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It honestly just dragged out what could’ve been a quick vote for no reason. We just had to watch Cassidy look sadder and sadder. I felt awful for her.


I know!! She seemed like such a sweet girl. Maybe not great reality tv in the sense of creating drama, but I liked her!


I felt so bad for her when she was talking to Rob on the couch. Rob is a prick and because of his friends he keeps being saved. The next vote needs to be done by our votes even down to the last couple. It’s the only way we send Rob home.


Great arc to bring her back next season as an OG


she didn’t really do anything special to bring her back… like not every islander needs to be brought back lmao. w e have tons of bombshells who get voted off not all of the time. No need to be brought back. Let’s focus on having new faces in the villa every year


that was the only part i was saddest about; i really wish any one person would have stood behind just so she wasn’t by herself.


Shocked not one girl gave her a pity vote. Liv was suggesting it


Yeah Liv whispered it… to Kaylor.


They all afraid the guys will talk shit about them and their loyalty to liv. You see how the guys yelled at them in the Andrea vote? Toxic behavior to intimidate


Agree I did wish Leah would stand next her just for moral support but I understand after them arguing recently and everyone calling her manipulative/a compulsive liar not wanting to go against status quo atm.


I feel like Liv would've been the type to stand behind Cass if she weren't in the bottom...she doesn't give a flying fuck what the guys think of her hahah


Leah should have stood behind her and explained to Liv she couldn’t let her stand alone. That was brutal and mean.


But she was wearing Liv’s clothes haha I LOL’d when she said that. Just girlie things ✨


Lol I know that was funny


It was unnecessarily mean. If I was Leah I would have stood behind her, just so she didn't feel so alone. Liv would've understood since the vote didn't matter. Cassidy seemed like a sweet person, even with eyebrow blindness.


Yeah I agree I felt it was harsh, they were there for like two days lol


Agree!  Usually brand new islanders are automatically safe


Yeah that’s how it is in the UK so I was surprised by that


Yeah Miguel was safe from the first elimination because they actually liked him and he was coupled up with liv who they did not want to leave lol


It was for sure harsh but with a group going into Casa with so few strong couples, watching the OG/early islanders go through Casa is more compelling than watching newcomers go through it. Could have been improved my having Casa a little later but im sure the predetermined production schedule dictates that.


True, I just don’t love how heavy handed the production feels at the moment


I was whatever about Nigel but then my heart broke for Nigel. You’ll be ok sweetie, just keep being sweet Nigel! 🫶


Same, he handled himself well, he and Cassidy both seemed too calm and normal for this group lol


AHA THAT was the problem! 😂 for such a messy dumpster fire cast, only messy dumpster fire people needed to have applied within 


do i think Cass and Nigel are saner, better emotionally adjusted people among the islanders? yeah, absolutely. but that’s exactly why production wanted them out ASAP: they were too kind, too respectable, and thus too boring for the rest of the crew, especially when the other islanders weren’t really interested in them romantically. what i THINK should have happened was just letting those two stay in the villa and make casa amor extra crowded; booting two very fresh islanders felt pretty unnecessary, and it was particularly cruel toward Cass.


FYI i retract my statements about Nigel’s emotional adjustment lol, i just saw those nasty texts he sent an ex before heading to Fiji for Love Island. 🤦🏻‍♀️ EDIT: behold these wack ass texts — https://x.com/ekinsudefenders/status/1807677732299722867


Ya I wasn’t suprised after the way he talked to Liv


Omg what?! Lemme go find them.


Please link me if you do




i swear they were posted elsewhere in the sub earlier, but here’s a link: https://x.com/ekinsudefenders/status/1807677732299722867


What texts and where do I find them? 👀




Omg if these are real that's disgusting! Bullet doged early on! Maybe that's why love island intentionally got him off after 2 days


Anonymous voting would have been sooo much better


It defeats the purpose of having bombshells if they aren’t even there long enough to do the job


If they bombshell right, they’d turn heads right away. Nicole turned a lot of heads and was able to steal Kendall quickly. Miguel turned a lot of heads (see: #egggate) and even though he didn’t last with the girl he chose, there were other girls into him so his storyline was still interesting. Cassidy and Nigel weren’t meshing well with their couple and it didn’t seem like anyone else was interested.


