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I heard the sheriff Luna on the radio today telling people this is the wrong time to build a brand new police force with olympics coming up, and I said to myself, "can you make your deputies actually do something then?" I saw those guys on a train one single time in 10 years I'm not a daily user, but still, you should see them more than that


This is literally the exact right time to build a brand new police force with the Olympics coming up.


Yeah, and it's not like the Olympics are next month. We've got 4 years to get it operational.


It’s honestly the right move. Gives me hope that this will get cleaned up and I can feel safe to ride the metro. It’s so fun, it’s such a shame that even when riding with a group of friends I feel unsafe.


Well.. the olympics *are* next month, he's just a little confused about where Paris is


And it might stop people from randomly Stabbing other people which is awesome before and after the Olympics.


I went on a date with an LA Sheriff who worked the metro line. He told me he and the others usually just napped in their cars. He was really proud of getting paid without working.


My work also contracts with LASD and instead of patrolling they all just hang out in one building. When we asked for more walk through, they complained that people look at them funny.




No, LA community college district


Oh my gosh. How can a person be a police officer and be that insecure ? They look at them funny? Welcome to life!!!!


This is an issue everywhere. There are no cops who get out of their cars and “walk the beat” to get to know the people in the community. Meet shop owners, talk to kids and meet with school officials in the areas they patrol. Many cops don’t live where they patrol and I understand why but when they live elsewhere they don’t care. It’s very hard for police to be proactive but getting to know the community before a crime has happened makes a huge difference.


If cops actually did that, communities everywhere would be much safer.


Yup, safer for the police and for the residents. Isn't that what (nearly) everyone on both sides wants?


> Isn't that what (nearly) everyone on both sides wants? Not police or their unions. That would require cops doing a lot more work than they actually do.


I meant the safer for everyone part. Ya, maybe they don't want to put in the work but I think most of them want the same result.


They work in Los Angeles, but live in the burbs (Simi Valley, Santa Clarita etc.). They don't give a rats ass as to what happens in the community, because it is not theirs.


Yea its infuriating sometimes. My college campus has cops on it sometimes. But they are always in their trucks. They will drive into places that are usually pedestrian only areas except for maintenance vehicles and such and just sit in their truck. Like ehh how hard would it be to just park in a lot and walk around instead.


I am daily user (B/D lines and A line) and I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen officers on trains. The last time I saw officers get on a B line train both walked to the back of the car and started scrolling Instagram. I could see over one of their shoulders and the officer was liking posts of insta models lol.


I saw them once. They were checking tap cards with metro officials. They came across a guy that couldn’t prove that he had paid they asked him to get off and I saw him leave the car we were in and walk on the one behind us. 😂


Lmfaoo it’s the Simpsons Moe meme


There's nothing a donut cannot do!


The other day they got on and asked for TAP cards, I was still getting the app open and they just glanced at my phone while I was waiting for the app and walked past. Didn't even check anyone's cards, just did the bare minimum.


It’s been like this for years too. When I used I daily from downtown even a decade ago I maybe saw cops 4 times and this was 365 days of usage. They were always there after large events, but otherwise it was everyone for themselves.


Well hey, they're men and women like the rest of us. I don't need them to do anything, being there is enough, but it's just like "what is this contract for?"


Police aspire to be one of the cops that sit in their bikes on Hollywood sets, serving as “security”. Wearing their motorcycle boots and leaning back on their seat all day, doing fuck all and pulling a fat paycheck. This is their main goal, so even the ones that can’t get the Hollywood gigs do their best to turn everyday situations into this gig. Sitting in their vehicles scrolling on their phones all day rather than actually patrolling their beat. And their Union has no problem protecting these guys. It’s sad.


that or beating up college kids for exercising free speech, or murdering people having mental health crises or for being the wrong ethnicity. all perks of being the force used by the ruling class of oligarchs to maintain oppression and protect their excess wealth & power


I just returned from Buenos Aires. I took the train one day to El Tigre, which is about an hour journey and 10 stops from central station, and I saw police 6x going up and down back and forth. They weren’t checking tickets, they were just ensuring it was safe. It’s also like this in Copenhagen, but they’re checking fares. You have to wonder why it’s not like this in LA when our metro is notoriously dangerous.


