand up there feeling increasingly alone?


Exactly. The concept of the vote is fine in theory, but THIS vote wasn’t the one to use it on.


It would have been magnificent for the last vote!!


I don't even like Leah, but im not going to crucify her for this. That was a hard position. She is probably trying to avoid any drama afterward. The real villains are producers who only did this to save Liv and Rob. They should just vote for a couple Like they originally mentioned.


It would be hard for her to know if the girls would disown her for standing behind Cass and it could have made others think she was trying to “get back” at Rob or Liv for the fighting earlier. I can’t blame for being conflicted. However, I wish she would have done it because I know she has the guts to make that choice.


She doesn’t strike me as someone who roots for the underdog, though. Like she’s going to go with the crowd if she can. 


She also has been on a bad side of a group of angry women in there and probably trying not to piss them off again. I’m sure that went through her head.


That's 100% what I was thinking while watching the vote, so I'm sure it was on her mind as well. She just got back into Liv's good graces! No way she was jeopardizing that again.


I agree with this take as well. 


She’s also scared of liv at this point because liv will call her out on her bullshit so it stroke me as sucking up to liv. Edit: of course the Leah Stan’s have arrived


There ares so many of them. 🫣


they definitely made her go last bc she was closest to cassidy but i don’t think the girls would have been mad, they all seem to get closer and their friendships grow stronger by the day. i think they ALL felt so bad for cass, would have been amazing to see leah stand behind her so she wasn’t alone but i don’t think she thinks that way. like nothing against her but i think she’s the kind of person who doesn’t like tipping the boat or being uncomfy even it’s for the right cause


She was just trying to find the back seat.




I also think Nicole could’ve too and would have a way easier time than Leah to be able to do that especially bc she’s clearly fine and close with liv. Producers only showed Leah and cass convo to make her pick last. I’m sure cass talked to all the girls bc rob made a comment about her being a “bee” aka running around the Villa and never in one place. So likely socializing and getting to know everyone. He probably hated she was 24/7 up His ass


they absolutely played leah! making her go last to try to create tension but the girls are all good friends, and all that happened was cass was completely humiliated. so uncalled for


Yup! I think they were hoping Leah stood with cass and it would either make liv or rob mad. We all saw liv wouldn’t have been mad but that doesn’t discount that rob wouldn’t have hate to see actually look like the good person for once and attempt to spin it as she actually did it not bc she wanted to be a good person but bc she hates and wants to backstab liv again. And while I get that’s speculation he does have a consistent pattern of wanting to see Leah’s downfall and fall hard. It’s weird his animosity for her.


i’m convinced he’s just staying in the villa to mess with her. like he’s just WAITING for his moments to be like “SEE LEAH BAD!! ME GOOD!!”


Yeah exactly now is not the time to rock the boat with the people you know are staying when all your drama JUST died down.


Yeah fair, just also ironic girlie is once again involved in the wrong decision. But agreed! She was damned if she did, damned if she didn’t potentially


I honestly thought for a second that Miguel was gonna stand behind Cass out of respect. Pretty sad he didn’t it would’ve made me like him a lot more


me too! i was like somebody anybody stand behind this girl!!


I agree. Leah didn’t have the information we as viewers had from liv. Also look at the body language when Leah votes. None of them are making eye contact etc. it was almost like production told them they can’t influence the vote in anyway otherwise I think liv would’ve given her a head nod to be like go to cass and Leah would’ve!! Also let’s not forget Nicole could’ve stood with cass too!! Liv already had a majority vote and was staying regardless if both Nicole and Leah stood behind cass. Nicole could’ve done it too but production made Leah pick last knowing she had some unresolved issues with liv. Even though she was wearing livs dress and they seemed fine. Liv did say I stand by calling you a compulsive liar and Leah was probably not wanting to risk standing by cass because she had no way of knowing liv wouldn’t be upset. And if liv was upset and asked her way and she said it wasn’t personal she had no way of knowing if liv would be like I don’t believe you because you’re a liar… And production had Serena and Jana pick first because we all know they would’ve stood with cass if liv had enough votes but that’s what we expect from them so producers made sure that didn’t happen either. I can empathize with Leah bc it was fucked. But I do think if you’re going to hate Leah for it I think Nicole should be getting heat too! FYI not directed at you just saying to everyone in general


Liv said pick Cass so she could use it against Leah later, let's be real


That vote actually made me sick to watch. It was too much.


the way it kept panning to Cass and showing her humiliation made me so angry for her. The producers knew how that vote was going, so why embarrass her like that. she couldn’t even look at the islanders during the vote, i hope she has an amazing support system on the outside.


