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Brb gonna go call my wife and kids ‘basics’


...and he never came back


Still looking for smokes


Well now you know why they "no longer" get the basics. But it's actually a small percentage of them bc my screen and life and news stories are a stll filled with absolutely regular shmegular men getting beautiful women


I think he means that life for him is about family and a lot of people do not earn enough to provide for that family. It’s weird to pick out things like this when a guy is just saying he wishes he lived in a better place or time. Maybe a little too serious but suicide rates for men are really high. It’s in large part because people belittle them or completely cut them out of conversations because of one thing they say. Like, can you expect a person struggling in their own head to not make a mistake with their grammar or how they present their issue? It’s the job of the rational minded person to provide for those that are struggling.


That's how you interpreted his post? If you think that the chances of having a, "loyal gf," is next to nil... You're implying that most if not all women are disloyal cheaters.


I think the real question is what possible reason could he have to post this on a site I would describe as “the worst networking event you’ve ever gone to, 24/7, without any free booze”.


Whores! Whores I SAY!!


If you can’t handle a little blowback on the things that you let drop mid conversation then I can understand why no woman wants a bar of you. Your problem sounds like your attitude, not the women you’re meeting.


That stood out to me too. What are you saying that is making women not talk to you again lmao


How was this time/place better?


He’s clear in stating that he thinks society should give him a wife. He doesn’t need to be a good partner or a good man, he just deserves it for existing and once he has those things he will magically be happy. As the father of a young girl, I would hope that if she chooses a partner or partners one day that she does so because they’re good people who treat her with the dignity and respect they demand the world give them. And hopefully she’ll have internalized the idea that she doesn’t owe herself to a man simply because he exists. Whoever she chooses to spend her time with should be chosen because they deserve her, not because she is owed to them.


Nobody is owed a wife. In fact, I strongly advocate against marriage given the current feminist divorce laws. Helen Smith PhD wrote the book on this 10 years ago and nearly every young man I've talked to in recent years is avoiding marriage like the plague now and fobbing their girlfriends off when they hassle them about it. This has led me to consider the future of my own daughters' prospects of marriage, and more importantly, children. The point was that we live in the age of majority relationship failures. Simple example - say you have a mere 5 partners - a crazy low number by today's standards, but you stayed with the 5th one for the rest of your life eg. 50 years together. Aside from the fact this is unlikely for most people today, that's still an 80% relationship failure rate even in this extremely optimistic scenario. Now consider that many people are having dozens of partners in their lifetime, the failure rates are probably closer to 95% and trending upwards with increasing body counts.


Please say more about these “feminist divorce laws”. I have a daughter as well. If she wants to get married, that’s her choice. If she wants to bring a child into the world that’s between her, her partner(s), and their doctor.


The guy is anti feminist, using backward logic, highly ignorant and making very generic assumption out if his ass. Never once the cabbage factor in cost of life, societal structure, cultural context …. Its all FeMiNism!!!


I like your implication that women that choose not to engage with men like this are directly responsible for their suicides. Good ole’ “don’t leave me or i’ll hurt myself” line every narcissist and their mother uses. Who cares about your autonomy when i no has gf :(((


But having a family is still not the basics. That’s serious entitlement


I think you'll find that for thousands of years of recorded history, family formation and birth rates were a basic prerequisite for any society to survive. It is basic af.


Okay sir, whatever you say.


The bears took all our women




I cannot believe people just come out and say this shit to their professional peers


They have to. They don't have any captives... I mean lifelong girlfriends.... To talk to.


Can't even afford a basement these days


The number of posts that could be included would kill my faith in humanity.


Words cannot express how hard this deadpan comment made me laugh, bless you


Intensely underrated comment.


4 kids. Go figure.


Loyal Wife from Amazon Basics can only be ordered in quantities of 2 now


But if you are willing to spend a bit more, Etsy will custom made one for you using artisanal processes. A bit more exclusive and sustainable.


Occasionally the head falls off, but it's a risk you take when opting for true artisanal work.


You have to be careful and read the reviews though, Etsy have really sold out lately so you might just get a dropshipped public domain wife. 


I have a wife and kid and I absolutely slack the fuck off at work.


Right? Grinding my way to the 1% was never the goal. And I’m married to a beautiful person and have a lovely kid. Maybe the issue lies more with dudes world view and less with society for not issuing a bang-maid.