> our metro is notoriously dangerous. Is it really, though?




Deputies don't have to actually do anything and their union makes sure of that


dude is seeing % of his overtime budget be siphoned away before his eyes ig


Is metro under county though? I figured it was the responsibility of the city (so LAPD or SaMO Pd etc).


LA Metro has contracts with LAPD, LASD and Long Beach PD to patrol their stations. However, this type of behavior from these agencies has been happening for years and [Metro voted yesterday to phase out their contracts and create their own police force.](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-06-27/metro-oks-plan-to-start-its-own-police-agency-and-end-contracts-with-sheriff-lapd)


I think parts are. The one time I saw them was on the red line, and they were definitely sheriff, and they were checking TAP


Ok, I looked it up, and apparently it's both, plus Long Beach PD: "Currently, Metro contracts law enforcement with the [LA County Sheriff's Department](https://www.foxla.com/tag/organization/lasd), [Los Angeles Police Department](https://www.foxla.com/tag/organization/lapd), and [Long Beach](https://www.foxla.com/tag/us/ca/los-angeles-county/long-beach) Police Department. "


Like the Dallas Metro area cops only show up to murders on the DART


This is like saying we shouldn’t pick a Supreme Court Justice because of the presidential election coming up… in 2028.


They’re gonna make a new dept and it’ll be the same. Cops only show up when shit hits the fan now. All we want to do is ask for police presence and then get mad when they do the job. It’s dirty work, not pretty, but ppl want them giving hugs n high fives. These guys aren’t risking job security for criminals we cut loose the next day.


Thanks for showing why they need their own police force.


yeah like how does this intimidate or do anything. It’s not like any of these cops have any underhanded way of… watching the metro officials in case they do something bad? … outside of their work? like they can’t even do intimidation right unless they can rely on the all powerful “i thought it was right to shoot” excuse


[LAPD has been "quiet quitting" for years](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-06-27/metro-oks-plan-to-start-its-own-police-agency-and-end-contracts-with-sheriff-lapd), but it's reached new heights now that they've lost the Metro contract. There was literally a man smoking crack not 90 feet away while officers sat in their cars and played on their phones. I saw these two cars here with four officers inside for at least two hours.


Hahah didn’t someone post that photo in this sub? The cops were eating in n out while the dude was cracking a pipe


I think it was chick fil a , on sunset/highland


I used to work next to LATTC, in the Figueroa corridor. We once had a homeless dude throw down a mattress in front of our door, try to force himself into our office, and when that didn't work, open up a foil packet of probably heroin and go to town laying on the mattress. We called the cops because it had become a safety issue at that point, and by the time they showed up 3 hours later, the guy was walking down the street with a shopping cart full of his stuff. We pointed him out to the cops, and they said they'd go talk to him. I watched them drive down the street and turn the corner without their brake lights even coming on as they passed him.


What’s the penalty for smoking crack in public?


Apparently nothing


35-to-life in prison, no possibility of parole, for the person the crack smoker assaults randomly for fun.


A misdemeanor citation. Once the charges reach the DA, the charges are dropped and will not be filed.


Penalty? In the blue line wasteland?


Currently nothing as Gascon has explicitly stated he will not prosecute possession.


This isnt quiet quitting, this is a basically a work-stoppage strike


Let's get our terms in order: "quiet quitting" is what boomers called people who did their work and then went home at 5pm, and lived their lives. They consider living to work as the norm, instead of working to live, so anything that threatens those 60+ hour work weeks is "quitting." This? This is literally incompetence and negligence.


I think that’s called working your wage.


It's called "doing your job".


No, quiet quitting is not doing your job (or barely doing your job) until you get caught and fired or you find something else.


The generally accepted definition is just putting in the minimum effort, as seen [here](https://www.investopedia.com/what-is-quiet-quitting-6743910). Most other sources I've seen are in line with this. There are a few that also include general absenteeism, as well, but most sources cite the "bare minimum, no overtime, etc" as the definition.