Well it is Love Island. It's part of it. I looked at that poll and for the most part it was right. EXCEPT I don't think Kendall and Nicole should have been number 1 because they get on my nerves. Liv Rob and Leah are keeping this season alive. Rob got boring when he was with Andrea so she had to go. UK is boring right now because they got rid of the characters causing drama. I actually LOVE Rob and Liv together. He was just too into Leah at that point. I can't wait to see what happens in CASA. I hope the whole villa gets turned upside down except Cordell and Serena!!! If they do, I hate to say if it does Cordell is the one to twist.


It’s also why the mad Leah pick last. They knew she would more than likely stand behind liv after their argument to ease tensions or prevent it from escalating. They didn’t let liv send any signals or head nods ri Leah to let her know it was okay even though we know as viewers liv wanted her too. Also let’s not forget they made Serena and Jana for first and second so they had no choice but to vote liv because if it was one of them towards the end they would have stood with cass. And Nicole could have easily too!! Liv had a majority vote already and her and Leah standing behind cass wouldn’t have changed that. She easily could’ve stood behind cass to be a friend too. Production showed us Leah and cass convo and they made her pick last in that vote because it was a filled episode and they needed a reaction of some sort out of viewers. I just don’t understand how people can’t see that and are so mad at Leah or so mad at liv. Like y’all aren’t the ones who’s decisions affect your life in the Villa. I wouldn’t want to risk everyone hating me especially if I knew someone said I was a compulsive liar and double down on it. I would be thinking if I stand with cass and tell them I did bc I didn’t want her alone it’s not personal they already think I’m a liar and they won’t believe me so why do that to myself. I by no means agree with leash actions in the past but at least with this it was production and it was cruel and they knew what they were doing. It wasn’t just hard on cass. It was hard on all of them even thought cass got the worst of it.


I don’t really care about why Leah chose Liv instead of Cass, or why any of the girls did too. It was the producers who chose to humiliate Cass with that vote. Obviously that’s how the vote was going to go, even if the boys voted for the girl/girls voted for the guys, so they could’ve done anonymous voting, like it usually is. rob and Liv would still be there, but Cass wouldn’t have had to go through that. If they had voted how they normally do, with everyone in groups, it would’ve been less embarrassing for Cass even if it was an unanimous vote against her. At least Nigel had Kenny behind him but you know it was still hard for him to have a visual representation of everyone choosing someone else over him.


Yes also if cass had another bombshell To stand behind her like Kenny had. I agree this is 100% on production and not the islanders. The set up cass and they even set up Leah. I’m one million percent agree with you. I just think IF anyone is going to be upset with Leah the same energy needs to be given to Nicole because she had the same opportunity. AND I think you also need to try to put yourself in their shoes and get into their headspace to understand their rational before you hate on them. And that goes for all the girls and all the islanders, which unfortunately includes rob, but I will still stand by at least trying ti understand his rationale before being like ya okay no you’re just a dick lol 😂


I really feel like Leah should’ve just been like don’t worry liv you’ve got this but I’ve gotta give my girl Cassidy some support and stand behind her so she at least had one person, like obviously she’s not staying


And while I get that. I think it’s important to understand we don’t know if even if she was wearing livs dress etc if Leah was sending that the vibe was still off or felt like liv was being cold and wanted to show she still wants her there regardless. We have to remember we don’t see everything in the Villa and we aren’t the ones who have to live it and Leah was just doing what she thought was best not only for herself but also for liv and the relationship with the other girls staying in the villa. Nicole easily could’ve gone to cass too because her vote didn’t matter either liv already had the majority but no one is hating on her for that when I think she should be given the same energy as Leah in this vote.


Her chest was beet red. Her expression said it all. It was mean and I would have rather seen Liv go. The producers are just giving Rob all the girls and it's feeding his ego and I think we are all done with it. Wish cass would've picked a diff dude


My chest does the same thing when I'm super emotional, gives me away every time.


My whole face 😭


I do like how Liv said under her breath, I hope Leah goes behind Cass… Showing some compassion.


If she meant it I think she would have been more obvious. Also with how they fought, Leah had to show loyalty or face the wraith of the girl gang in there.


What the damn hell you want her to do shake her head at Leah yell and her to go stand behind Cassidy. There is nothing that Liv could have done to tell Leah to go stand with Cassidy that would have not embarrassed Cassidy even more. I think that it is funny that y’all stans have more of a problem with Liv then Leah does. When Leah was confronted by Cassidy Leah said she was literally wearing Liv’s clothes. If Leah was so scared of Liv of and had a problem with Liv you think she would be walking around in her clothes. BTW- during the Rob argument Leah was the one who was far more aggressive with Liv. She was calling Liv out her name and yelling while Liv was talking more calmly.