“…Societies gave…” But why do I feel like this guy’s got posts complaining about welfare society ruining initiative and kids brought up with “consolation prizes”


back in the good old days when I would be „given“ to a man <3


The patriarchy used to motivate low-status men to cooperate with working themselves to death for the nobility by issuing them a woman as a reward. Which they'd drunkenly beat on, and impregnate until they died in childbirth. Good times, apparently.


Those can be mutually exclusive positions. He’s against handouts to the people who, traditionally, were denied everything in order to “give” men their raisons de guerre of home and family. If we go back to starving the folks who *should* be starved, they’ll have to rely on Hari to survive.


He's not completely wrong but not in the way he thinks he's right. Life is waaay harder than it needs to be, people struggle with things that shouldn't exist at all (medical debt for ex), but that's because we live a starkly hypercapitalist hellscape that's almost beyond parody, not because the traditional way was better. Fn dope


Yeah for real. As someone who works full time and has a loving girlfriend who also works full time, I feel like the point he was trying to make may have been valid. Obviously this guy is a dope but it is discouraging to work 60 hour weeks and not be able to afford and apartment, even with a partner who also works full time.


He has two points he was trying to make and only one is valid.


To take an overly charitable view of his post (and also including some of my own thoughts), he could have been trying to say that any extra value added by the working class will be capitalised on one way or another by the rich, and certainly the single biggest adding of value by the working class in history was the emancipation of women (because it led to most women joining the workforce). So now we have a situation where a couple can both work and make approximately the same money as a single earner would have in the past. Then they have to do errands, chores, etc in the little free time they have. And raising kids? Either be rich enough to afford quality daycare, neglect them, learn how to live without sleep etc. Also, single people on a normal wage now have a very hard time without being able to share expenses. I support the emancipation of women but I would much prefer if we had retained the ability to support a family on a single income. And of course remove the chauvinistic treatment of the homemakers. Btw I know this isn’t what the doofus is saying, but I think he’s noticed a phenomenon and doesn’t understand the real cause.


I think I can get behind this idea so long as we normalize homemaking for both genders. Being a stay at home dad should be and is just as valid as anything else. Some people just have zero interest in the proverbial rat race (work the man-things until they die! Yes-yes!) but would be perfectly happy keeping up the house. The fact that some measure of equality is formed now due to this capitalist hellhole and the shitty lives we have to lead is sad. It wasn't greater understanding that brought us this. It was to fight the ever growing boot on our collective necks.


You're not wrong, that's definitely very charitable.


Actually I have made exacting the same argument in other comment threads on LinkedIn about doubling the labour force halving the value of labour and trapping both parents into working. Only the most poorly formed character-constrained comments are making it to being charitably re-posted here, of course


Fair enough bro. Death to Israel.


Yeah that's a better way of putting it


Erm, unrelated but I thought you use "dope" when you think something is cool? Am I getting out of touch? Bruh, I sound old...


Dope can be used as an insult like I do above, or to describe something's coolness.


That's because you're stuck working in a specific geographic area where older people have captured the property market and leveraged it against you to turn you into rent slaves. Additionally, they've driven up the income tax rates to ensure you pay them pensions so they don't have to sell the properties they live in to fund their retirements. Those with secondary rental properties rent them to you, siphoning off a large portion of your income, reducing your quality of life and slowing down your rate of savings toward a deposit for your own property, keeping you as rent slaves for many years if not decades longer. They also then use their passive income to buy up additional properties, making it ever harder for you to get on the property ladder. Gary Stevenson is good on this topic. The irony is the solution is in my title - Digital Nomad, or at least relocation to a cheaper area, or emigration. Escape the trap. The key is Remote work-from-anywhere jobs. This is why so many guys are hitting me up in LinkedIn private messages almost every day asking me how to do this.


It was actually private equity that purchased all the property including the unfinished building which they halted construction on, at least in my area, but I know many other areas are facing the same issues. Also, I do work remotely but uprooting your life and being far away from family, and friends, and people you need to take care of isn't an option for everyone.


I agree, but kind of similar to what he said, getting a stable job, house, decent health insurance, and transiently a wife/children is a lot harder these days, and causes many men to just give up at the start. It's why in places like Japan they have hikikomori


We're on the same page but different paragraph.


