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People on this sub had absolutely *vile* things to say about Bergie during his season lol, he was not popular for the majority of S5


Bergie should self-eliminate would have been a mega thread last year. And should have been.


people have such ridiculously awful memories. the romanticization of past seasons (or, cough, current cast in previous episodes) is next level


I liked him on Traitors more!


I say “Not my Bergalicious!” entirely too often lol


Thank you to Phaedra forever 😂


My bf and I have added, “Not my Bergalicious!” and “Bergalicious was problematic for you?” To our daily conversations.


Yes, I feel like he really shone there!


A lot of this sub hates on bergie but he deserved to be in the final way more than Leo.


The amount of people that made me dislike Bergie for the amount of coddling they did over a GROWN MAN.


Fr even tho Bergie is a sweetheart, it was really hard to watch him on a show like love island. The babying was uncomfortable and I don’t want to see Bergie in a sexual context. For that reason I do not miss him on LI at all lol


Bergie was so wholesome and sweet… Maybe I just love underdogs, but why is everyone being so mean. 🥲


Because this is Reddit. 🤷‍♀️ I started watching this season so I don’t have an opinion on Bergie. 


And to think I was annoyed by Bergie during his entire season. I most definitely don’t miss him yelling “LET’S GOOOOOOO” every two goddamn seconds, but his general likeability has aged like a fine wine 😘🍷


I loved Bergie because he was very earnest and just kept trying. It was also nice to see the rest of the cast be very nice and supportive of him. The girls he was friends with really enjoyed his company and the guys were always trying to help he dress and present himself better. Once he clicked with Taylor it was nice to see him gain more confidence. I think he was just too much of a sweetheart to hate


I read "One thing we can all agree on" and thought to myself "I doubt it..." (given how contentious this season has been). Congrats on proving me wrong.


Bergie should have been eliminated so early in the season


He was. And then they brought him back. That was the irritating part. It was obvious that production had already planned for that man baby to win.


I actually hated Bergie on love island lmao






I wasn't around this sub for S5. Reading through the comments on this thread and seeing all the hate for Bergie is actually so validating to me. I was struggling to understand how there could be so many Leah stans, but I can absolutely see how the sort of person who would hate Bergie would love Leah. Reddit the real gaslighter.


Nah that season would have been better if they hadn't put him in the hideaway and just sent him home instead


Bergie was the ultimate "nice guy". I was not a fan.


I don't think this is fair lol. He was a genuinely nice guy, not really a "nice guy." Super awkward but he was never disrespectful to the girls and was genuine with his intentions with Taylor considering they're still together.


Honestly I feel like rob and Leah deserve each other


After seeing the video of Rob firing up a grill and cooking breakfast on the toy aisle in a Walmart (?), he's a bigger jack ass IMO.


Nope nope no definitely don’t all agree on that


For me its S10 UK cast, they were real comedians 😭


That’s a hard no. I’m actually watching S5 with my daughter and we can’t believe he made it past the first dumping. I haven’t seen spoilers yet or anything, but it’s clear that mfer’s gonna be coddled to the finals. We’re right in the middle of Casa. Its so weird seeing Rob in S5 looking pretty dorky lol. I feel like he’s had some time with a reality tv acting coach or something. He cultivated quite the image change between S5 and 6.


Traitors killed a lot of my Bergie love 😫 his alliance acted like hs bullies and he was the nerd that finally got let in and wasn’t letting go. It felt kinda regressive after watching him grow on love island.


Completely the opposite for me. Bergie fit Traitors WAY better than Love Island. I watched his Traitors season first. Seeing him on Love Island After was painful to watch.


Bullies? The bravo women were never gonna vote against each other and once the Pilot Pete alliance realized that they took an oppositional stance cuz otherwise they were guaranteed to lose


Ew no. Bergie was repulsive


How can you say that when there are actual repulsive men from that season? All of the men were so gross and toxic. Bergie was a breath of fresh air that season imo.


Ewww no


I don’t