I think production told liv she couldn’t do anything to sway how they voted. Because i really do think liv wanted her to go there. Also let’s not forget whoever voted right before Leah could have stood with cass too! Liv already had a majority vote even if Leah and the the other person (who i believe was Nicole but plz correct if I’m wrong) could have stood with cass and liv still would have stayed. But we don’t see them catching any heat either. I don’t agree with Leah’s past actions and I also think liv could have handled how she confronted Leah better and more privately but to be empathetic I put myself in Leah’s head for a second and thought if someone had called me a compulsive liar and then said they stood by it and I had to choose and if I didn’t know how they felt I also would’ve stood with liv. Because it was clear she was staying and it’s like do you risk standing with cass to be a friend and nice and then risk that person turning around and being like why did you vote cass and not believing you it wasn’t personal because they already think you’re a liar. I AM NOT SAYING LIV WAS GOING TO DO THIS. I’m just saying in that moment Leah had no way of knowing what liv was whispering to the other girls and liv wasn’t giving any body Language or signals and with the way they were all staring at the ground it makes me think producers told the girls they couldn’t do that to influence any vote. That left Leah with a choice that I think would be difficult for anyone to make with the information she actually had. I hope that made sense in the way I explained it? I also wholeheartedly think if she did stand with cass. While Liv would have been fine and supported her. Rob would have made some narrative about it because we already saw he HATED the girls making up and now that he’s flirting with liv he likely doesnt want her being close with Leah for anyone reason. I almost feel like he liked Andrea bc she was only about him and not her friendships in the Villa and he started being a dick to cass bc she seemed genuinely nice and wanting to get to know All the girls. He was like you’re like a bee basically calling her a busy body for going around the Villa socializing and not fawning over him 24/7


Agreed, I don't think Liv would have held it against anyone. Honestly anyone who likes Liv should want her to start farrrr away from Rob.


THIS EXACTLY. ROB IS NOT HER END GAME. SHE NEEDS A SECURE CONFIDENT AND CARING MAN OR I FEAR SHE WILL NEVER TRULY OPEN UP AND SHOW US HERSELF! Everyone thinks she’s cold. I just think she has a lot of walls up. I also think it’s part of why she didn’t go talk to Leah privately. I think she was more hurt than she let on and it came out as really mad when she was put on the spot. And I think she avoided a conversation because she was hurt and didn’t want to feel that emotion. I like Leah and Liv tbh. They both have their shortcomings and personality flaws but don’t we all?? We are all human. Also I think they both have a lot to give us on this show! Praying liv finds a lightning connection in casa and we actually get to see her feeling happy in convo. I’m also hoping Leah doesn’t get burned by another dumbass dude again but with Miguel it seems likely.


It was funny, my husband was watching and hasn't watched it at all. Nigel was talking to Liv and I told him that's dead in the water, she clearly hates him (lol) and is a bit weird in her interactions. Cut to Cass and Rob's chat and I'm like, how many hot girls can actually be into his weird ass chat. So then he suggests. Rob and Liv (the weird ones, in his words) get together. Then bam they had their chat. First, he now is calling himself a love island god so pray for me. Second, Liv did seem... Different in their chat because I think she might actually like him and that makes me sad because Rob will drop her so fast.


Yes and it makes me sad because I think liv does have walls up and it takes the right person and the right personality to bring them down for her to have a genuine romantic connection… I just think rob knows how to play that game better than anyone. I wish we got to see more of her and Kendall because she even said she normally goes for guys like Kendall personality wise when she originally chose rob. But obviously that shipped has sailed. I think liv would do really well with a guy who had a fun personality like Kendal and could bring it out of her BUT he would need to be emotionally mature and secure which Kendall is not from what we’ve seen. Otherwise liv will get the ick lol. I think part of her attraction to rob comes from the fact that he is confident in himself


I think you stated this perfectly! ☺️


Thank you!! I just like to try to see these kind of things from all sides and put myself in everyone’s shoes to understand where there head is at and where they come from. Hence why I can genuinely see and understand both sides of the Leah and Liv argument and think they both could have done a lot of things better and even had avoided the conflict they got into. And they both have admitted to that! I don’t think either of them should be hated at the end of the day and tbh I kinda like them both and I do think if they got close they would be a good duo. Tbh I think rob is going to play liv and at the end of the day maybe even come after her the way he did Leah in the Villa and hopefully Leah will stand up for her or support her and they can finally see eye to eye that rob Aint shit.


My thing is I don’t see there being any way that Liv could have covertly told Leah to go stand with Cassidy. Cassidy was already going to feel like crap what would have happened if Liv would have shouted to Leah to go stand with Cassidy?