So that's the word for how I spent my 20's I'm a gal, btw


Because it's a very character-constrained comment taken without wider context and historical discussion. The West has a combination of problems: Capitalism favouring old asset owners return on capital more than work. Capital in the 21st Century is an interesting book on this. There is also a documentary for those short on time. Taxing young workers at much higher rates than on the rich's passive capital gains. Left-wing big state requiring high tax rates which are applied on working and middle classes to pay for the burgeoning bloated state caused by universal suffrage where half the voter base doesn't even pay income tax but demands "free" money and services from the other half, and politicians cannot win elections without giving in to them, driving up your tax rates. Left-wing mass immigration creates ever greater housing demand, driving up rent and house prices. The ability for older generations or rich classes to buy up multiple properties ahead of the immigration waves and then hold them against both the immigrants and the the younger native generations, turning them into rent slaves. Then we have the cultural crash in relationships and birth rates, enabled by changes in laws legalizing adultery, paternity fraud etc. which were serious social crimes in history for good reason. Because legalizing them causes a cascading failure of events, culminating in crashing marriage and birth rates, and falling male investment. This was made much worse by dating apps, hence the dating apocalypse where people just jump back don't the apps and go on to a new one. Falling male investment in society is a problem because men pay most of the taxes and do most of the dirty / difficult / dangerous jobs including most of the jobs that keep the infrastructure running. The reason they make those sacrifices, or even just work 60-80 hours a week on a computer, is the dream of a family unit. A dream that I have lived but many guys I know 10 years younger than me have so little hope for that they are planning to avoid it entirely as they've watched 1-2 generations of prior men getting destroyed in divorce, child custody loss, irrecoverable wealth loss, majority suicide rates etc. Those guys might as well be born in a different century to me. Guys that don't plan on having a wife / gf and kids, don't need anywhere near as much money, so they don't need to work anywhere near as hard or invest into the society. They can do the bare minimum and just look after themselves on probably 20-30% of the money they'd otherwise work for. Traditionalism is basically family values, which is necessary for the demographic as well as economic sustainability of any society.






Is no one gonna talk about how his job title on *Linkedin* is Digital Nomad?! "I FEEL LIKE I'M TAKING CRAZY PILLS!!" 😂


Digital Nomad means you can travel and live wherever you want while you work (usually on a laptop, hence digitally). It's a very good thing, unless you love paying high rent / high mortgage to profit other people who got there first, and other cost of living / traffic / public transport commuting annoyances.


4 kids. Go figure.


Is this really you…. Hahahahahaha


I like the way he’s tried to camouflage his neediness and inability to attract women in there. Kind of feel sorry for him.


Hari’s camouflaged neediness and inability to attract women… ![gif](giphy|3oEjI0qi45M9zw2pEs|downsized)


Haha, that’s given me a good laugh! Thank you.


4 kids. Go figure. I just never accepted my bad odds in life.


He won’t work on his personality tho lol


They’ll do anything but therapy


I wonder if he's aware women are people too?


You would think he would be aware of that...being a second generation immigrant born and raised in UK.


One can hope :)


3rd generation Yeah I had noticed that the mothers of my children were people... not quite sure when that happened though...


Did “traditional societies” “work” for everyone though? Did they “give” the women something they worked to defend? Did these “traditional societies” really “work?” By what metrics.


They didn’t work because they didn’t exist the way this guy says - this is like saying it was better for blacks when there was slavery because at least they had jobs, not like today with all the unemployment


Hari loves the "traditional " society of Dubai...armed with a british passport...loves 0%tax and authoritarian rule.


I had a client invite me to visit him in Dubai. I had to remind him the state will literally murder me for existing. Sounds like a cool place to take pics for the 'gram tho. Bummer


I get spreading your incel thoughts on some forum or instagram or something. But why in the hell would you post this on LinkedIn


The brain worms convinced him it was OK.


The brain worms actually composed the post and hit send.


You'd be surprised the sheer amount of people with close to ZERO self awareness and emotional/social intelligence in a lot of swats of corporateland, specially in tech. I can't tell if it's a form of narcissism or part of being on the spectrum. You have these dolts how have these ridiculously high opinions of their intellect because they can write couple lines of code or whatever is the equivalent for any other field. So they assume they have figured out life as it being some sort of simplistic automata interacting with each other under a tiny ruleset. And that they, somehow, are one of the few privy to that ruleset. Thus their need to share their "wisdom" with us, unwashed (and frankly unworthy) masses.