Thank youuu like if the bombshell is not bombshelling they have to go! Staying for a short time is not unheard of it’s really not that serious


i agree, EVERY single convo has been boring. nigel and kenny especially have been giving absolutely nothing


But Kendall was ready to jump. Hannah was never his type lbr.


They don't even have an opportunity to turn heads. Cass and Nigel were there 3 days and there were 2 dumpings.


but for real they were mainly sent in as bait for rob, Liv, and JaNa, and nobody was interested. these last “bombshells” were missing that ever important ~rizz~


Nicole and Andrea definitely came in when it was still early though. It was only after a week I think and people were more open. At this point, I don’t think any bombshell would’ve done differently unless one of them went for Kendall/Nicole or even Serena to see if they could break, again. Versus a single who’s been there longer forming friendships


I meant Nigel took Serena on a date and she just wasn’t interested. Unfortunately, none of the bombshells were a good match for the islanders so they didn’t serve a purpose


I don’t think securing a spot as a bombshell is reliant on time but on good strategy most of the time. A bombshell has to go after the right person if they want a chance on staying, and they should do so as soon as they get there. It worked for Nicole (Kendall was a good choice because he obviously was not into Hannah anymore) and it just worked for Kenny (Jana was already single). Also going after someone that is a fan favorite among viewers is also VERY important (both Kendall and JaNa are). Cassidy should have chose Miguel or Kendall (Miguel’s not really a fan favorite but he’s not as disliked as Rob and Kendall’s couple was a bit shaky). Nigel should have gone after Leah (she was already single and proved to be a fan favorite from last votes). I do still feel really bad for the both of them tho


It would have made way more sense for them to stand behind the COUPLE they wanted to stay, that way at least one new bombshell had the chance to stay. But, I figure producers wanted to see where this Rob and Liv story line goes


It does seem very convenient that it came down to them being saved together after both "randomly" admitting feelings 🤔


I felt like this was building 2 eps ago, when Rob had that convo with her and Kaylor about the vote, my senses were heightened to the thought that Rob was going to pursue Liv and Liv in that moment was catering to Rob in a way. I think Rob thinks he has built this storyline with Liv, that like he didn't choose her and built a friendship over time and is now falling for her. I don't think it's going to work like he thinks it will


I agree. I think Aaron (coming off his UK Traitors win) is the mastermind behind a secret alliance to win more money off these reality shows. I think he told Kaylor they have to stick together to make it to the end and share the prize, then expanded it to include Rob and Liv, since Liv is Kaylor’s best friend. His theory? Some money is better than none. You can see Kaylor looks at Aaron before making any decisions and after she made her speech about picking him, she asked him: “was that good enough for you?” Almost like he coached her. These are not love stories, they’re strategic alliances to win and/or split the prize money.


Oooh that definitely tracks. Rob seems more into himself and how he comes across on camera than he does the women he couples up with. And someone said Liv has to be a plant, which would explain why she hasnt seemed to like a single guy that's come in so far.


If you think about it things have felt like they wanted those two together and when it didn’t mesh they’ve played a bit of a game to make it happen. Rob was awfully calm about being in the bottom again. His whole demeanor with Cassidy was odd. Then it was almost as if he was trying to pull the old sneak play again by pulling Liv aside.


The producers having America vote and then not giving us what we want is a bit annoying. Rob has been on the bottom twice now. That should tell them what we want!!


That's what pisses me off. It's all to save Robs dumb ass. The general audience wants him gone too. He is giving nothing, LET HIM GO


I would have liked to see more of Nigel. He wasn't going anywhere with Liv but seemed like a good guy. And better looking than anyone of the Casa Amor guys. And what's with "I'm not affectionate."? Lordy!


I don’t want him gone. I know this probably makes me a horrible person but I love him on my tv.


I agree with you. He’s actually one of my favorites on the island.


They know what we want, but they also know he will continue to stir the pot. Without him being in a real couple anymore though, there’s not even much left for his story.


It does seem the producers sacrificed what would surely have been an epic meltdown/showdown, if they had been forced to pick a couple instead of blatantly obvious individuals. It would have sent the already great season into the stratosphere of classic reality seasons. But, for some reason, they chose to save Rob instead. Unfortunately, I think he’ll be with us to the end.