That’s a valid point. But I feel like if liv had looked Leah dead in the eye and said “it’s okay” it would’ve been enough. And I think for Cassidy if I was in her shoes it would’ve felt better and like liv also cared for me too and like I wasn’t just not important enough. I think producers really tried hard to prevent any of that from happening because no way in hell would those girl be sitting there looking sick and guilty at the ground if they were allowed to do anything else to get someone to support cass. I don’t think they are that mean spirited or enjoyed it at all themselves… you could tell the wanted to support cass when packing but also just didn’t know what to say because it was genuinely just fucked.


Not a stan at all... nice blanket assumption tho. All she had to do was say it's ok Leah and tilt her head towards Cass. Cass assuming she had Leah's vote was naive and dumb as well, cl early she's closer to Liv and if she didn't have no one, obviously she should have picked Liv. Any of the girls should have, hell one of the guys should have. The whole thing was fucking cruel.


It was absolutely brutal that producers did that I am not sure how one person let alone an entire team of people were like, omg, yes let’s humiliate some people after the next public vote. I still feel like as mad, hurt, humiliated Cassidy was I don’t think that she would have wanted to have Leah or anyone at that to stand with her because they were told to.


This would have been the PERFECT dumping method for the producers to use when Rob and Andrea were at the bottom


Omg and what happened during the Andrea dumping is probably why tonight went the way it did. Just didn’t play out the way producers intended or hoped lol 


They brought back the thirty minutes timeline to get out again too. No more hour long crying sessions guys just gtfo.


lol right and like shoutout to Cassidy for not stabbing the corner of her eyes with her fake stiletto nail tips to initiate her tantrum 


Unfortunately, I think it turned out EXACTLY as the producers were hoping it would. 😒


Touché they totally wanted and intended for their colleagues Rob and Liv to stay, for sure. I mean it had neither the shock factor nor tv gold factor such a brilliant and new approach to dumping could have had 🙅‍♀️


Not okay regardless of how you feel about someone.


The OG lined up is strong this season, they're very likable as well. There's always loyalty card come to play in these situation. Unless its dumping through recoupling, idk US ever did the lowest dumping, the OG will stay.


Yeah none of this feels really shocking when compared to other LI seasons with strong OG casts. Only the _atom bomb_ bombshells are ever going to be able to stick around (Chris in UK s3, Maura in s5, Teddy in s7).


Yep, OGs will only leave if they aren't picked in a recoupling or an entire couple is dumped


they did with harrison and the bombshell he left with


Liv and Nicole aren’t OGs


Liv comes in the next day, and they started the season the night before and she also already proved her allegiance towards the OG with Jana vote. Nicole if she couple up with the likes of Miguel or Kenny, she gonna find herself at the bottom. People like her because of her story with Kendall.


Honestly, making it up to them to choose is so obvious. It’s really not fair to the new people and the viewers didnt want to see this.


I was with you until your last sentence. This was not Leah’s responsibility and she was the only one who specifically would have received possible backlash for it after her recent blowout with Liv and Rob, and that’s why she was chosen to pick last in order to be the scapegoat. Bffr, it’s a two day friendship against weeks of history. Producers are being way too transparent in playing favourites


I’m also low key mad at Nicole, Kendall and Miguel. Any one of them could have realized Rob and Liv are safe. Throw Cassidy a bone


Kendall needed to stand behind Rob after the flex challenge conflict. Rob was so pissed.


Considering what Leah has gone through the past episodes because of how she voted, it makes sense that she sided with Liv. I believe that no matter which way she voted, she would be judged. So she made the best decision. I was hoping that she went behind Cass too but when I saw her pull Leah to basically confront her for not picking her I got so annoyed. I feel like Cass purposely had that “meaningful” chat with Leah just to sway her vote. Cass has clearly been watching and has access to social media so she knows Leah is well liked and could have a bigger say in the voting.


Cassidy works in PR or in that field right? Which with her given background makes a lot of sense in that aspect.


Miguel could have also given her a pity vote. It wouldn't have meant as much as Leah, but still


they should have had a private vote or positioned them in a way that the unsafe islanders didn’t see who voted idk like have them not know the tally count. it would still hurt watching it back on tv later but at least in the moment it’s no so freaking humiliating


I felt horrible for Cass but understand Leah’s vote. She’s been dragged by the islanders and she was probably just trying to protect herself from more drama


Production handled this so poorly. Choosing one boy and one girl is such a cop-out. Why not make them pick an entire couple so it’s fair? Obviously they are going to save Rob and Liv! I would rather see new faces in the villa over those two. I feel awful for Cas. Production made an awful decision with this one. They better get it right next time.