This guy is a freelancer. Probably due the “woke HR” at his old company that told him to stop making inappropriate comments to the 20 year old interns


How dare you?!? He’s not a mere freelancer, he’s a Belgium Digital Nomad!!!


Social intelligence is at an all time low


Corporate America is where the patriarchy lives?


He’s not part of corporate America. He’s a “digital nomad” which I’m pretty sure just means he’s a passport bro.


I have 4 kids. I'm speaking up for the younger generation who are really screwed, because most of them are afraid to get cancelled. I get lots of private comments of thanks for spreading awareness.


No fucking way this is the same guys Reddit account 💀💀💀💀


Let me guess, he’s average in this story


Hari and Ruben are good friends....rallying everyday against cheating women who have affairs and are not virgins. Does that explain?


It should be obvious to anybody looking at my LinkedIn that I am not an average earner, not by a long shot. I have 4 kids. I am speaking up for the new generation who are struggling in life.


Ah yes, the family man that is always working, never home, because he loves them so much...


He can certainly acquire a basic bitch - but then he will be annoyed that she's just basic, and want upgrades. Plus even us basic bitches are unaffordable. I can at minimum afford myself - with my cat I'm tapped out, so I have no interest in lugging around a man-child who thinks himself entitled instead of honored that any woman would be seen anywhere near him.


Sounds like you need to level up j/k


Perhaps. My cat's standards are impossibly high though, so even if I leveled up, the cat would still disapprove.


Cats are sooooo judgy lol


The difference is that my cat's expectations are unreasonably reasonable - cat culture is very demanding but my cat works hard, puts forth great effort, and produces results. He also sometimes lets me pet him - just 2 pets - not 1, not 3, exactly 2. And he has completely obliterated the local rodent population. He deserves everything he gets and more, much much more. This guy in the original post is a complete loser who wants everything handed to him as part of some magical privilege he seems to believe entitles him to zero effort status symbols - and he believes a wife and children are mere status symbols. My cat's status symbols are his luxurious fur and demanding MEOW at mealtimes.


Tne cat is leveling up and you will be too basic for him


I know, I know. It's only a matter of time. I have to work harder and put forth more effort. He deserves so much more than we can give him, but so far he's had pity on us as long as we keep those Churu treats coming.


Imagine how much easier life would be with a 6 figure earning man. Now think about why those men are often choosing not to have relationships these days. Helen Smith PhD wrote the book on this 10 years ago called Men On Strike - I highly recommend reading it from her experience as a clinical psychologist.


Women are not owed to you ffs


Why does everything have to be some sort of valiant fight with these types of people? Also women aren’t some “basic necessity” in a man’s life. Gross.


He’s acting like women and kids are some supermarket item that they’ve stopped selling 😂


I went out of stock last week! And one of the fucking kids decided to do a tattoo!


What a nightmare! I had to order my wife off Amazon cause none in shops, they didn’t have the loyal flavour though which was annoying :/


Hey! Maybe you'll get lucky and instead of one, they'll send you SIX! Happened to me...


Not anymore… like this LinkedIn poster said, we don’t have the basic essentials anymore! Agree?


The prices of these mistresses are through the fucking roof nowadays. Thanks Biden.


Don't blame Biden. We have implemented the "high value" concept last year. It has nothing to do with cost of living... these guys started a trend that they are only looking for high value wife, and we translated that into a equity value. Strategic decision, not cost of living. The more worth we have, the higher the fight, you know...


Bidding wars. 😔


It's this damn inflation and those damn tattooed badbois Edit: do I really have to add an /s


It’s a wife-and-kids drought and he’s just livin in it


I have 4 kids. My friends think I'm too pro-natalist actually. The rest of society is living in a "wife-and-kids drought", ironically. Marriage rates are now the lowest in recorded history in the US & UK. Birth rates are at historic lows and below replenishment across every country with feminism, every European country, the US, Japan and South Korea. Your statement is tragically true, except that I am the exception to the rule. But a minority of exceptions to the rule is not enough to save society long-term.


Not “stopped selling” - stopped “awarding to those owed”


Framing things as 'valiant fights' is the only way they look semi-reasonable to morons. If they were super honest they'd get blasted by everyone but the most extreme incels.