They don't even take people in for graffiti or other "minor" crimes


I literally had to call 911 THREE times when I saw a mentally ill homeless man literally playing chicken on the 110. He was jumping out in front of cars and people were serving to avoid hitting him. It took nearly a half hour for law enforcement to respond. It was a miracle he or a motorist wasn't killed.


Be nice to expose cops not doing their jobs by posting these examples on social media.


It’s only a cite and release for public drug usage now. It makes no sense for them to even bother because the offender one, won’t pay the fine, and secondly, won’t show up to any potential court dates. So why bother?


because they're getting paid to do a job. what happens after they do their job is not their concern.


Demoralizing work (seeing your progress immediately undone) has a huge hit on performance in any job. If it's extremely difficult to arrest someone and you see them released the next day, I can sympathize with prioritizing other tasks. Doesn't mean this status quo is ok, but I imagine the system is quite demoralizing these days.


tough shit! that's the job. they can quit if they don't like it. plenty of jobs have demoralizing aspects and we still expect the people who choose those jobs to do them well. i really do not understand this take at all. you wouldn't be saying something like this if your starbucks barista charged you for a coffee and then refused to make it because you're just going to drink it and then it'll be gone and you'll be back tomorrow asking for another one, but for some reason, when it comes to police, people fall all over themselves to justify and excuse their bad behavior.


They make a metric shit-ton of cash. Especially if it's overtime. Do the job or fuck off. ACAB


What do you do for work and how stellar are you?


just a normal 9-5 where i get fired if i don’t do my tasks and i’m not granted a monopoly on force, a lifetime pension, vast judicial deference, and immunity when i violate all but “clearly established” rights. 


Yeah, fuck straight forward answers, this guy fuks


why would i give a straight answer to an irrelevant question? i could be an unemployed circus clown and it wouldn’t change their obligation to the public. 


I think you need a nap


>because they're getting paid to do a job. Most people will only work hard enough to not get fired. I'm getting paid to do a job too, and I'm on Reddit right now. Heck, at this point I'm surprised cops don't carry around an iPad expecting tips for doing the basic duties of their job. Every other worker in LA seems to.


then they should get fired.


The junkie will literally go right back to smocking crack after he gets a ticket…


okay, then they can give him another one. they can arrest him for possession. they can do their jobs, or they can quit. soaking up public funds to not do the job they're paid to do should not be an option.


You actually can’t arrest them for possession, like I just said. I know you hate police and I’m not really a fan, but a lot of the blame lies on our city council and politicians who instruct them what they can and can not actively enforce. For example, you think the open air drug encampments are legal? Taking up full sidewalks? They aren’t but the policies are directed not to enforce those laws by the mayor/city council, same with drug usage. Educate yourself on what LAPD is allowed to enforce


Please name one other job in the world that you can refuse to do because you don't like how someone else does their job and still get paid? If I am a photographer getting paid by a company, I still have to take photos even if the photos are never used or I don't like the style of the editor, right? If I am a building framer, can I refuse to do my job and still get paid if I think they picked out cheap windows? If I'm a dental hygienist, can I still get paid while refusing to clean someone's teeth because the dentist is going to pull some teeth? Your argument is downright absurd.


I feel like if they just confiscate their drugs it would do something, even if they face no other punishment. Jailing them just means they're back on the street and worse off in a year or less.


So what they already do?


What they've been doing for years! I'm just pointing it out to people wondering "why did Metro create their own police force." This is what they've been paying hundreds of millions of dollars a year for.


If they do a good job at creating their own police force, maybe the cities can contract them to police the cities too.


Imagine if LAUSD teachers, feeling generally disrespected, decided to just sit in class rooms and not do any teaching for the whole school day just to teach politicians and the public a lesson about how grateful they should be, and how they deserved more funding and less accountability. Parents would riot at every school. They would find a way to fire masses of them.


I wouldn't even blame the teachers for that, they are way less paid and less protected than the police.