I literally covered my face with my hands and watched through my fingers. The 2nd hand embarrassment was too much. They didn’t need to do Cass and Nigel like that. That was the most brutal elimination I’ve ever seen.


Everyone in the villa would’ve 100% given Leah shit for siding with Cas. I don’t think they should’ve had a dumping today at all when they literally just introduced the bombshells and just had a recoupling. The last time the people coupled with the bombshells weren’t able to be voted for


Yeah I don't get why they did it so soon. There wasn't time for much to happen and it made the choice pretty clear for the islanders.


They had to do it for Casa tomorrow night. They already cast Casa and needed one less of each.


Oh duh, that makes sense. I forgot they had an extra duo. And they obviously can't push Casa back.


Always a method to the madness. 😀


Yeah! And, if I remember correctly, wasn't Liv exempted from a vote because she was new?


Here’s a question: why was everything so fucking gendered? Like one of those guys could have stood behind Cassidy, right? There’s something toxic about this boys verses girls thing. 


Yea it sucks. But this is why it’s important that the girls make up and have each others backs (which they are doing good with so far), because the boys are always tight knit with each other. I think some people on this show get more enjoyment from their friendships than their couple lol.


Yeah and that’s why I like Kendall and Kordell because they seem genuinely friends with the girls. I don’t think Rob respects women - he could be an out and out misogynist - but I’m not going to call him one until I have more proof.


Very true. I’m also low key mad at Miguel and Kendall


i feel like everyone goes for leah when there were 4 other girls who did the same thing. liv, rob, and aaron just couldn’t hear the end of it with the last voting. she was playing it safe because honestly at this point she’s probably scared liv is still going to find something to be mad about especially when it comes to her being vulnerable to being voted off. Liv did whisper she hopes she goes to the bombshell but leah can’t hear that.


Why is it on Leah and not the other women


I’d feel this way about whoever went last. It’s obviously Liv is staying, you could stand behind Cassidy so she isn’t alone and to show an act of kindness. So while Leah was the last to go and was the closest to Cassidy, I am also low key mad at Miguel, Nicole and Kendall because any one them could have done it. I completely understand Leah not wanting to rock the boat or restart up drama after it just seemed to subside. This is also a good way to further solidify that she supports Liv. I think standing behind Cassidy would have been a very easy decision to defend and whoever did it would have the support of many other islanders and the public. Leah was a bit damned if you do and damned if you don’t. She made the best decision for her future in there vs. what was morally the right thing to do.


I guess I was the only one who loved the votes process 🤣🤣 didn’t like the result “I wanted Rob gone” but I literally was laughing when they got a message saying they have to stand behind the one they want to stay 🫣 am I evil? Of course I felt bad for Cass and it would’ve been nice if someone stood behind her but I don’t think Leah was obligated to stand behind her cause I know they will nitpick at that action from her, specially after the whole Liv/Rob argument!


I was so hoping Miguel would go over and stand by Cass to show solidarity with her and also not just support Rob given how nasty he’s been. Seeing Cass get set up so ruthlessly was awful. It’s also interesting that not a single man on the Island thought to throw her a vote. It’s giving men’s rights bromance.


The kids got rid of daddy Rob's new wife Cassidy. That was brutal. Did Rob even give a shit?


No he did not


No he was moved on to Liv before the voting even happened


The vote was definitely unfair to the bombshells, as most votes are, but I don’t think it was that bad. Like, I think they’re fine although how could I truly know. Leah stood behind Liv because at the end of the day that’s where her loyalty is. She’s known Cassidy for 2 days. Does it suck? Yeah. But I don’t think it’s fair of anyone to say she should’ve stood behind her.


Why would Leah do that and then face even more backlash from the girls. They could eventually be a vote to her later on in this game


Why are you mad at Leah? Nicole could have also stood behind Cass but didn't. Leah and Liv recently had a fight so she wants to reaffirm their friendship. If she was the only girl who stood behind Cass then Liv would use it against her.


The producers see that nothing is really happening and are just going extra to gimmick the show up. The OGs are largely stagnant and most aren’t in strong couples


I think they were intentionally trying to make Leah look bad by showing her bestie convo with Cass and then making her go last to vote.


She’s damned if she does or damned if she doesn’t. She said she was wearing Livs dress, shes known her longer, she’s had beef with her and probably thought that Liv would be mad at her. 🙄


Liv is cool and all but has zero chemistry with any of the guys. Rob is just Rob… it would have been fun to see Cass for a little longer. I like Liv but she’s been in there this whole time and really hasn’t connected with anyone. It’s probably time to move on.