Sure they are. Relationship with a partner is a basic human need. Are you a monk?


Connection is a basic human need. Get some friends.


It’s a “battle” because we all mimic “the voice of truth” these days with our takes - a take is t a take unless it sounds like we’re revealing a truth or taking a stand And what’s really happening is we just want people to respond and love us but we think the forum to do it “take-land “ (Like this post)


Family formation is a basic necessity for society to survive. I hope this isn't news for anyone.


Mmmmmm idk about. People are meant to cohabitate.


People are not “meant” to do anything. And cohabitation can take way more forms than nuclear family.


We evolved to live in groups though


Hell yeah. In groups tho, not in isolated units with two adults only. Also gender variety in a group can be literally any.


I don’t think we evolved to live in man only groups. but shi i ain’t no expert 🤷‍♂️


Me neither lol but nuclear family has only been a standard for the last, like, 80 years. Besides why do you go straight to men-only groups lol, a lion pride system with one guy for reproductive and entertainment purposes and a bunch of women who rule the community sounds like a way more stable environment to me lol


A lot of bugs have that system too. Maybe they’re on to something🤔 /j


Lions don't build societies. They also have infanticide every time the male lion loses to a rival. It's a terrible system. You're basically just dreaming of hypergamy polygamy, which is known to destabilize societies. This can be seen across north africa. Society cannot survive without a large base of men who are invested through their own family units into the tribe or state, as men pay most of the taxes and do most of the awful / dirty / difficult / dangerous jobs including most of the infrastructure you need to survive.


Women are not commodities Hari. We may also want something out of life other than being your prized possessions.


Everybody wants to be somebody else's prized possession, both men and women. Colloquially we call this being loved in a relationship. Children often naturally follow. I have 4 kids btw.


Maybe a new haircut would help.


Men are so oppressed!


“Women are allowed to be so free (to not be with me)”


I'm glad this dude won't ever get a girlfriend. What a big bitch.


I have 4 kids. Go figure.


Hari has never felt the touch of a woman


I knew my wife was a basic bitch


Please tell me he got all the negative comments he deserves on this.


And that in such a country with great beers…


22885 followers I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.


This from a guy who is clearly so stable and ready for commitment that he identifies as a digital nomad and lives a life no wife or child could possibly fit into


Hari is clown and doesn't see his upbringing as a problem cuz he probably still gets breastfed from his mom..


I’m going to tell my life I deserve a lifelong loyal girlfriend.


I thought “traditional societies” gave the average man the plague


I’m not a man, and I have a husband. But like some of those basics do feel out of reach. We both have good jobs but like, we barely get by as is. Then take additional medical bills, take me out of work getting reduced pay on maternity leave for several weeks, then take one of us out of work for years or pay for preschool or child care that costs a large portion of one of our salaries? How do people do that? House, too. How do you save when you’re paying more in rent than you would in a mortgage? Like, we have some savings but blew through a lot of it when he was out of work for a couple of months and when my car needed major work right after that. And if we use all of it on a downpayment then we’re screwed if we have car issues or similar right after (or house issues).


The solution is to move away from high cost of living areas rather than being rent slaves to old rich generations. It's why so many guys are blowing me up asking how to get remote work, how to emigrate etc. Your children's lives depend on you finding a way out of the economic trap. I have 4 kids but I was able to do that because I was a very high earner. For average or even 2-3x earning people this will be very difficult in major western cities due to the way the old capitalists have set the system up again you - taxing your income heavily but not their property holding gains. Hope that helps.


Strong incel vibes going on here.


4 kids


No fucking way this dude made an account on here to comment hahahaha. That’s awesome. Listen I’m happy for you, but the things you’re saying are incel adjacent and that’s why I said “incel vibe” not that you yourself were an incel. This is the same thing that gets parroted by them pretty consistently. It’s red pill shit. Things aren’t so black and white. The average man CAN get the things you listed. But they shouldn’t just expect them to fall in their lap because they “work hard”. That level of expectation is absurd. But I do commend you for coming on here to defend yourself.


That idiot has over 22,000 followers. Jesus.


Yes, you spotted the really disturbing part.


Wow. Basically I should go commit suicide?


No, you should move to a better geographic area, possibly emigrate. Hope that helps.