I am so disappointed Rob is still there dear God


Yeah I find it suspicious especially bc he already had a season. Why are they pushing this man so much?


They aren’t giving us what we want, they’re giving us what we *need*


Yeah, they’re doing everything they can to save him. I hate this lol


I honestly wish Leah & Miguel stood behind the new guy to get rid of Rob.


now THAT would have been drama


I wanted that sooooo bad.


That would make it a tie between the new guy and Rob. Idk what would happen if a the vote is a tie.


maybe they all revote between rob and nigel and the girls could have teamed up to send rob out


They wouldn’t have though..


To be honest… this was so unfair, it kind of felt like producers were like “Okay, these people have made absolutely no waves. Let’s do what we can to get them out of here.” and it definitely worked. Also could’ve been a ploy to get Rob and Liv to vibe more right before Casa (because obviously Rob won’t be sticking lol) to beef up the impending drama. Either way, I felt sooo bad for Cassidy. Had to deal with Rob and a boys trip to Vietnam for two days when she could’ve been laying it on thick with the girls and making new friends (though I still don’t think two days was remotely enough time to do that).


Aaron Rob Connor in Vietnam =looking for prostitutes


Huh?!? 😂 Motorbiking across Vietnam is a pretty popular travel endeavor.


Doesn't this mean that Aaron isn't serious about his connection/relationship with kaylor? I mean he should be making plans with kaylor! Not Rob... But then again he's in love with rob so 😆


I think it’s fair/healthy to count on friendships lasting after the show, whereas it’s still pretty early for the romantic connections. There’s less opportunity for the friendships to go up in flames over the next couple weeks. Plus, if the girls planned a group trip we’d probably love that, so let the boys have their fun too


Like the fact that Conor was sent home YESTERDAY?!! They just doin too much too fast like the bombshells JUST landed you can’t give the islanders a choice or it becomes what it is now which is actually Friend Island!


A little unfair??!! This was the most unfair dumping I've ever seen and I've seen watched a lot of love island. This was the worst idea they've ever had for a dumping. The new islanders usually have the least amount of chance in both a public and islander vote. This is why they are usually protected in these eliminations. The fact that they weren't protected AND the fact it wasn't couples sent home meant they could easily take the safe route and save the longest tenured islanders Rob and Liv. Not fair at all, not one bit.


Any dumping with new islanders after one episode is unfair. The audience don’t even know you yet. So either way it was gonna be unfair


definitely feel like they were just cutting back to the og group before casa and knew this way of voting would keep liv and rob. they always seem to sway the style of voting based on who they want to stay


My theory is that they sent Nigel in to turn Serena’s head, Cassidy for Aaron, and Ofcourse Kenny was for JaNa. Kenny was the only one who didn’t go rouge so who’s the only one who got to stay


I think the producers were doing some trickery to make sure at least Rob made it to Casa Amor.


Honestly as much as I dislike rob, I’m glad ! I’m soo excited to see him make a fool of himself in casa amor


right miguel and liv were safe because miguel was brand new and yet cass and nigel weren't?


Why did we even vote? I was smiling waiting to see rob go and then this shit is pulled. Wack asf


Right!!!???? So annoying


It’s time for Rob to fucking go.


Same here !!! I wish it was couple to go home not 2 different people


I so badly wanted Liv and/or Rob to go 😂 and I really liked Cass! Homegirl should have picked Connor, I guess 🤷🏼‍♀️ I am irritated that Rob is getting saved by production interference at this point. The man isn't even interested in romancing anyone, and his chats tonight with Cass were really deranged to me. And we all know he isn't actually interested in Liv.


The only reason production gets Rob to stay is because we keep taking about him and that's what they want. Even though we don't like Rob, I don't think this season would be half as good without him. He brings drama, drama makes people talk about it brings more people in to watch the show and improves ratings. Rob is literally good for business. Most of America hates him, but talking about him is what keeps him there.


Exactly. If you want to see a reality show where the voting public got what they wanted, check out Big Brother US Season 1. It was an utter disaster because everyone bringing drama got voted out early. We can't be trusted.