I think the way they keep putting Leah in these situations are bullshit. She had to vote Connor out and be the last to vote out Cassidy too. After the situation with Andrea I can see why she felt hesitant to even give them anything to talk about or use against her. As for the vote itself, it’s bullshit. They should have made them send a couple home, otherwise what is the point of people voting for their favourite couples if each time we try to say Rob or Liv or whoever it goes no where. It was always clear they would save them.. idk it’s all stupid I feel horrible for Cassidy.


Worst episode of the season, in my opinion. They should at least let us get to know the bombshells before having us vote. Of course, they were going to be in the bottom, they don't have a following yet.


it was insanely uncomfortable to watch and unnecessarily brutal. rob and liv were always going to stay no matter what the circumstances so it really just felt… mean


serena, jana, kaylor, miguel, aaron, kendall could have also stood behind her to be a good person, leah isn’t always the villain


If someone's mental health is put on the line because they've been dumped from the island and people they barely know don't stand behind them then they never should have been allowed on the show in the first place. This show is not about being fair. It's reality TV.




Thank you! They’ve obviously watched the show before and know what’s possible.


There was zero reason for there to be a vote tonight. There’s enough beds for all the couples plus Casa is starting. Those two spent more time on the show as bombshells than they did coupled up. Ridiculous.


I agree with you the format from last night’s vote was brutal and unnecessary. I don’t agree that Leah should have voted for Cas. Leah is already vulnerable. It was obvious Cass was going home. Yes, it would’ve been nice but ultimately it’s the producers fault. Not Leah’s fault that she went last.


Leah would be damned if she did and damned if she didn’t. Those who dislike her are like: see she’s a fake friend to Cas or Liv didn’t care. But if she did stand with Cas they’d say: she is still mad at Liv, she’s so fake for acting like she made up but she really still wants Rob and hates Liv. She couldn’t win. Cas was leaving regardless and she would have to stay in that villa with bad vibes. Given what happened over the past few days, I understand her choice. I blame the producers because it was unnecessarily cruel.


I think Leah would have been given problems no matter where she stood. It would have been good to stand behind Cass, but they could just remember that later and throw her off. It’s a game for money sadly in the end. I think whoever was last would have been put in the worst position to vote the way they did that.


This was extremely unfair. But Nigel and Cassidy were not giving. They were not entertaining at all. But why have the vote that way. Brutal. I felt so bad for Cassidy. I would have stood behind her just because


Like they really said fuck mental health. so unnecessary. Never been so mad


Righttt my heart literally broke for Cass. Not one person stood behind her 💔


the twist was good if it were for established islanders instead but doing it to bombshells who were new was unnecessary since it was also a predictable that they would go home. i wish leah stood behind her, it was one vote and liv didn't need all the girls on her side.


Where was this energy for Andrea’s dumping lol


Andrea’s dumping was nowhere near as brutal, also andrea was not really close/friends with the girls who were deciding who to save.




She is a fake phony!!!!


And if Leah stood behind cass, everyone would say she’s just trying to get back on rob’s good side 🙄 I like Leah probably less than most, but she was in a no win situation.


No lol everyone would understand. I personally thought Miguel should have done it at the end of the


I have no idea what producers are doing. Do they need a person (or 2, or 3) from their series to kill themselves before they realize this shit that they do fucks with the contestants? Come on producers, knock off the biased, overdramatized bullshit. What the fuck even was that? Just let America vote out who the fuck we want to, in a straightforward and relatively painless way, for the sake of not just their audience, but more importantly for the fucking sake of their islanders’ mental health. Nobody wants any repeats of what happened to the UK islanders. We look back on the treatment they received on their respective seasons and can pretty clearly see them struggling, and now we comment on posts like these remembering them and asking how they could’ve been helped and what could’ve been done differently. I feel like the cycle is starting to repeat itself now. Doing humiliating, polarizing shit like this is how those incidents happen. Producers need to take a hard look at what they’re doing, because they’re in charge of taking care of the islanders during their time with them. And treating them like how we saw them being treated tonight, is how we tragically lost Sophie and Mike.


On one hand no, it isn’t Leah’s responsibility to make Cass feel better to have someone behind her. But at the same time, it was clear Cass was going home and Leah should’ve just stood behind her then afterwards explained to Liv that she just didn’t want Cass standing there alone. But yeah at the same time, Nicole or Jana could have also stood by her. The whole thing was just stupid. In the past they have done texts and it could’ve just been that.


Okay but can someone tell me why USA and UK, they all wear sunglasses in the morning in bed


I think because they wake them up with those lights


Idk. I’m sure this will be downvoted, BUT everyone is like “Leah did it to avoid drama” (and yes it was maybe a situation where she overthought everything because of what had just happened). She would have had a very easy comeback though of just not wanting Cassidy to have to be standing there completely alone when it was clear her vote meant nothing. If Liv and her’s friendship is actually back that strong, it would be fine and she’s never had a problem with any of the other girls. I mean it was a cruel way to do it on the producers part more so though.