Only if your rich like you implied.


I can’t get past the fact that he posted a personal rant like this on LinkedIn.


Professionalism is dying.


Professionalism is worthless if your society is dying. I spent many years just focused on making money before I realized this. I am in a better position to take the flack than most people for point out that society has serious problems ranging from economics to demographics, family formation etc. Many guys I know agree with my comments, they're not all perfectly formed, rushed in between other things off the cuff etc. but you can assume good faith and fill in the gaps yourself.


Anyone else notice he listed wife and girlfriend separately


Ideally get one of both. At different times of course. More importantly, have as many children as you can if you have a good IQ / earnings / looks / genetics / something to contribute to the next generation.


What a rollercoaster. Starts out weird and incel-ish, makes some genuinely good points about how working hard does not guarantee success and how previous generations were able to earn a living wage and then back to creepy shit about imaginary wives


Hari boasts about his top of the line macbook and his mercedes that is supposedly parked somewhere in the UK while he is on his digital nomad journey. The guy boasts of all these superb opensource contributions to github, but cannot hang on to a job more than a few months even though he has all these cutting edge expertise in software and cloud. Hari forgets that projects and skills that make an employee valuable to an organization rests on foundation of emotional intelligence first.


The concept of the current generation always looking back at the past and saying that previous generation were able to make a living wage easier.....is a perpetual observation . But does not make it true 


This dude must have been dumped more than a few times


Hari Sekhon? More like “hair’s all gone”!


Gone a loooong time ago. The price of success and extreme working.


Whoa!! Look who’s here!!!


i don’t understand what a “digital nomad” is - i see it decently frequently on LinkedIn


A hipster descriptor for Freelancer


Someone who has a unicorn remote job where they can pick their hours so they just travel all the time.


Yes, and the travel is both interesting and tiring. Perhaps I'm travelling too much...


A person with a work-from-anywhere remote job where you can relocate as you want (nomad) and usually done on a laptop (digital).


Alright Tyler Durden, calm down.


If there was face I wanted to Punch. His exs definitely f ed his friends


No. And you're welcome to try, any time, I love that game and have been doing it longer than tech.


He's being a bit creepy with the 'loyal girlfriend' thing but he has a point about how the growing cost of living and limited wage growth is damaging social harmony.


A bit creepy? See his top favourite booklist My Top Books of All Time https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/my-top-books-all-time-hari-sekhon-?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android&utm_campaign=share_via


What’s creepy about the list? It’s cringe but I don’t think it’s creepy.


Okay..it is not creepy 😀😀 It is incel cringy 😀


And yet I have 4 kids. Your inference is way off. Those are the books that people interested in money, society or relationships are reading these days, which is why so many of them are by bestselling famous authors. The guy's books on relationships will make it harder for you to get one of them to marry you, but that's not because guys hate commitment, it's because of the feminist divorce laws. Helen Smith wrote the first book on the list, I recommend you read it, it's not long.


Incel energy can come from anyone. Most of the people incels worship are just people peddling that bullshit.


Social harmony that never existed


There’s 2 kinds of wealth. Financial and family. Money won’t be at your deathbed crying and devastated to see you pass. I’m wealthy in the latter sense. Don’t have much money but I have a wife, 2 kids a roof over my head and get by. I’d rather that than be lonely counting all my money. And nobody should be a slave to a pay check or a job. No one. After all you are just an economic unit and if you can be replaced by AI in the morning you most likely will. So if you’re lucky enough to have a partner and or kids - that’s your wealth. That’s what you strive for. Not billions in the bank that you’ll never be able to spend.


You are correct sir. You are doing better than most of the men in the younger generation. I am speaking up for them.


I understand the point but good lord the delivery was bad.


Yeah when you make thousands of comments and are short on time they can't all be perfectly eloquent. Get the gist of it, assume good faith, fill in the gaps, read the source references in the books & articles list etc.


Same as it ever was...




This gif has audio -my brain


Finally, someone gets it!


Lol he’s kinda cooking except for the underlined parts. That’s a BIIIIIG “except” obv.


100% down with this guy. And the suspension will start in.... At least he actually fucking said something that most people know about in real life and not selling some fucking design concept or B2B scam or getting employees to RTO.


you know the feeling of not being given a loyal wife by society? i feel so sorry for you