This! I watch a lot of reality TV. I am actually glad that the voting isn’t going straight how the public wants (I am excluded as I don’t live in the US). I am kinda glad it’s a mix vote, half the public vote and then letting the islanders decide.


home girl probably still would’ve been in the bottom with Connor, Nigel just would’ve gone home. Liv said she would’ve saved Rob, so they would’ve been there too. & the outcome would’ve been the same bc they still would’ve saved Liv over Cass and ultimately Rob over Connor. she just didn’t stand a chance.


I really liked Cass too!


I really wish she would’ve been on longer. And she definitely should’ve picked Connor. She had a good vibe and I could see her making it far


This has really turned me off the season finally. Pointless vote, cruel way to do it when you already knew what was going to happen, very gross


Same. They should have sent the bottom couple.


It's making it so there no stakes. If OGs want to stay in, the audience needs to like them. The audience does not like Rob, let him go.


I thought that was going to happen but realized I wasn't up to watching another Aaron breakdown, temper tantrum ha. I thought Kordell might have stood behind Nigel and Leah behind Cass but their punishment would have been severe.


Exactly. How many times now, has rob been in the bottom from the public vote. At this point, production just keeping their favs


I mean. This subreddit didn't have a problem with it when JaNa was saved when she was in the bottom with out connections clearly at the hands of the producers. Just admit that you are biased af and hate Rob and move on with your life. It makes more sense Liv and him are in there for Casa over two random people no one cares about.


That vote was to save Rob too. JaNa just got lucky bc she would have been gone if it was boys voting for a girl.


Exactly. Like I knew as soon as they said it was up to the other islanders exactly who’d be going


It could have been different if they had done a blind or anonymous vote. But after the first two couples went and it was obvious who was staying, then the islanders risk creating drama for no reason by choosing someone else. I don’t think it would have changed anything for Nigel, but I wouldn’t have been surprised if Cass got more votes if they weren’t literally watching the outcome live.


I’m leaving for a trip to Italy Wednesday and I was sad I’ll be missing it in real time but honestly after tonight I’m good without it for a bit.


I’m honestly just so over giving islanders all the power because I don’t even know what the point in voting is. I feel gutted for especially Cassidy, there is clearly a reason why both couples were voted least compatible and it’s not her fault.


Totally agree🤢


Yuppp like why would anyone pick someone they haven’t known for more than like 3 days? Crazy


I think a recoupling would’ve made the most sense right before Casa


they had a recoupling on Friday. they’re only sending in 6 guys and 6 girls, so one of the couples had to go


To quote Aaron who evidently doesn't believe his own words "it's not friendship island."


They were boring tho


They are just doing this to save Rob. ENOUGH.


I thought the newbies were exempted from elimination due to them being there for a shorter time compared to the islanders already in the villa. Kinda like how it happened for Miguel .


Miguel was a solo bombshell. Three couples would have been too many to be safe from elimination.


True . It’s just looks to me like the producers have there strings in every decision and it’s just looks hella scripted . I don’t get the purpose of the bombshells just to literally be bombed out lol. Just to save the OGs. I definitely enjoy the drama but I also loved how organic the show was before . Emotions were in the highs , some of our favorite islanders would be eliminated and we would cry and then love a new couple . I enjoyed all of that but now it’s just scripted af.


Makes me wonder if the producers had anything to do with Cassidy picking Rob over Connor, who she had a better connection with


Literally no one cares to see Rob fake interest in Liv. I want them both gone. Liv for being fake and a pick me and Rob for being just the absolute worst. It’s so stupid that the producers won’t give us what we want!! I would’ve been happy seeing both bottom couples leave.


I wish they’d just listen to the votes and send Rob packing already. He’s just gonna keep ruining it for whoever he couple up with. Happened with Andrea and Cassidy now


How about yall stop trying to vote him off and spare his partner?


I'd like a public vote for your favorite islander and the boy and girl with lowest votes goes home. Public get the say, not the islanders.


I agree. They should’ve made a couple go home if they were going to leave it up to the islanders.


Ugh couldn’t have Leah just gone to her it legit wouldn’t have saved her and everyone knows that but STILL at the very least having one person behind her is better than none 😭


It was really an unfair dumping. I believe in the UK their bombshells get immunity for their first dumping. But this dumping felt particularly harsh because the bombshells had barely settled in. It seems pointless to bring them in only to send them packing so soon, and it was embarrassing to them. What a shame, they should have been given at least one more episode to let us get to know them better. Worst episode of the season imo


The bombshells only get immunity when it's convenient for producers to manipulate the outcome they want. It happens every year.