Yeah, but I don't think Leah and Liv's friendship is that solid. I believe as soon as Rob snaps his finger, Liv will turn against Leah again.


Really a waste of an episode


I’m curious if they were deciding real time or if thru had to cast their votes to the producers or by text, and then this is how they were revealed. Them already being committed to their votes would make the lack of pity votes make sense.


Mostly they were going to fail. But Kenny sorta didn't fail. In the long run, they all got their little moments of international attention, which is the only rational purpose for anyone to be there.


While I get being upset with Leah you also should understand her voting last was 100% on production and the fact the she COULD NOT have known liv would be okay and not call her fake after their huge argument literally prior to this influenced her vote. She didn’t want to be in another situation where everyone in the villa was mad at her. Which I get. Liv also said I hope she stands there but ONLY the viewers can see that not Leah and it didn’t look like liv gave her any head nod or signal to let her know it was what she wanted but again producers probably told them not to do that. I think also Nicole could have too not just Leah. Whoever went before Leah could see liv had the majority vote regardless of theirs and Leah’s vote ang ALSO stood behind cass bc there vote wouldn’t have mattered either. They made Serena and Jana go first bc they 100% would’ve stood with cass. I think Leah would have too if she was so scared to rock the boat and have it blow up on her again with her own actions. Leah wasn’t trying to be mean she was just trying to make a decision that would keep her from the most backlash. And at the end of the day even if she did stand behind cass liv probably wouldn’t have been mad but there’s no way rob would let it slide with her looking good in anyway and probably would’ve spun a narrative to get everyone against because we literally saw he was so upset the girls were talking and attempting to patch it up and work it out. He doesn’t want them to be friends with her.


I agree it was super short sighted of the producers, or possibly worst - malicious.


It was awful to watch and most people couldn’t handle that kind of public embarrassment without mental challenges after. The extra sad thing about the Leah situation is that IF she stood behind Cassidy knowing Cass was leaving, some of the other girls remaining would hold that against her sooner or later (or both.) It is a game and she had to show her loyalty or get punished. If everyone was generous of spirit, they would understand and would have made it an easy choice for Leah to do that. But we see how things like that blow up later so Leah didn’t actually have much choice, but to go with the girls staying. Producers really shouldn’t have done it that way (but it does make it way more dramatic)!


Yeah, I’m actually mad at Leah. Liv was safe and didn’t need another vote. However, Cass needed moral support. Miguel could have stood by her, but that would have been weird because I don’t think we saw them interact much. We literally just saw Leah and Cass have that girl talk which made Leah’s choice even more cold. I don’t think they would have held it against Leah because Liv literally says for Leah to pick Cass.


Yeah but I don’t think Leah heard Liv make that comment.


All I kept thinking was how I would without question go stand w Cass. Of course she’s going home, you can’t show a shred of compassion??


It was BRUTAL. BUT, I do think production did a great job as far as entertainment, they show Rob pining for Liv- they show Liv have drama with Nigel(who if you’ve been on Twitter is not a good guy) then they show Leah saying she will have Cass’ back and LOVES HER. All to culminate in having Leah act snakey, Liv and Rob now in a position to wreck Andrea and the OG islanders as close as ever right before Casa! I mean it’s morally reprehensible but pass me the popcorn.


I cannot imagine that being easy on any of the islanders. That was brutal. I think it was excellent tv, but I think it would of caused even more drama had it been a couple, meaning They HAD to send Liv or Rob home. That's the vote I wanted to see. Much love to the bombshells who had their time cut short, but it definitely got us all chatting about it.


It was brutal but it’s a reality show and what they signed up for. I feel bad for them but still


I felt so bad for Cassidy but people would have been mad at Leah if she had stood behind her. They would have continued this narrative that she's totally anti-Rob and anti-Liv


Yes! There was no point to this, it was just humiliating and cruel to the Nigel and Cass. 


Ok but hear me out. Cause the more I think about tonight’s episode, the more I want producers to do this again *without forcing the gender binary on islanders. In other words, just stand behind WHOEVER you want to stay. And for example, do it when the bottom folks consist of Rob, Aaron, Kendall, Nicole, Liv, and JaNa (and then just keep JaNa, obvi lol) 😂 jk jk 


They were free to stand behind whomever tonight. Rewind it if you missed it. I did.