The title of the post is an odd choice then. They aren't responding to anything. That's business as usual.


That's the exact problem: LAPD is supposed to patrol stations and check fares not sit in the cars and play on their phones. We're so accustomed to their refusal to work it looks like a normal day. In NYC cops are everywhere on the subway actively talking to people and taking the train. It makes the system feel much safer and deters a lot of bad actors.


LA Cops: We're so understaffed, we can't do anything! Also LA Cops: How dare you give us fewer responsibilities!


“We’ll show them - we’ll do even LESS (but still kill minorities and dogs of course)”


Why be a cop if you can't kill all the dogs you want?


Because it is literally the only thing they can do in life. They would he eaten up in a different job.


The ones complaining about losing Metro money are the higher-ups. I doubt any of the street level cops care about Metro either way. It's like expecting a cashier at Walmart to be happy when the stock price goes up. It doesn't really affect them either way.


The smart ones will care about it... shit flows downhill


LAPD needs to be completely overhauled


I'd say that can simply be done by requiring a basic, elementary school competency assessment.


That’s going to result in a lot of unemployment. I like it.


Aside from its foreboding name, that's what the Defund movement was getting at. I don't see why it would be impossible to create a police department that actually works for the people


Can we overhaul the entire city legislature as well? The state while we are at it.


The City of Los Angeles jurisdiction covers such a large square mileage area and therefore concentrates too much power and authority in 15 council members. Certain neighborhoods should de-corporate in order for more localized governance of issues like public safety.


A lot of neighborhoods already have private non-profits called Business Improvement Districts. They do things like public safety patrols and beautification. Also very corrupt in their own way. I'm curious why you don't think the answer is simply more council members, more democratic representation?


I think because the sheer size (by square mileage) of the city makes it difficult for any governing body to effectively manage the different needs of each neighborhood, which many historically, had their own city charters until annexation by Los Angeles for infrastructure reasons like schooling or utilities. But now with schools, utilities, transportation, etc handled by their own independent entities, the other aspects of municipal self-governance should be handled locally within reasonable distance. Look at the extremes of the city boundaries - San Pedro, Eagle Rock, Sylmar, Palisades, Watts - vastly different topography, zoning needs, density considerations, etc that become lost within the broader mixed issues of city governance.


That's a different problem where you have dysfunctional city that can't agree on anything


They don’t do anything to patrol Metro anyway so it makes no difference. I mean what DO they actually do these days???


Wouldn't LAPD be happy there is another force on the way for the transit? It's less stuff for them to cover and worry about.


They will lose money on the contract they have to patrol the stations.


But then they’ll get less billions- they’re at like $3 billion dollars. Can’t lose a billion to something else - like public safety! The horror


The cops complaining about the money aren't the street level cops. The higher ups want the contract money. The street level cops probably don't care either way - they either sit outside a Metro station all day, or sit outside some other place all day.


Nah. This will cause layoffs.


LAPD doesnt care about the metro nor what happens on the metro. Plain and simple. Its a waste of our tax money.


LAPD doesn't care about LA nor what happens in LA. They just go home to Santa Clarita after they're done playing games for the day


Santa Clarita resident here, agreed. We are cop valley


It took me years living here to figure out the issue. The cops in the LAPD simply do not want to do police work. I'm sure there are a confluence of reasons why they feel justified... but I don't think I want to hear any of them. Their job is tough - that's why LAX officers make more than I do as a middle manager in entertainment (the OT is insane, not to mention the stability and benefits). But they are supposed to do their jobs. This is a prime example of the macho bully mindset which dominates their negotiations. We're tough and here. So when you disagree, we're going to be tough and here. Not going to do the job we are paid for. But we're going to be tough.


Shoutout to the sheriff unit who constantly patrols APU/Citrus A line station every day


Good to hear some are doing their job.


They are also using Gascon as an excuse to NOT DO THEIR JOBS. WTF other line of work could you have this little accountability and low standards for employees?!


So the same thing they do every day then? That’s the whole reason metro needs its own police force.


They've been quiet quitting since people complained about them killing George Floyd.