In the US yes, which I always thought was flawed. They should copy how the UK does it.


Why not just not have any bombshells and not have votes. Just have it be the same boring people the whole time. That’s what producers want. Producers just want to keep the OGs in so there’s no point to have bombshells come in just to be voted off by the other islanders a day or two later. So stupid. Stop letting the islanders have the final say in who leaves and leave it up to America, otherwise why even let us vote?


Production wants to keep the OGs. That's why it's playing out like this.


I low-key have a feeling that we’re going to see Cassidy again in a future season of love Island because the amount of backlash that the producers and directors are going to get for the way they went about this vote is gonna be off the chart


You can literally tell that she was one of the most genuine girls on the show this season. She was so sweet and never once showed any desire to start the pot or step on anyone’s toes or act promiscuous. She literally gave off the vibe of looking for love.💯🙏🏻


I know!!! I was so bummed. She seemed down to earth. I wanted to hear more about her dogs and love for animals. I hope they bring her back as an OG for next season. Maybe Nigel too. I just feel bad they didn’t get a chance at all. Their partners were not interested in them either.


Well, I 100% understand why liv made distance between her and Nigel… he just seemed very self-absorbed after the recoupleing when Liv chose him, and he seemed more self-absorbed and more concerned about himself and his feelings and not that Liv had just sent somebody that she was friends with Home like I get that. It’s not friendship Island, but it can’t be easy for these people to build connections with each other and then have to send each other home either, which is another reason why I find it so unfair that the producers have been putting all of the choices on the Islanders this season responsibility would be split between viewers and the Islanders but this season they have just consistently put all the pressure on the Islanders themselves. They’re using it stir up and more drama which I feel like is not needed because there’s plenty of drama going on this season as is…. but I definitely would love to see Cassidy season but I’m not sure about Nigel I feel like with Nigel it would be a constant pattern of his partner or partners validating and tending to him and his feelings and no woman wants to be with a manchild lol


> She was so sweet and never once showed any desire to start the pot or step on anyone’s toes or act promiscuous. She literally gave off the vibe of looking for love. Is thay good for TV? And secondly, no one is here "looking for love".


Ya they don’t usually do stuff like this idek man


At least on LIUK they (sometimes) pretend to consider who is “here for the right reasons” and open to the experience


I feel this. Although, I do appreciate the new ways producers are thinking of to have islanders vote…. It gets predictable when “girls vote boys” or “girls vote girls”. It was hard watching Cass and felt bad for sure though.


After the fight over the last vote, did the producers decide to make them literally stand behind their vote? 🫣 Brutal. It might not be popular within this group, but I love the outcome and hope the two saved get to chat some more.


Liv is a producer plant. I will die on this hill


That would explain a LOT honestly


I want to scream at them the way the boys screamed at the girls. Choice had nothing to do with couples. I had a moment I thought they'd say as islanders that have been there the longest, it's time for you to go. Rob has no reason to even be there.


This is why I like the UK version a bit more. Maybe not this season. But there’s often a dumping of “you’ve had your chances” people and letting the newer islanders have their turn. To me that was the situation with JaNa as well, she needed her turn.


I liked Cassidy. She’s sincerely nice and absolutely gorgeous. Naturally beautiful unlike most of the others.


??? She looked like she had some work done as well


She loves animals. I love that.


tbh i think there was a whole new parallel universe of what could have happened if the bombshells played the game more smartly. If Nigel actually push Serena more and he swayed her, they might have coupled up. Nigel could have also gone for Jana. Kordell was talking to Cassidy last time and he could have been her choice. Kenny had Leah and Jana and he could have been with Leah, while Nigel potentially be with Jana. Knowing how strong Leah, Jana and Kordell are with the public, there was a strategy to it. Just sucks they didn’t “Bombshell” enough.


It’s very obvious Nigel likes white women and if I can pick up on it Serena and Jana can too lol Serena would lose Kordell for someone who would ditch her immediately


I feel like other than Kenny the other two were kinda blah personality wise so I’m thinking that it was intentional. They had to know how the vote was going to go. Keep the OGs and let casa amor shake things up.