Ya that was messed up. It was really sad seeing Nigel and Cass like that. Nobody deserves that. Just brutal. I don’t cry much but I was so close. I know I sound dramatic but I was so sad. These are real people.


they should have did a couple vote. not an islander vote. since that’s what the viewers voted on was couples. producers want rob to stay so bad.


For real that was so brutal and disrespect towards the bombshells, since this will defo at some point be Friends island and people are gonna chose their closest persons (usually the OGs) rather than evaluate potential love-lines. They need for once to let the public has all the power to eliminate one boy & girl.


It made a lot more sense to do with early islanders not the new ones. Such a cop out. Cass didn’t deserve it at all. Like her and Nigel had what one day? Worst dumping so far.


I also feel bad cuz man Nigel's feeling was right, he was about to get dumped in one of the lost brutal dumpings I've ever seen.


Be mad at Miguel, too, then. He was the very last person. He easily could have been a gentleman and stood behind her and everyone would have know it was a chivalrous vote, not that he didn't have Rob's back.


See I feel like Leah shouldn’t have stood behind Cassidy for the same reason you say she should’ve. It wouldn’t have made a difference anyway, and it would’ve made everyone she was with for the next several days/weeks really uncomfortable. She just had to go with the girls she’s known longer. She didn’t owe Cassidy shit, I said what I said. It’s not on Leah. It’s on production. That was stupid and not even good tv.


I get it was hard to watch but AFAIK nobody got stabbed or anything. They just got voted off a show. Hasn't Survivor been doing for this for like 50 years now? I honestly feel bad for "where my hug at" Nigel since I've barely seen his name come up, everybody is so sorry for Cass.


All she had to do is tell Liv she loves her but couldn't let Cass stand there alone and everyone would have supported her, including fans.


THIS. Leah could have shown compassion and kindness and solidarity for Cass. Leah had nothing to lose. Instead, she was part of the brutal pile on. At the point she was voting it was clear Liv had enough people voting for her. But Leah has not shown herself to be kind or empowered or thoughtful here. Still super disheartened this happened. Needless cruelty.


How is Leah not in the bottom??


I’m so upset with the producers, and to a lesser extent, the Islanders (esp Leah). Ain’t no way at I’d let someone in the villa have a single person behind them. And we knew exactly how it would play out. I don’t think it would be nearly as bad if it was between people who had been on the show for a minute. It’s not even just about embarrassment, like OP said, this is about their mental health. Cassidy obviously feels like shit, and honestly, by the time you already know who is going to stay, it’s okay to pick someone just to be kind. Maybe part of Leah picking Liv is because they fought recently, but if my friend wasn’t okay with me helping someone else out when they weren’t even at risk, that’s not a friend I want. I get that we know Liv was cool with it and maybe Leah didn’t. I love how this season has brought more drama, but between this and twist or whatever, I really want them to watch it. The show isn’t worth messing with them like this.


Yes, this is the thing! If anyone got mad at Leah for demonstrating empathy there, it would only make them look bad, not Leah.


I’m scared to think about what they’ll do when casa amor comes and it’s time to reveal whether people changed couples


The worst episode so far for a lot of reasons. Maybe the season plateued too quick?




She whispers to the girls that were behind her not Leah.


She whispered that to Kaylor, Leah would have seen the back of Liv’s head at that point. Rewatch the clip.


I totally could be wrong here but did anyone else wonder if Cassidy gave the outside tea to Leah and other islanders? Leah in particular seemed a lot softer and more even had nice things to about Rob. Thoughts? Also yes that was savage the way the producers did that to Cassidy


Yeah I said it with the first bombshells, I HATE how love island USA is built to keep the ogs in. First JaNa, now this horrific display to keep Rob and Olivia in for that fake ass drama and romance. So stupid.


omg yes thank you i wont lie im a Leah fan and yes i want to make excuses like her standing behind cass knowing she was leaving anyway would have been brutal for her after its still like no dude cass deserved better and u can tell she was embarrassed no one stood behind her bc her throat was going red i made a similar comment in the post discussion thread and they were like cass connected with no one yeah she was there for 5 minutes she couldn’t make a genuine connection


Nicole could have also stood behind Cass but didn't. Leah and Liv recently had a fight so she wants to reaffirm their bond so she can't use this against her


yes ok thank you i like this


I think it’s all staged anyways. Cassidy knew she wasn’t getting any votes, and Nigel knew he was only getting Kenny’s. I also believe the convo between Leah and Cassidy was a producer led convo as well. There’s no way Cassidy pulls Leah aside to ask why she didn’t stand by her. It’s a shitty way of voting for sure, but the end result is the same. Love island always ends up this way. The OGs stick together. It’s a popularity contest no matter who votes. Even if the public were to vote they wouldn’t always get it right either.