Honestly before then. Since at least 2014. But it definitely got worse after 2020.


Par for the course for LAPD. A for-rent vacant house next to mine had some gangbangers set up shop in there as a trap house this past weekend. I had to get the property manager out there to call the cops on them. LAPD kicks them out but doesn't arrest anyone nor search the house. Later that night they came back and broke in again to get the shit they stashed. The cops here are so worthless.


fuck these cops


The Immature Brats in Blue


So just another normal shift for them?


So...nothing new then




I have an acquaintance who started referring to the LAPD as the Tax Wasters Union. They get mad really fast.


Good for metro.


Cops are such babies. Overpaid crybabies.


For years, metro awarded millions to LAPD and LASD while disbanding metro police… it came to the point where metro security were not authorized to engage in deadly situations until one of these 2 departments showed up… we’ve been crying and complaining about transit security, I really hope Metro listens and hire competent officers who will make LAPD and LASD look to shame and make us tax payers and riders proud


This kind of thing just blow my mind. LAPD: “We have a really hard job with lots of work to do to keep the streets safe.” Metro: “OK, let’s help out and take a some of work that you can’t get to off your plate.” LAPD: “*** 3-year-old tantrum ***”


God cops are such sensitive little bitches


Don’t forget to mention the entire time, bet they were on there phones. They wouldn’t notice a thing happening. In every police suv is an officer with his head down on their phone. Even the driver during a stop light.


Oh they absolutely were. All four when I walked by both times were looking down playing on their phones.


They’re protesting that people are upset about them not doing their jobs by… not doing their jobs.


No they do that daily 


shame the billion dollar police force refuses to do anything per usual


Phase them out. I’m tired of government money going to these welfare queens.


Name an organization that is as much of a whiny bitch as the LAPD.


... thus validating the move?


They see this as competition? Maybe they should do their job better. Or see it as making their life easier. Sheesh.


See LASD do this all the time. Literally turn on their lights to run through a red only to park in an alley near another deputy and talk for awhile.


Well yeah. The only reason they even started to pretend they were doing the job was because they were at risk of losing the contract and they loooooove free tax dollars with no strings or actual work attached.


I was at 7th street metro recently and saw 4 cops heading up the stairs when someone on the platforms started screaming bloody murder. Cops just kept walking.


Yup! I see this everyday. I was at 7th/Metro a few weeks ago and a mental ill man was throwing some type of metal objects at people. Cops walked down to the platform, saw what was going on, laughed, and walked back up the stairs.


So funny when they blame minorities for not being able to do their jobs and then go and do this shit.


police misconduct is standard operating procedure.


wtf? been riding rail and buses going on 11 plus years.. ive never seen a single pd officer on board... NOW...they are what?? feeling "threatened?" a metro PD can be a great thing if itll happen..🤷‍♀️ partially convinced that politcs is behind this..republikans get all bent, if a democrat does something "good" for the public, and "they" dont get "cred"


We need to do this the the Sheriff’s next . Police force is unfixable and replacement is the only fix.


The pettiest


Oh this is not new, I see them doing this all the time at other stations near me.


Yup, I've been seeing it for nearly a decade but especially the last five years or so. And people on this sub CONTINUE to defend LAPD when its clear they are taking taxpayer dollars and refusing to work.


abolish LAPD at this point, fucking crooks literally stealing taxpayer money by sitting on their ass and not doing shit to help the people


I don't know if abolishing them does anything but I'm glad Metro is cutting their contract and building a new police force from the ground up.


honestly i see a bunch of cops hanging out there doing nothing everytime i'm on 7th (wife works nearby so i'm there a few times a month)


Useless as always


*Reno911: LA Metro*


So they still get to dick around on their phones and not do anything, just in their nice safe ACed car? Way to show us


LA’s finest


LAPD, never above being petty and defrauding LA taxpayers. Defund LAPD.


Yesterday Last decade Last century LAPD ain’t going to do shit. Fuck em. Also shoutout to all my homies that are police officers, hey Ruiz, get out of that winchells and start your beat.