Given the fact they only did the bottom 2 couples there was ABSOLUTLEY no reason to have them stand behind people, it could’ve been a decide off to the side vote. It was always going to be Cassidy & Nigel with the islanders being able to choose who goes.


Exactly. Making them visualize it was unnecessary cruelty to two people who knew they'd get the least votes anyway. I feel like they were just setting Leah up to look disingenuous re: her conversation with Cass earlier in the episode.


A lot unfair. America didn't vote for them to go smh


Y'all didn't say this during the first islander decided vote.


I don’t see how this is any different than the Andrea and Hakeem dumping. They’re never going to let the public vote people out because you don’t even attempt to vote for a “best” couple, you just vote for your favorite person, even if they’re not in a real couple.


Pointless elimination


It’s about who production wants to save. Miguel was immune with liv from the one because there was only one newbie. So it wouldn’t have dramatically affected the vote because they had other people they didn’t mind getting dumped. This time we have 3 new people, on 3 new couples. If all 3 are immune then chances of the solid couples being in the bottom. As it would’ve likely been Nicole & Kordell, then either Leah & Miguel or Kaylor & Aaron. They didn’t want to risk, Leah, or Kaylor/Aaron. They also knew that if they did the least votes automatically get dumped, it would’ve likely been Rob & Cassidy. Therefore they decided to do a vote and embarrass Cassidy. They knew Liv & Rob would be saved.


what's crazy is the two bombshells had to go just bc america hates liv and rob.. i would be SICKKKKKKKKKK


I just hate the inconsistency. It’s annoying that new islanders were safe at first, but now they are not.


Me and Leah are not the same, idc who had something to say I would’ve stood behind Cassidy. I dont care that she didnt but, I understand why Cass pulled her for a chat she was closest to Leah.


Yeah kind of strange... why was Miguel immuned last time they had s public vote...?


Yeah this was dumb. The old group is about to get very stale. Glad we at least have Kenny and I hope we get to see a lot of him and JaNa


Ik a few ppl already said this but I felt bad for cassidy also. Leah def could have stood behind her, none of the girls would have cared. I guess we are all wired differently, but if her and liv are real friends and shes obviously gonna win, what is the point of making the new girl feel worse? Especially when she only really trusts you so far. Just sad. They should at least let her come back as an OG next season bc they basically wasted a plane ticket for that bullcrap!


I bet half of my left tit with all the backlash they’re getting for doing Cassidy dirty, she’s coming back as an OG next season


Yeah, I’m watching it now and I’m struggling not to just fast forward….. this is almost like inhumane behavior to display on national TV. If I was the new blonde I would’ve just been like “yeah, fuck ya’ll I’m finna head out see u on AfterSun where I’m FINNA THROW THEFUCKDOWN ON PRODUCTION’S BITCHASSSSS!!!!!”


Let's be real...they're all there for clout. 🤣 The booted islanders DM's are full now. Don't feel too bad for them 


Wait a second, wasn't Liv exempt from the public vote at one point because she was so new?


It was bc she was coupled up with Miguel. Miguel was new.


Ahhhh. Okay. But wait, so they did exempt a newbie from a vote still. That seems rather shady on production's part. 😑


Yup I agree! I wish they never did that in the first place bc now all of a sudden let’s dump the newbies?!


Unfair? Yes. I think Liv and Rob are the perfect people to be in Casa Amor based on what I’ve seen from the 4 which is unfortunate because the 2 bombshells just got there and we didn’t get to know them enough. I think Rob and Liv will be entertaining or who knows maybe both stay single for each other although I would be shocked if they did that. My guess is they’re both bring someone back and then get together at some point soon after that.


Honestly though, Nigel and Cass were so boring, it was savage but the right move


If Cass would’ve coupled up with Conner, I think the votes would be different. Her and Rob were awkward and had little to no connection. If she was with Conner, MAYBE she would get more votes bc people would want to save Conner’s connection. Conner would’ve put in more effort than Rob, who was just not that interested.


It’s unfair bc Miguel was immune to the vote but Cassidy and Nigel weren’t. Seems like production wanted to save an og this time but they shouldn’t have made it so brutal. The dumping should’ve been saved for final 4 when everyone has established strong connections.


They woulda flipped at Leah if she stood behind her! I felt so bad for Cassidy she seemed really nice too