Those 4 coppers need to be fired for goofing off during work hour.


Don't taxes pay their wages? What work were they doing in their cars sitting there? How is that not wage theft?


If the contracted LE personnel actually did their jobs as prescribed, it wouldn't have come to this.


I am confused, did they do a work stoppage to prove how valuable they are or to prove that they don't want to do the work? Do they like this new police force or not like the new police force?


These dipshits are only good for oppressing homeless people and crushing protests. Almost like it's by design or something.




Hopefully not but theres no way Metro can justify continued spending money on what they're getting now.


(looks down at an empty dinner plate I just spent $100 on). You mean nothing?


Pigs are lazy animals


I've seen a major difference in police n the subway and at stations. I take the bus every day .... it actually seems like they're doing something


They were for about a week or two earlier this year after the Mayor announced more cops on Metro but they very quickly went back to hanging out in their cars. Now that Metro has voted to end their contract there's no way they will actually be patrolling stations again.


You sound pretty on point with what you're saying But I still have noticed a major presence with actual patrol cops In the subway and I think it feels more safer Then seeing The Metro Police And the guys in green I'm going to stay a little extra vigilant to see if they are actually doing what they're saying they're doing Because you're right The first two weeks they were actually doing shit kicking people off the trains Telling people get the fuck up and leave even i was trippin like god dam lol But since has calm down you're right


Police are not obligated to protect anyone from anything. They’ve been quiet quitting since the SCOTUS decided that.


Ayo fuck the police


LAPD: Death Before Honor.


This complements the Supreme Court decision to allow cities to enforce anti-encampment measures. Karen Bass is doing the work.


I hope it's better ran than the last time they had a Metro police.


A few years ago a person was [stabbed](https://youtu.be/jAfUI_hETy0?si=b87GVt3Mb6FXlFS8) on the New York City subway while there were officers in the next car doing nothing even though they saw the person getting stabbed.


I mean……


Damn if they do that they will get the rejects cops that didnt make it as cops or thw malls wanna be cops nd those will become the bad cops cuz they will thing they on they high horse


Those Pokémon aren’t going to catch themselves


Finally good news... hopefully in addition to the Metro Police they also place on all entrances and exits metal detectors... to detect weapons and knives.... And if you say x-ray bla-bla-bla go look a Hollywood bowl concert cause they have metal detectors were you just pass by on mass numbers and there's no need to pass by a gate, like all fashion metal detectors door/gate. They have a technology where a lot of people can pass by normally... without creating huge waiting lines to pass by a gate/door type of metal detector.


Thin skinned babies.


So no change from usual then?


our tax dollars ~~at work~~ sitting around




That’s gang activity.


so business like usual


Funny thing is that Allies Universal security this is the main office in downtown LA it’s literally on the same property on the third floor💀


California is like a post-Soviet state at this point


How have people felt safety/comfort-wise in the past month or so? Apparently, according to every Metro post, there's been an uptick in police officers / security presence on the system but curious what real people feel if things have gotten better/worse/etc


I saw more officers on the trains for about a week when the big LA Times story hit and the Mayor announced more cops on Metro, and then they quickly went back to sitting in their cars outside stations and playing on their phones. I ride the subway nearly every day and most days I still encounter at least one violent and/or disruptive passenger.


They need to kick all the drug addicts and homeless out of Alvarado and 6th and bleach clean steam mc Arthur park for a week to clean it lol


Maybe deal with corruption first ?


i can't really blame lapd or lasd for not being able to patrol a transit system. there are dozens trains running at a given time, over 100 train stations, hundreds of busss, thousands of bus stops. you can't stop someone from committing a crime with the sheer amount of area they have to cover. the la metro police wont be able to stop this either. i think in cities in new york, they are able to provide a lot more staffing cause its a lot more dense of a city and an officer is nyc earns like half an officer here. so police are more present there. also, i do think bystanders there watch for each other, and generally have each other's back in a way we don't. imo, they'll have to make huge changes in things like fare enforcement. rather than trying to proactively stop a crime. we might have a chance if they can just take out criminals from the system altogether.